*lot , To. glebe re 15, 1993 artNo. 1 January P. 22 Joint community effort beautifies Glebe BY ALLISON DINGLE of the trees to the School Among several recent init- site is another tale), a iatives to improve the en- group of neighbours and vironment and enhance the school parents undertook beauty of our neighbour- the daunting task of digging hood, the revitalization holes in very hard-packed, of Patterson Creek Park has sloping ground and manipu- taken place in several stag- lating large and heavy root- es. The project was needed bAls in order to plant four because of the lack of new silver maples along the mature, healthy trees in front of the School's the Park. gymnasium. The project first got un- It is hoped that by the derway in September 1990 time we lose the beautiful when residents of Linden mature trees, these new trees Terrace collected money and will be effective replace- carried out an ambitious ments. replanting programme, with While one group laboured planning help from the Nat- on the silver maples, ano- equally ional Capital Commission, Bill Robertson, Jim Dingle, Lorne Smith at Patterson ther enthusiastic the Park's owner. Linden, Creek planting at First Avenue SchooZ., June 22,1992. group, led by Deirdre maple, ash, pine and spruce Nicholds, were busy planting were chosen for the plan. The following spring, the new cedars, and regrouping of Greg Esnard, a Glebe An enthusiastic work party residents took up another poorer existing ones, to resident then employed at of over 20 neighbours, collection and added more enhance the east end of the Pretoria Branch of Can- from grandparents to teens, trees, including cedars, a the Park. They added five ada Trust, got it going planted over a dozen new silver maple and a willow different colours of day again. Greg suggested that trees, to replace deceased near the canal. lilies, collected from the neighbours apply to to the and recently lost trees neighbours' gardens, in Fortunately, the National Trust's Friends of the Callada border of the cedar clumps. Park. Capital Commission recog- the Environment Committee nizes that the What a difference that will neighbour- for a grant. Within weeks hood group could neither make next spring: the group had heard from afford nor physically han- Naturally, the neighbour- Canada Trust that they would Ride-em Roy! dle the large trees needed hood and the School are much provide $500 for the next to complement the new, but endebted to Canada Trust stage of planting. relativelY small plantings. for their support for the The group had long re- A virtual forest of mature last major planting. This cognized the need to re- trees planted with special- fall, the NCC were able to place the aged silver- add a few more replacement ly-equipped trucks in the maples which shade First trees to the east end of spring of 1992 restored Avenue School on the south the Park. As for the next more completely the Park's side of the park, across stage, winter is a good stately, tree-lined appear- the canal. With Canada time for inspired thought! ance. As well the NCC Trust's commitment as in- cared extensively for the centive, we approached new plantings and replaced First Avenue's Home and the few that had not pros- School Association for INSIDE pered, including one new a $300 grant to supplement tree donated by an NCC the Friends of the En- crew member from his own vironment funds. Letters property. With the NCC's permission, GCA 12 Just when residents of and enormous cooperation Linden Terrace assumed the from Ritchie's Feed and 14 hold for Money project was on Seed (the heroic delivery awhile, a happy initiative Sport 17 7 Art 18 Memorial Rink party Feb. Music 19 BY DUDLEIGH COYLE School 23-28 ic, possibly a broomball on All are welcome!!! A great game...and we have it Books 30 good authority that the afternoon of skating for Kidspace 34 the whole family at the weather will be great!!! .0 Glebe Memorial Rink on Glen- The annual rink party is one of the major events or- .o dale Avenue just west of Percy. Sunday February 7 is ganized by the Glebe Memor- Quote of the Morall the date of the 1993 Rink ial Rink Rats under the o Oh, what a blamed uncertain -p the "Glebe City of Ottawa's Community Party hosted by thing Memorial Rink Rats". This Operated Outdoor Rink Pro- ra4 This pesky weather is; year the line-up of events gram. Roy Campbell of It blew and snew and then Unicyclist is exceptional. We will be All are welcome, come on was well it thew, Circus Delights having races, a wiener roast, out and enjoy on Sunday, cru- And now, by jing, it's