guvctn.lieiil nl F.u,ope, that of 1 .trfrey & Sjiain "hindostan have been long consTilei ed as ale- - rnands in the measures you have taken ; Sept. 19, and had captured the American excepted, so intolerant as the government of soutce ns revenue1" There JS no they have been cautious, skiltul and guai ti- ship Piscataqua, taken by the Oipheus POKTRY. for In histo- - G? ectBrilam, in leligious affairs. Volumes of parallel this high abomination the ed ; such as would at this time, have cat-lie- d frigate she also took a schooner hum facts, like those mentioned in the note below, rv ot the Chiistian worm oidered her sol Bal 11 IE PillADIUTl our aims to the walls of Maiden had Turk's Island, and r r be collected to show the outrageous spi- There appear to be several other similar LINES, might not the unhappy occurrences timore, and the latter forjhe Dclawatt.. that influences her national chin ch, without temples in Ilindostan, alike superintended and al the river on at the river rit TFrittenbya la,' i'u late battle Catholics managed by the British government, to raise a Raisin i checked your progress, and for a Run, even alluding to the of Ireland' in revenue. One is within eight miles of Calcut short tune, thwai ted your plans ol oper- Extract of a letter from en offictr on- I e the tuif upon then breasts, There is nothing moie notorious than that L ght ta ' ation. board the Sauci-Jac- k, of "' e Uiciii pioilJest laurels wave , religious persecution was the gieat cause of the privateer Arul For many highly important particulars we his this I settlement of portion of Jlmerica which That you may soon teach the enemy Charleston, to father in city, Cuiii e the neji i, tnc ee unbiest, that leader to woik itself which is now forms the United Stales, and paiticulaily refer the the the distinction between the honorable and dTtted Sea, Jan. 19, 1813 Hi i.. luouin no i o'er the fallen brave well worthy an atleriTive perusal. At so of the country noi th of the Potomac For by " the 1 1th Jan. off Cayes, sell The piety of eel tain people in Jhe Eastern savage warfare, planting our standaid On Aux , sake, our ancestors lest their homes Heie s'l ill the pens te Hunter stnv conscience states fitted out a leligious mission to India in the heart of then countiy, and regain in with the English brig Antaim, copper- W.irnoi of the woou and ciossed the trackless ocean, to sit them- line the nd Two excellent men, Messrs. Judson & Newell, the honor and teriitory we have lost ; ed, mounting 10 twelve pound carronades, wind his devious selves down in the wilderness , among wild Sh nl siewfy w.iv, with then wives, sailed from Salem on this and as a ol valour, toils and fiom Belfast, with a cargo of dry goods And pause to view the scute ot blood. men and wild beasts, more tolerant than the just tiibute laudible business in rebimry last, fitted for lecenethe-giatefu- l priests of the old world The histoiy suffeting, thanks of a and piovisions, bound to Jamaica ; struck the aiduous duties befoiethem They arrived e arter-tim- e sorest of the sects that inhabit this fiec coun- generous and free people, is alter an of two hours andthiity-fiv- l'i shall Mif various safe India the government immediate- among the action field, try, continually interlaided with piisons, at but O'er y iiidir blood cnsjnguin'd is ly ordered them back, and, they have leturned first the waimest wishes of our hearts minutes. Oideied her for the fiist d dungeons chains, -- shipping and death because Ai o'ei the prostrate Hero's grive, home The Revenue of Juggernaut must not (Heie follows the names of the officers.) port in the United States. shall h s sickle Wield, they woishiped the Liviak God according to The it ipei be unluneed .' " Januaiy ISth lell in with the line cop the diet ites of their own hearts ; nothing else pew note Extract fiom the "Evangelical Maga ANSWER. pered ship Mentor, fiom London v.ilh a Heie,oo, shall towns, shall cities rise , The illustrious' Penn, the Solon of the for 1811, published London Head-Quarter- zine, Dec in s, Camp-Meig- s, Ra- - for Jamai- 1 and who. in fabulous times, would Miami full cargo of dry goods, bound hi culluiM scene shall smile aiouud, woild: "Prosecution according to law An account as a divinity for the excel 1813. ; i& And blest m peace shall learn to pnze, have been regarded of tVe general uds, Febiuary 20th, ca. She struck without siring a gun ot con- of the proceedings quarter iiie olive branch with plenty