Neuroscience 2013 SEE YOU IN San Diego November 9 – 13, 2013 Join the Society for Neuroscience Are you an SfN member? Join now and save on annual meeting registration. You’ll also enjoy these member-only benefits: • Abstract submission — only SfN members can submit abstracts for the annual meeting • Lower registration rates and more housing choices for the annual meeting • The Journal of Neuroscience — access The Journal online and receive a discounted subscription on the print version • Free essential color charges for The Journal of Neuroscience manuscripts, when first and last authors are members • Free online access to the European Journal of Neuroscience • Premium services on NeuroJobs, SfN’s online career resource • Member newsletters, including Neuroscience Quarterly and Nexus If you are not a member or let your membership lapse, there’s never been a better time to join or renew. Visit www.sfn.org/joinnow and start receiving your member benefits today. www.sfn.org/joinnow membership_full_page_ad.indd 1 1/25/10 2:27:58 PM The #1 Cited Journal in Neuroscience* Read The Journal of Neuroscience every week to keep up on what’s happening in the field. s4HENUMBERONECITEDJOURNAL INNEUROSCIENCE s4HEMOSTNEUROSCIENCEARTICLES PUBLISHEDEACHYEARNEARLY in 2011 s )MPACTFACTOR s 0UBLISHEDTIMESAYEAR ,EARNMOREABOUTMEMBERAND INSTITUTIONALSUBSCRIPTIONSAT *.EUROSCIORGSUBSCRIPTIONS *ISI Journal Citation Reports, 2011 The Journal of Neuroscience 4HE/FlCIAL*OURNALOFTHE3OCIETYFOR.EUROSCIENCE THE HISTORY OF NEUROSCIENCE IN AUTOBIOGRAPHY THE LIVES AND DISCOVERIES OF EMINENT SENIOR NEUROSCIENTISTS CAPTURED IN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL BOOKS AND VIDEOS The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography Series Edited by Larry R. Squire Outstanding neuroscientists tell the stories of their scientific work in this fascinating series of autobiographical essays. Within their writings, they discuss major events that shaped their discoveries and their influences, as well as people who inspired them and helped shape their careers as neuroscientists. The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Vol. 1 The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Vol. 4 Denise Albe-Fessard, Julius Axelrod, Peter O. Bishop, Per Andersen, Mary Bunge, Jan Bures, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Theodore H. Bullock, Irving T. Diamond, Robert Galambos, John Dowling, Oleh Hornykiewicz, Andrew Huxley, Jac Sue Viktor Hamburger, Sir Alan L. Hodgkin, David H. Hubel, Kehoe, Ed Kravitz, James McGaugh, Randolf Menzel, Mircea Herbert H. Jasper, Sir Bernard Katz, Seymour S. Kety, Benjamin Steriade, Richard Thompson, W. Maxwell Cowan (completed Libet, Louis Sokoloff, James M. Sprague, Curt von Euler, John by Brent Stanfield). Z. Young. OUT OF PRINT The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Vol. 5 The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Vol. 2 Samuel H. Barondes, Joseph E. Bogen (completed by Lloyd M. Beidler, Arvid Carlsson, Donald R. Griffin, Meriel Bogen Stern), Alan Cowey, David R. Curtis, Roger Guillemin, Ray Guillery, Masao Ito, Martin G. Larrabee, Ennio De Renzi, John S. Edwards, Mitchell Glickstein, Carlton Jerome Lettvin, Paul D. MacLean, Brenda Milner, Karl H. C. Hunt, Lynn T. Landmesser, Rodolfo R. Llinás, Alan Peters, Pribram, Eugene Roberts, Gunther Stent. Martin Raff, Wilfrid Rall, Mark R. Rosenzweig, Arnold B. Scheibel, Gerald Westheimer. The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Vol. 3 Morri H. Aprison, Brian B. Boycott, Vernon B. Brooks, Pierre The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Vol. 6 Buser, Hsiang-Tung Chang, Augusto Claudio Guillermo