by a young caped groovy mus- ridden hot chocolate, February 7, 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. friz. sader at the Snowflake 5th. Philander Johnson Special, December N EWS Glebe Singers seeks new GLEBE REPORT DEADLINES FOR 1993 and pianist MONTH DEADLINE DATE PAPER OUT members January January 4 January 15 BY DAVID ROSE new members. If you like The Glebe Singers present- to sing and might be inter- February February I February 12 ed a concert of Christmas ested in joining a group of March March 1 March 12 music in the Community Centre enthusiastic amateurs seek- April on December 14. The concert ing to have some fun and March 22 April 2 was improve divided into two parts. their skills, why May April 26 May 7 In the first part, we sang not come out and give it a June a variety of pieces ranging try? Formal training is May 31 June 11 from traditional carols to not necessary. Some ability NO JULY PAPER more modern secular music. to read music would certain- The second part of the con- ly be helpful, but it is August July 26 August 6 cept was a not a requirement. do devoted to cycle We September August 23 September 3 of eight songs composed expect a commitment to the October September 27 by Antony Garlick, which work necessary to prepare a October 8 were accompanied by slides concert for public presen- November November 1 November 12 of Renaissance paintings tation. We practice together December depicting aspects of the once a week for two hours November 29 December 10 Christmas story. We appre- (on Wednesday evenings) -- ADVERTISING RATES below are for camera-ready material. the ciated enthusiastic res- with a bit of extra work as Typesetting and/or graphic/photographic services are ponse of our audience and concert dates approach. The extra. the generous donations. We group is also looking for A 10% DISCOUNT is available after the were able to pass on a sub- a pianist to join us, on a fourth time of advertising stantial contribution to volunteer basis, for prac- (extra graphic work not included). We are required to charge the The Snowsuit Fund. tices and public perfor- Federal Goods and Services tax on our ads. The Glebe Singers is a mances. If you have some relatively small, mixed- experience in accompaniment ADVERTISING RATES voice, adult choir, mostly and would be satisfied to FULL PAGE (10" x 14") GST Incl. $347.75 residents of the area. We receive your reward in fun HALF PAGE (7" x 10" or are ably and patiently and fellowship, we would be 5" x 13") 187.25 by directed Janice Gray. pleased to hear from you. QUARTER PAGE (5" x 7") 123.05 We are now looking forward If you are intrigued and 5" x 4" 'I to preparing for our spring want more information on 96.30 concert. We will begin pra- the Glebe Singers, please 4" x 3" 64.20 cticing again in mid-Jan- call Sue Rose at 231-7846 3" x 24" business uary, and we would welcome or Jean Gomez at 238-7270. card) 42.80 Toastmasters welcome new members BY JOE A. HOLMES up to two minutes impromptu Well developed communica- on an assigned subject. Robbie Burns Day fundraiser tion and public speaking Prepared speeches are given skills are important for by members which are ev- The Association of Friends well as traditional Scot- career advancement in to- aluated to proviae con- of the Billings Estate Mu- tish music. This is a fund- day's job market. Toast- structive feedback. seum, the Ottawa Story- raising event and so in masters is a worldwide non- Meetings can be very en- tellers and the Green lieu of an admission fee profit organization dedi- tertaining and educational, Valley Restaurant invite the Ottawa Storytellers cated to helping individuals and a great place to make new everyone to celebrate Robbie ask the public to make a develop these skills in a friends and contacts. The Burns day at a Ceilidh donation to the Friends of funfilled, entertaining variety of speech topics at the Green Valley Restau- the Billings Estate Museum, atmosphere with over 180,000 presented is limitless. rant (in the Walnut Room) on after the evening perfor- members of 8,000 clubs, in There are also speech Monday January 25, at 7:30 pm. mances. The donations will 52 countries around the contests, workshops, con- Celidh, pronounced kay - go towards the restoration world. ferences and social events. lee, is gaelic and is de- of damaged artifacts Two Toastmasters clubs Clubs sometimes offer a fined as: a party, a and the installation of a meet near the Glebe area. basic course in public gath- ering, a friendly visit.
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