
Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition in sustainable animal production EAAP publication No. 134 edited by: James W. Oltjen Ermias Kebreab Hélène Lapierre Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition in sustainable animal production EAAP – European Federation of Animal Science The University of California Department of Animal Science The European Association for Animal Production wishes to express its appreciation to the Ministero per le Politiche Agricole e Forestali and the Associazione Italiana Allevatori for their valuable support of its activities Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition in sustainable animal production 4th International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition Sacramento, California, USA 9-12 September 2013 EAAP publication No. 134 edited by: James W. Oltjen Ermias Kebreab Hélène Lapierre ;EKIRMRKIR%GEHIQMG 4YFPMWLIVW Buy a print copy of this book at www.WageningenAcademic.com/eaap134 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned. Nothing from this publication may be translated, reproduced, stored in a computerised system or published in any form or in any manner, including electronic, mechanical, reprographic or photographic, without prior written permission from the publisher: Wageningen Academic Publishers P.O. Box 220 6700 AE Wageningen The Netherlands www.WageningenAcademic.com [email protected] The individual contributions in this ISBN: 978-90-8686-227-6 publication and any liabilities arising from e-ISBN: 978-90-8686-781-3 them remain the responsibility of the DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-781-3 authors. The designations employed and the ISSN 0071-2477 presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Photo cover: Jim Oltjen and Association for Animal Production Romeo Capell concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its First published, 2013 frontiers or boundaries. The publisher is not responsible for possible ©Wageningen Academic Publishers damages, which could be a result of content The Netherlands, 2013 derived from this publication. The 4th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition was organized in Sacramento, California (USA) on 9-12 September 2013. A special symposium as tribute to the late Professor R. Lee Baldwin was also organized on 12 September 2013. The symposium was chaired by: James Oltjen 7KHVFLHQWL¿FSURJUDPPHRIWKHV\PSRVLXPZDVFRFKDLUHGE\ Ermias Kebreab Hélène Lapierre ,QFRQVXOWDWLRQZLWKWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO6FLHQWL¿F&RPPLWWHH Mario Luis Chizzoti (Brazil) Matteo Crovetto (Italy) Kristen Johnson (Alternate, USA) Michael Kreuzer (Secretary, Switzerland) Hélène Lapierre (Canada) Jan Erik Lindberg (President, Sweden) Toyomizu Masaaki (Japan) Cornelia Metges (Outgoing, Germany) James Oltjen (USA) Isabelle Ortigues-Marty (France) DQGOLDLVLQJZLWKWKH1DWLRQDO6FLHQWL¿F&RPPLWWHH Ransom Baldwin Karen Beauchemin Brian Bequette John Cant Theresa Davis Kees de Lange Lorraine Doepel Jeff Firkins Harvey Freetly Mark Hanigan (Chair, Baldwin Symposium) Kris Johnson Kyle McLeod John McNamara Phil Miller Gordon Murdoch Daniel Ouellet (Editorial) Luis Tedeschi Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition in sustainable animal production 5 Table of contents Preface 23 James W. Oltjen Keynotes Feeding the planet: key challenges 