crown' j. lency of his institutions j whose lule for the county of Berks, Gentlemen, 300 tons. The mentor sailed m company duct " unon earth and frond will to sessions of the peace irna ne.ire 10, 1B11, on me appeal Your address of this date has been re- - with ISO sail of merchantmen ; she being1 not himself escape the lash of held at Reading, Jan And then when ny t d plenty reigns, mankind," did of William Kent, against a conviction of W. ceived. The approbation which you are a fast sailor, lelt the sleet behind. We 1 s'lall to h s children tell, peisecution With a patient and persevering ie le B Price, fcsq in the penalty ot teaching fall in veidant, plains, and internally supported in uie nugiuv jutor pleabed to bestow upon my conduct at the are in the very place to with thrm Tbii cetlie fertile spirit, and praying in a meeting or convention held in . He Jimenca, anu momem wh;ch he officla, tie lhat snd there is no doubt but in 3 oi feur tlaj& Re eeho'd it'i the Indian jell work betoie him, emigraieuto an uninhabited house, in other manner than sevels opened the door of friendship and hospitality affoid me a satisfac- - we shall the ot accord. ,g to the l.tuigy of the Chuich of Ung-- , h.as connected us, have pleasure hooting all peaceable men, of ill sects and pei sua- H ra shall thev viy our fathers sought to five persons more were present, i tion which I want wolds to desc ibe. the Yankee snipes to their view." of the colonies were settled land, wheie oi OMuii'iia's sons, Columbia's pnde , sions The most fVVe this act (rem a report, taken ml ou assure me too, Gentlemen, that I motives that influenced that extiact i These teitile l.e'ds were dearly bought, from the same short hand, by Mr Gurney, and printed at then England the " bul- possess the " fullest confidence of your SALEM PRIVATEERING. They biaveli sell, the) bravely died. great man How is neading by M Covvlade and Co wark ofoxja religion Her tppressions plant- lespective commands" This is a source The Essex Register gives an account '" In Sept 1810, a sew persons of the slate Mr , s Amei ica. f fa tf (easure l0 me bscause of tho proceeds of the actual sales oS But enn Columbia's daughtei fair, ed religion in Wesley's Society, (commonlv called metho-- l . i Delight on see its of death to dwell.' In page 1J0, Vol 1 of the WirKLT Rrr.is" d.sts) living m the parish of Clnldrj, Berks, can witness that the partiality which they vessels and cargoes, made in that Yi it!i lell rcvengt their bosoms taie, tfh, is an exposition of the state of the Bnf procuied a house to be hecj ced, agieeably to pioftss for me has not been procured by port since the declaration of wai The And raise the war-cry'- s murd'rous yell ' ish vATioSii church lo which I refer the lead the act of toleiation, which was duly certified indigencies incompatible with the list is footsd with the subjoined recapitu- well er for many interesting particulars, as is in the registiy of the bishop of Sahsbuiy public interest. They have indeed per-- lation. rCoi.. Oh no ' let Peace wth angel mei :, on established religions, m at-- for some remnks " In this house Mr Weslev's preachei. lolmed their duty with so much Zealand Eighteen piivateers belonging to Sa It turn and piead hei blessings lOund , general: which, of what niture or kind soever once evel y ounday and,' o land be man- iairoi,diuiiwuii:i willir Kness, as to have rendered it more lem have sailed during the vv..t, carrying And ei our happy seen, they be, I consider the chosen curse of in the morning and evening1, some of the con-- 1 . t than any 115 xghty-sevi- in 'I e olive branch vith plenty ciown'd kind. giegat.on held a pi ajer meeting raiely necessar), perhaps, in guns. They have cap'.;; id 6th, 1313 . Ji.i 'sort, March On Sunday, October 21st, William Kent, j oilier auuy uiai was ever loiineu, iu re- prizes gi, of which To the British, as individuals, much credit is kigi'I" William Franklm, and others, assembled in the cur to those painful of author have arnved, caiyh -- . Of the? POMI'OLS LNGUC,E due for their civil and religious institutions exercises ei evening for piayer and hinging Bymnb. At to com- 1 dorran-some- d, while their ity with which the laws invest us remainder, 1 A person who kept a Ten) on the river Po- Nor would I have it supposed that of t'ttuhii'tt, t'n in- this meeting Margaret Partridge, a servant , of ; chuich reprehended, a censure is pel obedience.
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