• Revised Master Plan for Newcastle Great Park • Revised Master Plan and Supplementary Planning Document for Newcastle Great Park 18 May 2006 • Revised Master Plan for Newcastle Great Park • Revised Master Plan and Supplementary Planning Document for Newcastle Great Park Contents Topic Page 1 Introduction 1 2 Strategic aims 4 3 Definition of development cells and urban form 5 4 Housing and regeneration 7 5 Economic development 10 6 Training 12 7 Energy efficiency 13 8 Geotechnics 14 9 Noise and pollution 15 10 Archaeology 17 11 Strategic open space 18 12 Social, community and recreational facilities 25 13 Education 29 14 Retail 31 15 Transport 32 16 Community safety 36 17 Foul drainage 37 18 Surface drainage 37 19 Mains and emergency services 38 20 Use of building materials from sustainable sources 39 21 Phasing 39 22 Monitoring and consultation 39 23 Contact Details 40 • Revised Master Plan for Newcastle Great Park • 1 Introduction This Master Plan supersedes the previous Plan that was approved as Supplementary Planning Guidance on 19th August 1999. Since that time, outline planning permission was granted based on the proposals in the Plan, and detailed consents have followed for new housing to the east of the A1, and part of the infrastructure and initial phase of the Business Park, including Sage. The nature of the proposals for the Great Park has changed since 1999, in line with emerging government guidance and best practice. This revised Master Plan caters for and controls the new proposals emerging to the west of the A1 within a changing national and regional context. Background 1.1 The Unitary Development Plan (UDP) for the Newcastle upon Tyne was adopted on 28 January 1998. The UDP identifies the Northern Development Area (NDA) – now known as Newcastle Great Park (NGP) – as the major site for growth outside the existing built up area during the plan period of 1988-2006 and beyond. The primary allocations within the NDA are for economic development, housing and open space, with some of the latter retained in the statutory green belt. The UDP is currently under review, and the boundaries of these uses will be reconsidered as part of the process. 1.2 The UDP commits the Council, developers and other partners to a development of high quality, and the Council expects NGP to be an example of good practice in all respects. Although its creation will undoubtedly have significant environmental impacts, appropriate action will be taken to reduce them. As part of this process, design and implementation will incorporate principles of sustainable development in accordance with the City's Environment Charter and emerging policy on sustainable development. The Design Code for the Great Park, which was approved as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on 13 November 2000, will be reviewed following consultation with the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (Cabe). All development will have regard to this SPG. 1.3 NGP has the potential to act as a catalyst in the social and economic regeneration of the City and the Region. However, great care will be taken to ensure that the type and pace of development in NGP complements initiatives elsewhere in the City. 1.4 The Council has taken account of the NGP in its Interim Policy Guidance on Release of Housing Land approved in revised form in October 2004. The emerging Core Strategy Development Plan Document, which will be part of the Local Development Framework, will also include provision for the NGP. The development forms an integral part of the Council’s Regeneration strategy as part of the Newcastle Plan, which aims to create a vibrant, inclusive, safe, sustainable and modern European City. Location 1.5 The area that is generally bounded by: 1 • Revised Master Plan for Newcastle Great Park • • Haydon Close, Acomb Cresecent, City of Newcastle Golf Course (east of the A1) and north of Kingston Park Road (west of the A1) to the south • Brunton Lane/Dinnington Road to the west • Agricultural land to the south of Havannah Local Nature Reserve and Hazlerigg to the north • Greenfield Road and South Bend in Brunton Park to the east As an illustrative guide only, Map 1 shows in diagrammatic form the location of NGP. The Planning Process 1.6 Policy IM2 in the UDP designates a Northern Development Area Action Area and the UDP Proposals Map defines the Action Area boundary. Map 2 shows the boundary of the Action Area. The boundary of the Action Area was drawn to include land thought to be required for mitigation and compensation for negative effects of development, as well as that for the primary built development. The Action Area also includes two road corridors extending southwards, covering possible improvements or additions to the highway network. The definition of the Action Area boundary in the UDP as shown does not rule out highway or other works being required of the developers outside the Action Area. 1.7 The UDP in Chapter 6 Implementation anticipates the preparation of a master plan for the NDA Action Area as a whole. The Council issued a Planning Brief for the NDA in April 1998 and invited prospective developers to submit draft proposals for inclusion in a Master Plan. A consortium of developers submitted draft proposals in May 1998 and these were subject to widespread public consultation. 