[iii uiii.iiiii i. iiai^ii IIIIII wiwywwMM « ->«*;• *^e^,*s«MiflBi3»sa*£itaa«%y. ^•B«-.t^»^*^W)rt<««ii - n^aiiulMfc^aWtr^^^^^s,.^ IB*? r i 1 T pspiy-siv faith." Another anonymous doaor HBALY—At Aghabullogue Michael fteWHf I fPTTITP DIed.--Saturdar, Dec. 14, Timothy d'SULLIVAN—Dec. 12. at 2 Cbarle- lag ably assisted by the people b*i has forwarded a subscription of £200. Healy. aged 19 years. *fl!#P*» UHiiJUiXl. pHnaedty, High street, Sllgo. Inter­ rllle terrace. North Circuiar road. Tramora and WaterfordU MURPHY—On Dec. 13. at The •w*fc» ment in Droaaard. December, at the George J. O'Sulllvan. %* WEXFORD.—Father Slmoo Hore, a Square, liacroom, John C. Murphy, Dominican' Convent,: Adelaide, Aus­ STBWART-Dec. 12. at 18 Gold­ WEWSFROM ALL THE COUN- distinguished*, member of the great tralia, Bessie, la religion.. Sister smith; street, Elizabeth Stewart. 59 genera] grocer, aged 65 years. ULSTER. Order of Saiat Francis, died Dec 1«, ? TIES OP IRELAND. M«ry Alberta. In the 15th year of her Middle Abbey street. RYAN—On Dec. 16, Ettmond R^yan, near We»ford. Some month* ago tie religious profession, daughter of Mar­ n Patrick street ANTRIM.—Tha death of Mr. Joan sustained serious injuries when driv­ garet Kernaghaa, Stephen street, K1LDARB.—Irish language classes CURT1N—On Dec. 15, at 88 York llooney of 212 West Campbell street, ing from a mission, from which he Whttt Is Btlag Done by the Pcopl* Bligo. are held in the Town Hall. Newbridge street Nora Curtln. Glasgow, ocurred lately at the age of never fully recovered. Solemn Requi­ '}...„ jp&Hame—Various Items From > The death of the lineal descendant on Wednesday and Sunday in each RUSSELL—On Dec 14, at Bally- 65 years, widely and deeply regret­ r week under the auspices of the Saint em services were held in Wexford, Boe, Catherine Russell. ted. He was a native of Fortglenone. :, ' Every Section of the Em­ of Turlough O'Connor, the great King and bis remains were Interred In tbe of Ireland, occurred Nov. 2. at hit Conlertb's Branch of the Gaelic MURPHYrr-On Dec. 14, at 41 Ban- The funeral took place to Dalhetb erald Isle. League, and good work for the reviv­ cemetery attached to tbe convent in don road, Corp, Ellen Murphy. Cemetery. residence. 86 Hamilton street, Qovan, tbe town. Scotland. Be was the son of Owen al of the language is being done KELLBHER—On Dec. 14, at Car- Rev. R. O'Kane, pastor of Dunloy O'Connor, Sligo, and of Rose Mc'Ber- through the teaching of the lessons The funeral of Mr. Patrick Dev- rigayulla, Denis Kelleber, late of Car- died Dec. 12, to the great regret of his CONN A TOUT. non, and grandson of Capt. Michael given by Mr. J. J. O'Kelly. ereux, Courtnacuddy, took place Dec. hue and Aghabullogue. people. Father O'Kane was ordained O'Connois Rev. Thomas O'Connor. Dr. Frank Thomas. Bray, died Dec. 7, to the Roasdroit Cemetery. Attend­ in St. Malachy's church by the Most .0ALWAY,—The death of Mr. H. A. Very Kev. Dr. Patrick O'Connor and 11 at bis home in Main street. Rath- ance Very large. KERRY.—The dead body of Mr. Rev. Dr. Dorran In April, 1879, and Cloberty, of Palmyr* Crescent, Gal- Mr. James O'Connor, manager of the- angan, deeply regretted. The remains A Solemn Requiem Mass and Office Timothy Sullivan, farmer, was found was curate successively in Laughin- nmj, occurred unexpectedly on Dec National Bank In Tralee. County Ker­ were removed via Klldare for inter­ were celebrated on last Saturday at Manlin, Dromoo, Dec. 12, within island, Newtownard*. St Matthew's. 3M|r to the area* regret of his lamlly ry, were brother!. ment in the family, burial ground at stated the Catholic Press of Sydney, forty yards of his home. He had been Ballyxnacarrett St Mary's and St r aug friends. Solemn Office and High, ! The Klnlough branch of the United Gralguenamanagh. dated Oct. 5, 1901, at St Mary's in Cahlrciveen, and the cold and* wet Patrick's Belfast, whence he was pro- %•,. Mais were held In St Joseph's church Irish League is having a great in­ church, North Sydney for the late being extre-ne, he "died from exposure.} moted in 1893 to the parish of Dunloy I) fOfc the repose of nia soul, Very Rev. crease in membership. KILKENNY.