HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE 9-10-72 9-10-72 5.3 ct 0544 t-tOURGlJ.\SS 0.7 at 1146 5.5 at 1756 VOL. 13, No. 30428 _.__-: ----;~=====:.::....:::::::::K=W=AJ=A::L::E=I=N=,=MAR=;~S:.:HAL=L=---.:I:.;S~L::.:.AN=..:.::D.::S:- -=-_~SCSlacl.t~u_=:rd!,!.aay:L.>-.--'s~e~p=tc!:e;!!!m~b=-e_:r:_'9~• ...:.1=..::9:..!7..=.2 Sen. McGovern Claims Inside Today israeii jets Down 3 Syrian Raiders R. .. ,.,.: .... ,. A ••"",,,"n. Mnde ........ ~ ~ ••• ~ ,...,. ,.... , •• - AROUND THE WORLD Page 2 Jews On D.C. Headquarters w Renounce C~tzensh1--p 3 EEKLY MOVIE GUIDE .••Page in Bombing Attack on Golan Heights ALBUQUERQUE (UPI) - Sen. George AROUND TOWN .••Page 4 TEL AVIV (UPI) - Israell Jet flghters today lntercepted an attack S. McGovern charped today that two Toastm1--stress L1--b formatlon of Syrlan warplanes over the occupled Golan HeIghts, and carloads of men, ",hrectly connec- FEATURES .••Page 5 mliltary spokesmen sald, shot down three of them as they fled home ted" wlth the CommLttee to Re- SPORTS .••Page 6 after dropplng SlX bombs. elect Presldent Nl,wn, trled to Olymp1-c Medal Starvlwgs An offlclal announcement sald a fourth SyrIan Sukhol 7 was damag­ bug hls campalgn hl~adquarters May COMICS ••• Page 7 ed whlle all Israell planes returned safely to base follOWIng the 27. CLASSIFIED ••• Page 8 flrst Arab-Israell alr battle In 25 months of Mlddle East cease­ At a news confer'!TIce, McGovern flre. also proposed that elther retlred As If In response, mliltary Chlef Justlce Earl Warren or for­ w. Germany To Return Dead Terrorists sources sald, gunners In SyrIa mer Sollcltor Genelal Lee Rankln, CAIRO (UPI) - West Germany has agreed to turn over to an Arab flred a number of unldentlfled now corporatlon counsel of New country, probably Llbya or Tunlsla, the bodIes of flve guerrlilas shells lnto the Hlsfln area of York Clty, conduct an lndependent kliled In the HUDlch attack on the Israell Olymplc contlngent, the the heIghts after dark, causIng lnvestlgatlon of tile lncldent as Mlddle East News Agency sald today. no damage or casualtles. The well as the alleged bugglng of Hans-Georg Steltzer, the West German ambassador In CaIro, has no­ nearby towns of Metulla and Klr­ the Democratlc party offlces at tlfled Arab League Secretary-General Mahmoud Rlad of the agreement, yat Shmona were warned to be rea­ the Watergate apartment complex the agency sald. dy for rocket barrages. In Washlngton June 17. It quoted Ste]tzer as saYlng Guerrilla Chief Vows Spokesmen denIed three Damascus Cltlng lnformatlC,n from sources Llbya and TunlSla have sald they M-v---...... ,. .' radlo reports--that two dogflghts .-1II _ _ .""_ 1_""_ ....... 1....... 1_113.. he dld not ldentlty, the Democra­ were ready Lo recelve the bodles, ••• - . took place, that two IsraelI tlC presldentlal ne,mlnee charged and ''It lS expected that Lhey 'War of Liberation' planes were lost, and that damage the men drove up te, hls headquar­ wlll be sent to one of those two from the Syrlan bombs, WhICh ters, then located on Capltol countrles " BEIRUT (UPI) - The Palestlnlan dropped wlthln a mIle of the Hlll, and found son~one sleeplng Steltzer also gave Rlad a copy guerrliia movement wlll contlnue cease-flre lIne, was heavy. In the doorway of the bUlldlng of a statement made by West Ger­ ltS war of llberatlon agaInst A natIonal radIO report saId and campalgn volunteers worklng man Forelgn Mlnlster Walter Israel "desplte all sacrlflces the SlX Syrlan bombs fell h?rm­ lnslde. Scheel, absolvlng Arab govern­ and sufferlngs," guerrliia chlef lessly In a fIeld near Kuneltra "That comblnatlon Ivas enough to ITents of responslblilty for the Yasser Arafat saId today. on the helghts. Israell troops turn them away," McGovern sald. Munlch lncldents, the agency In an appeal to the Palestln­ sealed off the entIre regIon la~ "They apparently pulled up to the sald. Lan people, Arafat urged all ter, refUSIng entry to CIVIlIan bUlldlng, looked over the sltua­ It later sald that the Arab guerrIllas to "remaln on the a­ trafflc or unauthorlzed personnel. tlon, saw what It was and drove Lawyers' Federatlon has delegated lert In order to face all pos­ The rald apparently was aImed off after a momentary dlscusslon ltS Asslstant Secretary-General slble developments." at avengIng Israel's blggest aIr among themselves. Abdel Rahman Yussufl to defend The appeal was lssued follow­ strlke on record agalnst Arab Although McGoverr decllned to three guerrlilas who were de­ Ing Israell aIr attacks agalnst guerrliia bases In SyrIa and Le­ name the lndlvlduals lnvolved In talned follOWIng the MunIch at­ guerrliia bases and Palestlnlan banon, carrIed out yesterday In the lncldent at hls headquarters, tack. refugee camps In SyrIa and Le­ response to the guerrliia murder he sald, "There lS no questlon In In a note to the Bavarlan