nwa Dsttjr Net Pnm Run The Weadu¥T TUESDAY, NOVEMBBa B, 1868 Itor Ytak BMtoi Rato bagtontog tonight. iMW j9Ranrl|f^0t^r E w fu in g H^rraUi I, 1848 86 to 40. Tutuorrow m la eoattao- iiattrIjFater hM tiaoagh moot of day. High •b o o tm Soandia Lodca. Onl«(’o'Vaaa, Jamea B. Plata of 8 Batea 1.5,334 A citadar aala win be bald H m Ladlea Auxiliary of the l>ep«rtinents Move O e m e u t iiio Maitdte»ter— A City o f ViBagm Charm A b o u t T o w n Saturday, Now. Id, by the Btaar- 8th Dlatriet Sire Department wW meet Ihuraday at 8 pjn. Rd. haa recently bean i^jpotit- F e r r a r i win hare a apedal maatint to­ at Odd FeUowa^ Han. A <daaa ed a c e it M ^ itfle and marka- .The Down of MaMilwstar p r ic e t e n c e n t s ator CIrela oC North TTntUd MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1M8 aa Fago IT) t«(hm Anxill- hiathodiat Church In conjuiic- morrow at 7 ;80 p.m. at tha fira- of candidatea win be induotod manriiip Imdructor by the Nh- has moved two of its deport- To Describe VOL LXXXVllL NO. 82 (FOBTY PAGES—TWO SBCnONS) into lUie kidge. After the meet- tlonal Rifle Aaaooiatton. P a r o le d manto from lentad ipisrtotB Mgr win mpemm>r « A>o4 and tloB with tha Chrtatmaa Pair bouaa, S 3 'M a in -S t liV, Herbert Bengaton wfll lead ------ to the town-owned Trotter b«k» Mi* rriday atarUac st at tha ohardi, >00 Parker St OorOBdo A. Fsrtarl, 58, of ! • ajM. ml B u iio i’a on MUa hbuieheator Ormagm wiU meet a songfeat of Swedieh and Bing- Manohaiter Jayoee wlvea wlU Blook at 88 Center St Data System Ram and aalaml ftindara may lUii aonga. RefreNifbenU win be meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Verona, N . J., oonvibted 10 Aa of yaatarday, the wal- a t TboM wiahliia to hav* n lo ba ordered by omtactlng Nra. tomorrow at 8 p^m. at Orance Josapb Oismanttoo, town eon- Hall. Iba Sleet and Second da- aerved by membera hawlnff q ,* home of Mra. Ken Reyn- yaara ago ki the atoying of a fara daputmant and tha vra- Itv a s piokad np may oontaet Richard FM d of >1 OrUfln Rd. troUer, will dlacuM the Trt-Oity gfae will be conferred. Refreeh- birUidayB In Nowamber. okte, 13 Khne Rd. Oueat apeak- WUHmantk) wonan to Vaenio, tar and eawer department Iflm. Ii*Mi Bradlay, 7S Pha^ or Nr*. Baiold fitoaly of tO Data Proeeselng Project Ryatem menta win be oarred by Ifrs. 4r will be Miae Donna Rlndtoe are In toetr newly renovaCad Rd. ‘ntablM Rd. by Sunday. The to being paroled. at the ooitoMnce for Obnneot- Madeline Moray and Mr. and Delta Chapter, RAM; wUl from Burtoh’a Store who will offices, next to the central trtodara -may ba yieked up at The Btate Pardons Board met leut city end town ftaanoe per- Mra. liouia Totniao. meet tomorrow at 7*J0 p.m. ■ demonatiate the uae of ooa- Flrshoine. Memben of die VFW Aoalia- tha church the tnonilnc of the tho Maaonlc Temple. The Moot yestorday and reduoad to Itome aohhel to ba held at tha UBl- ry ptanniiM to vtaU^tba NaaHiig- veraKy of Oonneotloirt on Nov. lair, which opana at 10 a.m. The BlgMl^ DWtrtet Sire D ^ Excellent Maater Maaon degree served” the life aentanoe of Fet^ ton Vetaram H oapttal arlth Poet and threatened to teU tato fam­ 30. The oonfoMne'e to Jotetty partment wW hold a depart­ win be cotkerred. Oriuly rarl and three other ooavloted mtn liara tomucniar idght are ily about toeir rrtattooaMp. Oftloeni and dlrectora of ment meeting tomorrow eve­ Pearaoiv moat excellent Mqg, alayara. sponsorgd by the UCtato Ibatl- reminded to m*et ad the Poat Thereafter he said he Bred two tute of Public Servloe, tbe Mu- Om ar Shrtae Chd> wlU meet at ning at 7. After the meeting, win prealde. After the degree Public Records Ferrart w as c h a rg e In the Home at ddS. toots at her while the gun wee nlelpel Finance OffleoM Aaao- 8 pjau tomorroiw aff tha home Hoae Oo. Nb. 3 wlU mdet at 8. work, there wBl bo'a aortal time total riMottog of his aBagrad Warrantee Deeds In a jpaper bag. claUoa of Conn., end the State of Robert Murdook, South Rd., wilh refreehmenta. ____ Htort F. Jbnea Jr. and M. girt friend. Mrs. Evelyn Seddon, Tux piHMirtmtnt H ie Kbftee KTaftera of the *' .