©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien Beitr. Paläont., 26:139-144, Wien 2001 Stratigraphic distribution of the terrestrial carnivores in the Vallesian and Turolian of Ukraine by Yurij Semenov *} Semenov , Y., 2001. Stratigraphic distribution of the terrestrial carnivores in the Vallesian and Turolian of Ukraine. — Beitr. Palâont., 26:139-144,2 Tab., 1 Abb., Wien. Zusammenfassung However, the published data (e.g., Savage & R ussell , 1983) show that the Hipparion fauna of Ukraine is not In dieser Arbeit wird eine kurze Übersicht über die ter­ well known for most of palaeontologists. restrischen Carnivora von 18 Fundstellen des späten Mi­ The present review is an attempt to improve at least ozäns der Ukraine gegeben. Es konnte gezeigt werden, partially the current situation. It includes: all available daß viele Camivoren der Hipparion -Fauna nur wenig für data on the geographic position of 18 Ukrainian localities biostratigraphische Zwecke geeignet sind, und zwar auf­ of Hipparion fauna with the remains of carnivores, the grund ihrer großen zeitlichen Reichweite. Sie lebten näm­ chronological sequence; the names of localities lich während des ganzen oder wenigstens fast des gan­ transliterated from Ukrainian and Russian (in square zen Obermiozäns im eurasischen Raum. brackets); a specified list of Carnivora from these localities; a comparison of the regional biostratigaphic scheme of the Late Miocene of Ukraine with MN- Summary Zonation. The present review is based on the collections of carnivore A brief review of the terrestrial carnivores from 18 Late remains from the Late Miocene localities of Ukraine. Miocene localities in Ukraine is given. It was established These collections are stored in: Palaeontological Muse­ that many carnivores of the Hipparion fauna are poorly um of the National Museum of Natural History, National suitable for biostatigraphic use because of their wide tem­ Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (NNPM); All- poral distribution — they lived in Eurasia during all or Russian Research Geological Institute St. Petersburg nearly all the Late Miocene. (VSEGEI); Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow (GIN); Metschnikoff University of Odesa (OU), Ukraine; O.P. and M.V. Pavlovs Museum 1. Introduction of the Moscow Geosynoptics Institute (MGRI); Palae­ ontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, The territory of Ukraine is very promising to study the Moscow (PIN). In addition, for determination of the Hipparion fauna and the stratigraphy of Neogene carnivores from Ukraine the materials from Kazakhstan continental sediments of Europe. First of all, in the late and Moldova, stored in PIN, were examined, as well as Miocene it was an area through which the main faunal the collections of the American Museum of Natural His­ interchange between Asia and Europe took place. Then, tory, New York (Frick Collection); Geological Institute there are many localities with the remains of Vallesian of Hungary, Budapest; Institute of Palaeobiology, and Turolian terrestrial mammals, which are very rich, Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi; Institute of both by the quantity of fossils, and by the taxonomic Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy diversity of fauna. At last, as distinct from Asia and We­ of Sciences, Cracow; Institute of Zoology, Academy of stern Europe, most of Ukrainian localities are well bound Sciences of Kazakhstan, Almaty; National Museum of up with marine deposits. These factors allow creating a Natural History, Washington; Palaeontological Museum very detailed regional biostratigraphic scheme sub­ of the University of Uppsala (Lagrelius Collection); dividing even the continental Maeotian sediments. Pedagogic Institute of Tiraspol, Moldova. The items of information about the geographic position and geological age of the localities, as well as the data about the collectors of the fossils and the places of storage *] Dr. Yuriy Semenov, Department of Vertebrate Palaeo- of the collections were compiled from publications zoology & Palaeontological Museum, National Mu­ (mainly from Dubrovo & Kapelist , 1979; Korotkevich , seum of Natural History, 15 Bohdan Khmel’nyts’kyi 1988; Korotkevich et al., 1985; Krakhmalnaya et al., Street, 01601 Kiev, Ukraine 1993; Pidoplichko , 1956; Semenov , 1989) with my ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien 140 Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 26, Wien, 2001 alterations. The list of carnivores is given by literary on; limestone quarry near Zhovtokam’ianka Village on sources D ubrovo & Kapelist (1979); K orotkevich & the bank of Zhovten’ka River. Material was collected by Semenov (1975); Korotkevich et al. (1985); Semenov P. Kozachenko, I. Tiurin and I. Pidoplichko (1940), stored (1989, 1994); W olsan & Semenov (1996) with the in PIN. corrections according to my determinations and the latest Sevastopol’ (Text-fig. 1, 4; Tab. 1, 4): Autonomous classi-fication of Carnivora (M c Kenna & Bell, 1998). Republic Crimea; lenses in the upper part of the Sarmatian The biostratigaphic scheme of the late Miocene of Ukrai­ limestones in Chesmens’ka and Mors’ka Streets in ne, used in the present article, developed by Korotkevich Sevastopol’ City. Material was collected by P. Leskevich (1988) and Topatchevsky et al. (1998). (1908,1909), stored in VSEGEI. Beryslav [Berislav] (Text-fig. 1,5; Tab. 1,5): Beryslav- s’kyi District of Kherson Region; limestone deposits on 2. Localities of the late Miocene terrestrial the left bank of Dnieper within Beryslav City. Material carnivores in Ukraine was collected by NNPM (1952-1955), stored in NNPM. L’vove [L’vovo] (Text-fig. 1,6; Tab. 1,6): Kakhovs’kyi District of Kherson Region; baring of the limestone on Hrytsiv [Gritsev] (Text-fig. 1,1; Tab. 1,1): Shepetivs’kyi the right bank of Kozak River (an anabranch of Dnieper) District of Khmernyts’kyi Region; cave deposits in the within L’vove Village. Material was collected by NNPM limestone quarry (a reef zone) on the right bank of (1952), stored in NNPM. Khomora River; 3 km W from Hrytsiv Village; latitude Grossulovo (Text-fig. 1,7; Tab. 1,7): Velykomykhailiv- 49°58' N, longitude 27° 10' E. The Material was collected s’kyi District of Odesa Region; ravine on the right side by NNPM (1983-1993), stored in NNPM. of Kuchurhan River Valley near Velyka Mykhailivka Klymentovychi [Klimentovichi] (Text-fig. 1,2; Tab. 1, Village (precedently Grossulovo). Material was collected 2): Shepetivs’kyi District of Khmel’nyts’kyi Region; ma­ by I. Sintsov (1899) and V. Laskarev (1908), stored in rine deposits in the granite quarry; about 1 km S from PIN. Klymentovychi Village; latitude 50° 13' N, longitude 27°8' Kryvyi Rih [Krivoi Rog] (Text-fig. 1,8; Tab. 1,8): E. Material was collected by NNPM (1984,1985), stored Dnipropetrovs’k Region, Kryvyi Rih; the quarry of in NNPM. ’’Pivdennyi Himychozbahachuval’nyi Kombinat” near the Zhovtokam’ianka [Zheltokamenka] (Text-fig. 1,3; Tab. city. Material was collected by L. Bilokrys and M. Cher- 1, 3): Apostoliv’skyi District of Dnipropetrovs’k Regi­ novsky), stored in NNPM and MGRI. Figure 1. Ukrainian localities of the late Miocene terrestrial carnivores. ©Verein zur Förderung der Paläontologie am Institut für Paläontologie, Geozentrum Wien Semenov , Y., Stratigraphic Distribution of the terrestrial carnivores 141 Hrebenyky [Grebeniki] (Text-fig. 1,9; Tab. 1,9): analysis of their chronological distribution in the late Velykomykhailivs’kyi District of Odesa Region; ravine Miocene of Eurasia, show that some the most common “Frolovs’kyi Iar” near Hrebenyky Village. Material was carnivores of the Hipparion fauna had very long periods collected by O. Alekseev (1915), V. Krokos and I. of geological existence. For example, Eomellivora Pidoplichko (1934,1935), stored in NNPM, OU and PIN. wimani, Plesiogulo crassa, Adcrocuta eximia, Hyaeno- Novoukrainka 1 (Text-fig. 1,10; Tab. 1,10): Rozdil’nian- therium wongii (= H. magnum, Hyaenictitherium hyaeno- s’kyi District of Odesa Region; ravine near Novoukrainka ides orlovi) and Ictitherium viverrinum (= I. gaudryi, I. Village. Material was collected by NNPM (1957-1959), kurteni, /. ibericum, I. intuberculatum and I. sinicum) lived stored in NNPM. in Eurasia - the first two species even immigrated to North Stara Kubanka [Staraia Kubanka] (Text-fig .1,11; Tab. America - during all Vallesian plus all or nearly all 1, 11): Komintemivs’kyi District of Odesa Region; left Turolian. The list is probably not yet complete. At the bank of the estuary Kuial’nyts’kyi Liman near Stara same time, in the ungulates, several changes in the Kubanka Village. Material was collected by NNPM taxonomic composition are observed for that time span, (1960), stored in NNPM. occurring not only at species level, but even at genus level. Nova Emetivka [Novaia Emetovka] 1 (Text-fig. 1,12; Carnivores depend on climatic conditions to a lesser Tab. 1,12): Biliaivs’kyi District of Odesa Region; ravine degree than gramini-vorous mammals. Thus, it is possible “Virchyn Iar” on the left bank of the estuary Khadzhy- to conclude that (1) many carnivore species and apparently beis’kyi Liman within Nova Emetivka Village. Material Carnivora as a whole are poorly suitable for biostrati­ was collected by O. Voznesens’ky (1936, 1937) and graphy of the upper Miocene; (2) during Vallesian and NNPM (1983), stored in NNPM. Turolian the climatic changes in Eurasia were not so Novoelyzavetivka [Novoelizavetovka] (Text-fig. 1,13; significant as to result in the species
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