AREA POPULATION 3500 Guatay ·····-·········--·--·· 200 Jamul ··················--·- 2074 Pine Valley ...................... 956 Campo ·······-····················· 1256 Descanso -························ 776 Jacumba ............................ 852 ALPINE ECHO Harbison Canyon ............ 1208 Total ···-····················· 10,822 Serving a Growing Area of Homes and Ranches VOL. 7-NO. 22 ALPINE, CALIFORNIA, JUNE 4, 1964 PRICE TEN CENTS IN T IMATE J GOLDWATER, SALINGER AND G L I M P. s E s MURPH¥ WIN IN ELECTION By BEA LaFORCE The ret urns of last Tuesday's election give Gold­ If you haven't been out these water a lead over Rockefeller for the State's delegation early summer evenings sniffing the air, then you've missed one of to the Republican National Convention. The results also the best reasons for ·living in the give a substantial l·ead to Salinger for the Democratic mountains. The perfume of every nominee for United States Senate and to Murphy for the flower that blooms here is scent· Republican nominee for United ing the air of early evening. Some­ States Senate. how, this scent of summer's be­ The semi-official tabulations for ginning, seems sweetest just at El Cap Graduation the candidates for Congress, the sunset. There's the last of the • s t IS tate Legislature and the Board wild lilac, and the yucca, the John­ Serv1ces e of Supervisors who represent the ny-jump-ups, and the blue flower· . Crest, Harbison Canyon, Alpine ing sage; there's the first of the Baccalaureate services ?n Sun- and Mt. Empire areas are as fol­ larkspur, the wild sweet pea, and day afternoon, June 7, Will open lows: Graduation Week for the 2934 sen­ penstamen to name a few of the iors of the class of 1964 in the Congress, 35th District many natives that give the air its Grossmont Union High School Dis­ Herman Schiller, Secretary-Manager of the Lakeside Irrigation Dis- special blend of perfume. Breath DEMOCRATIC trict. Dressed for the first time trict, hands the keys of the new office to Alex Adams, Secretary- deeply of it and you can sort out Carpenter ............. ................... 46,062 Di rector of the Rio San Diego MWD. Looki ng on is 1Ed Houser, in caps and gowns, seniors will . the separate scents on the soft E ngmeer-Manager for Rio. Mr. Adams is a resident of Alpine. gather at various places in the evening breeze. Add to it the REPUBLICAN E ch o Pho t o. community to participate in the per~umes of your own a~d neigh- traditional ceremony. Utt ............................................ 99,189 bor s flower beds, flowenng trees, F h d d d th El c Assembly, 80th District RIO SAN DIEGO MWD OPENS fruits growing,_ b~rries ripenin?, itano::nio~~ i~e gof; cap::~d go:~~ DEMOCRATIC and grasses begmmng to dry. This Iwith black and gold tassels, will NEW OFFICE FACILITIES ,~~~ ~~dswe:\smel!~ wo~ld be lost meet in Foster Gymnasium at 3 Eckstein ... ................................. 6,346 • 1 _I .' no . ave e c ean moun- p.m. to hear a Baccalaureate ad· Hood .......................................... 10,732 Last Tuesday afternoon, RIO San Diego MWD offi- I tam air to nde upon. Flo~e r gar-. dress by the Rev. Clarence H- I Matselboba .. .......................... 2,953 cially took over the new offices recently constructed as dens never smell so good m to~n Shackelford of the First Presb - dd. · · · where a trace at least of traffic Y REPU BLICAN an a Ibon to the existmg Lakeside Irrigation District f t b ' . 1 d' 'th th . terian Church in El Cajon. Also building The present t" f th k t th ff" umes mus e mmg e WI eir assisting are Father James P. 0 - Ashcraft · ·····················--···········26•411 perfume Breathe deep and give H tf. ld 14 346 d· b M Ha IOn o S he" l eys o e new o ICe · Donoghue of Our Lady of Perpetu- a Ie ......................... ........... • was rna e y r. erman c I ler, Se-cretary-Manager Cnntinued on Page 4 H f Lak 'd d J A - of the Lakeside District, who pre- a1 e1 P 0 esi e an · rvi1 Board of Supervisors sented the keys to Mr. Alex Adams, Jes~erson of the Church_ of Jesus \ DISTRICT 2 Secretary-Director of Rio San Di- Alpine Board Adopts VFW Pit Barbecue Chnst of Latt~r D~y Samts. The . 1 6 g 0 MWD Bel Canto ch01r, directed by Mrs. 1 B1rd ................... ········'············3 ,99 e • BaJgef Angela sing three Bon.ey_ .. .....................................32 ,531 The new offices were provided School U At v.·e)·a·s Sunday numbers,M~ mclrshal~udmg, wil~ Give Me Your Christianson ........................... 