Some Integrals Involving the Stieltjes Constants: Part II

Some Integrals Involving the Stieltjes Constants: Part II

Some integrals involving the Stieltjes constants: Part II Donal F. Connon [email protected] 11 April 2011 Abstract Some new integrals involving the Stieltjes constants are developed in this paper. CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction 1 2. A useful formula for the Stieltjes constants 2 3. An application of the Abel-Plana summation formula 6 4. A family of integral representations of the Stieltjes constants 16 5. An application of the alternating Hurwitz zeta function 35 1. Introduction The Stieltjes constants γ p ()x are the coefficients of the Laurent expansion of the Hurwitz zeta function ς (,sx ) about s =1 ∞∞p 11(1)− p (1.1) (,sx ) ()(x s 1) ςγ==+∑∑s p − np==00()nx+− s 1 p ! where γ p ()x are known as the generalised Stieltjes constants and we have [41] (1.2) γ 0 ()x =−ψ ()x where ψ ()x is the digamma function. With x =1 equation (1.1) reduces to the Riemann zeta function ∞ p 1(1)− p ςγ()ss=+∑ p ( − 1) sp−1!p=0 As previously noted in [20], using (1.1) it is easily seen that the difference of two Stieltjes constants may be represented by p p ∂ (1.3) γγpp()x −=− ()ys (1)lim [(,)ςx − ς (,sy )] s→1 ∂s p 2. A useful formula for the Stieltjes constants We recall Hasse’s formula [31] for the Hurwitz zeta function which is valid for all s ∈C except s =1 (in this form, it is valid in the limit as s →1) ∞ 1(j ⎛⎞j −1)k (2.1) (1)(,)ssx −=ς ∑∑⎜⎟ s−1 jk==00jx++1()⎝⎠k k and differentiation with respect to x gives us ∂−∞ 1(j ⎛⎞j 1)k (,sx ) ς =−∑∑⎜⎟ s ∂+x jk==00jx1(⎝⎠k +k) and we then have nk∞ j n ∂∂ n+1 1(1)log(⎛⎞j −x +k) (2.2) (,sx ) (1) nsς =− ∑∑⎜⎟ ∂∂sx jk==00j+1()⎝⎠k xk+ We note that the partial derivatives commute in the region where ς (,)sx is analytic and hence we have ∂∂nn ∂∂ ςς(,sx )= (, sx ) ∂∂sxnn ∂∂ xs Evaluation of (2.2) at s = 0 results in ∞ j ∂ ()nn+1 1 ⎛⎞j kn (2.3) ς (0,x )=− ( 1) ∑∑⎜⎟(− 1) log (xk + ) ∂+xjjk==001 ⎝⎠k We may write (1.1) as ∞ n 1(1)− n (2.4) ςγ(1,)sx+=+∑ n ()xs snn=0 ! and we have the Maclaurin expansion 2 1 ∞ (1)− n+1 R ()x (2.5) ς (,sx )=+∑ n sn sn−1!n=0 where n n+1 ∂ Rxn ()=− (1)n ς (,)sx ∂s s=0 R()xRx= 2 () is referred to as the Deninger R − function, after Deninger [28] who introduced it in 1984. Differentiating (2.5) with respect to x gives us ∂ ∞ (1)− n+1 R′ ()x (2.6) ς (,sx )= ∑ n sn ∂xnn=0 ! We note that ∂ ςς(,sx )=− s ( s + 1,) x ∂x and, using (2.4), this is equal to ∞ n+1 (1)− n+1 (2.7) =−1( +∑ γ n x)s n=0 n! and comparing the coefficients of (2.6) and (2.7) Chakraborty, Kanemitsu and Kuzumaki [12] deduced the important identity ∂∂n ′ n+1 (2.8) Rnn()xs=− (1)n ςγ (,)x=−n−1 ()x ∂∂sx s=0 This may be