-c^A^en\j 6^t^UcA V* 1926 IS UNDER WAY A NEW YEAR A NEW YEAR FOR CLEMSON FOR YOU HE ROARS FOR CLEMSON VOL. XXI CTemson College, 8. C. January 13, 1926 No. 15 r », EXERCISES FOR Mrs. Bryan AMERICAN LEGION . Dr. Milford Cadet Tolbert, LEE'S BIRTHDAY PRESENTS MOVIE Taken by Death "You Can't Stand There", Made Surgeon Sophomore, Dies Dr. M. Ashby Jones to Speak Humorous War Picture to Here on Birthday of Much-Loved Resident of Clem- Be Shown Here Prominent Anderson Physician Greenwiood Boy Passes Away Immortal Leader son Campus Dies in "You Can't Stand There" a new Elected as Clemson Health in Clemson Hospital Dur- Atlanta war film glorifying the American Clemson will observe Robert E. Officer ing Holidays Lee's birthday, January 19, with doughboy emphasizing especially the The news of the death of Mrs. A. humorous side of the World War, exercises in the college chapel at B. Bryan, much loved and highly Dr. Lee W. Milford, of Anderson, 7:30 P. M. Dr. M. Ashby Jones will be shown at the Y. M. C. A., esteemed resident of the campus, January 14, at 4:15, 6:45, and 8:11 has been appointed college physi- During the holidays members of of Atlanta will deliver the address. cian to fill the place made vacant the cadet corps were saddened by Dr. Jones, pastor of the Ponce was received among the students and p. m. This picture is presented un- people of the campus with very great der the auspices o.f the local post by the resignation of Dr. G. D. news of .th death of Cadet Julian De Leon Avenue Baptist Church, Heath which occurred last Septem- Napier Tolbert of Greenwood, a Atlanta, is one of the leaders of sorrow. of the American Legion. It Is an Mrs. Bryan, who was Miss Tnez official picture with authentic scenes ber. Dr. Milford assumed his du- member of the Sophomore Class. the Baptist clergy in the South, and ties at the hospital January 1. Cadet Tolbert could not leave with is recognized as one of the ablest Sledge before marriage, died Sun- by the U. S. Signal Corps. day, December 27, at the home of There is plenty of action to satis- Although he has been here only other students when the Christmas orators of Dixie. He has made a a short time Dr. Milford has made vacation began as he was in the special study of the matchless her parents, General and Mrs. Wil- fy the movie fan's craving for thrills liam A. Wright, in Atlanta, after a and many genuine laughs. The a very favorable impression on ths college hospital, supposedly with in- Southern leader whose birthday will cadet corps. He has made It a fluenza but really with what later be celebrated next Tuesday, and is ten-day illness. picture covers the war not only Impressive funeral services were from the firing line, but also shows point to personally meet every cadet proved to be spinal meningitis, therefore especially fitted to speak that visits the hospital, which, ha* from which he died at Clemson on on that day. conducted by Bishop Warren A. what happened behind the lines. Candler of Atlanta, assisted by Dr. This is a picture any audience will resulted in the breaking down of Monday, December 21. Clemson cadets and people of the that invisible barrier that has to Tolbert was the son of Mr. and E. W. Sikes, president of Clemson enjoy as it offers an abundanee of community -are urged to be present College. entertainment. long existed between cadets and col- Mrs. It. R. Tolbert of Greenwood. at the exercises next Tuesday even- lege physician. In fact, Dr. Milford His mother and family physician Mrs. Bryan, who was a graduate The title of the film is taken ing. Dr. Jones' address is certars. of Girl's High School, Atlanta, and from the well-known expression is beginning to be looked upon as were at his bedside when be died. to be both enjoyable and well-worth George Peabody College, Nashville, "You can't stand there soldier." a friend of the corps rather than The body was taken to Greenwood, while, and the occasion is to honor a traditional enemy. where funeral services were con- was a leader in educational and cul- The entire picture is in keeping ene whom all true Southerners re- with the title. The sub-titles are Before coming to Clemson Dr. ducted by Rev. .T. A. McLean, Jr.. vere. tural activities in South Carolina. She had live* -it Clemson ever in the language every doughboy Milford was physician for the An- of the First Presbyterian Church. derson high school football team. The young man is survived by since her marriage in 1904 to Arthur knows and the picture brings to the Buist Bryan, a Clemson graduate of screen for the first time, a phase of He knows