![DIRECTORY.] Culviberla~D. LONGTOWN with ARTHURET](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
DIRECTORY.] CUlVIBERLA~D. LONGTOWN WiTH ARTHURET. 1~5 The soil is a light sandy loam; subsoil, the same. LONGTOW~ RURA.L DISTRICT COUNCIL. The chief crops are all kinds of cereals and roots. The Meets at Hallburn Workhouse occasionally 6n tuesdiryl!. area of Longtown with Arthuret is 12,771 acres of land ~md 178 of water; rateable value, £14,864; the popu­ James Reginald Graham J.P. Scaurbank, Longton lation in 1901 was 2,455, including 27 inmates and three Clerk, Charles Bernard Hodgson, The Courts, En~lish officials in Longtown Workhouse. street, Carlisle Treasurer, John Brown Shawyer, Carlisle & Cumberland Sexton, David Bell, Longtown. Bank Limited, Carlisle Scots Dyke, an earthwork about 4 miles in length, is Medical Officer of Health, Samuel F. 1.:lcLachlan M.RI 3 miles north of Longtown, on the Scottish border, and C.M. Longtowtl 2djoins the parish of Canobie. Sanitary Inspector, James Murray, Kirklinton, Carlisle Ropesike Woods are about 2 miles south of Longtown. Collector, Rohert Little, Graham street, Longtown BR~CKENHILL hamlet consists of scattered farms, LONGTOWN UNION. Teaching from 2 to 6 miles east from Longtown, nearly Board day, at the Hallburn Workhouse, every alternate 'the whule of which is owned by Capt. William Pery Tuesday at II a.m. Standish J.P. of Marwell Hall, Winchester, Hants, who has a shooting bux here called Brackenhill Tower, but The union comprises the parishes &; townships of oat present (1906) occupied by J. W. Makant esq. Arthuret, Bellbank, Bewcastle, Hethersgill, Kirk­ andrews Middle, Kirkandrews Moat, Kirkandrews Ly.xESIDE hamlet consists of seven farms, from I Nether, Kirklinton Middle, Nicholforest, Scaleby', Sol­ l~ to 2 miles south-east from Longtown; the whole purt, Stapleton, Trough & Westlintun. The area of is the property of Sir R. J. Graham. bart. of Netherby I the union is 88,475 acres; rateable value in 1906, Hall. £67.276; the population in 1901 was 6,676 :NETHERBY hamlet extends abont 4 miles north­ Chairman of the Board of Guardians, James Reginald north-east of Longtown. Netherby Hall, the seat of Graham J.P. Scaurbank, Longtown .sir Richard James Graham bart. D.L., J.P. stands I Vice-Chairman, Robert Bell on an eminence in a beautiful park uf 267 acres, Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Cha!l. 1;urrounded by rich meadows, woods and shrubberies, I Bernard Hodgson, The Courts, English street, Carlisle and commanding an extensive prospect over a flat Treasurer J oseph Brown Shawyer, Carlisle & Cumber­ country, finely cultivated and richly wooded, the river land Bank Limited, Carlisle Esk running through the estate; the present edifice Medical Offic9rs &; Public Vaccinators, High district, was chiefly erected by the Rev. Robert Graham D.D. Henry Blair Causley M.B., C.M.Glas. Westfield house, an the 18th century, and is a mansion of red sandstone Roweltown, Carlisle; Low district, Samuel F. Mc­ in the Italian style. This was the site of a Roman Lachlan M.B., C.~L Longtown castra exploratorum, and in levelling the ground in front, Relieving &; Vaccination Oilicer & Collector to the :a large quantity. of Roman remains were discovered; the Guardians, George Dixon Mulcaster, Graham street, house is elegantly fitted up, and the gardens and pleasure Longtown grounds are laid out with great taste and judgment. The Workhouse for the Longtown union, situated about 'The library contains a choice collection of classical and 2 miles east of the town, in the township of N ether­ ()ther valuable books. Sir R. J. Graham bart. is lord by, is a large, convenient building, erected in 1828, 'Of the manor, and the sole landowner. Hallburn and & will hold 130 inmates; Thomas Murray, master; Slealands are also hamlets. I Mrs. Mary Murray, matron; Samuel F. McLachlan M.B., C.M. rnediool officer; Rev. Ivor Charles Graham Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., E. D" P. P. & M.A. chaplain A. & I. Office, Longtown (Sub-Office. Letters should Suppl'intendent Registrar, G. Beaty, Longtown have S.O. Cumberland added).