E'VESTMOREL.A.Nfi. j KENDAL. POST OFF1CE is a. stone structure, in the later English style of architec· KIRKLAN D, a township adjoining Kendal, on the south, ture, and has a nave,. chancel, and two slender towers, and forming part of the continuous principal street ot main surmounted with lo1V spires, standing at the -west end of thoroughfare of the town, and within the parliamentary and the building. The windows are lancet shape. There are municipal boundaries thereof~ is in the Kendal parish and two lofty pinnacles on the exterior of the chancel. Rebuilt union, and Ward of Kendal. Here is fthe pari~h church of 1841. The living is a perpetual cm•acy, value £200, in the Kendal. The population, in 1851, was 1,139. gift of the vicar of Kendal, diocese of Carlisle, archdeaconry N ETHERG RA VESHIP is a township, the lands forming the of W estmoreland, deanery of Kendal ; the incumbent i8 same being detached and divided into four different parts ; the Rev. Edward Gabriel, B.A. There is a good parsonage­ three parts are on the east side of the river, and the other house a short remove from the church. stands on the lofty fell side, on the western shore of the Kent; The church of St. Thomas has a district allotted to it, it adjoins the townshi:v of Kendal, and is in the parish, ward, and stands at the eud of Stricklandgate. It is a handsome and union of same name. The population, in 1861, was 297. stone building, having nave, chancel, and square tower, and It is within the parliamentary and municipal boundaries. was opened in 1837. The living is a perpetual curacy, value RGRNESIDE, a village and railway station, 2 mile!~ north­ £200, in the patronage of five trustees, diocese of Carlisle, east from Kendal town, in the V\7 e:st Ward of Kendal, and archdeaconry of W estmoreland, deanery of Kendal. The in the parish and union of Kendal, seated on the banks of Rev. John Antas Latrobe, ~I.A., is the incumbent. There the river Kent, which in its course divides the village; a fine is a good residence. _ old bridge of three arches spans the river. The church, The meeting-house for the Friends is in Stramongate; it rebuilt near the site of a more ancient one, in 1826, is was rebuilt 1816. · a stone structure, having nave, aisles, spire and 1 bell. Independent Chapel, lowther-!!treet, erected 1782. Re-t. The living, a perpetual curacy, wlue £120, in the gift of David Jones, minister. the landowners, paying chapel salary, is in the diocese of Roman Catholic Cltapel, New-road, built 1837. The Carlisle, arch deaconry of W estmoreland, deanerv of Kendal. priest is the Rev. J ames Gibson. The townships of 8TRICKLAND ROGER and STRICK­ Presbyterian Chapel, Woolpa.ck-yard, Rev. John Inglis, LAND KETTLE, form the chapelry of Burneside, and the minister. population is returned with those places. The Rev. George Unitarian Chapel, Market-place, built 1720. Rev. Edward London is the incumbent. There is a school for girls, sup­ Edward Hawkes, minister. ported by the liberality of James Cropper, Esq. Here is a W esleyan Chapelj Stricklandgate, erected 1808. Ministers Church of England Endowed school, endowed with £2'2 !Os. various.• yearly, and there are charities of the annual value of £30 . Zion Chapel (Congregational), New Inn-yard, Highgate, Here are some extensive paper mills. built 1844. Rev. William Taylor, minister CRoo:k. is a township and chapelry, in Kendal parish, 2 Inghamites, on the Beast Bank, rebuilt 1844. Ministers miles west from Staveley railway station, and 5 north-west various.• from Kendal, in Kendal ward, and the union of Kendal, Christian Brethren, Stramongate; chapel erected 1857. having, in 1851, a population of 278. The church, an No minister. ancient stone structure, has a nave, chancel; tower and Primitive Methodist Chapel, Castle-street, built 1823. I bell. The living is a perpetualcuracy, value£77, in the gift Ministers various. of the vicar of Kendal; is in the diocese of Carlisle, arch!lea­ The Cemetery is situate on the north and south sides of conry of W estmoreland, and deanery of Kendal. There is a the road leading from Kirkland to Parkside. The high road good residence. The Rev. John Sedgwick is incum­ running through the middle of it divides the consecrated bent. Crook Mill is a hamlet in this townshipt at which part :from the Dissenters' ground. There are two elegant place is a woollen manufactory. Richard Wilson, Esq., ia chapels, and the whole is surrounded by good stone walls. the chief landowner. The first burial took place Sept. 14, 1855. There is also DILICAR, a township in the parish of Kendal, situate on another small cemetery in Castle-street; in it is a neat