I .I HE NEW SMALL PONTIAC . ' lEI T rHE ACADIAN Nova Motors Ltd. i . - I (Price: 7 Cents) \(1. 23 !HE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., SATURDAY,_ JANUARY 27, 1962 ry • • ' . • I ISSeS -------·· ·-------·-- -- CAPE CANAVERAL (AP)-The Un itsd State:s shot ct spctCC'CrCJ ft toward the moon Friday-and will miss by 20,000 to 30,000 miles. -To Build A spokesman for the National Aeronautics and Space Administra­ tion said the spacecraft had attained an "excessive velocity." Bluenose The terse report from the ------ '- -- ----- --·- NASA headquarters here did not specify just how much \'eio city hnd been added to the Replica planned speed of 24,500 miles Canad.~ Suppurts HALIFAX ICPl - Another. an hour. step in· a movement started last,. As a result of the added and Iyear to build a replica of the unexpected kick, there will he famous racing schooner Blue· I no instrumentalcd landing on l1 fro -Asian can y Inose was taken here Fl'iday i the moon - and no tcle1·ision with the f o r m a I i o n of the 1col'crage. lly .lOSEI'II 'l"c~\I'EE:\' • Eritoin al>o ~r11·e at least ISchooner Blucno>c Society. The annou.nccmcnl sair1 11 w\ i t::\iTIO:D :\.\TIO:\S rCI'I- .\n, qua\ificd support to a ~4-na\ion i F?rmed hy busmcssmen !~om msle<Hl of fili .hours of lllght. th.e: .\lro-.\sian call [or Portugal to :\fro . .\>ian rc;,olulion whir;h 11 'Halifax and Luncnhur~. ·~.S .. sp;~~ecl·a[t will_ pass __ 1c moon 5 grant ,,elf-dctermin~'tion to .-\n- would lw1·e the asscmblv reaf- ., .• ·., : 1 Fl;1.: .\ ehar<H.:teristie while \'apor trrtil created by a Navy Polaris missile as it streaked 1 where the R l urn o s e was tr:?eclor~ m oO to. ·'·' .hours:. gola rcccil'erl >uppo1·1 from Can· firm "the inalienable rlght of :.•:ln\l·in:~ liiundling al C:1pe Canaveral .Jan. 2:lrd streaks the sky above Cocoa Beach's. launche~l 111.1!121. th.r purpose of~ lh~ NASA ~pokesm,m s,ud, ada in tlJC l'nitcd :\<~lions Gcn- the Angol;~n people to scll·de- 1 ; . :<'d !'IT'' International headquarters for the U.S. attempt to place Lt. Col. ,John H. l thc s.ocH:'lY 1.< ": nusc funds !or preciSe llgur~s. 011 the lra:]eeton:: era! ,\<>cmhly Frid<~;·. termination ami independence." the I ephca, cstunated at 11 Olild he· a\ at1.1 hle late! aflei : Senalrll· A. .1. llrool;,. ,-icc· f llritish Ambassador Sir Pat­ "· t al'lltiiHI 1he earth.---\ UPI Photo). 1 ~loll,· . ·------- ~----·---------·---· ...... : 000 lo $20ll.llfl0. · 3 .r·onfercnce on how much. the 1 d1airman nf the Canndi,m dele- 11·ick Dean declared: · . 1 t: f ~: t~'j>(' ~ :·he J:i4-to~. rr~:c1. 11hil'h np· ~ 1 ~ 1 !1ancc ·:ystcm. c;:n .'c 11•1111 ~~rl. I g;Ition. sairl reforms an: l''>en- \ "While we have doubl> about 20 : r-.--:: a~.~ : pc.'us. on Lm;Hii.m 10 : cent I he /~e~l~ >hoill~ ,~ft.