LEAGUE OF NATIONS 'Communicated to the Members of the League.j C.255.M.149.1936. Geneva, June 2nd, 1936. NUMERICAL LIST if DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO JHE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE No.5 (May 1936) official number S U B J E C T C.429(a).M.220(a).1935.XI 9 Estimated wo rid re qui remen ts_ „/9f__da_n^erous_ drugs in 193b.- 1st Supplement to the State­ ment of the opium Supervisory Body. C.3.M.3.193b.II.3,Addendum, Tourist traffic considered_as an international 6conomic_ factor_. - Addendum to the Survey of tlæ Secretariat. C.24(1).M.16(l).1936. Commi t_t e es of the League of Na t i on s. - L ià, of Members (May 1,1936). C.80.M.28.1936.V,Addendum @@ Permanent Court of International Justice.- Addendum to the Acts relating to the consti­ tution of the Court. C.81.M.29.1936.XI, Errata. Illicit transactions and seizures of drugs repjrted to the Secretariat between October 1 and December 31>1935.- Errata to the Secretariat's summary. © Confidential. Distributed with C.L.75.1936.V - 2 - C.128.M.67.1936.VIII Uniform system of maritime buoyage.- Report bÿ~the"Small Gommi11e'e-[February 1936), Obser­ vations of Governments on the report of July 1933 of Preparatory Committee, observati ns from the Chinese Maritime Customs Service and statement by the Italian Member of the Small C imiaittee. 0.128(a).M. 67(a).1936.VIII Draft agreement and rules drawn up by the Small Committee (February 1936). G.132(a) .M.71(a).1936. Council, League j(_92_nd Sessinn, May 1936).- Supplementary list of questions on the draft agenda (May 5,1936). C.132(1).M.71(1).1936. Provisional revised agenda (May 9,1936). C.167.M,103.1936.XI 111icit transactions and seizures reported Secretariat between January 1,1936 and March 51,1956.- Summary by the Secre­ tariat. C.178.M.114.1936.XI,Addendum. Abolition or restriction of the u se of diacetylmorphine.- Observations of Hungary. 0.184.M.118.1936.VII,Erratum © Dispute between Ethiopia _and_Ita.l_y_._- Erratum to the Comraunication from the Internatio-.al Bed Cross Committee of April 24,1936. C.192.M.121.1936.IV Reorganisation of the Advisory Commission for the protection and welfare, of Children and young people.- Report by the Advisory Commission. 0.193.M.122.1936. Numerical list of documents distributed to the Members of the League.- No.4 (April 1936) C.194.M,123.1936.VII Supreme plebiscite court in the Saar.- Report by the President (M..reh 1,1935- March 31,1936). C.198.M.124.1936.Ill Health Committee (25rd Sc^sion, April-May 1956).- Report. © Erratum to French text only. C.199.M.125.1936.T and Annex.@ Permanent Court of International Justice.- Note by the So ere't? ry-Gcneral , Statute , Rules and other constitutional Documents , rules and regulations C . 136.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Commu­ nication from the Ethippian Government(May 2.1936) together with ten annexes. C.204.M.127.1936.IY Traffic in Wome_n_ and Children Commit tee (15 th Sos s i on, ,-_pr il 1936) , Child _ lolfare Committee (12th Session, April-May 1936).- Reports and annexes. C.2.»6,M. 128.1936. II.A Financial Commi1t e_e (blst Session x April- M y 1936).- Report. C.207.M.129.1936.VII Di_s^ut_e between E thiopia and Italy.- Commu­ nication from tlm Swedish Government (May 4,193o) and correspondence between Swedish Government and Italian Government (January 14- March 4,193o). C.208.M.13 0.1936.VII Dispute bet .to en Ethiopia and Italy.- Commu­ nication from the Italian Government (April 30.1936) to the Chairman of the Committee of Thirteen. C.215.M.131.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy♦- Com­ munication from the Ethiopian Government. (May 10,1-336). C. 217. M. 13?.. 1936. Representation of Ethiopia on the Council.- Letter from the Ethiopian Government (May 8,1936}. C.219.M.133.1936.VII D ispute between Ethiopia and I Laly.- C immu- nication from the E iopian Government (M > 11.1936). C.220.M.134.1936.VII D ispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Commu­ nication from the Latvian Government (May 9,1936). - 4 - C.221»M. 135.195 b.VII Dispute between Ethiopia__a_nd Ito.lj. - C > a-ai- nication from the Italian Government (M.v 7.1936) and note from the Italian Govern­ ment to the British Government (May 6,1936). C.224.M.136.1936, VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Commu­ nication from the Italian Government (May 9, j.936) and notes from the Italian Government to the Swedish Government (Mu^ .17and January 12.1936) G.225.M.137.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Commu­ nication from the Italian Government (May P , 1936) and annexes C.234.M.139.1936. Withdrawal of Guatemala from the League.