Alberta Provincial Electoral Divisions

Alberta Provincial Electoral Divisions

N O R T H W E S T T E R R II T O R II E S Alberta Electoral Districts k Kakisa River Legend Thabacha Charles Charles k Lake Thurston Buchan Náre 196A Lake Lake 225 Lake Thebathi k Provincial Electoral District boundary (2010) Beatty 196 Lake e o tl l it fa r L f e !( u iv B City R P etitot Bistcho !( River Lake Town r e iv Slave !( R lo a River Village ff u B Summer Village Wood Buffalo National Park k Indian Reserve of Canada k Indian Settlement Rivers Upper Hay Lake Athabasca Alberta Main Roads River 212k Margaret Lakes Lake Hay Lake 35 Baril Allison National Park Hay Zama £ R ¤ Bay 219 iver Lake Lake k k Hay Lake 209 Provincial Park k k Peace Rainbow River Lake Claire Chipewyan 201A 58 Lake High Mamawi !( ¤£ Coordinate System: NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Level Child Lake Lake Hay River !( 58 Projection: Transverse Mercator Bushe 164A Beaver kJohn d'Or Prairie 215 k k ¤£ River 207 k Ranch 163 k Datum: North American 1983 Boyer k kFox Lake 162 Old Fort Richardson 164 217 Lake k Fort Vermilion Birch River 0 15 30 60 90 74 173B Peace River ´ Kilometers Tall k Cree 59 Chinch 173A aga River Athabasca Fort McMurray-Wood Buffalo River Peace Tall k River Cree 173 kCarcajou 187 River Mikkwa 88 kNamur River 174A ¤£ 58 kNamur Lake 174B Legend Fort McMurray-Conklin List of Provincial Electoral Districts Lake W a b a k Fort Mackay s c k Notikewin a Fort McKay 174 1 - Dunvegan-Central Peace-Notley 47 - Airdrie R iv e 2 - Lesser Slave Lake 48 - Athabasca-Sturgeon-Redwater r Notikewin R 3 - Calgary-Acadia 49 - Banff-Cochrane iver 4 - Calgary-Bow 50 - Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock 5 - Calgary-Buffalo 51 - Battle River-Wainwright !( Manning 6 - Calgary-Cross 52 - Bonnyville-Cold Lake 2 7 - Calgary-Currie 53 - Cardston-Taber-Warner Clearwater River 8 - Calgary-East 54 - Chestermere-Rocky View Lesser Slave Lake 1 9 - Calgary-Elbow 55 - Cypress-Medicine Hat 10 - Calgary-Fish Creek 56 - Drayton Valley-Devon Dunvegan-Central Peace-Notley Peerless Gordon Lake Lake 11 - Calgary-Foothills 57 - Drumheller-Stettler k Woodland Clear Hills 152C Woodland k Graham 12 - Calgary-Fort 58 - Fort McMurray-Conklin Cree 226 Gregoire Lake k Cree 228 Loon Lake 235 Lake Gregoire Lake 176A k n k o r d e 13 - Calgary-Glenmore k r 59 - Fort McMurray-Wood Buffalo v k Maria Gregoire Lake 176 o i R Lake G 14 - Calgary-Greenway 60 - Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville Little Buffalo 15 - Calgary-Hawkwood 61 - Grande Prairie-Smoky 16 - Calgary-Hays 62 - Grande Prairie-Wapiti Hines !( Peace Creek River 17 - Calgary-Klein 63 - Highwood Grimshaw !( !( Muskwa 2 Lake 18 - Calgary-Lougheed 64 - Innisfail-Sylvan Lake Berwyn !( £ er River ¤ v a k i Muskw Wabasca 166C Fairview k R 19 - Calgary-Mackay-Nose Hill 65 - Lac La Biche-St. Paul-Two Hills a 63 !( Duncan's 151A m ku i £ S 113 ¤ S Greene t 20 - Calgary-McCall 66 - Lacombe-Ponoka !( U North New £ Nampa by ¤ Valley Wabasca Moonshine River 21 - Calgary-Mountain View 67 - Leduc-Beaumont Lake k Lake r Janvier 194 Utikoomak e A Wabasca 166B k Wabasca 166A A 22 - Calgary-North West 68 - Lethbridge-East kk iv Lake 155 k kUtikoomak Lake 155A R r 49 k Wabasca 166 a e Wabasca 166D n v 23 - Calgary-Northern Hills 69 - Lethbridge-West k ti i ¤£ s R i r S Island S !