PAGE B1 ▲ Sebring teen publishes EWS UN fi rst book of poetry B1 NHighlands County’s Hometown Newspaper-S Since 1927 75¢ Locals help doctors on Lucy Derkman Softall Complex Ebola front is getting a facelift A8 lines A4 www.newssun.com An Edition of the Sun Sunday, August 10, 2014 First biennial budget ‘a work in progress’ BY BARRY FOSTER Mechling. “Did it help? NEWS-SUN CORRESPONDENT I think in some instanc- es it did.” SEBRING — As High- He said the process lands County wends to- did make some things ward the end of its fi rst easier, but created a two-year budget cycle, few challenges, as well. offi cials of of the High- “It is hard to project lands County Offi ce out two years,” he said. of Budget and Man- “And getting people agement say it still is a to change their mind- work in progress. set and plan for things Katara Simmons/News-Sun “We’re in the process that might occur down Cracker Trail Elementary School teacher Sherryl Wolfe watches as second grader Jacob Stockslager solves a math problem using his own original solution. of learning how to do the road has been a it properly”, said OMB Senior Manager Tim SEE BUDGET | A7 Common Core: ‘It’s a Early voting site huge mindset change’ being relocated BY BARRY FOSTER Friday afternoon, NEWS-SUN CORRESPONDENT Ogg and her staff held BY CHRISTOPHER TUFFLEY We need strategies to help the Logic and Accuracy NEWS-SUN CORRESPONDENT kids deal with that.” SEBRING — As the Test for tabulation ma- Ervin wasn’t referring to start of early voting chines be- “Common Core is a huge esoteric literature, but to the looms on the hori- ing used to mindset change,” said Kim day-to-day reading of train- zon next week, offi cials count the Ervin, a school board district ing and instruction manuals from the Highlands ballots in reading coach who teaches the next generation faces. County Supervisor of the Aug. 26 teachers. “We need to focus Even entry level positions, Elections Offi ce are in primary. on the kids all the time — especially technical ones, full election mode. Some OGG (keep asking ourselves) what will require readers who can “We start early voting coun- do they need to be ready. work out words from their next Saturday, Aug. 16,” ties will begin their Written text is becoming reminded Supervisor of more complex all the time. SEE CORE | A7 Elections Penny Ogg. SEE EARLY | A7 Fire assessment for Sun ‘N Positive Lake expected to stay level Action Club fi re protection for $12,000 per West Sebring VFD month. gets active Now, it’s time for West Sebring marks rst year Fire to set its fi re assessment. As- BY BARRY FOSTER sistant Fire Chief Billy Kings- NEWS-SUN CORRESPONDENT covering area ton said WSVFD had to estimate revenue from Sun ‘N Lake for SEBRING — A special group the fi rst year at $144,000. Rev- of youngsters visited the Se- BY PHIL ATTINGER enue estimates from the High- bring City Council meeting STAFF WRITER lands County Tax Collector’s Of- Tuesday night. The half-doz- fi ce now put that number at en or so youth from around SEBRING — When West Se- $122,000. Highlands County are known bring Volunteer Fire Department The assessment amounts are as the Positive Action Club — a took over fi re service for Sun ‘N the same as last year — $25 per Phil Attinger/News-Sun youth-oriented group formed Lake Improvement District, the house, $15 per mobile home, $5 A West Sebring volunteer re ghter sprays down hot spots on April 1 in an within the Drug Free High- department gained a station per lot and $150 per commercial area thick with pine and palmetto at the corner of Thunderbird Road and Le- lands organization. and two trucks and netted fi ve Mans Drive — surrounded by houses. In addition to that area, West Sebring has been handling the re protection for Sun ’N Lake for a little over a year more fi refi ghters. Sun ‘N Lake got SEE FIRE | A6 now. SEE CLUB | A6 Partly sunny; a t-storm Arts & Entertainment .... B3 Dear Abby ..................... B2 Lottery Numbers .......... A2 facebook.com/ VOL. 95 in the p.m. newssun Buisness ..................... A3 Horoscope .................... B2 Puzzles ......................... B2 High 75 Low 53 twitter.com/ NO. 92 Details on B10 Classifi ed .................... B7 Obituaries .................. A6 Viewpoints .................... A5 thenewssun Avon Park Lake Placid I Heartland 800W. Main St. 600 U.S. Hwy 27 N. National Bank LLY OWNE D 863.453.6000 863.699.1300 ' Loyally Owned, Canmunity Minded ' community minded Sebring Sun‘n Lake North 1 327 U.S. Hwy 27 N. 5033 U.S. Hwy 27 N. Nt, www.heartlandnb.com 863.386.1300 863.386.1322 3070539 A2 | NEWS-SUN | Sunday, August 