the Lancaster and Carlisle railway, which has a ttation chapel, used only by Dissenters. called Low Gill, in this township, is 9 mile8 north-east from 'I'he Free Grammar school, fronting the churchyard, in Kendal, in the Lonsdale ward; union of Kendal, and within Kirkland, was founded in 1525, by Adam Pennington, of the Kendal County court district, situated on the River Lune, Boston, Lincolnshire. The endowment is about £40 per Here is a corn mill and a malthouse. The population, in annum, and there is a residence for the master. The cele­ 1851, was 135. The Earl of Lonsdale, the trustees of the late brated oriental traveller, Dr. Shaw, and Dr. Law, a former Alderman Thompson, and Thomas Airey, Esq., are chief Bishop of Carlisle, were educated here. landowners. The National school for boys and girls in Allhallows-lane, DocKER, a township in the parish of Kendal, is 2 miles was endowed with £2,000 by Matthew Piper, of White­ south-west from Low Gill, and 4! north-east from Kendal, haven, a member of the Society of Friends. He died at the in Kendal ward, union of Kendal, and within the Kendal great age of 93, and was at his own desire buried in the county court district. The population, in 1851, wws 87. boys' school-room; his likeness is over the master's desk. The .harl of Lonsdale is chief landowner. The British school is in Castle-street, and an Infant school GRAYRIGG is a township and chapelry, in the parish of adjoining. Kendal, 3 miles west from Low Gill railway station, 5t A Sunday school, called the Green Coat school, was north-east from Kendal, in Kendal ward, and union of founded and endowed in 1813, by W. Sleddall. Kendal, diocese of Carlisle, archdeaconry ofWestmoreland, Sandes's hospital, in Highgate, was founded and endowed and deanery of Kemlal. '.rhe population of the township, by Thomas Sandes, in 1670, tor eight poor widows, who each in 1851, was 264. The church, a modern structure in the have a residence and a weekly stipend; nlso,by the help of later English style of a.rchitecture, was rebuilt in 1837 ; has subsequent benefactions, 40 boys are clothed and educated, a nave and chancel, tower and 1 bell. The living is a per­ and 40 ~rls, who are taught at tbe National school in All­ petual curacy, in the gift of the vicar of Kendal, worth hallows-lane, are clothed from the Blue Coat school. There £83 per annum. The income is augmented by the Eccle­ is a good residence for the master. The widows' houses have siastical Commissionel'S to £100 per annum. The Earl of been recently rebuilt ; the boys' school~room is a spacious Lonsdale, Arthur Shepherd, John Atkinson, and William structure and in good repair. Thompson, Esqrs., are chieflandowners. Here is an endowed .A neat stone building at the bottom of Highgate was :~chool, founded in 1723. The income is about £30 yearly• erected, according to the will of the late Mrs. Dowker, for There is a meeting-house for the Friends. Grayrigg town­ the reception of twelve old unmarried women, and is known ship is only part of the chapelry of Grayrigg. 'l'he towno6 as the Old Maid8' Hospital. ships of \VHINFELL, LAMBRIGG, DOCKER, DILLICAit, There is a literary and scientific institution :in Strick­ and part of P ATTON township, constitute the chapelry of landgate; a mechanics' institute in Hi.,.bgate; Working Grayrigg. The area of the chapelry is more than 3o square Men's news room and library in the Market· place; Chris­ miles. The population, in 1851, was 956. Over seven tian institute in Stricklandgate. There are also several book miles of the Lancaster and Carlisle railway is in this societies, and two newspapers, the 'Kendal Mercury and chapelry. Northern Advertiser,' and the 'Westmoreland Gazette;' both HELSINGTON is a township and chapelry in the parish of are published Saturday morning. · Kendal, 3! miles south-west from Kendal railway station, Park and Castle-lands, a district attached to the ancient and fi north from Milnthorpe, in Kendal ward, union of castle, is part of the township of Kendal, and the inhabit· Kendal, and Carlisle bishopric. The church, dedicated to ants enjoy the privilege of paying a lesser sum towards the St. John, is an old stone building, founded in 1726; it has a maintenance of the poor than those residing in Kendal nave, chancel, turret and 1 bell, and porch. The living is a proper. perpetual curacy, worth £125 yearly, with residence, in the Oxenholme railway station, on the Lancaster and Carlisle gift of the vicar of Kendal. The Rev. Charles Butler line, about two miles south-west from Kendal, where the Harris, E.A., is the incumbent.
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