( South h d 24 - Calgary-Shaw 70 - Little Bow Rycroft Utikuma C e Lake r !( 88 Wabasca f Spirit Lake Crow e n 25 - Calgary-South East 71 - Livingstone-Macleod Girouxville !( Falher ¤£ Lake i Lake River K W !( !( K 26 - Calgary-Varsity 72 - Medicine Hat Donnelly !( Winagami 27 - Calgary-West 73 - Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills McLennan Lake Kapawe'no A Little k A 28 - Edmonton-Beverly-Clareview Fikrst Winefred 74 - Peace River Smoky Kapawe'no First Nation (Freeman 150B) Nation (Grouard 230) Lake River k 29 - Edmonton-Calder 75 - Red Deer-North T k Hilliard's Bay T 30 - Edmonton-Castle Downs 76 - Red Deer-South Horse 59 Lesser 49 Lakes k !( k Lesser Slave Lake 53 C 31 - Edmonton-Centre ¤£ Slave C 77 - Rimbey-Rocky Mountain !( ¤£ Sucker 152B Hythe !( Sexsmith £ ¤ Lake Creek 32 - Edmonton-Decore k House-Sundre 150A k Saskatoon Drift Pile Swan H 33 - Edmonton-Ellerslie 78 - Sherwood Park River k Lesser Slave River Jean Baptiste H 1!( Island Grande River 150 k 150E Sawridge 150H !( kGambler 183 34 - Edmonton-Glenora 79 - Spruce Grove-St. Albert ¤£ Prairie Young's Sawridge 150G Calling 65 34 !( !( Point Slave Lake Sturgeon E ¤£ E 35 - Edmonton-Gold Bar 80 - St. Albert Lake Wembley Lake 154A 2 48 Lac La Biche-St. Paul- 36 - Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood 81 - Stony Plain k ¤£ Athabasca-Sturgeon- Two Hills Valleyview Heart Lake 167 W 37 - Edmonton-Manning 82 - Strathcona-Sherwood Park !( k W k Redwater Piché Lake Sturgeon r Heart Lake 38 - Edmonton-McClung 83 - Strathmore-Brooks ive Lake 154 R Smoky he c A 39 - Edmonton-Meadowlark 84 - Vermilion-Lloydminster Bi A River La 40 - Edmonton-Mill Creek 85 - West Yellowhead Island Sir Winston Primrose Lake Churchill Lake N 41 - Edmonton-Mill Woods 86 - Wetaskiwin-Camrose 62 N 42 - Edmonton-Riverview 87 - Whitecourt-Ste. Anne 61 Lakeland Cold Grande Prairie-Wapiti Sunset Outlet Lake 43 - Edmonton-Rutherford Beach Lake Grande Prairie-Smoky !( !( Beaver Swan South Athabasca k 52 44 - Edmonton-South West Hills Cross Lake 131 Cold 43 Baptiste Cold Bondiss B Lake ¤£ Lake e Bonnyville-Cold Lake Boyle a Lake 45 - Edmonton-Strathcona !( v 149B 32 Mewatha e k r 46 - Edmonton-Whitemud ¤£ 44 Beach R iv k ¤£ e 55 r ¤£ !( Fox Cold Two 40 50 Long ¤£ Creek Larkspur Lake Lakes Lake !( Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock White Fish Lake 128 k Cold k Moose Lake Bonnyville Carson-Pegasus !( Lake 149 !( Charlotte Glendon Lake 63 Garner Moose Lake iver ¤£ Muriel R oky Smoky Lake Horseshoe Sm Thunder Lake ittle Lake Vilna Bay Kehewin 123k L Lake Barrhead !( !( !( !( !( 79 Waskatenau !( Whitecourt !( Spruce Grove-St. Albert Saddle St. Paul Puskiakiwenin 122 Lake 125 !( k k Frog Lake 18 Whitney Pierre Legal 80 36 £ !( !( Lakes ¤ !( ¤£ 48 k 1!(00 Grey's Mayerthorpe !( Nakamun St. Albert 78 ¤£ £ !( ¤ Lakes Park North Sherwood Park Willingdon Alexander 134 Gibbons Saskatchewan !( !( 85 87 !( Bruderheim River Makaoo k Morinville !( (Part) 120 32 Sunrise Beach !( Bon Lamont West Yellowhead Whitecourt-Ste. Anne Accord !( Two Hills k ¤£ k 60 !( Onoway Myrnam Yellowstone !( !( !( !( Chip 22 St. Fort Fort Saskatchewan- Bens £ West Cove !( Lake !( 45 ¤ Alberta Albert Lake !( Saskatchewan Vegreville Dewberry £ Sundance Silver Sands ¤ Beach Spruce Atim !