TUMDAT. AnOL H1MM ji{mirl;»0t»r 1Et»ni tpraUii Araraf* DuOf Nft Prera Run TIm W c For tha Waab Badtif • ’amaot at 0. 8. 81. I N I made at the atart it became aee- 8L Mary’a QuUd will conduct a Mra. Ruth J. Spancar of Cam­ aary in September o f 1950 to open Te«ay , partly-'al^ad|r, ae^; ^ runuaafa sala Thuraday morning bridge atreet left by plana today Concert Director Store to Note 2500 additional feet Of aelUng 1 0 ,1 6 4 Igh* partlyi-ztaWy aa« aaMU town for Cleveland, Ohio, where aha will ■ ‘ Ing at nine o'clock in the space in the basement and to add partl|rM]r,aaeL » » ball Artlclaa may be left at visit her daughter and other rela- four new departments. __ ball tomorrow, or if it la i n ^ - tivaa; and later leave for one or 1st Birthday , A1 Gartner, prior to moving to M anch€$ter-^A City o f Village Charm ______ H. U . Royal vaolant for donora to do ao, I w . two cbnventlona of statlonera in M d tio oamial Manchester managed Btorea for YOU’LL SAVE MONEY WyvUIe Peabody, Mra. tha Southwest this nnonth. Enterprise Department Stores and I HaHBic Tomple to* Hmiaon or Mra. Max Kaaulkl will Gartner^s to Celebrate iat7:R).BMlilcath« the Interstate Store in Spring- (Olaarified AdvertWag an Fage If) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1951 (THIRTY PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE CENTS arrange to call for goods for the Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schuetx of field, Mass., both of which were ON.flia SCREEN TELEVISION VOL. LXX, NO. 158 orU and doctlon South Main, street returned home Event by Holding an mag yoor, tiMrt aala. chain operations. While with n id a y after spending a two weeks' , Anniversaiy Sale'' these companies he felt that an bm to eoBM bo* Tba Manche^er Choral Society vacation with Mrs. Schuetz's moth* and tha High Independent with the proper sup­ will bold a reheaml this evening er, Mrs. Lou Pecan of Dennlsport, Gartner’s tomorrow will Inau­ pliers bad more opportunity to do Check Nashua F u l b r i p h iit Testifies iB . Lord. roqiMota a at eight o'clock in the Second Cape Cod, Mass. Mr. Schuetz is a lOtmaatberB. gurate a gigantic “Thank You’’ a greater pementage of on-the- Fears Dual Job Bill congregational church. toll collector on the Charter Oak sales event to mark their first an­ spot merchandising and could bet­ ter service a community like Man­ • Cliaptcr No. 17, DU- niversary. w R C A V K T O R To Map Moves Paid Huge Fees Mancheater Orange merobere Just a little over a year ago chester. I Aamteaa Vetorans, and aux* Members of Group A at the Cen* To show its appreciation fox Its Is Not Constitutional will be guesta of Tolland Grange Gartner’s opened In the old Wool- \ leva boaa invttad to attand this evening, and tomorrow night ter Congregational church are re­ first yeac^a grand reception, the ut ImtsBstloti of oflconi of worth store at the comer of Main millionproof lolevlsioil At Rockville will be hosteaa at ita meeUng In minded of an important business and Birch streets. entire staff of Gartner’s is mady- »«haa Boat Na SOM and O nnge hall to Thonnpson Orange, and service meeting to be held to­ Ing themselves for a big “'mank State CapitoL Hartford, A p ril. later today with Attorney General 1 tanliTit at the poat room*; When Interviewed today, A1 Owebetuck Grange of Wllllmantlc morrow night at 7:30 in the kinder­ Gartner, president and organizer You Priced" anniversary sale^hat Yes! Everyone says it’s a real b u y. one you’ll A—6Pi—Gov. John Lodga aald to- ; George C. Conway. at oigbt o’clock. and the Oranges in East Windsor. garten room of the church. At this of this rather recent addition to starts on Thursday of this week. waa pleazml that the ! The blU •PPW"’ed by the Housm Stevens Vice President tihie Mrs. Robert Russell is anxious Of Surplus Army Trucks Farmington and Wethersfield. The Manchester's growing shopping advantage of . immediately. Clear, Gmeral Aaaembly had approved a i would prohibit members ^ ^ Reports 'No Firm Bid visitors will provide entertainment to have the members bring their center seemed more than gratifled T ^ Job holding bill, but with ap- ' General Asiwmbly from and refreshments and general favorite recipes to be used in the with the acceptance Manchester sharp, steady pictures locked In place b y RCA parentregret queatloned whether , any appointive exe«itlve. Judicial Yet Received for Pur­ Hetieing will follow. cook book the group la compiling. has given his liihlted line depart­ eonstituUoiua. or administrative state office or r Victor Eye Witness Picture Synchronizer. Come