' DJttribu+Ion Today 2Jf075 Oral SH I -0010 VtjL. 85, NO. 128 iKatt dulf, Hntu tknogti Friday. Iuoa4 Ctul faust PAGE ONE HU U W Bud art at AMTOOMJ MtUlng OCfieu: RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1962 7c PER COPY Vandalism in Rumson JFK, Macmillan Near on LONDON (AP) - The British now under construction and the Cabinet formally approved to- cost of the changeover is not an day the plan President Ken- over-riding factor. nedy and Prime Minister Mao Nuclear Deterrent millan hammered out in the Ba- The impact of this British- hamas to give Britain the Polar- American meeting is Intended to is missile instead of the Skybolt go far beyond the substitution of to keep the British nuclear deter- Polaris for Skybolt in the British rent alive. arsenal. Machinery is being, set Informed sources said the in motion which can permit Cabinet gave its unqualified sup- Britain and France to. have a port at an 85-minute session after form of independent nuclear de- Macmillan conferred with his terrent — an increasingly sens!- ministers by transatlantic tele- (See MISSILES, Page 2) phone. NASSAU, Bahamas, (AP) - President Kennedy and Prime Finance Minister Harold Macmillan were on the verge' today of a historic agreement to end the trans- (HIM FUN — Rumton police impact.a home at 93 Weit River RA which was found atlantic missile conflict and pro- Company in, thit-jcondition yesterday morning. The tad state of affairs also greeted Mr. and ject broad outlines of a new long-range Allied defense strate- Mn. Paul Bogotka of Jersey City who took title to the dwelling Saturday and moved gy- Robbed there yesterday.. Damage incurred by vandals with cans of spray paint has been esti- The clouds of controversy which ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-TWO mated at between $2,000 and $3,000.. Surveying the damage are Police Chief hovered over, the British-Ameri- can summit meeting were break- men wearing blue knitteJ stock- William H. Zerr, top right, with Patrolman Walter Pomphrey, and at the front cf ing up, and officials said the re- ing caps over their faces held up the house, bottom, Patrolman Pomphrey. ; • • . • • sults should open a new era in Bell Finance Co., Re. 3d, yester- North Atlantic nuclear defense. It day and got away with $300 in was heralded in some quarters as cash and one check. a means of easing the difficulties According to police, the holdup with President Charles de Gaulle men, armed with a .38 caliber of France and bringing the West- pistol and a carbine, walked In- em Big Three eventually .under to the finance office about 1:35 a single nuclear deterrent um- p.m. and announced: brella. •This is a stickup. Don't touch anything or say anything." Would Take Time One of the armed robbers Officials conceded, however, went directly to the cash drawer, that all this would take time. police said. "We are looking six or seven T~j three office employees— years ahead," a British spokes- Richard Nolan, 106 Tent Dr. SANTA'S OFFERING — Santa Claus (Kiwanian Joseph Holiday) it shown on a visit man said Thursday night after the Spring Lake Heights; Miss Mar- two Atlantic Pact leaders con- garet Mertz, 52 Second St., High- to the pediatric section of Rivorview Hospital where he gave presents to Ann cluded a second long day of ham- lands, and Miss Margaret Durien, Merley, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Marley, Red Bank, and Douglas.Borden, mering out the enormously com- 7 Columbia Way, East Keans- 3, ton of Mr. and Mrs. John Borden, Lincroft. plex problems they face. burg, were herded into the back Macmillan sent his Conserva- room.* tive .government in London a de- Police said the bandits shut the tailed report on the plan to equip door, placed a chair under the Britain with Polaris missiles as knob, and fled. substitutes for the thousand-mile, According to police, Mr. Nolan Garden Apartments Plan bomber-bora Skybolts whose de- was .able' to force open a door velopment the United States has which led from the room Into an decided to abandon. empty office next door.. • Polaris Agreement Police said Mr. Nolan *et off Is Presented in Little Silver The Polaris' agreement Is ex- the burglar alarm and then freed pected to be announced In the LITTLE SILVER — A proposal plans the construction on an II fects of high tides on a proposed the women. for construction of garden apart- lot tract which lies In the B-l package sewer plant. Gotmntmique at the end of the Chief Sterling Sweeney, inves- conference late today. ments is pending here for the sec-commercial zone. Several exist- Rental Plan tigating officer, said that ap- ond time in the history of this ing structures would have to 'be Mr. Lippoff replied' that rental The United States abandoned