10, 2014 www.newssun.com SMOKEY BEAR CELEBRATES 70TH BIRTHDAY Help needed to remove SNAPSHOTS invasive plant LO CAL NEWS LAKE PLACID — There will also be NEWS-SUN Heartland area res- fellowship, snacks, Highlands County’s Hometown Newspaper Since 1927 idents are invit- Bible study, home- ed to join Highlands work time, games http//:www.newssun.com The News-Sun (USPS 487-900 Hammock Park staff and play time. Each – ISSN 10748342) is published and volunteers for a Wednesday has a every Sunday, Wednesday & Friday major Exotic Removal structured sched- by Sun Coast Media Group, 200 E. Venice Ave., Venice, FL 34285. Pe- Workday at Lake June- ule with secure riodical postage paid at Lakeland, In-Winter Scrub State supervision. FL and additional entry office(s). Park on Thursday. Cost is $2 per All material contained herein is the A massive out- child per week for property of the News-Sun, which is an affiliate of Sun Coast Media break of Momordica FUMC church mem- Group. Reproduction in whole or in charantia, common- bers and $3 per child part is forbidden without the writ- ly known as balsam for non members. ten permission of the publisher. All material submitted for publica- apple or balsam pear, There will be an en- tion becomes the property of the has occurred follow- rollment party on newspaper and may be edited for ing prescribed burns Wednesday, Aug. 13 clarity and space, as well as re- that were conducted from 5:30-6:30 p.m. printed, published and used in all media. Postmaster: Send address this past winter and in the Family Life change to: News-Sun, 2227 U.S. spring. A member of Center of First United 27 South, Sebring, FL 33870. the cucumber fami- Methodist Church, Katara Simmons/News-Sun ly, this exotic, invasive 126 S. Pine St. (two COmmITMENT TO Nine-month-old Quinn Sparks meets vine native to Africa blocks off the Sebring ACCURACY 70-year-old Smokey Bear Saturday and Southeast Asia Circle). Parents must The News-Sun promptly cor- morning during an open house/birth- rects errors of fact appearing in day party at Florida Forest Service is characterized by register their child to its news stories. If you believe we in Sebring. Youngsters were invited deeply lobed leaves, a participate. have made an error, call the news- to meet the birthday bear, check bumpy yellow-orange room at (863) 385-6155, ext. 516. out fire fighting equipment, meet a fruit and seeds with a Groups If you have a question or comment Highlands County Sheriff’s Office K-9 about coverage, write to Scott named Ozzie and Deputy Steve Wor- bright red pulp. Ripe collecting Dressel, editor, 2227 U.S. 27 ley. Jeremiah Howard, 10, and his lit- fruits and seeds are school supplies South, Sebring, FL 33870; email tle sister Rebekah, 7, spray a fire hose toxic. for Haiti [email protected].; or call Saturday morning, while Senior For- Volunteers should (863) 385-6155. est Ranger Josh Watkins talks to them meet in the Lake AVON PARK — His about equipment used to fight fire. June picnic area at for Life Ministries and OffICE 8:30 a.m. Lake June is Royal Care will be col- Location: 2227 U.S. 27 South, Sebring, FL 33870 located at the end of lecting school sup- Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon- Daffodil Road, Lake plies for the children day-Friday Local teaching pastor to Placid. of Petit Goave, Haiti. Phone: (863) 385-6155 Main Fax: (863) 385-1954 Long pants, hiking These supplies will shoes, work gloves, help the local or- SUBSCRIPTION explain Middle East situation sunglasses, sun- phanage, school and RATES screen, insect repel- church to give the Home BY BARRY FOSTER the others are good? Is Smith contends that lent, cold drinks and children the tools 12 mos. Tax Total $72.22 $5.06 $77.28 NEWS-SUN CORRESPONDENT it that simple?” Smith one of the biggest ca- water are recom- they need to succeed. In Florida mail said. The question is, sualties has been the mended. An hour or Needed are pencils, 12 mos. Tax Total SEBRING — As are Biblical prophe- truth. two of your time is paper, book bags and $107.24 $7.51 $114.75 events unfold in the sies now applicable or “If you look at II greatly appreciated. crayons. Out of Florida mail 12 mos. Tax Total Middle East, many have they all been ful- Thessalonians you will For more infor- All supplies must be $122.41 $8.57 $130.98 people are looking for filled. see there is going to be mation, please call in by Sept. 1. a perspective on what “When Ezekiel talks a rising deception and 863-471-5324, office For more infor- Your newspaper is delivered by an independent contractor.
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