-George Dobson, sub­ Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, George Dixon postmaster. Letters arrive at 7.25 a.m. & 3.45 p.m. ; ::\'1 ulcaster, Graham street, Longtown box closes for dispatch at 10.10 a.m, & 5, 7,30 & 9,50 p.m.; sundays, delivered at 7.30 a,m.; dis­ patched 6.50 p.m Police Station, Edwin Dickinson sergeant; WaIter Bracken, constable COU~TY MAGISTRATES FOR LONGTOWN PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. PUBLIC OFFICERS. Taylur Rev. Frank M.A. St. ::\:lary's cottage, Winder­ Assistant Overseer, Robert Little, Graham st. Longtown mere, chairman Cp rtifying Factory Surgeon, Samuel F. McLachlan Graham Sir Richard James bart. D.L. Netherby hall, M.B., C.M Longtown S.O .!llison Albert Andrew esq. D.L. Scaleby hall, Carlisle Erooks-Broadhurst Hy. esq. Houghton ho. near Carlisle I PLAC~S OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. Graham Jas. Reginald esq. Scaurbank, Longtown 8.0 St. ~iichael's Church, Rev. hor Charles Graham M.A. lrwin Col. Thomas Angelo D.L. Lynehow, near Carlisle rector; Rev. Charles Willi:).m Addison, curate; II Kirklinton George Graham esq. D.L. 32 Rutland gate, a.m. & 6 p.m London SW L"nited Free Presbyterian,Rev.Jn.Gillfillan M.A.minister 1founsey-Grant ~Iajor Charles James Grant, The Hill, near Carlisle PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. SimpsonThos.Laws on esq.Riggfnnt hfJ.Kirldint on ,Carlisle Mixed, built in 1857, & enlarged in 1886, for 450 chil­ Standish Capt. William Pery, Marwell hall, Winchester dren; average attendance, 256; Thomas James Little. Will~on WaIter de Lancey esq. Kirklinton park, Carlisle master Clerk to the Magistrates, Charles Bernard Hodgson, Infants', for 130 children; average attendance, 70; Miss The Courts, English street, Carlisle Nancy Kidd, mistress Petty Sessions are held at the Magistrates' Office, Easton (mixed), in Brackenhill township, built in r872, & since 1875 under the Arthuret & Kirk­ Longtown, second thursday in each month at II a.m andrews United School Council; it will hold 'JO The following places are included in the petty sessional children; average attendance, 43; Elias Peddley,mast division :-Arthuret, Bellbank, Bewcastle, Hethersgill, Kirkandrews Middle, Kirkandrews Moat, Kirkandre-ws Carrier to Carlisle.-George Tweddle, wed. & sat. re- Nether, Kirklinton, Nicholforest, ~caleby, Solport, turning same !lay Stapleton, Trough & Westlinton Railway Station, John Joseph Whitfield, station master LONGTOWN. Dixon John, Bridge street Monkhouse Richard H.Cobbinshaw ho Dixon :Mu Morton Mrs. THe Gaobles PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dixon Mrs. Bellevue, Ward street ~Iulcaster George Dixon, Esk house, Addison Rev. Charles Wm. (curate), Foster Misses, Beech house, Albert st Graham street Esk bank Gilfillan Rev. J., M.A. (United Free Musgrave Misses, I Jubilee terrace Baxtel' Miss, English street Church), Claremont Taylor Edgar, Ward street Beaty Richard, Bridge street Graham Rev. Ivor Chas. M ..!..Rectory CO~ERCIAL. Bell Peter, Glenesk Johnston William, Brookfield Armstrong David & Waiter, slaters, B<lwie Alexander, 4 Graham street Livingston Mrs. Netherby ~treet Ward street Denny Harry Ernest, Albert street McLachlan SI. F., M.B.,C.M. Esk bnk Avison Thomas, painter &C. Ward sf; CUMB. 13*.
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