Aspects of the mineralogy of the Murun alkaline complex, Yakutia, Russia. by Ekaterina Reguir @ Submitted in the partial filfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Supervisor: Dr. Roger. H. Mitchell Department of Geology Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada April2001 Nationai Library Bibliothèque nationale 1*1 of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliographiques 395 Weltington Street 395. nie Wellington Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Ottawa ON KIA ON4 Canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accorde une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Lhrary of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or sell reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la fome de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thése ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otheMrise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. The Murun complex contains a nurnber of unusual and mineralogically unique rocks. Many of them are problematic in texms of their genesis and petrographic interpretation. These enigmatic rocks include charoite assemblages, as well as unique Ba-Sr-nch carbonatites and alkaline ultramafic dykes refmed to as lamproites or lamprophyres. Charoitites occur in about 25 localities dong the southem margin of the Little Mum intrusion. Obtained compositional data for charoite suggests, in general, the empirical formula: (K,Na)3(Ca,Sr,Ba,Mn)sSi12030(OH,F)-3&0. X-ray diffraction patterns of mosaic-fibrous and schistose charoite are indexed using a primitive monoclinic ce11 with the following parameters: a =19.86(1) A, b=32.13(2) A, c=7.952(9) A, p97.24" (mosaic-fibrous) and n =32.13(2) A, b= l9.64(2) A, c=8.509(6) A, 8=95.23" (schistose). Some of the patterns of rnosaic-fibrous charoite can also be refined on a triclinic ce11 (a =19.96(1) A,b = 32.17(2) A,c =7.258(4) A, a=93.51°, fb99.45", y-89.50°). Cornparison of the compositional and structural data of charoite and "tubew-chahsilicates of similar composition (canasite and miserite) suggests that charoite has a significantly higher relative proportion of Si04 tetrahedra to octahedrally- coordinated cations than two other minerais. Possible similarities between the structural motifs of charoite and phyllosilicates are demonstrated. The carbonatite bodies are confined to the aeginne-microcline fenite aureole in the southern contact zone of the Little Murun massif with the Precambrian crystalline basement. Three minerdogical types of the studied carbonatites are distinguished: calcite carbonatite (i), Ba-Sr-Ca carbonatite (ii), and phlogopite-calcite carbonatite (iii). In addition, the quartz- feldspar-carbonate rock is classified as a distinct lithoiogical type. Carbonatites of types (i) and (ii) noticeably differ in tenns of the composition of rock-forming silicates (potassium feldspar and clinopyroxene) and primary carbonates (Sr-rich calcite or barytocalcite, respectiveiy). In both cases, the primary carbonates underwent complex exsolution processes. Typical exsolution textures are represented by primary carbonates in a core, and the subsolvus mineral assemblage wnfked to marginal parts of the crystal. The composition of the primary carbonates bewmes progressively depleted in Ba + Sr (calcite) or Sr (barytocalcite) towards the margin, suggesting that interstitial fiuids played an important role in the onset of exsolution processes promoting an outward diffusion of components in the peripheral zones of carbonate crystals. In contrast to the calcite-carbonatite, the phlogopite-calcite carbonatite [type (iii)] is devoid of clinopyroxene and Ba-Sr-Ca carbonates, and rarely exhibits exsolution textures. Potassium feldspar and phlogopite from the carbonatite of type (iii) are Ba-rich, and show core- to-rim zonation pattern of decreasing Ba content- The mineralogical differences between the carbonatites of types (i) and (iii) clearly indicate that the latter crystallised f?om a volatile-rich magma depleted in Na, under more reducing conditions, and upon crystallisation, underwent a rapid Ioss of residual volatiles. Texturd and minerdogicaI features of the quartz-feldspar- carbonate rock suggest that the rock is transitional from carbonatites to quartz-calcite rocks locally known as "torgolites". The youngest igneous suite at Mum is represented mostly by dykes and sills. Studied hypaby ssal and volcanic rocks are divided into eight petrographic groups : lamprophyre, pseudoleucite syenite, pseudoleucite italite, kalsilite melasyenite, eudialyte-bearing syenite, "potassium-batisite" syenite, Iamprophyllite- and barytolarnprophyllite-bearing syenite, and aegirlliite. The compositional trends of mafk minerals fiom different groups clearly indicate that their parental magmas could not be derived fiom the same source, and that the magma rnixing cannot account for the diversity of the hypabyssal rocks found at Murun. The compositional data of mafic minerals are in agreement with the previous findings, supporting the consanguuieous nature of Iamprophyres, phlogopite clinopyroxenites and shonkinites (including melasyenites). The syenitic rocks containhg major proportions of such "agpaitic" minerals as eudialyte, "potassium batisite" and larnprophyllite-group minerals clearly represent the most evolved magmas. Compositions of their characteristic accessory minerals crystallised early in the evolutionary history suggest enrichment of parental magmas in Sr, Ba and Zr. The compositions of mafic minerals from pseudoleucite syenites fall off major evolutionary trends, therefore the source of these rocks is uncertain. Clearly, further studies of the geochemistry and mineralogy of the alkaline ultramafic rocks, unique Ba-Sr-rich carbonatites and charoitites of the Munin complex are required. I would like to thank Dr. Roger H. Mitchell for supervishg this study, editorial help and financial support. Ailan McKenzie is gratefully acknowledged for his help with microprobe analyses and back-scattered electron imaging. Ann Hammond is thanked for her help with sample preparation, and ha remarkable skill and virtuosity in this craft are gratefully acknowledged. 1 am grateful to Keith Prùlgnitz for his assistance with X-ray difiaction studies and CHN analyses of charoite. Ain Raitsakas is thanked for allowing me to use a personal cornputer in the Instrumenta1 Laboratory. 1 am gratefd to Dr. Mikhail D. Evdokimov for having introduced me to the exiting world of mineralogy and petrology of Mum. Anton Chakhmouradian is wannly thanked for constant encouragement, most valuable discussions, much editorial help and assistance with microprobe analyses. 1 also appreciate financial support provided by Lakehead University and Ministry of Training (Colleges and Universities) of Ontario. 1 am indebted to al staff members of the Balmoral Centre for Adult Studies in Thunder Bay for having given me a great start with rny English studies. TABLEOF CONTENTS Abstract ................................................................................. Acknowledgements ................................................................... Table of Contents ..................................................................... List of Figures ..................................... .................................... List of Tables.......................................................................... Chapter 1 Introduction .......................................................... 1.1. Geological setting............................................................. 2 .2. Background information ..................................................... Chapter 2 Charoite ................................. ... ............................ 2.1. Occurrence, petrographic and mineralogical features of charoite-bearing rocks (charoitites)....................................... 2.2. Background information on charoite...................................... 2.2.1. Narne, morphology, physical and optical properties ............... 2.2.2. Crystal chemistry of charoite......................................... 2.2.3. Structural studies ....................................................... 2.2.4. Genesis of charoitites.................................................. 2.3. Results of the present work ................................................. 2.3.1. Samples description..................................................... 2.3.2. Back-scattered electron imagery ...................................... 2.3.3. Composition ............................................................. 2.3.4. X-ray diffraction studies ............................................... 2.3.5 . Transmission electron rnicroscopy study ............................. 2.4. Discussion and conclusions.................................................. 2.4.1. Cornparison of charoite, canasite and misente structures .......... 2.4.2. Speculations on the structure of charoite ............................. Chapter 3 Carbonatites.................................................. .. ...... 3.1 . Geological setting of the Mumcarbonatites ............................
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