27 M. Herrero Role of animal products in feeding the planet 35 J.E. Hermansen, M.T. Knudsen and T. Kristensen Part 1. Energy and protein interactions, ruminants Challenges in ruminant nutrition: towards minimal nitrogen losses in cattle 47 J. Dijkstra, C.K. Reynolds, E. Kebreab, A. Bannink, J.L. Ellis, J. France and A.M. van Vuuren Small intestinal fermentation contributes substantially to starch disappearance in milk-fed calves 59 M.S. Gilbert, A.J. Pantophlet, J.J.G.C. van den Borne, H.A. Schols and W.J.J. Gerrits 1XWULHQWGLJHVWLRQE\GDLU\FRZVIHGGLHWVUHSODFLQJVWDUFKZLWKQRQIRUDJH¿EHU S.D. Ranathunga, M.M. Abdelqader and K.F. Kalscheur (IIHFWRIGLIIHUHQWGLHWDU\OHYHOVRI4XHEUDFKRWDQQLQH[WUDFWRQQLWURJHQDQG¿EHU GLJHVWLELOLW\DQGSRVWUXPLQDOPLFURELDOSURWHLQÀRZLQKHLIHUV S. Ahnert, A. Susenbeth and U. Dickhoefer (IIHFWRIIHVFXHWR[LFRVLVRQQLWURJHQDQGHQHUJ\EDODQFHLQ+ROVWHLQVWHHUV A.F. Koontz, D.H. Kim, A.P. Foote, L.P. Bush, J.L. Klotz, K.R. McLeod and D.L. Harmon 3HUIRUPDQFHHI¿FLHQF\DQGHVWLPDWHGPDLQWHQDQFHHQHUJ\UHTXLUHPHQWVRIBos taurus and Bos indicusFDWWOH R.D. Sainz, G.D. Cruz, E. Mendes, C.U. Magnabosco, Y.B. Farjalla, F.R.C. Araujo, R.C. Gomes and P.R. Leme Energy for maintaining liveweight: an indicator of adaptive abilities of beef cows? 71 A. De La Torre, F. Blanc, E. Recoules, D. Egal and J. Agabriel Response to high altitude grazing in metabolic traits and performance by yak crossbreds and yaks 73 S. Barsila, N.R. Devkota, M. Kreuzer and S. Marquardt Estimates of nutritional requirement of sheep, goats and cattle in tropical and warm countries: a meta-analysis study 75 N. Salah, D. Sauvant and H. Archimède Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition in sustainable animal production 7 Net energy and protein requirements for growth of goats kids 77 I.A.M.A. Teixeira, N. St-Pierre, A. Cannas, A.P. Souza, M.H.R. Fernandes and K.T. Resende Low protein solid feed enhances nitrogen utilization by urea-N recycling in veal calves 79 H. Berends, J.J.G.C. van den Borne, B.A. Røjen, J. van Baal and W.J.J. Gerrits Effect of replacing feed grains by food by-product on energy metabolism of lactating cows 81 K. Higuchi, F. Ohtani, Y. Kobayashi, I. Nonaka, K. Yayou, M. Sutoh and O. Enishi Source of carbohydrate and protein in the diet of recently weaned dairy calves 83 T.M. Hill, J.D. Quigley H.G. Bateman, II, J.M. Aldrich and R.L. Schlotterbeck 6XEVWLWXWLQJEDUOH\E\VRUJKXPHQKDQFHVHI¿FLHQF\RIVWDUFKDQGSURWHLQXWLOL]DWLRQLQODPEV M. Yahaghi, J.B. Liang, J. Balcells, R. Valizadeh and M.F. Jahromi ,QÀXHQFHRIGLIIHUHQWJUDVVODQGYHJHWDWLRQW\SHVRQUXPLQDOSURWR]RDDQGDPPRQLDLQ beef cattle 87 I.D.M. Gangnat, J.O. Zeitz, D. Warner, M. Kreuzer and F. Leiber Nutritional evaluation of bulls receiving supplements with different protein: carbohydrate ratios 89 E.E.L. Valente, M.F. Paulino, E. Detmann, S.C. Valadares Filho and M.L. Chizzotti Energy value of Tifton-85 (Cynodon spp.) for Gir and F1 Holstein × Gir dairy heifers using the respirometric technique 91 A.L.C.C. Borges, H.F. Lage, R.R. Silva, J.R.M. Ruas, A.U. Carvalho, E.O.S. Saliba and N.M. Rodriguez Substitution of corn by mesquite pod meal in pellet diets for lambs: nitrogen compounds metabolism 93 M.L.A. Pereira, T.C.J. Pereira, H.G.O. Silva, J.F. Cruz, P.J.P. Almeida, A.B. Santos, E.J. Santos and C.A.M. Peixoto Excretion of purine derivatives and nitrogen compounds in lactating goats fed other