( !( Marwayne Rock !(2 Wabamun Grove Lake !( 82 William A. ¤£ k !( Vegreville Lake Obed !( !( !( V r Switzer 16 k Spring !( Strathcona- erm e Wabamun Lake ilio v Lake n k i £ Stony R ¤ Lake Edmonton ive R Stony Plain Sherwood Park r Hinton Plain Kitscoty y 81 135 !( k !( Tofield !( !( o 14 16 !( !( Mannville m Stony Plain £ !( Vermilion !( S ¤£ ¤ Lloydminster !( !( Beaumont Beaverhill Lake Brûlé 67 Minburn 84 (Part) Devon Miquelon !( Lake Drayton Leduc-Beaumont Ryley Wolf !( !( Lake Valley Eagle Thorsby 50 4!(6 Vermilion-Lloydminster Lake Point !( £ Leduc !( ¤ !( ¤£ Warburg !( 39 ¤£ !( Hay Lakes £14 Paradise Jasper Jasper Sundance ¤ Viking Valley !( 56 Breton !( National Park Lake !( Beach Itaska Beach !( Millet of Canada Athabasca Drayton Valley-Devon Argentia Beach 86 Pembi River na 22 Pigeon Lake Wetaskiwin-Camrose 26 River £ !( !( ¤ Bittern ¤£ k Irma Pigeon Camrose 16 13 !( Lake Bawlf !( Battle Lake 138A Wetaskiwin !( ¤£ ¤£ Daysland Wainwright 37 Lake New Driedmeat !( Edmonton-Manning Yellowhead er k !( !( Riv Louis Bull 138B k Norway Lake £ eau Strome Edgerton ¤ z ra !( Sedgewick r !( B Rosalind e 48 !(51 v 20 !( !( !( i Chauvin Athabasca-Sturgeon-Redwater k k !( Lougheed R O'Chiese 203 21 ¤£ e !( !( l ¤£ k Edberg tt 93 £ a k ¤ B 51 ST. ALBERT £ Montana 139 Heisler !( ¤ 56 30 !( 79 60 Ponoka Hardisty Battle River-Wainwright !( Edmonton- Sunchild 202 k Rimbey !( ¤£ Spruce Grove-St. Albert Fort Saskatchewan- Dillberry Castle Downs !( Vegreville Bashaw !( !( Amisk Lake 80 Parkland Beach 66 !( !( 53 44 St. Albert ¤£ Galahad !( Hughenden Gull Lacombe-Ponoka £ ¤ !( Lake Rochon !(Czar Crimson Lacombe Bentley !(Clive Sands Alliance David Lake !( !( White !( 32 Thompson 12 Sunbreaker !( A £ Sands t ¤ Rocky £ Blackfalds Edmonton- ¤ Buffalo h Cove !( Provost 28 a k Big Horn Mountain Eckville !( 75 41 29 Decore b !( Lake Edmonton-Beverly-Clareview a !( Botha £ Edmonton-Calder s 144A ¤ House Red Deer-North !( Halkirk c Norglenwold 59 !( !( a 12 !( !( R ¤£ Sylvan 36 i !( v ¤£ Castor Edmonton-Highlands- e N 77 Lake !( Gooseberry r o r Delburne 34 Norwood th !( Lake S Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre Red Deer 39 Edmonton- a Coronation s 76 Sounding R k Edmonton-Meadowlark Glenora 31 a !( iv !( Lake e tc 64 Edmonton- r h Red Deer-South Big Consort e Ram !( Veteran !( Centre 78 w Caroline Valley a Falls Innisfail-Sylvan Lake !( !( !( 35 Sherwood Park n !( Sullivan Edmonton-Gold Bar Red Deer Innisfail !( Lake EDMONTON River Elnora 56 Burnstick Lake Red ¤£ Kirkpatrick 42 22 Lodge !( Bowden ¤£ Dry Island Lake Grassy Edmonton-Riverview 45 Edmonton- Trochu Buffalo Jump Island Lake 38 !( 36 81 Strathcona B Edmonton- 40 Sundre !( !( ¤£ Stony Plain 27 46 McClung Edmonton-Mill Creek Contracosta Lake R £ R e ¤ ¤£ Three Hills Antelope R d 82 Banff National De er !( Morrin Hanna Lake Strathcona- Ri Didsbury 73 k Park of Canada ver !( !( Sherwood Park I !( !( Delia 43 41 I Bow Lake Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills Edmonton- Edmonton- !( Linden Munson T !( !( Youngstown Rutherford Mill Woods T !( B !( Cremona Carstairs Coleman 46 o Carbon Edmonton- I w !( Lake Cereal I R Acme !( !( Whitemud iv Midland Oyen e 49 Drumheller S r !(2 !( Oakland !( Banff-Cochrane ¤£ Beiseker Little !(

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