Cuello, Bernard W. Agranoff, Emilio Bizzi, Marian Cleeves Diamond, Robert W. Doty, Bernice Grafstein, Ainsley Iggo, Jennifer S. Charles G. Gross, Richard Held, Leslie L. Iversen, Masakazu Lund, Patrick L. McGeer and Edith Graef McGreer, Edward R. Konishi, Lawrence Kruger, Susan E. Leeman, Vernon B. Perl, Donald B. Tower, Patrick D. Wall, Wally Welker. Mountcastle, Shigetada Nakanishi, Solomon H. Snyder, Nobuo Suga, and Hans Thoenen. Vol. 6 available for purchase at www.oup.com/us Autobiographical Video (Available in DVD Format) PBS personality Richard Thomas interviews eminent senior neuroscientists who reflect upon their lives, their dreams, and their work, and share their insights on what’s ahead in the field of neuroscience. Julius Axelrod/Theodore H. Bullock Seymour Benzer/Horace Barlow Sydney Brenner/Gerald Fischbach Viktor Hamburger/ Masakazu Konishi/Mortimer Mishkin Michael Posner/William Dement Rita Levi-Montalcini Herbert Jasper/Brenda Milner Nicole Le Douarin/Arvid Carlsson Seymour S. Kety/Louis Sokoloff David Hubel/Torsten Wiesel Edward Kravitz/Peter Marler Robert Galambos/Vernon Mountcastle Max Cowan/Francis Crick Eric Kandel/Paul Greengard Gunther Stent/Gerald Edelman SfN’S HISTORY OF NEUROSCIENCE IN AUTOBIOGRAPHY VIDEO AND BOOK COLLECTIONS ARE FREELY AVAILABLE AT SFN.ORG/HISTORY Who’s on NeurOnLine? Emanuel DiCicco-Bloom Emma Duerden SfN Public Education and SfN 2009 Next Generation Award Winner Communication Committee Member The Hospital for Sick Children Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Joanne Berger-Sweeney Erich Jarvis SfN’s Professional SfN’s Professional Development Development Committee Co-chair Committee Member Tufts University Duke University Join the Conversation NeurOnLine is a new, SfN members-only online community where you can share great science, network, forge collaborations, and keep in touch — anytime, anywhere — within a trusted forum. As with the SfN annual meeting and The Journal of Neuroscience, NeurOnLine’s content and discussions will be generated by members, for members. Discuss emerging scientific findings Explore new tools and techniques Network year-round within the global community, more than 41,000 members worldwide Share experiences and receive or provide mentoring on different career paths, stages, and challenges Get involved in public outreach, from Brain Awareness and science teaching to advocacy NeurOnLine will help you advance your science and career on your schedule. neuronline.sfn.org The Journal of Neuroscience TheThe OfficialOfficial JournalJournal ofof thethe SocietySociety forfor NeuroscienceNeuroscience Launched in Summer 2012 The Journal of Neuroscience comes to Mobile Web Access all of your journal resources wherever you go s The Journal of Neuroscience is available for comprehensive and universal mobile access. s 'AINQUICKACCESSTOThe Journal articles, table of contents, and the features you have come to expect from the premier journal in the field s #ONNECTTOThe Journal from virtually any mobile device, anywhere a web connection is available Share the wonders of the brain and mind with A PUBLIC INFORMATION INITIATIVE OF: Seeking resources to communicate with the public about neuroscience? Educating others through Brain Awareness activities? BrainFacts.org can help you communicate how the brain works. Explore BrainFacts.org for easy-to-use, accessible resources including: UÊ Information about hundreds of diseases and disorders UÊ Concepts about brain function UÊ Educational tools UÊ Multimedia tools and a social media community UÊ Interviews and discussions with leading researchers; and more Visit BrainFacts.org.
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