~l "· . tial in thr Po1·tu~ue>r West thr wisdom of some of its para· : Jll e c r s. ""~ .lhr l.mch~Imlcd p.n.L LS~ .knoc~c~~ a 1:11 ,c nlllll· 1 .\lric<tn trrrito1·y hut he held Igraphs. the draft resolution ~tuccn of ll~c ?'lmlh .~tl,m\ic ftsh· hci of c,u ~full) ·c.Jlcui.Ilcd plan> out the hope that historic links seems to us to be generally con· lenn Fit And Ready For Flight n.I!! fleet. SJ:c w~n ft~·e c.onsccu- mlo a cocked hal. : mav he maintained between An·[ structive in intention nnd mod· . lt.l'e ctunnpwnsb1ps m mterna- At ~:30 p.m. tile gold and sll· i gola and Portugal rratr. in if, app1·oa1:h." llfiii'IL\.\ Thr• first li1·e hours ot tbc 11·' 31i·yca.r·o\d navy LI.·Cmdr. Scott llotwl schooner races. rer plated spacecraft had been · .... - -- ____ . _---- . ::'d. I' I a. illlll\' l'OIIl11down went ol'! Ft·ida)', Carpenter, were spcndin!( the Tl1e society is expected to 1 rockelccl toward tl1e moon's s Die · · ! :, .. c·d oli ". ithonl a sm1~. The remaining: r!ay studying and re1•iewing the meet within 10 days to elect of·: bright side in the most complex . "·• r o:~tiool; 'IX hours of the count-which; flight plan, technical reports, fleers, nfler which it will he in·! space experiment ere r al· • f. -::_,,,: .:o!Jn II. inroll'c'.' n clc•lailecl final check Ilaunch-preparation data and the rorporaled. lls main office will' tempted. Canada's Govt. Fiset . '" . !It .md nf the t•ntirc system-was due •lil;e. he in Lunenhurg, . ' 1·1 r o: hi> t.I lu• rcsumd shortly after' Thcv also were to confer with The formnti\'C meeting dis- Initial report.s from the space i •:,· ,o:n or- m:dni·"hl. key 'officials on the vmious ~ussed a national publicity cam· i n~ency lwei md1cnted nn ~~·~· 1\'iih hi:Jstuff >l'l for 7:~0 a.m. 1 plwscs of the worldwi1lc pi'Ojetl naign and the possihility of a j most flawless pcrform~nce m ... :.·.1 Slii1t'> EST tncla)·. this gave !JO minutes 1 ~!crcury operation invull ing 1:1 national appeal to school chil· ·all p]wses of the laun~hm!!. Gets New Name •.. :.,,wJ '"'·' !ct'll!l)' In straighten out any tracl;ing sl<~tiuns, mm'l' th<~n 20 dren. perhaps lm· contributions I nut the camera-eqmpped and I 1 • <' ! ,,),-!11:1 b•!·l11i11111l' kink;, rcCO\'CI')' ships, lllllnV planeS Of dimes. ' ins\rUillent • laden 727 • JlOUnd , , 1 , , , 1 ··. ''"r lh:t r;!t•nn·., mi»ion-1\w fit·>l h;· and thousnnds of pt'I'Sl;n,,. I package willnow.trnvel past the ".OTfA\\A_ . ~PJ -_canada s 1 Guard m~.ude ~~pply. _ c~';ts. -·I"'" tli~<·n :1:1 .\nlt'riean into orhit-will, if The mnl'int• Jlilot and his Alit SEH\'lCE l'LA:\':\ED moon and out mlo .~pace anrll oOiernmenl o,\ned mmme fleet' buoy lenders, l!,htslup,, life· ' '' 1 .-paL·e· '"''Ct''>lill. l'illT)' t:.~. m;Inlwd stanrlh~· have hccn "goill" down llO~II·: CReutei·sJ _ The Hal-· into an orhit around the sun. I has a nell name. 