MAD RUSH Sororities ready for freshman onslaught lie- ginning Tuesday. See ftye ©uke Cfjromcle story on page 3. Vol. 47—No. 3 Duke University, Durham, N. C. Friday, September 28, 1951 Lambda Chi, Phi Kaps Lose Pledges Under Stiff Dirty Rushing Penalties Present Plans Show Two Groups Forfeit Identification Cards Segments of Pledge Postponed Until Fall Classes For 4 Years Deans' Board Studies IFC Jury Overrides Problems of Project- Executive Committee photo identification cards for all students of the University By STEVE FRANKS Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity seem out of the picture for this will lose 10 pledges, from this Dr. Robert Marjolin year but a great possibility be­ year's freshman class as the re­ ginning next fall, officials re­ sult of proceedings brought by Defends Necessity ported unofficially this week. the Inter-Fraternity Council at a full-dress trial Wednesday A board of deans has been night in the Law Building court Of Assisting Europe studying costs and advantages of room. the cards and all seem in favor, Prosecutor Hubie Davis suc­ "Without foreign aid, the one of them said Wednesday. cessfully presented his case to a European countries would have However, they do feel it is too jury body of 16 fraternity presi- not survived," stated Dr. Robert late to have them ready for ef­ Marjolin, a Marshall Plan leader, fective use this year. last night in an address in the BULLETIN!!! I.D. cards as a project for Inter - fraternity Council Engineering Building Auditori­ Men's Student Government was CHBONICLE Photo by Andy Picken um. a hotly debated topic last year jury last night voted Lambda This opinion was included in before it was dropped. Deans Fred Brooks, defending attorney for Phi Kappa Sigma, explains Chi Alpha guilty of a major the first of five lectures to be then were quoted as being in to the jury the defense for his fraternity's violations of rushing rushing violation aud docked given at Duke University by Dr. favor and the Athletic Associa­ rules. Four other fraternity brothers sit in the foreground. them 10 pledges from the elass Marjolin, Secretary-General of tion reportedly was emphatically of '55. See story on Page 7. the European Marshall Plan or­ in favor of the project. ganization. President Hollis The association proposed the Dr. Manchester Accepts Temporary Post dents who unamiously branded Edens introduced Dr. Marjolin cards be used along with stu­ Phi Kappa Sigma guilty of the and Dr. Calvin B. Hoover, Duke dent books for admission to charge that they sent out un­ economics department chairman, With U. 5. Embassy Office In Rio de Janeiro authorized letters to summer presided at the opening lecture athletic events. Some students school freshmen during the sec­ on "Lessons of the Marshall wanted the student books to be Dr. Alan K. Manchester, Dean of Undergraduate Studies and ond term of summer school. Plan." abandoned and the cards used professor of history at Duke University, has accepted a position for admission. as Cultural Affairs Officer at the American Embassy in Rio de The penalty was harsher than Tonight at 8 o'clock in the Janeiro. the Executive Council's recom­ Engineering Building Dr. Mar­ mendation that the fraternity be jolin will deliver his second lec­ A specialist in Latin-American affairs, Dr. Manchester left the fined and ordered not to pledge ture concerning European prob­ Duke Band Obtains campus this week for Washing­ He received his academic summer school freshmen. lems and rehabilitation. His ton, and he plans to return to training at Southwestern Uni­ Letter Produced topic will be the "Effect of Korea Bryan As Director his university duties next fall. versity, Vanderbilt, Columbia, on European Recovery." and Duke. Dr. Manchester, a Paramount in the evidence Duke's marching band has a presented to the court was a Dr. Marjolin, a native of new director this year, Paul Inside the Chronicle faculty member since 1929, holds letter written under Phi Kappa France, is the former head of Bryan, who comes to Duke from M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Sigma's heading which welcom­ the French Purchasing Commis­ the University o f Michigan Football: Columbia and Duke Universities. ed an unnamed freshman to sion in the United States and a where he completed both his Duke journeys to Pitt Prior to his appointment as Duke campus and offered help past director of Foreign Econo­ undergraduate and graduate to tackle Panthers P. ! Dean of Undergraduate Studies and information to the student. mic Relations at the French work. East Rushing: last year, Dr. Manchester was Fred Brooks, attorney for the Ministry of National Economy. Pan-Hel reveals dates Dean of Freshmen. defense, delivered a plea for his He is the author of two books Bryan