ISSN 1063-7737, Astronomy Letters, 2006, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 215–218. c Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006. Original Russian Text c theEditorial Board, 2006, published in Pis’ma v Astronomicheski˘ıZhurnal, 2006, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 476–480. Rules for Authors The journal Pis’ma v Astronomicheski ˘ı Zhurnal The manuscript should be signed by all its authors. publishes papers on all topical questions of modern Theaddress, surname, and first name of the author astronomy and astrophysics containing as yet unpub- responsible for communications with the Editorial lished results that require timely publication. Studies Office, along with his or her phone number (official pertaining to new, rapidly developing fields of astron- and home), fax, and e-mail, should be given. omy and astrophysics are given priority. More detailed Together with the manuscript, the authors should information about the scope of the journal can be submit the copyright transfer agreement that can be learned from the introductory article published in its downloaded from first issue for 1994 (vol. 20, p. 3). http://www.maik.ru/eng/support/index.htm. or the The journal is translated into English by the journal web page. International Academic Publishing Company Nau- The papers of foreign authors submitted in En- ka/Interperiodica (MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica). The glish are translated into Russian at MAIK Nau- English version of the journal is published simul- ka/Interperiodica. Authors from the Commonwealth taneously with its Russian version under the title of Independent States should submit their papers in Astronomy Letters. Russian. An author’s translation of the paper into General requirements.Thetotal volume of a English may be attached to the Russian version, manuscript (including tables and figures) should not but the Editorial Office does not guarantee that exceed 25 typewritten pages. It may be increased this translation will be completely or partially used only in exceptional cases by decision of the editorial when publishing the English version of the jour- board. The text of a paper, irrespective of its vol- nal. For questions of using such a translation, its ume, should be presented with the maximum possible evaluation, and payment, the authors should refer to brevity compatible with its clarity and be carefully edited. The abstract should contain the main results http://www.maik.ru/win/support/faq.htm. rather than a list of the issues considered in the paper Preparing manuscripts. Papers should be sub- and should not repeat its title. mitted in one typewritten (or computer-printed) copy The paper should give a clear idea of the objec- with standard (12 pt) font with double spacing on tives of the study, the techniques used, and the re- one side of each page. Margins 25–30 mm in width sults obtained. Jargon, terms, and abbreviations used should be left on the left side of the page. The only by a narrow group of experts should beavoided. manuscript pages, should be numbered. In particular,proprietary alphanumeric designations The following should be printed on the title page: of telescopes, instruments, and projects should be the title of the paper, the initials and surnames of all avoided; instead, their full names and basic charac- authors (separated by a comma), the full name of the teristics should be given,ifnecessary. Overloading institution at which the work has been performed, and papers with formulas and duplicating results in tables abriefabstract (∼150–200 words) with key words and figures are not permitted. Long tables (more than and PACS numbers. The latter could be taken from three typewritten pages) may be published in elec- http://publish.aps.org/PACS. The e-mail address of tronic form only (see below). one of the authors (responsible for communications) Submission of manuscripts.Papers written should be given at the bottom of the page, with an by Russian or foreign authors should be submitted asterisk being placed near his or her surname. If the to the Editorial Office at the following address: study was carried out at different institutions, then a 117997 Moscow, Profsoyuznaya ul. 90, MAIK Nau- reference in the form of a number that specifies the ka/Interperiodica, Editorial Office of the journal institution where the author works should be given Pis’ma v AZh.Thephonenumber of the Editorial Of- after the surname of each coauthor. A list of insti- fice is (495) 334-76-80, the fax number is (495) 333- tutions is given after the surnames of all authors. As 53-77, the e-mail address is [email protected],andthe key words, it is desirable to use the section titles from www address is: http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/pazh. the annual subject index of the journal (published in 215 216 RULES FOR AUTHORS issue no. 12). A translation of the title of the paper, the in the text of a