m;i')/artcl I)26/Erown i nQ/LY UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D. C. 205*M DOCKCET CONTROL Reply to: CENTER 1050 Eest Flamingo Rd. Suite 319 Las Vegas, N Qdj X 44A :26 Te1: (702) 383-6125 FTS: 598-612S5 Mr., Robert E. Browning, Director FROM: Paul T. Prestholt, Sr. OR - NNWSI DATE: July lC), 1986 I_'J5,- FCT: New'spaper Articles -ic-ase finu atta.C-,U tI-he 1%i---;-.I I-c.l 'L a r 1....C I&s ' -vr appeared in our local newspapers. .airq!in,I believe you will find them of interest. PTP.: nan Attauhment s I WM Record File WM Projcct _ -- __/: Z~ Docket No. __ PDR LPDR / Distribution / /e Li;-:jrn to 7a:i/6WM, 623-,SS ,.7 7-r- 890524 0459 860710 PDRo PDR 00Q30 ji/0F q1 /0 3) _~~Wfy - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-4. VI31N.dS .l@I Vetn 'Lt3?MAitr h£ :! a '7 -Ne'vada's LargetMorn~ng' wespdper if-. ' ome...~~~~~~- :.-- r -~~~~~~- - - Sr<;:^<iP* t ' ' ' '"'*';t-; Rs'+,~-)qwgcr,;_8_8a___ Nesi5 k V ~ g overn~ o3 s ~7, s~uppo&rtA, '-ul"': .Oifvt tjt.Bry~an's; nuk~e:-durnp--stand'U K .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ha 4s,, ;, " jt.-.j r ' .* -2fi '42 j 9 r 1 once 'Vucca Mount~~~~~ln about 8 leA ?g.; X~~~t.,zjaf#sf w~ri U~ teS,i;, wasnvof hsen11 -T"- WeaterlIhe' Governors ' on to tk i s f the ratlO6'*1 I upanimhusyi adopted Nevadai Gov. nulert hnucie eortoyfa f-Fta n lst'. R ichard'Bryan'*rresolutiois, - Tesday 1. ' Cour docuiments. carge the i ?' cfi clzmgue)epakment of EnYe for> ment. wlth&Ignoring the intent- of*eJ, abfido ilb,J' searc h for a second ,- 4'ucliiar Waste Policy Act of 1982. - positoqryifortbe :natlon'0 hlgh-level,; ,e n a leastes,'^ -'5' xi sre on, rib-To fItsh tatessnbwtud est'4-i ' .Was.Thing te lonand lregon,wpporg e d .i Veim unW burden- forced upon -us:y5 dashingd& d Oregon;tprges gthe pres ,ash~ngton,, . , bureaucrats * :d eniti63CtpDfire~,to, svsLoons hos toignothe ofhe ~first l~story- scheduled t6 -0he11 reltive-t the locatioofasen; i998 it Yucca,; Mountaln;' Deaf Smit'.not located the West, B n , County; Tesas or Hanford, Wasb.; untit a second repository search begins.tho thronslderedi cor; Energii Secretr-oz theAlri~o-frs reosMoy Saiudn ~ said on May 28 that DOE decided not to- toe .'- - contiue secndsekinga rpositryuntain, are located in the Westj;45S: - lteastern and Miwest, ,states, ,eaus g ercent. of the -Vspentt pfuelaitis power' plit, had slowed'pfibductiod-of - eeae ato h ~sslj Iv, radloactive' wastes that remain Bryan said. - I- , - hazardous' tb th'e enVironment- for hun-, The ieslution also noted the intentof % dreds of thousands of y the Nuclear Waste Policy §Act of 198Xto "If a second repository is not offer regional and geographical equity'as { established, one site in the West will be part of the nation's radioactive waste the burying ground for all the nations disposal strategy, Bryan said, by assuring nuclear waste," Bryan said. at least two repositories built in different "I am gratified that the other gov- areas of the country. ernors of the association share my deep "The DOE decision to abandon the concern over nuclear waste storage," the second repository destroys regional equi- governor added. ty contemplated in the Nuclear Waste! Bryan filed five lawsuits against DOE Policy Act," the governor said. a~~~~. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-. %e day.. Mly 8, 986L Vegas Revlew-Joumatj3B .~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Reid ~lau'n'chi'efs le't'teirdrive- against nuke'dump *By Vaughn Rocho * < ' .. -'- !: Dabinst highleve~el.nucte .YuccatMountAn 90 r ile.norho h,-f!" -from' * an electi6n, to simply criticize ..Revlew-Joume- Santiniinow said. "What I want to wvestof Lan Vegas, is believed to., a lt and Hecht could not be the selection process." Rep. Harry Reid, D-Nev., asked is, where were yo iwhen we needed .:-offer ideal conditions; for undis-,, reached forfomment.'i •4 During the press conference, -l .Nevadans and hig congressional col-, -you, Harry?" QX . :turbedetorage ofthe highly radioe-. "Senators Lexalt ard Hecht have also expressed anger toward Sari 'leagues ?%Nonday to sign a letter tell- ! Reid' has 'called "thi vetousele,'' ?tieniaterial, which .vwold remain yet to state their unconditional op- for what he said were negative re- ing President Reagan,6f the state's.-pointingout that Congress'canovet--' >'deadly for at.least 10,000 years. -,r. position to the dump," Reid paid.. marks made about his family. He opposition to its possible selection': ride it and'that~congresional~de~e^- .? ,The pOE.conthnues to studyuyInsted, the tlheyhave criticized. the ,' said Santini-had said he felt sorry as a site for a nuclear waste reposi.