New Jersey Courier. EVERYBODY BEADS IT :: THE COURIER IS THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY IT GIVES ALL THE NEWS IjBEUT U. MARTIN. A ttobnby and TUCKERTON. News Notes From Nearby. EMPIRE SHGESmE THE EDITOR SPEAKS FREEHOLDERS MEET. FISH AND FISHERMEN O b itu ary. S .LICITOU IN OhANOBBY. YachtBmeu, busiucss men aud othera having Lakewood has three boardlug academies. Mra. Minnie H. Perry, summer employment at Beach Haven, are IYFIOB OYEB THE BANK, Cor. Greenwich & Bey tits,, New York, A Column of Gossip, Only $45,000 Wanted. Dr. Israel Woodward o f New Egypt, has returning to their winter quartera here. The Against Menhaden Fishermen. Mrs. Minnie Ilowland Perry, w ife of Edward located at Colt’s Neck. Toms River, N. J. Comments on Current Happenings aud summer was not Qnlio all It might have been, W . Perry, died at their Washington street To Run the County for (he Com lug Venr Has a Special Sale of LadieB’ and Noah Ralph of Ulghtstown.dled from eailng Teat Cate decided but Will be Carried home early on Sunday morning last, aged 44 Pausing Fancies. but atill It was good. There were more people Geut. a Hand made Shoes for $1.90, —A Drop ot S&OOO. peanuts—so the autopsy revealed. to tlie MupreiMF Court. years. The Immediate cause o f her death was W OA (.MICHAEL, Tho recent encampment in our community tbau ever before, but the amount spent per wide and narrow toes. In order to The September meeting of tbe county Board uu attack of apoplexy, adding to the compli­ of the Girard College Cadets, did much In the capita by sumtnur visitors has decreased greatly Arthur Bowers, an Oceanic lad. developed In the test case brought by Chief Fish and 1 )u J MBT.OB AT L a w AND of Freeholders was held on Tuesday convening cation of diseases from which she had suffered accommodate onr castomers when w »y of adverllsiug the natural attractions of during the present Cleveland-Wilson limes. appendicitis from swallowing wild cherry pits. Game Protector Shrlner against Fifield Bros., Our Methodist friends contemplate reuioviDg at 11 a. m , with all the members present save owners of the steamer Nellie E. Kawson of for over a year past. She had been very ill M \S'I UU IN CilANOEEY, ordering Bhoea we will purchase any this River of Tome to the outside public. It A Long Branch fish pound haul rccoutly in­ the gentleman from Manchester—Mr. E. F. for some time—since last spring when she Was other goods desired, at the lowest not only brought it Into prominence before the the debt upon their church aud burulog the cluded a $2 00 b ill; while another captured a Longport, charging them with violation of the Larrahee. Minutes of the July meeting wore Oeficb on M a i n S t b b b t , mortgage this fall. 500 pound cow fish. law o f 1894, in taking menhaden within three taken south in hopes that tho warmer climate prices. Best care and prompt atten­ hundreds of thousands of people who read the approved. Local growers are at work on their cran­ miles o f the shore, tho defendants wished to would improve her condition ; but her death tion to all orders received by mail. newspaper accounts—in which the delight of A Holmdel farmer received a cent a crate on Toms River, N. berry bogs with foruoe of pickers. A bill presented by Mr. llyurs for repairs ou make a test euso also, and both sides agreed to was nevertheless a sudden shock, as she was Lieut. Brooks aud other managers of the camp three hundred crates o f tomatoes, shipped to bridges along the Toms River and Forked thought to have gained slowly throughout th j over the advantages of their location, were set Miss Abbie Lauo entered the Stale Normal appeal to the 8upreine Court,whatever might be River turnpike (which has recently takcu steps New York markets. summer. I AW OFFICES. forth—but a lesser ndmber of really promiuent School at Trenton this week. the decision. Then tho menhaden fbherineu w . G. CDNRB.il to abandon Its charter a c l road) was laid Tho assault and batlory case of William Mrs. Pony was the daughter o f the late W. people visited the camp and were surprised School children aud school teachers are took the stand otid testified for the 8tate that ^ EDWARD H. MURPHY, over until afternoon, iu o.der to consult the Snell, accused of hitting John Johnson of Point F . and Jaue B. M ottof ocw York city. About dsalxk in all kinds op and pleased beyond all expectation by the getting ready for work next Mouday. The they often fished inside the three mile line and Board's counsel In regard to the county's lia­ Pluasant, was settled out of court. 