TOBU.ME XXIV. NO. RED BANR, ST. ^WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,19Q1. PAGES I TO 8. SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANS, FOUR_\v"IIXS PROBATED. HONORING THE DEA'D. WEDDINGS. NEWS FROM MIDDLETOWN.; Henry Striker Rewards Bis Son Anderson-Thomas. A PROPOSAL TO THE COMMIS- For Faithful Service. NO BUSINESS TO BE DONE IN Miss Lillie Anderson, daughter of INTERESTING ITEMS FROM BE- SIONERS ON MONDAY NIGHT. Henry Striker, 'who died at Oceanic RED BANE TO-MORRO W. Yancy Anderson of, Keyport, was mar- YOND THE SHREWSBURY. about a month ago, made his will in The Commissioners Will Meet on All the Stores to be Closed All. Dayried last Wednesday to Benjamin F A Schoolroom Overcrowded—ilie Friday Xloht to Dismiss the Mat- 1896. His~-property consists- mainly of and the Churches to Hold Union Thomas of New York. The ceremony Bell of the Sew Catholic Church ter and an Attendance of Citizens a combination store and dwelling and a Memorial Services Both Morning took place at the home of th'e bride and at New Monmouth to Be Blessed- at the Meeting is Requested. plot of ground at Oceanic. All his prop and Siiaht. was performed by Rev. J. Li Coote, pas- Mrs. Minor Slek. At a meeting of the commissioners on erty, both real and personal, he left to Red Bank will pay its tribute.of re- tor of the Keyport Baptist church. The A cloakroom in the Navesink public Monday night a proposal for a sewagi bis widow for her use during her life. spect to President McKinley to-morrow, bride's dress was of royal blue Broad- school is being used as a schoolroom in disposal plant was received from the Upon the death of his .widow the store on the occasion of his funeral, by sus-cloth, trimmed with Duchess satin and order to relieve the crowded condition City-Waste Disposal company of New property, including the furniture in the pending all business during the entire embroidered ribbon, and she wore a hat of the primary department. Lily Belle York. The commissioners adjourned to house and the stock in the store, is to go day. Even the drug stores^ which obr to match. Miss Stella. Anderson, a sister Maxson and Olive Schureman are acting Friday night, when the matter will be to his son, Richard W. Striker, who lives serve no other holiday, will be closed of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Wil- as teachers in the extra room. The con- discussed, and the commisssoners reques at home and conducts a barber shop in a during the day, but they will open at liam Gilmar. of New York was grooms- tract for the addition to the school build- an attendance at the meeting of all citi- part of the store building, Mr. Striker seven o'clock at night on account of. man. The couple went on a wedding ing has not yet been given out. zens interested in the matter of sewage stated in his will that "I make thisobe- their prescription departments. The trip- to the Buffalo exposition. They Rev; James McFaul, bishop of Tren- disposal. quest to my son Richard for his faithful hotels will also close their bars, the will liva at the hotel- Maceo at Newton, will be at New Monmouth next Sun- service for many years to me in the store The proposition.made to the commis banks will be closed and the postofflce York, of which the groom is proprietor. day at half-past three o'clock to bless and shop, and helping me to acquire sioners calls for a filtration system of will be closed after 10:00 A. M., except- the bell for the new Catholic church at what I leave at my death." sewage disposal on the old gas house ing between 5:80 and 6:30 P. M. The Borden—Post. that place. The bell will be blessed un- property, where the present sewer sys Whatever remains of Mr. Striker's es- business places of the town are nearly Mias L. Louise Borden, daughter of der the title of St. Raymond. The pub- tern flows into the river. The plans as tate af ter-the bequest to his sun Richard all draped in mourning and flags are Mrs. Rebecca Borden of 'Brooklyn, lic is invited to attend the ceremony. proposed include a large receiving- tank is to be equally divided between his displayed at half mast from almost every, formerly of Red Bank, was married last Mrs. Mary Minor, is very sick with a rectangular tank connected with it and sons, Cortland, Henry and Lincoln Stri- house and building in town. Wednesday to David A. Post of Brook- heart disease and other complications at into which the waste matter will empty ker ; his daughters, Mrs.' Henry Hoe The Methodist churches and the Baptist lyn. The ceremony was performed