3,523 through the joint efforts of the The Board of Trustees of the Continued on Page 4 1Snodgrass .................................. 4,558 Directors of the Lakeside lrriga- Alpine Union School District, at The pit barbecue being held as tion District and Rio San Diego a meeting last Monday night, a benefit for the new VFW Post MWD. The Lakeside District con- adopted a budget for the next at the Viejas Indian Reservation structed an 8()()-square foot addi· fiscal year. will be held Sunday, June 7th, at tion to their existing office build· The budget, in the amount of the Reservation. ing, and the Rio district will oc- $274,000, was adopted based on In addiiion to the barbecue cupy this space and pay the cost the amount of State funds that will there will be Indian dances, in­ over a 10-year period. Both dis- be received under the Unruh legis­ cluding the eagle dance and the tricts will share the Board of Di- Iative bill which was passed by the hoop d a n c e, performed by the Continued on Page 4 Legislature and is now waiting for Little Road Runners. Also mem­ the signature of the Governor. If bers of the San Diego Sky Divers the bill is not signed into law, Club will put on a demonstration S.D. Co f CB acks curtailment will have to be made of sky diving over the Reservation, in the program. The curtaHment landing nearby the barbecue area. would be the elimination of the Live music will be furnished for Highway Projects Spanish language program for the dancing, and free horseback rides The Directors of the San Diego grades fourth and eighth. will be offered for those who want Chamber of Commerce last week A citizen's and school officials' to explore the Reservation. approved a list of San Diego Coun- committee which was recently a-p-­ The tickets are $1.00 for adults ty highway projects which will be pointed to make a study of the and 75 cents for children. All .pro­ submitted to the State Highway landscaping fo r the District schools ceds will go · toward establishing Commission. The list was recom- made a report to the Board. The the new all-Indian VFW Post mended to the Board by Daniel committee, which is headed by w., which will have its headquarters Hale, Chairman of the Chamber's Zuelke, will meet at the Rich~rd in the Community House on the Highway Committee and repre- Harbison Canyon school on June 1 Reservation. sents construction projects for the 10 to discuss ideas on landscaping Bees Swarming --House Hunting 1965-66 fiscal year. and propose a cost estimate for Alpine bees have been busier than usual seeking The recommendations will be th_e ~ andscaping of all of the Dis­ Alpine School new homes. around the community. Several swarms have presented at a meeting to be held trict s schools to be presented to been caught by local bee men. Here we see Hollis Mancil, in San Diego on J une 23, 1964, at the Boa_r_d_.__ ______ of South Grad·e Road, getting ready to invite a nice swarm which members of the California Graduation June 8 State Chamber of Commerce High­ Mt. Empire School of honey bees to move into one of his bee gums. The bees way Committee and representa­ Graduation exercises of the Al­ are hanging up in the branches of the pretty flowering tives of the State Highway Com­ pine School will be held Monday, acacia tr-ee in the George and Mary Allen, and W . A. Tax Override Wins June 8, at 8 p.m. in the Alpine mission will be in attendance. For Burnett place on Tavern Road. Mr. Burnett brought the Continued on Page 4 The tax override proposition School Auditorium. voted on last Tuesday in the Mt. Theme for the evening will be ladders for Mr. Mancil to get the bees down, but says he Empire Unified School District "Our American Heritage" and will will get out of the way when the little honey makers carried a Yes vote of 472 against be the subject of the major ad· begin to buzz around. With the aid of the smoker, l'te MI. Empire Women a No vote of 301. dress which will be given by four holds in his hand, Mr. Mancil transquilized the bees and The current year tax rate max- students, Celeste Irvine, Lawrence imum is $2.15 per $100 assessed Dyer, Marion Bell and Donna with a big soft brush swept them off into the be•e box. Plan Bus Trip va-luation. The tax override which Schwenck. The bees swarm, leaving their home hive, when thete The Mt. Empire Woman's Club was approved will increase the There wi11 be 73 graduates in are too many queens. One of the extra queens gathers a will go on their annual bus trip rate 50 cents to a total of $2.65 this class.
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