Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-63993-1 — Digital SLR Astrophotography Michael A. Covington Index More Information Index à trous wavelet transform, 40 asteroids, 249–250, 329–330 AAVSO, 325 Astro Pixel Processor, 14 aberrations, 57, 103, 113 astrocameras, 7–9 chromatic, 103, 113, 124, 137 Astrometry.net, 323–324 ACF telescopes, 89 Astronomik UHC, 314 adaptive homogeneity-directed (AHD) Astrophysics Data System, 330 deBayerization, 203 Astrotracer, 11, 12–13 ADM accessories, 147 atmospheric refraction, 157 Adobe Photoshop, see Photoshop aurora borealis, 71 Adorama, 14 auto rotate, 47 afocal coupling, 9, 95, 96 autofocus, 44 AHD deBayerization, 203 autoguiders, 164 Aladin, 320 algorithms, 171 alignment calibration, 170 images, 206 cameras, 166 telescope mounts, 149–152 communication with mount, 165 All-Star Polar Alignment, 151 guidescopes, 166–167 alpha channel, 23 guiding graph interpretation, 172 altazimuth mounts, 139, 140 guiding quality, 171 amateur vs. professional periodic error correction and, 174 astrophotography, settings, 281 19–20 software, 164 amp glow, 287 subpixel accuracy, 164 ampere-hours, 183 AutoStakkert, 263, 268 amperes, 183, 185 analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 291 B&H, 14 Andromeda Galaxy (M31), 3, 4 backlash, 161 aperture, 16, 101 BackyardEOS, 190 aperture photometry, 326–327 BackyardNIKON, 190, 264 ASCOM platform, 165 Bahtinov mask, 58 aspect ratio, 48 Barlow lenses, 96, 97 star images, 176 barn-door tracker, 142 339 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-63993-1 — Digital SLR Astrophotography Michael A. Covington Index More Information Index batteries, 182–184 shutter tripping, 52–57 care and storage, 187, 188 software, 188 life, 183 Canon cameras low-temperature operation, 191 EOS system, 10 Baxendell’s unphotographable nebula, 330 features Bayer matrix, 25, 27–28 Angle Finder, 11 decoding (deBayerization), 202–203, 216 auto-exposure, 10 Belgrado, Gianluca, 287 bulb timer, 43 bias, 24, 197, 230, 282 exposure meter, 10 bias frames, 13, 70, 83, 86–87, 302 mirror lock, 55 binning, 32, 293 ile formats, 25 bit depth, 21–22, 47 lenses, 10, 45, 117 blooming, 286–287 adapters, 120 blur, see also sharpening models Gaussian, 40, 272 20Da, 10, 11, 29 bokeh, 114 30D, 11 brightness, 32–34, 101, see also stretching 40D, 42 celestial objects, 338 60Da, 10, 29, 109, 125, 257 dynamic range, 253–254 80D, 106 Buil, Christian, 280 200D, 11 300, 11 calibration (of images), 82–87, 195–230 300D, 4 4 methods 350D, 6 lights and darks, 199 400D, 44, 51 lights, darks, lats, and lat darks, 750D, 291 199–200 800D, 291 lights, darks, lats, and bias, 200 D30, 11 lights, darks, lat, lat darks, and bias, nomenclature, 11 200–201 Rebel, 11 bias frames, 86–87 other manufacturers and, 10–11 Cartes du Ciel dark frames, 46, 49, 79 , 318 lat darks, 86, 301, 302 CCD sensors, 279 lat ields, 10, 83, 198 Celestron software mounts, 17, 149, 164 DeepSkyStacker, 211–212 telescopes, 90, 98 MaxIm DL, 222–223 chromatic aberration, 57, 113, 124 Nebulosity, 216 diffractive optics, 137 PixInsight, 229–230 chrominance noise, 292 camera hardware, see DSLR cameras Claff, William J. 298 camera settings and operation Clark, Roger N. 280 calibration frames, 82 Clear Sky Chart, 178 dark frame automation, 46 CMOS sensors, 