boys inside, outside, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. from all other angles, with the re- Tolbert, iSr., of Greenwood; one the Class of 1898 who has been on the World War never before pictur- ed. sult that he is making quite a "hit" brother, Bennie Tolbert of Colum- BISHOP GAILOR AND the campus most of the time since in Tiger Town. bia, and three sisters, Mrs. DeFor- graduation, having served up to 1918 Dr. Milford has ben practicing In rest Wade of Eton, Pa., Miss Annie as a member of the faculty in the Anderson since 1919 and is highly Laurie Tolbert of Sebring, Fla., and HAMILTON HOLT SPEAK English Division, and since that time recommended by both ifellow-physi- Miss Dorothy Tolbert of Spartan- having been agricultural editor, in CLEMSON MEN ARE cians anl laymen of the Electric burg. charge of all publications of the Ex- City. For a time he was county NEXT COMMENCEMENT tension Service and Experiment Sta- physician for Anderson County. tion. Mrs. Milford was head nurse at the During that time Mrs. Bryan took SUCCEEDING WITH University sanitarium before her b • Episcopal Bishop and Former part in many activities, being a mem- marriage. CAPT. T, E, MAY ber of The United Daughters of The Editor to Speak at '26 Confederacy and The Daugh- GENERAL ELECTRIC Graduation ters of The American Revolu- GETS APPOINTMENT tion. She was a member of the Clemson graduates in electrical DAN CUPID HITS Methodist church and took an active engineering, as in other lines, are Announcement has been made by part in all church work. Particular- Dr. E. W. Sikes that Bishop Thomas working themselves into many re- Former Clemson Officer Now F. Gailor will deliver the bacca- ly outstanding was the interest she sponsible positions in their chosen showed in all college activities, al- MANY CLEMSONITES Assistant Athletic Officer laureate sermon and President profession. Many ex-Tigers are Hamilton Holt, of Rollins College ways being willing and anxious to with the great General Electric at Wikiwiki the commencement address next help the cadets with all of their so- Company and are doing well. Christmas Season Brings Num- June when the class of 1926 gradu- cial functions, and welcoming them Mr. A. B. Rasor, 1923, is pro- ates. to her home at all times. gressing most satisfactorily in the erous Weddings and Captain Thomas E. May, who for Bishop Gailor is Bishop of Ten- Mrs. Bryan's death created sor- Motor Engineering Department of Engagements several years was prominent in the nessee, and is also President of the row not only among the many stu- the Lynn Works of the General direction of Clemson athletics while National Council of the Protestant dents who knew her, but even among Electric Company. Dan Cupid was very active dur- he was attached for duty to the local Episcopal Church. He holds Doctor the students who had never had the Mr. S. C. Rice, 1923, is now a ing the holidays, the sharp arrows R. O. T. C. unit, is now Assistant of Divinity degrees from Trinity honor of coming in contact with her, motor salesman for the General from his bow piercing the hearts Athletic Officer for the 21st Infan- College, University of the South, and for she was the mother of "Bald- Electric Company, with his head of- of many couples, well known at try at Schofield Barracks, Wilkiwiki, Oxford. England, and L. L. D. from head" Bryan, one of the most popu- fice at Nashville, Tenn. Clemson, and joining them in wed- Hawaii. Oglethorpe University. He is an lar members of the senior class and Mr. J. C. Crenshaw, 1923, after lock. A little mimeographed newspaper author of great renown, having student-body, and editor-in-chief of finishing his student test at the Lynn "The Tiger." Works, of the General Electric Com- Robertson-Longley published by the 21st has just been written many prominent works of The marriage of Miss Mary Bow- received by friends of Capt. May at literature. Among them are: Mrs. Bryan is survived by her hus- pany, has been placed on the Tur- band, Mr. A. B. Bryan, agricultural bine Engineering staff there. en Robertson, daughter of Mr. Clemson. The sheet features the "[Manual of Devotion," "The Apos- B. F. Robertson of Clemson Col- preparations of the 21st Infantry editor, division of publications of Mr. S. H. Mikell, 1923, is now tolical Succession," "The Divine lege, and Mr Julian McLaurln Long- "Gimlets" for their football classics Event of All Time," "Things New Clemson College; a daughter, Miss with the Philadelphia office of the with the 27th Infantry "Wolfpack.
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