Cover - 242-out_Layout 1 8/12/2010 3:41 PM Page 1 Design a Low-Cost Alternative to Mobile Phones, p. 36 | Rapid Prototyping with mbed, p. 44 THE MAGAZINE FOR COMPUTER APPLICATIONS September 2010 Issue 242 Data Transmission, Gathering, and Decoding Robust Design, Uncertainty Management How to Build a Precision Temperature Controller A Reexamination of State Machines MCU + FPGA “Fusion” PLUS INTERDISCIPLINARY ENGINEERING An Academic Uses His Electrical Engineering Skills for Application Development in Fields Ranging from Neurobiology to Computer Science $7.50 U.S. ($8.50 Canada) www.circuitcellar.com C2_Layout 1 8/11/2010 11:02 AM Page 1 Low-cost Industrial Serial to Ethernet Solutions t*OTUBOUMZOFUXPSLFOBCMFBOZTFSJBMEFWJDF t/PQSPHSBNNJOHJTSFRVJSFEGPSTFSJBMUP&UIFSOFUBQQMJDBUJPO t$VTUPNJ[FUPTVJUBOZBQQMJDBUJPOXJUIBEFWFMPQNFOULJU SBL2e Chip SBL2e 200 SBL2e 100 QPSUTFSJBMUP&UIFSOFUTFSWFS QPSUTFSJBMUP&UIFSOFUTFSWFS QPSUTFSJBMUP&UIFSOFUTFSWFS XJUIFJHIU"%DPOWFSUFSJOQVUT XJUIGPVS"%DPOWFSUFSJOQVUT XJUIGPVS"%DPOWFSUFSJOQVUT BOEPQUJPOBM41* *$ $"/ PQUJPOBM*$QFSJQIFSBMTVQQPSU PQUJPOBM*$QFSJQIFSBMTVQQPSU QFSJQIFSBMEFWJDFTVQQPSU BOEQJOIFBEFS BOE3+DPOOFDUPS SBL2e X Hardware Features 6QUPUISFFTFSJBMQPSUT .CQT&UIFSOFU VQUPEJHJUBM*0 &YUFSOBMQPSU CJU"%DPOWFSUFST PQFSBUJOHUFNQFSBUVSFUP$ CJUQFSGPSNBODF TFSJBMUP&UIFSOFUTFSWFS XJUI34TVQQPSU Software Features 5$16%15FMOFU)551NPEFT %)$14UBUJD*1TVQQPSU XFCCBTFEPS "5DPNNBOEDPOöHVSBUJPO Low Prices 4#-F$IJQ 2UZL %FWJDF1/4#-F$)*1*3 4#-F 2UZ %FWJDF1/4#-F*3 4#-F 2UZ,%FWJDF1/4#-F*3 4#-F9 2UZ %FWJDF1/4#-F9*3 4#-F9" 9 2UZ %FWJDF1/4#-F9"*3 Need a custom solution? /FU#VSOFS4FSJBMUP&UIFSOFU%FWFMPQNFOU,JUTBSFBWBJMBCMFUPDVTUPNJ[FBOZ SBL2e XA BTQFDUPGPQFSBUJPOJODMVEJOHXFCQBHFT EBUBöMUFSJOH PSDVTUPNOFUXPSL BQQMJDBUJPOT"MMLJUTJODMVEFQMBUGPSNIBSEXBSF "/4*$$ DPNQJMFS 5$1*1 &YUFSOBMTFSWFSXJUIVQUP TUBDL XFCTFSWFS FNBJMQSPUPDPMT 3504 BOE/#&DMJQTF*%& GPVS"%DPOWFSUFSJOQVUT VQUPFJHIUEJHJUBM*0BOEVQ Information and Sales]TBMFT!OFUCVSOFSDPN UPtwo6"354 (one RS-232) Web]XXXOFUCVSOFSDPNTelephone] 9.qxp 8/7/2008 11:04 AM Page 1 69_Layout 1 6/9/2010 4:48 PM Page 1 !"%%#! !**%(' www.DevtoolsXpress.com Pick a Tool. Any Tool. Find the Right Development Tool, Compare it to Other Tools, Evaluate It, and Buy It from Digi-Key Tools Xpress -- Without Leaving Our Site. The Digi-Key Tools Xpress Digi-Key Tools Xpress, engineered intuitive research engines are by Embedded Developer, is the used by engineers worldwide to only site in the industry where locate, compare and evaluate engineers can quickly find, hardware or software compare and buy the leading development tools. development tools. Compare before you buy: tools are listed side-by-side, with features and performance specs, availability, and prices, so you can make an educated decision! FIND. COMPARE. BUY. 3_Layout 1 8/4/2010 4:42 PM Page 1 than a platform. “For us, it’s more path to It’s a m.” design freedo SmartFusion™— an FPGA, hard ARM® Cortex™-M3 and programmable analog on a single chip. Integrating these technologies time of board-level changes. With on a single platform gives you the SmartFusion you can essentially freedom and flexibility to continually create a microcontroller customized push your design further. Now you to the application rather than can optimize hardware/software compromising with a processor tradeoffs at any point in development that might fall short of your vision. without incurring the cost and added So go ahead and design fearlessly. © 2010 Actel Corporation. All rights reserved. www.actel.com/designfearlessly 242_Task_Masthead_masthead.qxd 8/11/2010 11:18 AM Page 4 ASK TMANAGER THE MAGAZINE FOR COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Design Inspiration FOUNDER/EDITORIAL DIRECTOR PUBLISHER Steve Ciarcia Hugo Vanhaecke EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER At Circuit Cellar, we pride ourselves on providing readers C. J. Abate Shannon Barraclough with a variety of useful content, much of which I’ve described WEST COAST EDITOR CUSTOMER SERVICE here in the past: the highest-quality project articles, need-to- Tom Cantrell Debbie Lavoie know information about cutting-edge technology, helpful CONTRIBUTING EDITORS CONTROLLER design/programming tips, and more. You’ve come to expect Jeff Bachiochi Jeff Yanco Robert Lacoste such things from us. But all the information, tools, and techni- George Martin ART DIRECTOR cal know-how in the world mean nothing if you aren’t consis- Ed Nisley KC Prescott tently inspired to hit the workbench each day, rethink every NEW PRODUCTS EDITOR GRAPHIC DESIGNERS design problem, and fight through long bouts of designer’s block. John Gorsky Grace Chen Carey Penney This month, we bring you the third interview in what we PROJECT EDITORS plan to be a long list of interviews to come. Our goal has been to Ken Davidson STAFF ENGINEER John Gorsky present