'boats, workboats,. research ves- .. , !.Jr<•c Ill'· space exploration to its farthest i the road together" in ll~cir rt'· . m airline Alilolia plnns to I ·t'\n,ltl o~·ctr the n~x\t )k·ear or so, jsels, \?ea;~er Ships, t~~s ":nd '" In t:iO fronl'l'r vet , 1 f th . t . 1 Un until l11e lime l\ASA an- I WI "" a ne11 oo . eren SIX dumb barges wh1ch 1 • . • 1.carsa s or c or 1l!1 11 .cxpcr 1,. ; 1;1r a new serncc 11e 1ween. I' • I Fro n 0 lh 241 el ' h . 't · 1 1 1 · ": <Jhnut P.ut 1.1. • ln\. .John Powers .. twn. If for an • ·cnsan Glenn. 1\ d c1· t \. ··1 nouncecl the miss this had m ow n, e vess s · men any engmes . .. : "~ • . _ • • . 1• 1. L' · l- r Li':>IX orne an ucago IWX ' P11 I ' • . ' Io[ the old Canadian ;\Iarine 1 · ,,,,okc,m.Jn fm !he sei'Cil·manl cannot make the flight, Cm·pen·[ L· ul., ' '· · : 1. It was announced Thur:;dav. seemed lo be a remarkable 5, .·. .. 11 b 11 fl f tl i ,.,,.,: <Jitl·r astronaut team. noted it is a let· would be ready to step in In lute illness to thwart Glenn. ·It will operate two £lights ·allechnolog!cal achievement. Fm·:c~n~~~ Ill • e ~e. Jet o IC, ~ • d .. ; Ihe slmt "IIlli' lillie ~tcp" toward the oh· ta\te his plncc. I •\sl·ecl to rlcscribc ('lenn's week with DC·fl iellinrrs l'ia. ill! pracllcal purposes, one miS-1 al:la 1311 Co.Ist I~U.tlr . t I : mprlsone ,., "' li'!lllhlr.' irclilr r I· lin" \ . ll l ,. t' . ' ' . I • ' • • 'I I I ..1 l I ·I'1111 "' •ormer na\'V ICU cn;lll .coni · " ,me • ~n ' 111C1'1Cnn >II "a mnnl Arronnul1c:< ;md. phy,,icnl ·slwpe Powers replied: 1~hlan and ~tonlrr.al. fhc ~en·-· 51 e we sci Cl ns a aunc ~' B 1 c· . · t. ....d :hr ,,.,,. on thr moon in thi_, clec:aclr. Spnt:c Achnini:;tralion offic·ialsl "I ll·nul.rln't ,;.,Inl to ~cl into a 'icc will he incrensecl to lhrcc'Pairl in ,,pncc for a second, pay- nc;:tr,_now lanaclllas. lanspmli 'lOCO" 1\P\ . ·'W'" (',ll'>lllr. l'lcnn ani 'li 5\'lll!ll" p'l t ' . l r I . - . ' . I I . 'J ,mmlo ei, marc lC .lnnolmce- .• • \, .. - 1 \1'0 Romalt _________ ' _ _ ' t • • , '' ~ 1o. me no cxpcc 111~ any nsl·nnn· 1 boxing rin~ wilh him." IInne~ a wk Apnl 29. o;H ·carrym~ mtssl r. ________ ; mcnt of the new nillllC in the Cal~~lic priests in Sol'iet Lltll· ---~---·---------------~ ·-· ---- -----~----- , Commons Thursdtw. 'twn:a hare been sentenced !G . I s 'N . Bl o· d I Jle said the i:·oa,l Guard p r i :;on for speculating with -gster· even- atlon 0( eman ·s :~~:~cc~;~~~~~c~n :~~~ fl~~~~~~:~l~~~~;~c;n m~~~~~1s, a~~ssch~~~ F I its task in rccenl years. 'agency announced Friday, tano, Or mer Gan Besides the new nome. the ; Prior Liudas Pal'ilonis ¢ the Qn ( U ~·~,~~~~· ~~~ i;t~: ~r}~~~·c:a;~; ~~;:I ~~~ho~~~ten~~~ct~ ~~shtKI~~ • f D• I.
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