Haverford College Bulletin, New Series, 42-43, 1943-1945

Haverford College Bulletin, New Series, 42-43, 1943-1945

CLASS L-D ^^O^BOOkJJI THE LIBRARY OF HAVERFORD COLLEGE THE GIFT OF HAVERK)KD COLLSGE ACCESSION NO. I I O \ I O Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2011 witii funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/haverfordcollege4243have No 2k.tln\e.t(o nu^mb^r pu-bh'sKcci HAVERFORD COLLEGE DIRECTORY 1943-44 DECEMBER, 1943 NOL. KLll ^^0. 1 FACULTY, OFFICERS, ETC. Telephone (Ardmore Exchange Name Address unless otherwise noted) Allendoerfer, Carl B. 750 Rugby Rd., Bryn Mawr B.M. 2568J Asensio, Manuel J. 2 College Lane 9163 Babbitt, Dr. James A. Tunbridge & Blakely Rds 7950 Benham, T. A. 791 College Ave 6044 Bemheimer, Richard M 225 Roberts Rd., Bryn Mawr....B.M. 1427W Caselli, Aldo 605 Railroad Ave. 1132 Chamberlin, William Henry .22 Holden St., Cambridge, Mass Comfort, Howard 5 College Circle 3732 Comfort, William W South Walton Rd 0455 Dodson, Leonidas 213 St. Marks Sq., Phila.-.EVergreen 5028 Drake, Thomas K 702 Pennstone Rd., Bryn Mawr B.M. 1534 Evans, Arlington 324 Boulevard, Brookline, Upper Darby, Pa Hilltop 2043 Evans, Francis Cope 1 College Lane 4049W FitzGerald, Alan S Warick Rd. and Cotswold Lane, Wynnewood 1404 Flight, John W 753 College Ave 4409W Foss, Martin 824 Buck Lane 1599 Frey, William T. 428 Haverford Rd., Wynnewood 7903J Gibb, Thomas C 518 W. Beechtree Ln., Wayne.-Wayne 1469W Green, Louis C 791 College Ave 4409J Gummere, Henry V 3026 Midvale Ave., Phila., 29 Tennessee 1933 Haddleton, A. W. 29 Tenmore Rd. B.M. 1235W Henry, Howard K. 1464 Drayton Lane, Penn Wynne... 3923J Hepp, Maylon H Sugartown Rd. at Poplar Ave., Devon Wayne 0373M Herndon, John G. 1 College Lane.... 0364 Hetzel, Theodore B 768 College Ave 4393W Holmes, Clayton W. 720 Millbrook Lane 4269W Johnston, Robert J. Woodside Cottage 3725 Jones, Rufus M 2 College Circle 2777 Jones, Thomas 521 Panmure Rd. (Science House).... 6769W Kelly, John A. 3 College Lane 4160 Kikuchi, Chihiro Founders Hall, East 9460 Kirk, David B. Founders Hall, East 9460 Kraus, Alois 11 Elliott Ave., Bryn Mawr B.M. 9277 Laflford, Mrs. Xindsay 1-A College Lane 5479W LD ZZO(, 4/ n ^ Telephone "* s/ (Ardmore Exchange Name Address unless otherwise noted) LaFleur, Albert A. 819 Montgomery Av., B. Mawr..B.M. 1502R LeGalley, Donald P. 1109 Yeadon Ave., Yeadon.... Madison 8555W Lockwood, Dean P. 6 College Circle 1402J Lograsso, Angeline College Inn, Bryn Mawr B.M. 9296 Lunt, William E. 5 College Lane 1507W Macintosh, Archibald 3 College Circle 0961 Meldrum, William B 747 College Ave 0881J Morley, Felix 1 College Circle .. 4712 Norton, Richard W., Jr. Haverford Court 0947 Nova, Fritz 605 Railroad Ave 1132 Oakley, Cletus O. Featherbed Lane 3109W Oberholtzer Mrs. Beatrice 203 E. Evergreen Ave., Phila- delphia, 18 Chestnut Hill 5847 Ohl, Raymond T. 148 Cricket Ave., Ardmore 1381W Palmer, Frederic, Jr. 7 College Lane 7997R Pancoast, Omar, Jr. Erskine Hall 9627 Pepinsky, Abraham 4 College Circle Pfund, Harry W. 624 Overhill Rd., Ardmore 5532 Post, Amy L. C-3 Dreycott Apts 1643W Post, L. Arnold 9 College Lane 0258M Rantz, J. Otto 2122 Chestnut Ave., Ardmore Rittenhouse, Leon H. 6 College Lane 5522 Salomone, A. William 208 N. 65th St., Phila., 39 Sargent, Ralph M. 510 Railroad Ave 3339 Scaife, Mary L. E-4 Haverford Gables 5117 Shudeman, Conrad L. B Founders Hall, East 9460 Snyder, Edward D. 36 Railroad Ave 0712 Steere, Douglas V. 739 College Ave 0162 Stinnes, Edmund H. 601 Walnut Lane 6759 Stokes, Samuel E., Jr. Founders Hall 9533 Stone, Brinton H. 774 Millbrook Lane 5555W Sutton, Richard M 785 College Av. (facing Walton Rd.) 0742W Swan, Alfred J. 3 College Lane 1562 Taylor, Dr. Herbert W. 457 Lancaster Ave. 2383 Teaf, Howard M., Jr 3 College Lane 4049J Vedova, George C. 1463 Hampstead Rd., Penn Wynne.... 