announced that the for fall rushing P. : on economics and holds several band will have a full schedule Dr. Manchester, during the group which included the pre­ this fall beginning with the N. Espanol: five years he lived in Brazil, sentation of three Phi Kappa honorary decorations from the Chronicle lauds summer taught at several South American officers who insisted that they United States, France and Great C. State game on Oct. 13. Fol­ Spanish school P. '. Britain. lowing this first home game the colleges, was director of Moore had not sent out letters with the band will play at five other Pant! Pant! Institute, Campinas, Sao Paulo intention of violating IFC regu­ The remaining four lectures football games, including two Averett J. C. < and was president of Porto Ale- lations. are: "Effect of Korea on Euro­ out-of-town games at V. P. I- male uproar gre College, Porto Alegre, Rio Admission on Rules pean Recovery," at 8 o'clock to­ and Georgia Tech. Grande di Sue. Prosecutor Davis obtained night in the Engineering Audi­ from Phi Kap junior represen­ torium; "Problems of European tative Bill Harms the admission Integration," Monday at 4 pjn. Denny Visits Duke that he knew of new IFC regu­ in Room 114, Social Science lations, but he also stated that Building; "The European Pay­ his group had never received a ments U n i o n," Tuesday at 4 copy of the new rules. Frater­ p.m. and "Europe and the 'Town Meeting' to Convene in Page nity president Bill Woolard also United States in the World Econ­ mittee composed of President A. denied that he had ever received omy," Wednesday evening at 8 Hear ye! Hear ye! Originating the revised regulations. o'clock. from Page Auditorium, George Hollis Edens, Mr. Floyd Fletcher V. Denny's "Town Meeting of of WTIK, local ABC station; The jury took only 20 minutes the Air" will broadcast over a Mayor E, J. Evans, representing to return a verdict of guilty coast-to-coast hookup of 288 Durham, a n d Al Raywid and but then conferred for a full 50 ABC stations on Tuesday at 9 Dante Germino representing the ("Continued on Page Seven) BOS-Sandals Gives Men's Student Government As­ p.m. sociation. First Formal Dance Two prominent speakers will introduce the topic, "McCarthy- Denny and his wife will at­ Independents Begin Of Social Calendar ism: Good or Bad," which will tend a dinner given for them by King Neptune rose from the then be discussed in "Town Pi Kappa Phi social fraternity Season's Activities deep Wednesday morning to Meeting" style with members of in the Union Ballroom Monday command an elaborate display the audience directing questions evening. Following the dinner, With Stag Smoker and float across West Campus in to the panel. WDBS will interview them at anticipation of tomorrow night's The speakers are representa­ 8:15 p.m. WDBS will also carry Duke's Independent Society semi-formal dance, sponsored by tive Charles J. Kersten, Repub­ a pre-program broadcast from begins formal activities for the Beta Omega Sigma and Sandals, lican of Wisconsin, who helped 8:15 to 9 the night of the pro­ year Monday night with a stag sophomore ho nor a r ies, in the to draft the original. Mundt- gram from Page Auditorium. smoker in 206, Union from 7 Woman's College Gym from 8 Nixon Bill directed at the Inter­ Edens Introduces until 8:30 p.m., and a public in­ to 12 p.m. national Communist conspiracy President Edens will introduce vitation has been issued to all The dance, the first campus- and was special assistant to Denny to the radio audience on sophomore, junior, senior and wide social affair of the year, Senator Joseph R. McCarthy the night of the broadcast. Dr. second semester freshmen inde­ will feature an underwater during the Tydings Investiga­ Edens will also be present after pendents who are interested in theme carried out with a display tion of Communism in the State the broadcast at a reception in joining the organization this of rocks, seaweed apd various Department, and Representative DENNY the Union Ballroom for all spon­ year. other deep sea forms. Richard Boiling, Democrat of sors of the program, members Monday night's affair will be Bill Byers and his Duke Cav­ Missouri, member of the House Denny, founder and modera­ of WSGA and MSGA and pro­ in the nature of a get-acquainted aliers will provide the music. Banking and Currency Commit­ tor of the program, and his wife gram personnel. meeting and DIS President Joe During intermission, the orches­ tee and a member of the Joint will arrive Monday at the Dur­ A faculty screening committee Reynolds promised today that tra will feature a jazz combo House and Senate Committee on ham-Raleigh Airport where they has been selected to handle the "plenty of drinks, donuts, and playing dixieland numbers.
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