279 dithering, 82 CMYK color, 23 exposure times, 43 color, 27–30, 129 focusing, 44–45, 57 color balance/white balance, ISO speed, 45 30, 48, 284 menu settings, 47 encoding, 23 340 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-63993-1 — Digital SLR Astrophotography Michael A. Covington Index More Information Index gamut, 30 setup, 211 saturation, 246–247 stretching, 213–214 spectral response, 306 user interface, 211 color ilter array (CFA), 27 didymium ilters, 316–317 decoding, 202–203, 216 differencing, 249–253 comets, 71, 73 MaxIm DL, 252 compression Nebulosity, 252–253 of iles, 24, 26 Photoshop, 253 lossy vs. lossless, 24 PixInsight, 250–251 LZW, 26 diffraction spikes, 127–129 Nikon cameras, 282 diffractive optics, 135–137 of focal length, 95 Digital Development Processing (DDP), computers, 15–16, 189 207 electric power, 186 digital iles, see iles constellations, 71 digital images, see image properties Cooke and Sons, 465 digital numbers (DNs), 281 cosmic rays, striking sensor, 287–289 diodes, 185 counterweights, 148 displays, 34 coupling (camera to telescope)94–97 distortion, 114 adapters, 97 DNG Converter, 25 afocal, 9, 95, 96 Dokkum, Pieter van, 108 compression, 95 dots per inch (dpi), 31 direct, 95 double Gauss lenses, 131, 133–134 negative projection, 95–96 dovetail hardware, 146–148 piggybacking, 91, 95 downsampling, 31, 178–179, 292 positive projection, 94–96 downstream noise, 291 Covington, Sharon, 49 Dragonly Project, 108 cropping, 222, 229 drift method, 154–155 crosshairs, 127–129, 150 drizzle algorithm, 32 curve shape, 33 DSLR cameras, 4–5 choosing a model, 10 dark clipping, 282 manufacturer, 10–11 dark current, 46, 191, 197, 200, 289, 292 shopping strategy, 13 dark lats (lat darks), 86, 301, 302 coupling to telescopes, 94–97 dark frames, 83, 198, 230 cross-section, 5 automatic, 46, 49, 79 electronic irst-curtain shutter, 11–12 guide cameras, 169 eyepiece diopter, 50–51 master darks, 198 ilter modiications, 29, 307 scaling, 201–202 generations, 277 databases, 320 LCD displays dcraw, 25 lip-out, 11 dead pixels, 285 limiting light emission, 51 debayerization, 202–203, 216 viewing, 49–50 deconvolution, 41–42, 179 Live View, 11 Deep Space Products, 178 performance, 279 DeepSkyStacker, 13, 210–214, 211, 334 strap and eyepiece cover, 51 calibration, 211 dust (on sensor), 60–62 341 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-63993-1 — Digital SLR Astrophotography Michael A. Covington Index More Information Index DxOmark, 297 TIFF, 23, 26 noise analysis, 304–305 XISF, 27 dye ilters, 315–316 size, 24, 25 dynamic range, 295–297, 296, 301, 305 compression, 24 menu settings, 48 eccentricity (of ellipse), 176 ilm photography, 9–10 eclipses, 73, 259–263 digital processing, 333–334 edge enhancement, 35 light diffusion, 28 electric power, 182–188 nonlinearity, 9 voltage, 185 photoelectrrons, 278 electroluminescence, 287 resolution, 16 electronic irst-curtain shutter, 11–12 sharpness, 113–114 entropy, maximum, 41 ilm scanners, 333 Environment Canada, 178 ilters equatorial mounts didymium, 316–317 fork, 141 didymium glass, 316–317 German (GEMs), 143 dye, 315 hardware, 146–148 hydrogen-alpha, 307–308 Ernemann Ernostar, 132 interference, 318 Estes, Blake, 92, 314 light pollution, 310–313 ethics, 19 nebula-favoring, 313–314 EXIF metadata, 