COVER A smiling Having miraculously survived a late-October assassination attempt, Temple Mount activist survivor Yehudah Glick and his supporters are upbeat, and stronger than ever in his status as an ‘extremist’ – of faith in human beings, and human rights • ORIT ARFA his Hanukka, the Glick family is celebrating the personal miracle of Rabbi Yehudah Glick’s survival of an October 29 assassination at- tempt. TBut if Glick has his way, his survival may pave the way for the type of miracle that a YEHUDAH GLICK with his parents, recovering in Jerusalem. (Orit Arfa) different Yehudah – Judah the Maccabee – se- cured for the Jewish people over 2,000 years ago: the reinstatement of Jewish sovereignty and worship on the Temple Mount. A few days before Hanukka, and seven weeks since the shooting outside the Menachem Be- gin Heritage Center in Jerusalem, the tempo- rary Glick home is filled with a sense of opti- mism and joy. “Not a single day goes by that I don’t thank Hashem [God] for the miracles,” Glick says. Glick’s wife, Yafi, who joins the interview intermittently, says his narrow escape from death prompted an incredulous atheist, in- terning at Shaare Zedek Medical Center, to remark, “I’m going up to the Temple Mount.” The Glicks have temporarily moved to the capital from their home in Otniel as Glick heals. Scabs on his hand appear from under the cast on his left arm, and he wears that same pajama top I’ve seen in pictures of him online. His state of mind is upbeat and lively. “The pajama company should pay me mil- lions of dollars to model,” he jokes as he poses for the camera. I met Glick this past summer when he gave me a Temple Mount tour in anticipation of a musical parody of Carly Simon’s Let the River Run that I filmed, celebrating the Jewish re- turn to Jerusalem. Despite my having sung solo, wearing jeans and a T-shirt – in contra- GLICK IS wheeled out of the hospital by his wife Yafi and his family on November 24, seven weeks after an assailant vention of Jewish laws of modesty – he pro- put four bullets in his body. (Marc Israel Sellem) moted it on his active Facebook page and 10 DECEMBER 19, 2014 defended me against accusations of im- inherited his sense of humor from his propriety. We’ve stayed in touch since. father. It’s not immediately clear that he Back then, he conducted himself inherited from his red-headed parents with the solemn decorum proper to his signature, flaming red hair; Prof. what is Judaism’s holiest site – and to Shimon Glick’s beard is white like Santa the ubiquitous security surveillance. Is- Claus, and Brenda wears a wig. rael Police, together with plainclothes “He was always a character,” Prof. representatives of the Jordanian Wakf Glick says of his son. Earlier this year, Muslim religious trust, watched his ev- Prof. Glick, as dean emeritus of the Fac- ery move. As he described the location ulty of Health Sciences at Ben-Gurion of the Temple’s Holy of Holies inside University of the Negev, received the the Dome of the Rock, a group of Mus- Lifetime Achievement Award of the lim men formed a prayer quorum beside Bonei Zion Prize, granted to Western him, drowning out his explanations immigrants for outstanding contribu- with Muslim chants, some of which – tion to the Jewish state. He and his wife Glick was quick to point out – had Jew- immigrated to Israel from Brooklyn ish equivalents, like the call to worship when Glick Jr. was eight. the one God. “Now, my claim to fame is that I’m Ye- Now, I get to see Glick’s humorous side. hudah’s father.” “I don’t know if you know, but I went Glick’s parents remember him as a through an assassination attempt a few mischievous, funny and giving child – A POLICEMAN stands at the cordoned-off area where Yehudah Glick was shot on weeks ago,” he says, when I ask him how a “wise guy.” By way of example, Prof. October 29 in Jerusalem. (Marc Israel Sellem) he’s doing. Glick tells the story of when Brenda His parents are visiting him from their complained about Yehudah’s dirty 99% clean. That’s pretty good!’” a big boy,” his father adds. home in Beersheba, and it’s clear Glick shirt. “He said: ‘It’s 1 percent dirty and Now, it turns out, Glick has unwit- As he underwent multiple surgeries, tingly outsmarted the man who wanted Glick garnered headlines the world over. him dead. Physically, he’s about 20% His attempted murder ignited more dis- wounded, and 80% healthy. Pretty cussion and debate on Jewish political, good. Actually, very good considering civil and religious rights on the Temple four bullets – fired point-blank – missed Mount – more than his persistent visits every essential organ, limb, vein, artery ever did. Some media outlets were quick and nerve. He’s expected to fully recov- to label Glick a “far-Right activist” (The er in half a year, provided he dutifully Guardian) and “agitator” (The New York completes physical therapy. Times), much to the chagrin of his sup- But not far into the interview, Glick porters. lies down on the sofa, weary, and Glick prefers “human rights activist,” conducts the rest of our conversation but he wasn’t bothered by the press cov- vertically, snuggled in a blanket. He erage he managed to read. puts his humor on hold as he discuss- “Actually, I was pretty positively sur- es what he remembers of the night he prised by some of the articles I read,” was shot, and what it means for the Glick says. “I think the press, whatever I political, religious and spiritual future read, was sympathetic, even ‘pro’ my ac- of the Temple Mount. tivities. I think they gave a true picture.” After Israel captured the Temple WHEN THE helmeted assailant pulled Mount during the Six Day War, the Is- up on a motorcycle outside the Begin raeli political establishment, in consul- Center on that Wednesday night, Glick tation with the rabbinic establishment, didn’t notice the gun. He assumed he maintained the Wakf’s administrative was someone who wanted to discuss control of the Mount, or “Noble Sanc- his work advocating for Jewish freedom tuary” to Muslims, while asserting Is- of worship on the Temple Mount, the raeli security control. Al-Aksa Mosque, subject of his talk at the conference that situated on the grounds, is considered had just wrapped up. the third-holiest site in Islam. Jewish “I didn’t have any pain, and I didn’t visitors can ascend through one gate feel I was in any position of death or at limited hours, while Muslims have danger,” he says of the moment after he full access from 11 gates; police prohibit was shot. “But my friend who was right Jews from uttering prayers or carrying next to me yelled out, ‘Rabbi Yehudah, any religious objects on the Mount. don’t go! We need you.’ Then I realized, Over the years, Jewish visitation to maybe I’m in some kind of danger.” the Mount has progressed towards the When he woke up from an induced mainstream, no longer relegated to a 10-day coma, he figured only two days fringe group seeking to detonate the had passed. “My first recollection was Dome of the Rock. While the Chief Friday night. My son was standing there Rabbinate forbids ascension on reli- in my bed singing Shabbat songs to me.” gious grounds, prominent rabbis are in- He was shocked to learn he had been creasingly taking the lenient view that unconscious for 10 days. Temple Mount visitation is permissible, As head of the Haliba organization for provided that Jews follow the ritual Jewish freedom on the Temple Mount preparations, including immersion in a and a public face of a growing Temple mikve. Mount advocacy movement, Glick had Critics often view advocacy-driven been a target of Muslim extremists for visitation to the Mount as a provocation some time. – a match lighting a powder keg – as wit- “We worried about this all the time,” his nessed in the upsurge of violence in the GLICK POINTS to a sign at the entrance to the Mughrabi Bridge in December 2013. mother says. “We knew it was coming.” capital in recent weeks. Glick re- The sign says that it is against Jewish law to ascend the Temple Mount. (Marc Israel Sellem) But they didn’t try to stop him. “He’s jects the notion that he provokes 11 COVER violence, but admits to being a certain tempted assassination. Ir Amim is an “I was shocked when I heard Yehu- take into account flare-ups that may occur type of “extremist.” NGO whose tagline is commitment to dah Glick was shot,” Tatarsky wrote. “It due to Mount activity. “But first and fore- “I’m very extreme in my faith in hu- “an equitable and stable Jerusalem with should go without saying that regard- most, we need to consider the violence man beings, in human rights. These are an agreed political future.” less of what Mr. Glick wants to happen that we are responsible for. Changing the things I received in my DNA from my “Yehudah called me on the spot to say on the Temple Mount, there is no justi- status quo on the Temple Mount without parents. I’m extreme in my open-mind- a few words,” Tatarsky said via email. “I fication for violence.” the agreement of the Palestinians and edness to different opinions.” wasn’t invited formally, didn’t have time He be- while the occupation in the He had invited Aviv Tatarsky, a re- to prepare and spoke briefly.” A year-and- lieves Is- West Bank stays in place falls searcher at Ir Amim, to provide a coun- a-half ago, Glick was invited to speak on raeli poli- under the category of ‘sys- terpoint to his talk the night of his at- a panel at Ir Amim’s own conference.
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