compared with the more familiar formula for the Stieltjes constants where the limit is evaluated at s =1 ∂n−1 ⎡⎤1 (2.9) (1)−−=n+1 ςγ (,)sx −()x n−1 ⎢⎥n−1 ∂−ss⎣⎦1 s=1 We see from (2.3) that (2.8) is equal to ∞ j 1 ⎛⎞j kn =−∑∑⎜⎟(1)log(x +k ) jk==00j +1 ⎝⎠k 3 and hence we easily deduce that ∞ j 11⎛⎞j kn+1 (2.10) γ n ()x =− ∑∑⎜⎟(1)log(−xk + ) nj++11jk==00⎝⎠k which was previously obtained in 2007 in [20]. In [20, Eq. (4.3.231)] we also noted that Rnn′()xnx= − γ −1 () in the equivalent form for x > 0 x (1)− n+1 γςς()tdt=−⎡ (1)nn++(0,x )(1) (0)⎤ ∫ n ⎣ ⎦ 1 n +1 but the usefulness of this simple identity was not then fully appreciated by the author. The formula (2.8) features throughout the rest of this paper where it is used to simplify the derivation of some known identities and also to produce some new ones. Remark (i) The equivalent formula to (2.5) as reported by Chakraborty et al. [12] did not include the 1 term ; it seems to me that it should be so included if only to concur with the analysis s −1 previously carried out by Sitaramachandrarao [37] in 1986 where he considered the Maclaurin series for the Riemann zeta function 1 ∞ (1)− n δ (2.11) ς ()ss+=∑ n n 1!− snn=0 where m m ⎡⎤nn1 n (2.12) δn =−−lim logkxdx log log m m→∞ ⎢⎥∑ ∫ ⎣⎦k =1 1 2 nn() =−(1)⎣⎦⎡⎤ς (0) +n ! 1 This additional term of course vanishes when equation (2.5) is differentiated with s −1 respect to x and thus (2.8) continues to remain valid. 4 Remark (ii) We note from (2.8) that with n =1 ∂∂ R10′()xsxx==ςγ (,)− ()=ψ ()x ∂∂sx s=0 or equivalently ∂ ςψ′(0,x )= (x ) ∂x and integration then results in (2.13) ς ′′(0,tt )−=Γς (0) log ( ) We have Legendre’s duplication formula for the gamma function [38, p.7] ⎛⎞11 logΓ=Γ+Γ++− (2tt ) log ( ) log⎜⎟ tt (2 1)log 2 − logπ ⎝⎠22 and substituting (2.13) gives us ⎛⎞11 ς ′′′(0, 2tt )=++−+−−ςς (0, )⎜⎟ 0, t ς ′ (0) (2 t 1) log 2 logπ ⎝⎠22 and with t =1/2 we obtain ⎛⎞11 ς ′′⎜⎟0,=+ςπ (0) log ⎝⎠22 We recall the identity [30] ⎛⎞1 s ς ⎜⎟ss,[21](=−ς ) ⎝⎠2 and differentiation results in ⎛⎞1 ss ςςς′′⎜⎟sss,[21]()()2log=− + 2 ⎝⎠2 so that ⎛⎞11 ςς′⎜⎟0,==− (0)log 2 log 2 ⎝⎠22 5 This then gives us the well-known result 1 (2.14) ς ′(0)=− log(2π ) 2 and hence we have obtained Lerch’s identity [7] in a very direct manner without the need to resort to the functional equation for the Riemann zeta function 1 (2.15) ς ′(0,tt )=Γ− log ( ) log(2π ) 2 Remark (iii) It should be noted that the Stieltjes constant γ1 referred to in Eq. (2.15) of Deninger’s paper [28] should be increased by a factor of 2 (this difference arises because Deninger [28, p.174] employed a different definition in the Laurent expansion of the Hurwitz zeta function; this value was also inconsistently employed in Eq. (1.26) of the paper by Chakraborty et al. [12]). 