3750R Vittorini, Domenico 1005 Edgewood Rd., Brookline, Pa Hilltop 1417J Watson, Frank D. 773 College Ave 2937 Williamson, Alexander J. ... 4 College Lane 4023 Wills, William Mintzer B-201 Merion Garden Apt., Mer- ion, Pa. Merion 4760 Wilson, Albert H. 765 College Ave 1853 Wylie, Laurence W. 8 College Lane 9613 15 nii W MILITARY STAFF 72n(i A. A. F. T. T. Detachment—Basic Premeteorology Unit Major William G. Frey, A. C, Commanding Officer and Post Commandant Ardmore 7903J 428 Haverford Rd., Wynnewood 1st Lt. Jack S. Cummings, A. C ....Bryn Mawr 2696 564 Montgomery Ave., Bryn Mawr 3327 Service Unit—Basic Engineering, Foreign Area & Language Studies Capt. Darryl W. Travis, Inf., Commanding Officer Cynwyd 0903R 911 Hagysford Rd., Penn Valley 2nd Lt. Edward J. Schiffler, A. U. S., Adjutant Bryn Mawr 1493M S. W. Cor. New Gulph & Fishers Rd., Bryn Mawr 2nd Lt. Wesley R. McCIanahan, A. U. S., Training Ardmore 6769 Founders Hall, East 2nd Lt. Herbert O. Carlson, A. U. S., Supply Ardmore 4031 31 S. Wyoming Ave., Ardmore 2nd Lt. John A. Clark, A. G. D., Classification Ardmore 3109M Woodside Cottage (on Campus) COLLEGE OFFICE AND BUILDING TELEPHONES Academic Directors: BE & PM Units, C. B. Allendoerfer 6400 German A & L Unit, H. W. Pfund . 6400 Italian A & L Unit, H. Comfort 6400 Admissions, Archibald Macintosh, Director 6400 Alumni Office, Executive Secretary, Raymond T. Ohl.... 6400 Army Air Forces Technical Training Command Office 3882 Army Specialized Training Unit 4066 Army Units, Academic Records Office 6400 Assistant to the President, Brinton H. Stone 6400 Barclay Hall North: Army Premeteorology Unit ^506 Barclay Hall, South: Army Premeteorology Unit 9508 Barclay Hall, Center: Army Premeteorology Unit 9459 Biology Laboratory (Sharpless Hall) 6400 Business Office, W. M. Wills, Comptroller 6400 Bucky Foundation Office 6400 Chemistry Laboratory: W. B. Meldrum 6400 T. O. Jones 6400 Coordinator of Army Units and Dean of Mihtary Students: H. M. Teaf, Jr 6400 Dean's Office, Acting Dean, Thomas C. Gibb 6400 Dietitian. Mrs. Gladys Lacroix ...' 6400 Engineering Laboratory (Hilles) 6400 Faculty Secretary .' 6400 Founders Hall, East 9460 Founders Hall, Dormitory 9533 Government House 9613 Gymnasium (Public Pay Station) 9512 Gymnasium Office 6400 Haverford News 4894 Haverford Review, Raymond T. Ohl, Managing Editor.... 6400 Hilles Laboratory of Applied Science (Engineering)... 6400 L. H. Rittenhouse 6400 T. B. Hetzel [ 6400 C. W. Holmes 6400 C. 0. Rantz 6400 Infirmary, Mabel S. Beard, R. N 6400 Kitchen 6400 Language House, Manuel J. Asensio, Director . 9428 Library: D. P. Lockwood, Librarian 6400 Amy L. Post 6400 Circulation Desk 6400 Thomas E. Drake 6400. Anna B. Hewitt (Treasure Room) 6400 Lloyd Hall, 3rd Entry (Kinsey) .. 