at the home of her sister, Miss Maggie Mac- and a series of coke beds through which and Mrs. Samuel G. Blum, and bis and Presbyterian churches will unite in the bride's home. Miss Amy Chambers Donald of Navesink. -Mrs. Minor is a . the liquid matter will filter into the river grandchildren, George and Albert Stri- memorial services both morning and of Oakland street, a cousin of the bride, native of Navesink but she has lived The present gas tank on the property ker, children of his deceased son, G-eorge night. The morning service will be held was bridesmaid and Walter Burt of away from the place a great many years. will be available as the main receiving Striker, the grandchildren to have Be- at the Baptist church at 10:30 o'clock. Brooklyn was groomsman. The bride Bishop John Scarborough of Trenton tank and the company took this fact into tween them the share that their father The speakers will be Rev. J. B. Hainee wore a gown of tucked chiffon over preached at All Saints' Episcopal church consideration in its bid for-the construc- would have been entitled to had he been of the First Methodist church and Rev. brown silk, trimmed with Duchesse lace. at Navesink on Sunday morning. His tion of the plant. Hying. S. H. Thompson of the Presbyterian Mr. and Mrs. Post went on-a wedding sermon was on the death of the presi- trip through New York state. They The -will directed that within church. The choir will sing " Thy will dent and the interior of the church was The sewage matter first enters into will begin housekeeping at Brooklyn. the large receiving tank.. Here, accord- from Mr. Strikers death the sum of be done," Miss Estelle Nesbitt will sing draped in mourning. A memorial serv- $300 be expended in beautifying his plot " Lead kindly light," and "Walter B. Par- ice will be held in the church to-morrow ing to the theory of the company,, the Mlnton-Narvey. 6olid is attacked by bacteria and disap- in Fair View cemetery and in putting sons will sing "One sweetly solemn morning at eleven o'clock. Miss Annie Minton, daughter of pears, The liquid siphons into an ad- suitable tombstones at bis grave and the thought." Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Johnson of Nave- George H. Minton of Fair Haven, was joining tank and from this tank the grave - of his son George. The' tomb sink were called to Lakewood yester- The evening service will be held at married^on Tuesday, Seetember 3d, to liquid flows over a series of coke beds on stones arc not to cost less than $75 each day on account of the serious sickness of the First Methodist church at 7:30 Albert Harvey, son of David Harvey of an inclined plane toward the river. It and out of the,$300 a similar tombstone William A. Ernmons, who formerly o'clock. The speakers will be Rev. W. Oceanic. The wedding has just been is claimed that after passing through the is to be.placed at Mrs. Striker's grave lived with them, • B. Matteson of the Baptist church and made public. The ceremony was per- coke beds the liquid is odorless and color- upon her death. Mrs. Striker was made Thomas York of Atlantic Highlands Rev. E. J. Kulp of Grace Methodist formed by Rev. S. W. Knipe of Oceanic less and as pure as water. From the coke executrix of the will. The witnesses to was fined $5 last week for driving a church. One of the president's favorite A farewell supper was tendered to the beds, according to the plan proposed the will were Peter Yeoinans and Charles hack without a license. His counsel, hymns will be sung by the choir, Miss young couple at the bride's home on the liquid will empty into the river Harvey. Edgar H. Cook, gave notice ofappeal. Grace Longstreet will sing "Heaven is Monday night. Yesterday morning they through the same pipe through which Asher Collins of Keyport made his my home,'.' and Miss Beatrice Hain'es left for Philadelphia, where they will Mr. and Mrs. Devan Bloodgood and the sewage now flows. The coke beds will about the same time as Mr. Striker. will sing /'Rest in the Lord," from make their future home. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Miller of Brook- according to plans, will toe five in num- To his y/ite, Mary Collins, who wasElijah. lyn spent Sunday with Misses Belle and ber and will be divided by brick walls, made executrix of the will, he left all of A memorial service will be held at St. Mamie Mount of Navesink. These beds are used alternately, so that his properly of every kind for her useJames's church at Red Bankat 9:00 A.
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