- Telegram from the Guatemalian Government (May 16,1956) . C.242.M. 140.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Protest of the Italian Government against use of dum­ dum bullets by the Ethiopian troops (April 30.1936). C.244.M.141.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italjy._-Communi­ cation from the Italian Government (May 13, 1956)& statement by a Belgian officer in ITibuti C.246.M.142.1936.VII Dispute between Ethi ojo i a and Italy.- Com :u- nication from the Ethiopian Government (May 12.1936) and note from President of Egyptian Medical Mission to the Ethiopian Red Cross (May 2,1956). C.247.M.143.1936. Withdrawal _of Guatemala from the League.- Telegram flora the Guatemalian Government (Me,y 14,1936) and Secretary-GeneralT s reply (May 15,193b). C.248.M.144.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopla and Italy.- Com­ munication from 'the International Red Cross Committee (May 14,1936) and Circular from the International Red Cross Committee to the Central Committees of the national Red Cross Societies (April 27,1936). - 5 - G*251.M,146.1936. Withdrawal of Guatomala from the League.- Letter from the Guatema.1 fan. Goveriimegt^fMary 13,1936) . ' • • C.254.M.148+1936. Withdrawal of Guatemala from the League.- Letter from the Secretary-Gene'ral to the 'Guatemalian Government (May 28,1936). A.I.1936. Assembly. L*- gue (17th Session. September 1936) Convocation A.2»1986. Assembly, League (17th Session,September 1936j. Agenda. A. 9.1936.. V -Composition of the Council.-Report by the • Special Committee* ! -> ' A.10.1936.IX.A Allocation-of expenses of the League.- Report by the Committee on Allocation of Expenses. C.L.74.1936.IX @ .. Naval Treaty (March 1936) -with Protoool of. S.igna- ture and Additional Prot_ocol_L- Note by the ' Secretary-General. C.L.75.1936,7 @@ ' • ' Acts relating to the Constitution of the Perma­ nent C mrt of International Justice.-» Note by the Secretciry-Genëral. ® Distributed to those Members non signatory of the Treaty. @@ Distributed with C.-GO.MZ28.1936.V,Addendum. - 6 - C.L.76.1936.II,B Convention providing a uniform law for cheques with annexes and Protoooih^ Convention for the settlement of certain. conflicts of laws in con­ nection with cheques and Protocol, and Conven­ tion on the stamp laws _in connection with chequeslMarch 1931).- Accession "by France. C.L.77.1936.II.B Convention providing a uniform law for bills of exchange and promissory notes with annexes and Protocol , C<mventi'>n for the settlement of certain conflicts of laws in connection with bills of "exchange and promissory notes_and_ Convention on the stamp laws in connection with bills of exchange and promissory notes~T«June 1930.)- Accession by France. C.L.78.1936,VIII Convention on the taxation of foreign motor Vehicles with annex and Protocoi-Annex;- (March 1 9 3 1 ) Accession by Great Britain in respect of Palestine. C.L.79.1936.V Convention concerning workmen * s compensation for occupation;.1 diseases (1934l~ and Convention ensuring benefit or allowances to the involuntary unemployed (June 1934),adopted by the Inter­ national lab')ur_ Conference Tl8th Session) Ratification by Great Britain in respect of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. C.L.80.1936 and A-niexes @ Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Note by the Secretary-Goneral and minutes of meetings held April 20,1936 by the Council. C.L.81.1936.V Entry into force__o_f_ the Protocol concerning the revision of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice (September 19291.* Observations of Brazil. C.L.83.1936,XII Convention for facilitating the Internationa1 circulation of films of an educational character Tôctober 1933). - Ratification by Hv.„%.ary. C.L.Q4.1936.T and Annexes <30 C .L.84(a) . 1936.V and A nexes @@© Election to the vacancy resulting from the res iff nation of M. Wang C'.ung-H - i. judge of the perma' nent Court of International Justice.- Note by Secretary-G' eriuL, Letter from the s"ecretary-Ge6‘. ral to the Members of National' Groups and e x tra o from the revised St tu te of the C mrt. © C/9TsT"session/p.v79"(T)",'To$TJ and 11(1)” M.L.8 and M.L.û . • c. o(a) .1936.V,Annex. @@@ M.L.B(a) ar:d M.L.8 and 8(a) ,1:,,ju.V,Annex, C.L.85.193Ô.IV International Convention for the suppression of the circulation of and traffic in obscene publications TSëpTember 1925).- Ratificaticn by Japan. C.L.87.1936.VIII Special transmissions by wireless telegraphy.- Note by the Secretary-General. C.L.88.1936.VIII Weekly transmissions by wireless telegraphy.- Note by the Secretary-General.
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