mln­ banon yesterday whlch, guerrliia of 11 Israell Olymplans In West my mlnd but that they were dlrect­ lster of Justlce, the federatlon sources saId, ~llled 66 persons Germany. ly connected wlth the corrmlttee warned agalnst dny German mea­ and wounded 220 others. to re-elect the Presldent.. sures that would vlolate the de­ In the appeal, Arafat told the Arab ForeIgn MinIsters claratlon of human rlghts, or Palestlnlans: "In these moments, u.s. Jets Hit Railroad the guerrlilds' rlght to faIr when the enemy lS escalatlng hIS Gather In COIro for trlal, the agency added. hls crlmlnal aggresslons, our Between Hanoi, China The mlnlster was urged not to hearts throb wlth falth and de­ SAIGON (UPI) - U.S. Alr Force begln the lnterrogdtlon of the termlnatlon to prove to the CAIRO (UPI) - Arab forelgn mln­ Jets flew to wlthln 25 mlles of guerrlilas, except In the pre­ whole world that our people can­ lsters gathered In Calro today to Chlna yesterday In a new serles sence of a defense counsel. not be weakened. to dlscuss the latest Israell at­ of ralds agalnst North Vletnam's "Let the whole world know that tacks agalnst Lebanon and Syrla rallroad Ilne between Hanol and Agriculture Secretary our people wlll contlnue thelr and to probe the posslblilty of the Chlnese border, mliltary spo­ revolutIonary march untll VlC­ an Arab summlt) polltcal sources kesmen sald today. tory and llberatlon despIte all sald. Communlst ground gunners In sacrlflces and sufferlngs. The conference was descrlbed North Vletnam's panhandle to the Had 'InsIde Information' "All revolutlonarles should by polltlcal sources as "cru­ south shot down two Navy war­ VlASHINGTON (UP I) - .\frlculture remaln on the alert In order to clal," the sources added. planes durlng other ralds and the Secretary Earl L. BUlZ ~OddY ac­ face all posslble developements." A report by the Arab League's U.S. Command sald oae pllot lS cused DemocratlL preslJ.'ntlaJ ·,·,·rg,·n Island Slayers Secretary-General Mahmoud Rlad, "mlsslng." nomlnee George McGovern of mak­ caillng for a unlfled Arab plan Crew members of a Navy F4 Phan­ Lng "wlld charges" about the re­ of actIon agaInst Israel, also tom)hlt near Vlnh, l64 mlles cent US -RUbSla wheat sale deal. EIUde Intense Search wlll come up for dlscusSlon. the south of Hanol)managed to fly McGovern sald yesterday, on a CHRISTIANSTED, St. Crolx, Vlr- sources sald. thelr strlcken plane to wlthln 2 trlp through the natlon's graln­ gln Islands (UPI) - Federal and The conference had been sche- mlles of the alrcraft carrler Sa­ growlng country that large wheat local law offlcers combed the duled before the Israell alr at- ratoga before dltchlng It In the compalnes had "lnslde lnforma­ forested hliis of thls Vlrgln tacks agaInst Palestlnlan guer- Gulf of Tonkln and parachutlng tlon" whlch allowed them to buy Island tourlst haven anew today rliia bases and refugee camps In to safety, spokesmen sald. large amounts of wheat before for up to 7 bandIts who kIlled Lebanon and Syrla. The pllot of a smaller A7 Cor­ general knowledge of the deal 8 persons and wounded 7 In the The Lebanese forelgn mInIster salr was not so lucky, however. forced the prlce up. machlnegun robbery of a luxury sald upon arrlval In Caxro last I,lS plane was shot down over land. He dlso contended the AgrIcul­ golf resort. nlght that he WIll ralse the lS- Spokesmen sald It was posslble ture Department IS vlrtually "on Vlrgln Island Attorney General sue of the IsraelI "aggreSSIons" he had been captured by the North loan to the glaDt graln compan­ Gerald Tonkln refused comment on at the conference. Vletnamese. les," referrlng to departures the 4-day manhunt for 5 to 7 The conference wlll also dlS- Thalland-based Alr Force Jets of department staff members to gunmen who took part In the ter- cuss ways of strengthenlng the armed wlth laser-gul.ded "smart work for the lndustry. rorlst-type attack on the Foun- Arab League, and the problems of bombs" attacked 2 r,nlroad brld­ "McGovern has flalled out wlth taln Valley Golf Course Wednes- Chrlstlan Arabs who were refused ges on the Hanol-Chlna llne, a serIes of WIld l.harges," Butz day. permlsSlon to return to thelr droPPlng one but m1.3Slng the oth­ told a neWb conference. He Flve suspects arrested yester- vlliages In Northern Israel. er. The bomb that Jnlssed dld hlt characterlzed the accusatlons as day In a Chrlstlansted house and __--------------------------------~ rallroad track leadL~g onto the "patently false." He sald the charged wlth possesslng lilegal Island Weath r SUOl Co brIdge, 52 Jnlles north­ a?reement was announced less than weapons were stlll be~ng ques­ Cloudy skles wlth showers east of Hanol. two hours after detalls were tloned to determlne whether they Tank-backed North Vletnamese worked out.
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