protein sources 95 M.L.A. Pereira, A.B. Santos, A.J. Del Rei, J.F. Cruz, P.J.P. Almeida, T.C.J. Pereira, E.J. Santos and C.A.M. Peixoto Nutritional evaluation and performance of beef cattle fed with crude glycerin diets 97 J.P.I.S. Monnerat, I.M. Oliveira, P.V.R. Paulino, R. Mezzomo, L.H.P. Silva, P.P. Silva and J.P. Ferreira The effect of substituting urea for a commercial slow release urea as supplement to sheep fed a poor quality Eragrostis curvula hay 99 A.M. Mentz, A. Hassen, W.A. Van Niekerk, H. Mynhardt and R. Coertze (IIHFWRIDSSOLFDWLRQRI¿EURO\WLFHQ]\PHSURGXFWVDWGLIIHUHQWOHYHOVRQin vitro ruminal fermentation of low quality feeds 101 B. Shenkute, A. Hassen and N.E. Odongo 8 Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition in sustainable animal production Effect of metabolizable energy intake on energy partitioning into muscle and fat in Pelibuey ewes 105 A.J. Chay-Canul, J.C. Ku-Vera, A.J. Ayala-Burgos, M.L. Chizzotti, J.G. Magaña-Monforte and L.O. Tedeschi Mammary gland development in heifers under different metabolizable protein and metabolizable energy ratios 107 R.L. Albino, M.I. Marcondes, B.C. Gomes, L.G.R. Pereira, T.E. da Silva and A.S. Trece (IIHFWRIVWDUFKVRXUFHDQG¿EHUOHYHOLQPL[HGGLHWVRQODFWDWLQJ0XUFLDQR*UDQDGLQD goat: Substrate oxidation and milk performance 109 C. Fernández, M.C. López and M. Lachica (IIHFWRIWKHVWDUFKVRXUFHDQG¿EHUOHYHOLQPL[HGGLHWVRQWKHHQHUJ\EDODQFHRIODFWDWLQJ Murciano-Granadina goats 111 M.C. López, C. Fernández and M. Lachica The development of the gravid uterus of Santa Inês ewes and ewe lambs under two nutritional planes 113 L.F.L. Cavalcanti, I. Borges, F.A. Souza, G.L. Macedo Júnior and L.O. Tedeschi The effect of a limited supply of phenylalanine, threonine, and tryptophan on milk yield and composition 115 I.H. Iroshan, H. Lapierre and L. Doepel 0HWDEROLFDQGKRUPRQDOSUR¿OHRIEXOOVGXULQJHYDOXDWLRQRIQXWULWLRQDOUHTXLUHPHQWVE\ respirometric technique under different plane of nutrition 117 A.L.C.C. Borges, P.A.D. Vivenza, R.R. Silva, E.J. Facury Filho, H.F. Lage, P.H.A. Carvalho, P.R.O. Paes and N.M. Rodriguez Methane emission and digestibility of goats subjected to feed restriction 119 A.R.C. Lima, K.T. Resende, I.A.M.A. Teixeira, T.F.V. Bompadre, R.T.S. Frighetto and M.H.M.R. Fernandes (I¿FLHQF\RIXWLOL]DWLRQRIGLHWDU\QLWURJHQIRUPLONSURGXFWLRQE\GXDOSXUSRVHFRZVIHG increasing levels of Leucaena leucocephala forage mixed with Pennisetum purpureum grass 121 A. Ruiz-González, A.J. Ayala-Burgos, C.F. Aguilar-Pérez and J.C. Ku-Vera 0LON\LHOGDQGFRPSRVLWLRQDQGHI¿FLHQF\RIXWLOL]DWLRQRIPHWDEROLVDEOHHQHUJ\IRU lactation by Pelibuey ewes 123 J.C. Espinoza-Hernández, A.J. Ayala-Burgos, C.F. Aguilar-Pérez, J.G. Magaña-Monforte and J.C. Ku-Vera 3URWHLQWXUQRYHUDQGLQIUDUHGWKHUPRJUDSK\LQ1HOORUHEXOOVFODVVL¿HGIRUUHVLGXDOIHHGLQWDNH M.L. Chizzotti, D. Heiderich, W.L.B. Aziani, M.M. Ladeira, E.E.L. Valente, T. Yanagi Junior, F.H.M. Chizzotti, L. Schiassi and D. Lourençoni Differences in residual feed intake are largely explained by changes in body composition 127 M.L. Nascimento, A.R.D.L. Souza, A.S. Chaves, S.R. de Medeiros, R.R. Tullio, M.M. de Alencar, A.N. Rosa and D.P.D. Lanna Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition in sustainable animal production 9 Net protein requirement of pregnancy of goats with single and twin pregnancy 129 C.J.
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