you with insight into what interests and drives some of David Tweed your most successful peers, with the hope of inspiring you to work harder than ever to achieve your occupational aspirations and design ambitions. This month you learn about an academ- ic who seems to have so much building, researching, teaching, and developing going on that the entire Circuit Cellar staff is ADVERTISING frankly baffled that he has time for anything unrelated to design 800.454.3741 • 978.281.7708 • www.circuitcellar.com/advertise (or programming, or physics, or graphics, or neurobiology, or ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE chemistry). Bruce Land is an inspiration to anyone with an inter- Peter Wostrel est in embedded development, programming, or electronics in Strategic Media Marketing, Inc. general (p. 18). In addition to his duties as an instructor at 1187 Washington St., Gloucester, MA 01930 USA 800.454.3741 • 978.281.7708 Cornell University, Bruce uses his many talents to work on [email protected] • www.smmarketing.us applications in the fields of computer engineering, neurobiology, Fax: 978.281.7706 chemical kinetics, and beyond. ADVERTISING COORDINATOR I’m sure Bruce’s interview will inspire you to get right to Valerie Luster E-mail: [email protected] work. But before you drop this magazine and start designing, read George Novacek’s column on page 22. George is our go-to Cover photography by Chris Rakoczy—Rakoczy Photography author on the topic of robust design. His tips will make you a www.rakoczyphoto.com more well-rounded engineer. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES On page 26, David Ludington describes a project for building CONTACTS precision temperature control circuitry. You can apply the con- SUBSCRIPTIONS Information: www.cc-access.com, E-mail: [email protected] cepts to bring more control to virtually any temperature system Subscribe: 800.269.6301, www.cc-access.com, Circuit Cellar Subscriptions, P.O. Box 5650, you’re designing. Hanover, NH 03755-5650 Address Changes/Problems: E-mail: [email protected] Have you heard of the Village Telco project? Its purpose is to GENERAL INFORMATION 860.875.2199, Fax: 860.871.0411, E-mail: [email protected] develop an affordable alternative to mobile phones. Check out Editorial Office: Editor, Circuit Cellar, 4 Park St., Vernon, CT 06066, E-mail: [email protected] David Rowe’s mesh telephony design on page 36. New Products: New Products, Circuit Cellar, 4 Park St., Vernon, CT 06066, E-mail: [email protected] AUTHORIZED REPRINTSINFORMATION Turn to page 44 if you’re ready to start working on a project 860.875.2199, E-mail: [email protected] for the NXP mbed Design Challenge 2010. Clemens Valens gets AUTHORS Authors’ e-mail addresses (when available) are included at the end of each article. you started with an introduction to mbed and a description of how he built a scrolling LED message board. CIRCUIT CELLAR®, THE MAGAZINE FOR COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (ISSN 1528-0608) is published monthly by Circuit Cellar On page 50, columnist George Martin revisits the important Incorporated, 4 Park Street, Vernon, CT 06066. Periodical rates paid at Vernon, CT and additional offices. One-year (12 issues) topic of state machines. It’s a good review for anyone planning a subscription rate USA and possessions $45, Canada/Mexico $60, all other countries $63. Two-year (24 issues) subscription rate USA and possessions $80, Canada/Mexico $110, all other countries $116. All subscription orders payable in U.S. funds complex application. only via Visa, MasterCard, international postal money order, or check drawn on U.S. bank. Direct subscription orders and sub- scription-related questions to Circuit Cellar Subscriptions, P.O. Box 5650, Hanover, NH 03755-5650 or call 800.269.6301. Interested in data transmission and decoding? On page 56, Postmaster: Send address changes to Circuit Cellar, Circulation Dept., P.O. Box 5650, Hanover, NH 03755-5650. Jeff Bachiochi describes how to design a keyfob decoder. Tom Cantrell wraps up the issue with an article about a fas- Circuit Cellar® makes no warranties and assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind for errors in these programs or schematics or for the consequences of any such errors. Furthermore, because of possible variation in the quality and condition of materials and workmanship of read- er-assembled projects, Circuit Cellar® disclaims any responsibility for the safe and proper function of reader-assembled projects based upon or cinating idea that isn’t exactly new: an MCU and FPGA on the from plans, descriptions, or information published by Circuit Cellar®. same chip (p. 64). Tom investigates whether Actel’s current The information provided by Circuit Cellar® is for
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