9520 Lloyd Hall, 5th Entry (Strawbridge) 9514 Lloyd Hall, 8th Entry (Leeds) 9628 Merion Hall 9458 Merion Hall Annex 9630 Physics Laboratory (Sharpless Hall) : 6400 Power House 6400 President, Felix Morley 6400 Reconstruction and Relief Unit Office 6400 Registrar, W. M. Wills 6400 Research Laboratory, Alan S. FitzGerald, Director 5092 Science House (521 Panmure Road).... 9523 Secretary to the President: Mary L. Scaife 6400 Sharpless Hall: Aldo Casein 6400 Howard Comfort 6400 Francis *C. Evans 6400 Howard K. Henry 6400 Albert A. La Fleur 6400 Donald P. LeGalley 6400 Frederic Palmer, Jr 6400 Abraham Pepinsky 6400 Richard M. Sutton 6400 Superintendent, R. J. Johnston 6400 Vice President, Archibald Macintosh 6400 Whitall Hall: John W. Flight 6400 Maylon H. Hepp 6400 John G. Herndon 6400 John A. Kelly 6400 William E. Lunt 6400 Harry W. Pfund 6400 Ralph M. Sargent 6400 Edward D. Snyder 6400 Douglas V. Steere 6400 Howard M. Teaf, Jr 6400 Frank D. Watson 6400 FACULTY OFFICE TELEPHONES (The follov/ing can be reached by calling Ardmore 6400) Allendoerfer Green Jones, T. 0. Macintosh Rantz Caselli Gummere Kelly Meldrum Rittenhouse Comfort, H. Haddleton Kikuchi Morley Sargent Drake Henry Kirk Oakley Snyder Evans, A. Hepp La Fleur Ohl Steere Evans, F. C. Herndon LeGalley Palmer Sutton Flight Hetzel Lockwood Pepinsky Teaf Gibb Holmes Lunt Pfund Watson Wilson DIRECTORY STUDENTS IN THE COLLEGE In the last column is given the number of the student's dormitory room; F for Founders Hall, Gov. H. for Government House, Lg. H. for Language House, M for Merion, S for Science House, D for day student. The field of major concentration is indicated in parentheses. The figure following the name indicates the number of the term now being com- pleted. Day student's home telephones are listed beneath their addresses. Division into undergraduate terms and graduate departments will be found in Part Two. PART ONE CIVILIAN STUDENTS (Alphabetically Arranged) A Name Home Address College Address Alford, Theodore Crandall, Jr., 7 (Chemistry) Left Theoford Farm, McLean, Va. Annesley, William Honeyford, Jr., 3 109 M 4667 Leiper St., Philadelphia, Pa. Amett, John Hancock, Jr., 2 17 M 6200 Ardleigh St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Atkinson, Anna Margaret (R&R) (A.B., Brown, 1942) D Wrightstown, Pa. Media 4507 B Bacon, Roger, 1 4 M 3307 Clarendon Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio Barclay, Mary (R&R), (A.B., Middlebury, 1943) 12 Lg. H. 424 N. Bluff, Wichita, Kansas Bartlett, Frederick Henry, Jr., 5 (Chemistry) 13 S 15 S. Somerset Ave., Ventnor City, N. J. Bedrossian, Robert Haig, 5 (Chemistry) 8 S 4501 State Road, Drexel Hill, Pa. Benge, John H., 6 (Chemistry) 8 S 237 Washington St., Kennett Square, Pa. Bennett, Peter Goldthwait, 2 c/o Dr. Snyder 82 Washington St., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Birdsall, Thomas Morrison, 5 (Chemistry) 13 S 139 Booth Lane, Haverford, Pa. Blake, Frederick Leighton, 1 101 M 214 W. Hillcrest Ave., Upper Darby, Pa. Block, Edward, 6 (Physics) 23 F 810 W. Sedgwick St., Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. Brooks, Charlotte Hallowell (R&R) (A.B., Smith, 1942) 8 Lg. H. 45 Mystic St., West Medford, Mass. Brown, Rodman Weld, 2 106 M 416 Linden St., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Bryson, Arthur Earl, Jr., 4 102 M 182 Myrtle St., Winnetka, Illinois Name Home Address College Addi-ess Buckley, James Coakley, 2 17 M 620 Shadeland Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa.

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