('gates fro t heei'states at 5 .'s5s uitabilityv despite 'protests ,selectlon p s, :: !- ," , for the family for having to substi- tory. * f unlikey to'rpholdthe veto if there from"'Reid and Nevada's t&ree Re- ;.., "This yeal, thebuclear issue per- tute for Reid in the campaign for , Reid, a U.S. Senaite candidete',isachancethelr..tateieould bethe&'publcan,,congressional,,&elegates,omeates eveyfacet of our,.public.. Nevada's rural counties. ,said he agreed-Qi'th Reagan's recent alternative repbsltory site. .. .w Although not declaring absolute op-. agenda. It is not enough for my con- . "I'm proud of the fact that my 'statement that the issue should not: .'. Reid said other..states';position thatwere to the repository, ,the Re- - greisional bolleagues to issue tate-' family is campaigning for me," Reid 'be a partisan.one-'and~invited Re-.'considered forl-s eend'epositor;'cpt blicans have"uestioned .the ob-t- .ments frfiioWashington;:, D.C., said. "I don't have the luxury of publicans to lofnf,,him- and Demo-;f site, such as Maine, had been iled ?jectlvityof the selection process and' 'about their'iysltions on this-crucial having Paul Lat, Chic Hecht, cratic Gov; Richard Bryan in bipare- 'out, he presumed,.beus 'potitlcal~'have 'attempted jtto 'cut off study, issue.. .' - -'- , . Barbara ,Vucanovich and Ronald tisanoppositio,--".v 'r . leaderssin,those sthes weelunlfied " fundV '*' '"I firmlj blie' that theInci- Reagan t campaignforme. Hef said rallies '~il be held at Lor-:; iitheif opposit~6iiWon i pio . -. Reidpsaphisoetnter s a ceiaenge sioi of my6ollealues' fsthi'bajo: .i However,, Santini said he did not enzi Park in Las Vegas on July, 19gThe search for-& g.ef repository -,to U.S..Sens. Paul laxalt and' Chic :reason Neviadals now being eonsid-. 'object to Reid's family's involve- and in Reno on-Juuly 26.t dramatize isite has beet dela;ddnd.lfinitely4.*'e't Hecht 'md p:tBarbaraVucano- . ;ered as one o fits for'a high- ment inthe campaign but rather to the drive for signat~res ' - Reid said.hisleWtkINY1 rfcaytli t clarifn' nbich cafljtheir ''level dump,? Reid' savoidance of campaign ap- Reid's Republican.opp'onent in' message:"Mr. P.'ident; we in'tW icerte~n snd oitheIsue ;- Reid said'h Re- ublican'dele-: perances in cities such as Elko, the Senate race,,;Jim. Santini,, <.vada. hale dly,. giv'en to' our coun---Reid cafled theeublicn dele- gates have refused for three r to' 'E' ly, Battle Mountain and others. sponded by calling the'letter-signing" try f6r many years,, but we 'do-Tn' 't"Otes' opposltitn "token" and ques- join him in'opposing the repository. "Harry apparently limits hie- drive "an election year: stunt." He 'want to be, the ;repository-jor'-?t h,-.tioned.whether.they hadt-agreed e He said they have voiced their qual.:,, sonal campaigning in rural Nk a 'said.his own opp6sition'dates-thbc. , hublear wste.of EAtern-states if'^.-. dtttly" not ;toeithe .'state's: ' fied resistaee'to" the repository1 . because he refused those citizen the 'tober 1979, 'when 'h Wa A Den666 ;derrany condifitiEr,`)ow *tt ,o selti'nfor: only'in the ORt 110tnmonthsI; ,'courtesy and retponsibility of public craticc mf 'i -. 1t, >'<Iey can ans eiNby-dsigning this. .'hepeophf Nevatd de e o. hearfngs'or testimony on his wilder- sponsorship of an- amendment per- ' Nevada. Teas'and .Wishington: ;letteito.he' p degnt," Reluad,'- know how their elected leaders real- ness propotals," Santini said. -nitting a stateO 'the repos a r ntly'fe1y-ontM ue-and whethev "He also refused the citizens of tory. h'-""\. ". ' i""' 'ment of Enirgy' sefirch, for stable 'thitl she--would, ppose the dump 'they will go to the mat in opposing, Elko and nearby areas a public de- "Our researh' shows that whi~e. ground where pwaste frdm 'nudekrgabsltelu unde; eurrent- political y/the Reaganradifi trtoin selectIK bate'with 'm on June 30. Those Harry Reid becknie &Ae-nremant iroaetors andwes 'ir mibatt6ht,:'condItions'sid Monday that she is, ing' Nevadreforlthe&dui*". Reid' citizens are naturally offended about in 1983, hot-'until W'98'did'hkangy;wili'be buried.iThe ite will be ch6.' *'willinttb iign th-letter. She -aid 'said. 'ns-oK . -z ;'nj - Harry's capricious and arbitrary ac- anything on the; flooi of the t- '-~ . *+:2'she' anything-onsee House' iens 'ln 1990. '4 t '" "~ra.'f had 'ent seveoa1 of her own to "It is not enough.onth six ohs out.tdons In,these matters." ( ~~~~~~~~(.
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