1.8 An application for outline planning permission was submitted in late August 1998. The previous Master Plan was based in part on those proposals, but incorporates additional material with many revisions. 1.9 The current Master Plan is a revision of the previous version. It takes account of the revised proposals for the part of the Great Park to the west of the A1. Proposed new uses that were not considered previously have emerged for this area, and the revised Master Plan will ensure that consideration of such proposals could lead to an acceptable form of development. Additionally, the development cell boundaries defined on Map 3 have been amended, and the level of retail development that may be acceptable as part of the development will be reviewed. 1.10 It will be necessary for all those with a legal interest in land in NGP to be party to a legal agreement or agreements to secure some of the objectives set out below and which cannot be covered adequately in conditions on a planning permission. This Master Plan will be a key input into those agreements and will also inform the preparation of conditions on any future planning permissions. 2 • Revised Master Plan for Newcastle Great Park • Status of the Master Plan 1.11 The Unitary Development Plan (UDP) was formally adopted on 28 January 1998. The UDP and existing outline consent granted on 20 October 2000 are therefore the primary reference points for this Master Plan and for the planning process as a whole. The UDP is currently under review as part of the preparation of the Local Development Framework, but the UDP remains the development plan for the city. This Master Plan does not quote all policies and proposals within the UDP that are relevant to NGP. Anyone seeking guidance on development of NGP should refer also to the UDP, where it is referred to as the Northern Development Area, or NDA. 1.12 This Master Plan should not be taken as covering all necessary requirements of the Council or any other regulatory agency. It has the status of a Supplementary Planning Document and will be a material consideration when any application for planning permission or other statutory approval is determined. Definitions 1.13 For avoidance of doubt, some terms used in this document have a specific meaning, as follows: • Planning Application An application for outline planning permission submitted for the NDA Action Area as proposed in the UDP, and now known as Newcastle Great Park (NGP). • Newcastle Great Park or NGP The area of land shown on Map 1. • Detailed Approval It is envisaged that the developers will submit detailed proposals for development cells and open space as reserved matters under the outline permission. However, it is possible that some new detailed (or outline) planning applications may be submitted. The term “detailed approval” covers both eventualities. • The Developers or the Consortium The consortium consists of two companies - Persimmon Homes and Taylor Woodrow. • Development Cells Areas of land for the primary uses of housing, economic development and the local centre, which are defined on Map 3. 3 • Revised Master Plan for Newcastle Great Park • • Development Site Strategy Statement (DSSS) A statement, one for each development cell, which must be submitted by the developer and approved by the Council before detailed approval can be given for any part of that cell. This is a requirement of Condition 3 of the existing outline consent granted on 20 October 2000. These statements shall include survey data and proposals for the areas of strategic open space within the cell boundary. Information requirements for the production of these documents is contained in the Section 106 Agreement attached to the outline consent approved in 2000 and the Design Code Supplementary Planning Guidance. • Strategic Open Space The open land surrounding the development cells that is within the planning application boundary and under the control of the developer, as defined on Map 3. • Local Open Space Land to be provided for public open space within the housing development cells. 2 Strategic Aims and Objectives 2.1 The City Council originally set out strategic aims for NGP in the Planning Brief published in April 1998. New aims have emerged since this date, but many are still relevant: 1 To provide 2500 dwellings, including a range of house types and sizes, at a rate that does not prejudice satisfactory progress on the development of housing on Inner Area brownfield sites, in particular those within the defined “Bridging NewcastleGateshead” Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder area.
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