Lodge emphatically asserted that serving as municipal Judges, pro­ chase of Horkuniim Executive Tells House Pw Ody $4.00 ment store. He believes that H A L E 'S bate Judges, trial Justices of peace Anierirans CroM 3Rth in Force Mias Doris P. Mann of Rock­ Miss Terry ivanfski ha» return­ this acceptance Is a re.sult of his he hoped that the measure would Russia Makes Group of Commissions Mora Oo o f Ft. WWo ville, an employee of the State ed from a business tnp to New \ . see all the new RCA Victor MILLION PROOF not be considered unconsUtutlonaL and prosecuting grand Jurors. basic policy of retail distribution: Conflicts With Constitution Rockville, Oonn., April 4—(47— FARK.ROWAY Board of Education for the Blind, Vfork City. a. Albert Pearson bringing well styled coet-of-llv- He said at a nawa conference, how­ TT ~ Z ^ - Totaling $279,000 on will sp e ^ on her work with the Headquarters television sets today! The measure, said Lodge, may Fighting agalnet time, members of New P rop osal 20 Ing merchandise to the public at ever. that he would withhold his NORTH KOREA OVtR HEAD blind and deaf, at the all-group When the G Clef club presents signature to the bill approved by be in conflict with a provision in the Rockville Citizens committee STATUTI M ills Deal Involving 1,000 The Joy Group of the North the lowest possible price. To ac­ FOR the State Oonstltution which reads: OARAGE DOOR meeting tomorrow evening of the Methodist church will hold a Its 24th annual concert next Tues- complish this economy In opera­ both Houses yesterday until he travelled to New Hampshire to­ ' f VCbeOgdo Women’s League of the Second “ Every elector shall be eligible Vehicles; Says Profits meeting tomorrow afternoon at flay evening in Emanuel Lutheran tion, both In buying and selling. Is studied the Constitutional angles. day to aee first-hand what the To Big Four < NKW LONDON Congregational church. All wom­ Whether he will refuse to sign to any office In this state, except City of Nashua did when It’s tex­ two o’clock at the church. Mem­ the keynCto of Gartner’s success. in cases provided for In this con- On Venture Amounted Spadal Baaement D oo^ en of the congregation are invited. Church, G. Albert Pearson will Sales BO far exceeded plans the measure should he be con­ tile mill moved out. bers will prepare bandages for the stltuUon.” ^ The Mary Cushman group, of hospital. direct It for the 17th consecutive vinced that it is unconstitutional, The local mills will be liqui­ To $425,000 After All which Mrs. E. B. Inman Is leader, the Governor told newsmen, he There has been considerable agl- Western Official Says year. Utlon In the General Assembly to dated If a buyer Is not found by la In charge of the program and Mr. Pearson, a graduate of waa not ready to say now. May 1, the J. P. Stevens and Com­ Proposition at 23rd 63 NDOIVKIONS Expenses Were Paid refreshments. William C. Btemmerman, a Eastman School of Music Is su­ All he would say waa that he In­ pany Inc., owners of the five mills brother of Mrs; Robert R. T. pervisor of music In the Man­ BRiinnER'S tended to discuss the question (('ontlniied on Page Pwo) have announced. Son. J. William Fulbright (D.. Meeting Conies “ Very Charles of 12 Jensen street, has Rummage Sale ’•<hon -Washingt^, April 4.—(/P) WANTED Mra. John Davis Lodge, wife of chester 8Chool.s, and organist and It could not' be learned this .\rtc,>. In tokflmony before the 'PAPAUn Connecticut’s governor, is the sub­ returned to his home In New York choli-master of the First Lutheran TELEVISION morning If the citizens committee S<Mtc expenditures committee In Close to West View” —An account of big-money City after residing here since THURS., APRIL .'5—9 A.M. PLASTERERS, ject of a two-page article, illustra­ Church in New Britain. St. Mary’s Parish House will also visit Manchester and La- Washington yesterilay, urgea ap- Puoveng payments in the highly prof- ' ted in color. In the L,adies Home July, 1947. Mr. Stemmerman Tickets for the concert are OPEN TODAY UN-nL « P. M. conla, iJ. H., two cities where j proval of a president liU rrorK'-ui Parts, April 4—(47—This Soviet' said (oday he wishes to thank the Locust Street Entrance Lodge Clears State table purchase and resale of PAINTERS. Journal. Just out. available from members of tha smaller concerns recently took { Iratlon plan that would subslllute Union made a new proposal for a many flne people he has met here By St. Mary’s Guild 158 EAST CENTER STREET over abandoned textile plants.
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