3. An application of the Abel-Plana summation formula Adamchik [2] has recently reported that the Hermite integral for the Hurwitz zeta function may be derived from the Abel-Plana summation formula [38, p.90] ∞ 1(∞∞fix)−− f( ix) (3.1) f ()kf=+ (0) fxdxi () + dx ∑ ∫∫2π x k=0 2100e − which applies to functions which are analytic in the right-hand plane and satisfy the convergence condition limefxiy−2π y (+ )= 0 uniformly on any finite interval of x . y→∞ Derivations of the Abel-Plana summation formula are given in [39, p.145] and [40, p.108]. The Hermite integral for the Hurwitz zeta function may be derived as follows. Letting f ()kku=+ ( )−s we obtain ∞ 1(uu−−ss1 ∞ uixuix+−−)−s() − s (3.2) ς (,su )==++i dx ∑ sx∫ 2π k =0 ()2ku+− s 10 e − 1 Then, noting that (u+−−= ix)()()()−−−−s u ixsisi reθθ − re −s 6 =−re−−sisis[]θ eθ 2 (3.2.1) ()()uix+−−=−−ss uix sin(tan(/s−1 xu)) iu()22/2+ x s we may write (3.2) as Hermite’s integral for the Hurwitz zeta function ς (,)su uu−−ss11∞ sin( s tan− ( xu / )) (3.3) ς (,su )=+ +2 dx ∫ 22/22sxπ 21()(1)suxe−+0 − Differentiating (3.2) with respect to u ∂+su−−ss11∞ ()()u ix−− − u− ix −−s1 (3.4) ς (,su )=− −u−s − is dx ∫ 2π x ∂−ue210 We note that if f ()()ssgs= then the Leibniz differentiation formula results in f (1)nn++()ssgs=++ (1) () ( n 1) gs()n () so that (3.5) fng(1)nn+ (0)=+ ( 1)() (0) and hence we obtain n+1 ∂∂n +1 nn n++11 n n+1 ς (,su )=− (1)log −u − (1) − log u ∂∂sus=0 2 u ∞ ()log()()log()uixuixuixuix−+−+−nn −−in(1)(n + 1) dx ∫ 222π x 0 ()(1)uxe+− and comparing this with (2.8) we readily obtain the integral formula originally obtained by Coffey [17] in 2007 for the Stieltjes constants 11∞ ()log()()log(uixuixuixuix−+−+−nn) (3.6) γ ()uu=− lognn log+1 ui + dx n ∫ 222π x 21un++0 ()uxe(1−) This derivation is slightly more direct than the one originally provided by Coffey [17] (and is also simpler than my previous proof in [22]). □ Chen [13] has recently shown that for u > 0 and s > 0 7 ∞ −1 2s−−uy2 21 s 2 in[sxutan(/)] (3.7) eysin( xydy ) = ∫ 22/2s Γ+()su0 ()x and hence we have using Hermite’s integral (3.3) −−ss1 ∞∞ uu 41 −−uy2 21 s 2 ς (,s u )=+ + dx e ysin( xy ) dy ∫∫2π x 21()1sse−Γ00 − −−ss12∞∞ uu 4s−−uy2 21 s in(xy) =+ + e y dy dx ∫∫2π x 21()ss−Γ00 e−1 Using Legendre’s relation [39, p.122] ∞ sin(xt ) 1 1 1 1t 1 (3.7.1) 2cdx =−+=−oth ∫ 2π xt 0 eet−−11222t this results in −−ss1 ∞ uu 211−−uy2 21 s ⎡ 1⎤ ς (,su )=+ + e y −+dy ∫ ⎢ y2 2 ⎥ 21()ss−Γ0 ⎣e −1 y2⎦ With the substitution vy= 2 this becomes −−ss1 ∞ uu 111−−uv s 1 ⎡ 1⎤ (3.8) ς (,su )=+ + e v −+dv ∫ ⎢ v ⎥ 21()ss−Γ0 ⎣ ev − 12⎦ which is reported in [38, p.92] as being valid for Re ()s > −1.

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