parently nobody saw the holdup borough., ; razed. would b.e by one,- tyro" and three- the Skybolt program because of men enter or leave the building. five /test failures, new concepts' Presently:the borough does not The meeting was attended by year' leases and added that he Police described one, of the have apartments or zoning pro- did not anticipate occupancy by and its'- high cost. MacmlUan's men as six feet, two inches in five residents of the area who, government desperately sought visions for them. white not warm to the proposal, transients or armed forces per- Police Press Investig^ioh height, wearing a blue sweat The Toning Board of Adjust- sonnel. an alternative since it banked on shirt with a hood and light col- decided to seek further Informa- RUMSON—Police are working around the cost of the, damage at near $3,000.• • •; the missile to carry British nu- ored trousers, and the; other as ment last night heard the appli tion before voicing objections. He described the construction clear warheads and keep Britain cation for a use variance of the as two-story, all brick veneer. clock on a case of vandalism which shocked ' Clemence Adeskavitz of Shrewsbury, the five feet, 10 or 11 inches in height, Mr. and Mrs. H. Denman the residents of the West River Rd. section builder, tentatively set the cost of die damage a member of the nuclear weapon wearing a brown jacket. Both Larrabee Land Corp., a local The sewer plant plans were of this borough. ' at closer to $2,000 but said the" figure would, dub. Polaris presented an an- wore gloves, police said. concern seeking permission to mith of 10S Oceanport Ave. described by Peter A. Farrell of A tome at 93 West River'Rd., between be much higher if the stone work must be re- swer. According to a company build what was described as ex- questioned the methods of con Yeomans Brothers Co., New Bellevue and Buena Vista Ave., was defaced placed! • . British sources said Polaris can spokesman, the finance office ecutive, terraced apartments at struction and rental and the ef- (See PLAN, Page 2) with red, blade and white paint on'three of its The spoiled walls will require three coats be mounted on British submarines insured, "but not federally." the southern end of the borough. •ides on the eve of its occupancy by the dew of paint, he said, and the delicate stone would Principal of Firm owners. present a problem. ' Speaking for the organization DISCOVERED BY NEIGHBOR NO SUSPECTS were Milton Abramoff, of the Red The act was discovered by a neighbor at In beginning the task of preparing esti- Police Chief Warns Bank law firm of Abramoff and National, World T:20a.m. • ( mates of the damage. Mr. Adeskavitz ob- Apy, and Leslie Lipoff, who de- Vandals had marred the grey shingle sid- served that the vandals had not broken or scribed himself as a principal of ing, ths' stone front, shutters) windows and stolen any property nor entered the house. the firm. News in Brief steps, with patterns and words apparently He added that;a window had been, left Merchants on Traps Mr. Lipoff told the board he applied with paint from spray cans. open and that, the culprits sprayed paint HIGHLANDS - Police Chief and twice, again this year, wished to construct 64 apartment From the Wires of The Associated Mr; and Mrs. Paul Bogotka of Jersey City around and on it; getting some paint inside Howard Motiahan yesterday is- around Thanksgiving. units, four of them with two bed- took'possession of the house Saturday. They the house. - . ..-' • sued a warning to all merchants Mr. Cohen said the trap was rooms and 60 with one bedroom UN MAN TO CONGO moved there yesterday' afternoon. '.. : . Police Chief: William H. Zerr said last in town against setting booby of an explosive nature and would near Parker's'. Creek between UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. - Robert K. A. Gardiner, the Mr. Bogotka had been at the new house night that no suspects have yet been appre- traps to ward off burglars. have torn a person's arms ofl. Oceanport. Ave. and the New UN chief in the Congo, headed back there today to direct the until 8:30 p.m. Wednesday with workmen who - hended. ,• : . : . The warning came on the heels Mrs. Cohen said the trap York and Long Branch Railroad next "phase of the drive to end the 29-month-old secession of were installing carpets. He assigned Lt. James Shea and Patrol- of the disclosure that such a trap scared her. She told The Regis- tracks. Preliminary plans showed Katanga Province. " DAMAGE ESTIMATED man Walther PompHrey to the case yesterday had been rigged in Cohen's Mar- ter that she finally prevailed up- the apartments situated in two Gardiner, a Ghanaian, followed an eight-man U.
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