10 years ago she married Mr. Perry, and for natural beauty of our surroundings. teachers eugaged are as given before in these even In the lino o f breakers. Justice Perkins S h b e v e s D j id d in g , bilities in the premises. I UMBER, COAL AND WOOD, HARD columns : East Tuckcrlou Grammar school. Rev. S. H. Wallace is mukiiig extensive and Wilson of Atlantic City, then decided the past eleven years they have made Toms * * * 141 E a s t S t a t e S t b e e t , T b e n t o n . J. F. Colvin, principal, Miss Lldie Stewart, Bill presented by Prosecutor Middleton for alterations aud Improvements to PlumttoJ against t!,”) fishermen, River their home, summer and winter. 4 ware> Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Now, I wonder, beyond the generous propo­ Intermediate, Miss Josle Kelley, prim ary; typewriting testimony In oyster trials (amount­ Institute, formerly New Egypt Seminary. Tho law of April 8th, 1894, under which the Previous to that time, the Mott's cummer No. n e w Y o r k sition of Rev. Di H. Schock—who offered not aso oRmnwAY. ing to $10 00) was also laid over Uli afternoon. home was on the south side o f the river below Llass, etc., Doors, Sash, Blinds and only (o lei, ilie coll££« authorities have the WestTuckorton, Miss Sudlu8pencer, principal, New Egypt is gaining Quite a reputation as seizure wus made, provides that it shall be un­ A .1*1» ,»/ Franklin Sa&k,; cOUbQMv, of Island Heights, ground free of rental, as lie did this year, bnt Mies Edua Steelman, aseisiauc, 6'iAotL i-ta*' a summer resort. I t has had an average of a lawful for any person with steam vessels to J y ( LEON GOBLE, Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Lime, Ce­ Pembcrtou township, Builington county, for Mrs. Perry was well known by many of our ulso to resod the camp and parade grounds for trict, Miss Julia Steelman ; Dowu Shore, Miss hundred boarders throitgbou: the summer. take with purse or shirred nets any menhaden, four days services with horse aud wagon In townspeople, and their grief over her sorrow­ ment, Brick, etc., etc. Lowest prices their use—has anything been done by anyone Kate Brown; I’ arkertowu, Mass Lydia Wills. porgiee, liei ring or other flail within auy of the DENTIST, searching for burglar kuown as "the cow boy," The barn o f J. Holme', Vannotu at Cedar The Conundrum Tea, given by the Baptist waters o f this State, Including tho waters of ful death Is deep aud clncere. It is doubtfnl to secure this encampment as a permanent was tabled. Bridge,was recently struck by lightning, and OFFIOa A r ONION NOOSE, MAIN STBEET, • Wee and Yard on Bay street, ladies on Friday evening, was an enjoyable whether she w ill not bo missed even more "affair ? burned to tho ground, consuming a horse aud the Atlantic Ocean, within three uuulical miles * A n umber o f bills were received, cons/r/cred among the poorer people o f the vtelnUy— TOMS BIYER, N. J. Barneeat N. J. * * and amusing as well as profitable affair, a cow, o t the coast fine o f said Stall?, and that a fine and ordered paid. The members ot the Board ot City Trusts of Tuckerton Castle, No. 54, K. G. E , had a of $200 shall be imposed, aud thut such offend- where her kind heart and charitable deeds Tea'tn Frld« “ “ SMOWaj. Board then adjourned for diuner, meeting Gilbert Vannote, an aged leBideut of Burrs- . p p K “ gum,. “ “ P“ n Anfflatlietic Philadelphia—who are the trustees of Girard visit from the Atlantic City Knights on Friday lug vessel shall be confiscated and sold, one made her beloved—than among her immediate again at 1.30 r. m ., all prcBcut except member vllle was run Into aud badly burl—so that ho Bumack’s Yard, College—were mostly present at tho camp evening. The visitors brought their band with half of the fine and proceeds of the sale to go social circle where she was eQually loved and from Manchester. has since boon confined to his bed—by ground during the encampment, and all who them. to the parly making tbe tbe seizure and the respected. Opposite Railroad Depot, Toms iver- Mr. Clayton, chairman of committee ou Lakewood ’cyclUt. j^OSTEEN WALTON, visited it joined in the tribute to its fitness, Us Late reports sag that oyster spats are other half to tbe State. Funeral services were held on Wednesday Arnold bridge, reported nothing had been done advantageous location, and its beauty.
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