—The League Is now Mr. Charles Nolan, who died on Sept During the night tbe cold and wind and Clougbmilis. f- 3P|0ter Laly, celebrant; Father Carr, making great progress In the County 8, at Geraldtown (Queensland). Mr. was of such a terrible character that A special meeting of the Henry Joy dejucon; and Father Walsh, sub-dea- Kilkenny, and in the near future al­ Nolan was a native of County Wex­ nothing could survive through them. McCracken Literary Society, Belfast, «£• 4B©Jt -In the choir: Father Dooley, LJENSTEB most every parish will have a branch. ford .and in the time of Pius IX., in The funeral of Mr. HIckey, late mas­ was held in their hall. Upper Done­ father Oreaven, Father Weafer, S. J.; Tbe priests and people are working 1860, was one of the noble Irish vol­ ter of the Listowel Union, took place gal street, on Dec 8. Mr. Patrick Jfcther Flynn, O. S.JF.; Father Cur- CARLOW—On Sunday, Dec. 8, the unitedly to kill landlordism and root unteers who—under the command of Nov. 19, and was numerously attend­ Russell (president) presiding. The fan, Father Murphy, 0. P.; Father feast of the Immaculate Conception, tbe tiller In the soil. Major O'Reilly—fought for the inde­ ed. He was aged 60 years, Tbe\ in­ folowing resolution was proposed By Bird, 0. S. A; Father Donovan, S. J.; Most Rev. Dr. Foley, Bishop of Kll- In St. John's Parish In the city of pendence of the Holy See, which was terment was in Ballylongford Ceme­ Mr. Neil Curran, seconded by U. Pat­ Jflather Nestor, C. C; Father Foley. S. daie and Leigblln, ordained In the Kilkenny, on Dec. 8. was founded a. then menaced by infidel revolution tery, and was very numerously attend­ rick McGreevy, and passed: "That J.; Father Considlne, Father Griffith Church of St Patxlek'B College Car-, branch of tbe United Irish League. and royal and imperial treachery, in ed. During twenty-one years he had we express our sorrow at the loss and Father Mahony. At the funeral low. the Rev. J. McDonald t.n the , llev. P. Treacy presided. 1862 he came to Australia, and his been master of the Listowel Union. which the national cause has sus­ gsy -**° Prospect Hill cemetery the members diocese of Dubuque. The Dlshop was career In this country has been a very The Rev. Father Crowley, Listowel, tained by the death of Michael O'Haa- ~«f the Lough Corrib Rowing Club assisted by the Rev. FalW Bropny, KING'S.—Mr. John Dillon, M. P.. prosperous one, and his conduct as a assisted by Rev. Father Pierce, Bally­ lon, of Downpatrlck, who Hved and _- marched in procession. dean of the college. Held a great Nationalist meeting hi faithful Catholic and a good citizen longford, officiated at the funeraL labored for Ireland, and proved him­ mc. In complete keeping with the devoted Miss Walsh of Brownsgrove Na­ Died —On Dec. 7, at B3l!yl>romir>«?!, Cloghan on Dec. 14. i be members of An enthusiastic meeting of the self a courageous soldier of freedom Iwtolsm of his younger days. The tional School speaks Irish fluently. Fenagh, Anna Margsret Broughan, the local branch on the United Irish Knocknagoshel branch of the United in days of danger, even years of suf­ celebrant of the Mass was Very Rev. „ and is taking a great Interest in the aged 14 years. Dec. 13, at Church League presented an address to Mr. Irish League was held lately, Mr. ferings and hardships in a felon's Father C. Nulty, S. J. (rector of St c enovetnent to revive the language of street, Tallow, Richard Hold«n. In­ Dillon, signed by John Devery, presi­ John J. Greaney in the chair. cell coul dnot shake his fidelity to the dent; James Dooly, vlce-prealdent; Aloyslus' College). > K4^: ' Ireland. She has formed classes in terment was in Grange Cemetery. cause of Ireland, and the story of his which the Irish language will be Cardinal Moran, Arcublahop of Syd­ Patrick Garahy, treasurer; Wm. Guln- 1 devotion and sacrifices to the cause & LIMERICK.—Miss Bridget Halpin, dtavght in future. ney and the PTlmary of Australia, is an and M. Kenny, secretaries. Mr. WICK LOW.—Mr. Thomas Shortt a Hospital, was professed a religious of of nationality will always cause nls The solemn ceremony of profession in his 72d year. Born in County Car­ Michael Egan read an address from very popular resident of Blessington, the Order of Mercy in the Convent at name to be remembered with feelings was performed on Dec, 10 in the chap­ lo w he was only twelve years of age the F"erbane Branch. Mr. T. Kelly died Dec. 15. The funeral to Burgage Hull, England, on Nov. 30. taking the of love by bis fellowcountrymen. m& el of the Convent of Poor Clares, Gal- when he accompanted his uncle. Card­ read an address from the Clon mac- was very numerously attended. iilie of Sister Mary Rose. way. The Sisters professed are: Sis­ inal Cullen, Dublin, to Rom". As noise Branch. Mr. James McCor- Mrs. Mary Conran, formerly of Bal- The death of Mrs. Richard Browne, ARMAGH.—A Are broke out In the ter Mary Magdalene Joseph Peter of student, professor, and vlco-rector of mack read an address from Tessarer llnure.
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