___, ^ Mary Jones to John J. and Irane as she was seated to a paikad The data prqooaalng ayrtwi.to The One! Mancheater TWCA wlU meet to­ The M am *^ -R Malerba. property at >W ear on Valley Falla Rd. in Ver- a Joint vantuM Involving Man­ toe Lames AuxHiaiy of D ^ed conwiyanoe tax T o ^ to Painl morrow at 8:80 a.m. at the Oom- chester, Wefliersflsld, and Wind­ American Veteran* wlH meet ■V muntty T . The groiqi wUl work $38.95. The body of m m . Seddon was sor. The systsm to besteaSy us­ tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at the Old Firehouse PUIMB^OUT on a Chilatmaa pro directed Mary W. Donovan and Ruth found In tbe parked oar by a ed for p a y ^ , adoount* payaMa, by MTa. David Mtol)hy. Mem­ ■VFW home. “■ M. liebeig to Kennetb M. and resident c i the area. Thomas Bids be opened Nov. 18 and appropriation oontrol, tbe DEUVERY! bera are reminded to bring an snip __ _____ , __________ . Eunice W. Moigeater, property ROoker, who grew suaploloua- at U a.m. In di* Munlolpal latter a by-produot of the first Wins Popular, artlat wateroolor bruMi and a ^ ** HoUtotee St., conveyance after seeiiw the oar parked two. Tha ayrtam to progMinmad ffffff Wins brandy anIAer wfairti baa been will have Its monthly meeting ^ Building for painting tha old M THIIR mua for some time. ao that the three towns may use waahed and eleanad with aloo- Pina St. firehouse, abandoned _______ oondaaaed to the *U or any part of tha data. boL Other material* wU be March 1985 when the new Mc­ Aa tha trial town, aamentlno availaMe at the meeting. Hoat- abooUng of Itoa. Seddon.^The i6i Kee St. Firehouse w as dedtoat- said, Manohsstar has bean ttfinr easad are Mra Ruaadl Q. Pow- riaytog took plaoa to March State Vote the system alnoe July. Wetbera- ett aaid Mira Joaeph Kamlnakl. 1868 and Ferrari was picked ed. Electoral V ote A Oombkied Communion Sup- * • * U tn fleld win put tha ayatom tato af­ [<( - t ! ' • . S:;t’ c»at nrr.is':>n A batiyrttter to avaflabia. per win' be hrtd by St. Ibrga- U. 8. OovenmMnt against The old firtoouB*, at Pine SL HARTFORD, Conn. (AiP) — IHoe President Hubert up in Wallingford atawoat a fect to Janfiary, wllh Wtodmr ret Circle, Daughters of Uabel- Hugh F. end Theresa Hayden, and Hartford Rd., will be leas­ H. Humphrey overcame an early camjpaign lead by WASHINGTON (A P )— Refpublican Richard M. Nix­ month 'later. A t that time po- /poaatoiy oompleUng the trio of BARRiCiNl Mandieater Lodge of Masons la, and Oibbona AaaemMy, 390 Srtiool S t, $63«A1. Uoe atod the retotiontolp In­ ed b y the town to an unnamed Richard M. Nixon and a vote drain by George C. Wal- on was elected S7th President of the United States to­ win meet tonIgM at 7:80 at the tenant. Many tovm and private towns In July. laice to capture Connecticut’s eight electoral coHege Catholic Ladiee of Columbus Marrtoge !*««— * volved "mbnoy sntangletosnto o , ClemenUno said to Wa pans! day and won an immediate pledge of support fv ^ MhaoniC' Temple. The Entered Thursday, Nov. 3L at the KofC David SVirbea ThomhiU, 157 deals.” UMS have been proposed for K votes in Tuesday's election. Democrat Hubert H. Humphrey,^the man he narrowly CONCINTRATIO UQUI0' CHOCOLATES toioe It was atMUdoned. A ll diatoaalon he plana to davSlop PoUa taken early in the cam- Apprentice degree wtil be ocn- Home. 188 Main St. A memorM Lenox St., and Katoieen Ferrari had been jdant auper- tha Initial ataps takan to toaagu- d efea ted * DRAIN O P B « • C U A N B t ferred. Junior Warden James ware turned down, and the palgn had ladioated a stoiatan- Maas for deceased membera of France* ' Ann RtoaeB, 755 B. Intendent at Fenn Manutootur- rattng the s j ^ m , the ooordtoa- Capping a remaricaWe political comeback, Nixon A. Stratford wUl preaMe. building haa remained vacant. tlal lead for tbe RapUbUoan oo*- • RATS H A K both orgaataatlonB wUl be cele- Middle Tpke., Nov. 9, South ing Co. whSe MM. Seddon wma thm of data umga among ^ surged to the W hite House on the creert of close windup 98* brated at 8 p.Yh. at S t James’ Methodiat Church. secretary to plant exebuttoes. The old ftrebouae on Spruce Independent tender—but they also had sbown • IA 1S PAT 8t„ abemdonod when the new towns, the development of oorta, a stoeaMa.perMntago o f tmda- victories in California, his native state, IHlnois and Camrch, a ^ d l ^ r ^ ^ Thwna* Andrew Jacobsen, 887 In a oonfeaston, F e n a ri aaid and the hmerion of the Uatoon Manoheeter Qreen Firehouse oided voMm . I t waa from thto ed at 7 - Hackmatack S t, and Carol Ann Mrs.
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