47, 62 relections, 317 EXIFLOG, 62 FireCapture, 264 exposure settings, 43, 80–81 FITS iles, 26 calculation, 338 ixed-lens cameras, 8–9 lat ields, 85 ixed-pattern noise, 285 lunar photography, 63, 336 lat darks (dark lats), 86, 301, 302 planets, 337 lat ields, 10, 83, 198 solar photography, 256, 336 acquisition, 85 star clusters, nebulae and galaxies, binning vs smoothing, 198 80, 337 dark lats, 41, 86 video imaging, 265 dust on sensor and, 61 eyepiece, 50–51, 107 PixInsight, 230 eyepiece diopter (on camera), 50–51 synthetic, 241 f-ratio, 101–102, 112 lexure, 141, 155, 156, 157, 162, 175 Fastar, 90 focal length, 100 ield of view 500-mm optimum, 16 lenses, 103–104, 110 f-ratio and, 102 solar and lunar photography, 255–256 video planetary imaging, 271 telescopes, 103–104 focusing, 44–45 ield rotation, 73, 75, 126, 140, 156 computer-aided, 58 iles stars, 70 EXIF metadata, 47, 62 telescopes, 59 formats and types fork mount, 141 FITS, 26, 216, 222 Fotodiox, 120 JPEG, 23, 25 Four Thirds system, 105, 116 PNG, 26 frames, 23 raw, 1, 23 Fresnel, Jean, 135 342 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-63993-1 — Digital SLR Astrophotography Michael A. Covington Index More Information Index galactic cirrus, 330 ethical issues, 19 galaxies gamma correction, 22, 34 exposure times, 80 see also stretching M17, 42 masks, 247–249 M31, 3, 4 postprocessing, 208 M33, 109 sharpening, 35–36 M64, 179 deconvolution, 41–42, 179 gamma correction, 22, 34, 206–207 multiscale processing, 37–41 color saturation and, 246 wavelet transform, 37 digital development processing, 207 stacking, 74, 79, 203, 258 gamut, 30 stretching, 22, 34, 66–68, 213–214, 220 GEM (German equatorial mount), 143 image size, 31–32 GIMP, 15, 67 dots per inch, 31 grain, 59–60, see also noise menu settings, 48 ground loops, 187 Images Plus, 14 guide cameras, 166, 175 automatic focusing, 58 hot pixels, 169 ImagingSource DMK, 166 guidescopes, 166–167 Innovations Foresight, 168 guiding integrated lux nebulosity, 330 guidescope, 166–167 integration, 203 off-axis, 167–168 interference ilters, 318 on-axis, 168 interpolation, 27 Interstellarum Deep Sky Atlas, 320 Hartmann mask, 58 iOptron SkyTracker, 142, 144 hat trick, 56 ISO settings, 45 high-resolution video, see video maximum rating, 13 imaging sensor adjustment, 283 highlight tone priority setting software methods and, 209–210 (Canon), 47 true ISO speed, 295 histograms, 32–33, 81 ISO-invariance, 277, 294–295, 299 equalization, 33 Horsehead nebula, 311 Jakiel, Richard, 93 hot pixels, 46, 285 Janesick, James R., 305 in guide camera, 169 Jessop’s, 14 star eaters, 60 JPEG iles, 25 human eye, 3 color balance, 30 hydrogen-alpha sensitivity, 29, 309 gamma correction, 23, 34 hysteresis, 171 stretching and, 68 Jupiter, 264, 266, 267 image arithmetic, 195 differencing, 249 KEH, 14 mean, 205 Kodak, 105 median, 205–206 summing, 204 Lab and L ∗ a ∗ b∗ color, 23 image processing, see also calibration lateral image shift, 59 background lattening, 239–242 lenses, see also f-ratio, ield of view, binning, 32, 293 focal length differencing, 249–253 adapters, 120 downsampling, 28, 178–179, 292 M42 lens mount, 121 343 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-63993-1 — Digital SLR Astrophotography Michael A.
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