sentence; when this is not possible, initials and surnames of all authors, the institutions, they should be given in parentheses. and the abstract into English should be given on a The cited literature is given under the title Refer- separate page. It is also desirable to translate the ences at the end of the paper in alphabetic order of special terms and the surnames of the authors of the the surname of the first author. Thesurnames and effects and methods being discussed. The main body initials of the first three authors with the addition of of the text should begin on the second page of the et al. are given in a reference. An abbreviated name manuscript. It is recommended to break down the of the journal in the system of abbreviations used paper into sections, to begin it with an introduction in Pis’ma v AZh,thevolume and the first page of formulating the problem, and end it with conclusions publication are then given after a comma, as well as listing the main results of the work (section number- the year of publication in parentheses. For books, the ing should be avoided). surname(s) and initials of their author(s) or editor(s) The text of the paper should be carefully (if it is a collection of works), the full title of the book, edited. To distinguish the letters O (upper case), o and, in parentheses, the publisher, city, and year of (lower case), and 0 (zero), the letters O (upper case) publication should be given.Inreferences to papers and o (lower case) should be marked by two bars, O published in conference proceedings, the conference name and then, in parentheses, editors, publisher, and o,while zero should be marked by a bracket under city, year of publication, and its first page should be it, 0 . given. The dimensions of quantities should be given as The following examples illustrate the rules for cit- cm s−1,gcm−3.Thefractional part of a number ing literature listed above: should be separated from its integer part by a dec- 1. A. Vikhlinin and W.Forman, Astrophys. J. 455, imal point (e.g., 3.1416). In exponential form, such 109 (1995). numbers are written as 1.3 × 10−2,notas1.3E–2. An approximate equality is denoted by ≈ or ,anorder- 2. O. Yu. Gnedin and D. G. Yakovlev, Astron. Lett. of-magnitude equality is denoted by ∼ (commonly 19, 104 (1993). used in the text), and proportionality is denoted by ∝. 3. C. R. Canizares and J. L. White, Active Galac- Figures. The paper should not be overloaded with tic Nuclei, IAU Symp. 134,Ed.byD. Oster- figures. If there are several interrelated figures, they brock and J. Miller (Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dor- should be arranged rationally and sparingly. The co- drecht, 1989), p. 161. ordinate axes should be scaled; it should be indicated what physical quantitiesareplotted on them and 4. D. M. Smith, M. Leventhal, R. Cavallo, et al., what their dimensions are.Itisnotrecommended to Astrophys. J. 471, 783 (1996). reproduce previously published figures for illustration purposes. Tables. Since 1997, the journal has published long tables (more than three typewritten pages) in Figures and photographs should be submitted electronic form only and short tables in both printed separately rather than inserted in the text of the and electronic forms. The electronic versions of tables manuscript. The quality of figures should be high are accessible via the Strasbourg Astronomical Data enough to be reproducible in the journal in the form Center/CDS and its Russian branch, the Astronom- submitted by their authors. When plotting observa- ical Data Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences tional data, it is desirable to indicate observational (RAS). They are accessiblefrom any computer con- error bars. Figures drawn with a pencil are not nected to the Internet and may be retrieved via the accepted. Brief captions must be submitted with the following anonymous ftp or www interfaces: figures, which should be listed on a separate page. There must be the minimum possible number of ftp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/pub/cats/J words in the figure itself; explanations should be given in the figure captions or in the text of the paper. (ftp cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr, cd /pub/cats/J) Literature. References to cited literature in the http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cats/J.htx. text should be given in the form of an author’s sur- name and the year of publication of the paper with the By agreement with the CDS, the Astronomical addition of a letter for references to several publica- Data Center of the RAS collects the electronic ver- tions of the author in the same year. For two authors, sions of the tables published and republished in Rus- the surnames are separated by a comma; for three or sian astronomical journals and sends them to CDS more coauthors, only the first surname is given with after verification.
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