Our Cover Girls The Cover shows Jeanne McConeghy, · Lambda '44 (left) and Mary Lou Frick, Lambda '44 (right) at the front door of the Sigma Kappa house at the University of California just after their induction into the WAVES February 3. With them is Ensign Margaret Smith, a Delta Gamma from Whitman, Wash., who is in charge of the WAVE recruiting office in Oak­ land, Calif. The induction ceremony was held in the chapter house living room with all of the Lambdas and many other · friends present. Special guests at the din­ ner preceding the ceremony were Com­ mander Graham, father of Jane Graham, Lambda, who is attached to the 12th Naval District, and Ensign Smith. Jean and Mary Lou were graduated from the University of California February 27 and will report at Hunter College April 6. Sigmas wifl be interested in the fact that Commander James E. 13renner who is in charge of WAVE procurement in the Twelfth Naval District, with headquarters in San Fran­ cisco, is the husband of Patty Marshall Brenner, Lambda, former Grand Secretary and Grand Vice President. S I G M MARCH K A P P ~TRIANGLE I 9 4 4 Vol. 3 "). ~ No.1 Official Publication of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby College, 117aterville, Maine, November, 1874 CONTENTS ·Board Do Your Part in Sigma Kappa's War Projects with Paste and Money ... ........... Edna Monch Parker 3' USO Scrapbooks Cheer Service Men All Around the World of ........ ............ ... Katherine Schwaner Kolasa 5 The "Greeks" Are in the Fight with All Forms of Service 7 Hats Off Department .. ....... .. .. ...... ... : . ... 7 Editors Sigma Kappa's Service Flag . ................ .... 8 Mary-Agnes Brown, Zeta, Is One of WAC's 7 Lieutenant Colonels ..... ... .. .... .... .......... ... ...... 11 Our WACs Report to Us ........ .......... .. ... 13 What about Our WAVES .... ...... , ........... .. 16 How Our Sigma SPARS Serve ... ... ............. 22 Cadet Nurse Corps ....... ... ................... 22 Editor-in-Chief Service Club Work ...... .... ............... 22 With Our Marines in Service ......... ......... ." .. 24 MRS. }AMES STANNARD BAKER Navy Nurse, Army Nurses, Coast Guard Auxiliary ... 25 (Frances Warren Baker) Hospital Dietitians Around the Globe ........... ... 26 289 Woodland Road -But When Do We Have Our Tea? Irene G. Heacock 28 Highland Park, Ill. More Red Cross Sigmas ...... ..... .... ......... 29 Physical Therapy at Camp McCoy ................... 30 Magazines for Service Men . .... Beatrice Bemiss Post 32 Meet Your Magazine Fund Chairmen . ,. .... ..... ... 33 I Direct Defense Workers' Play ....... Sylvia Nicholson 34 College Sigmas Are All Out in Enthusiasm for War Projects .. ........ .... ..... Betty Taylor Howard 36 College Editor Alumnre War 01airmen Are Up to Their Eyes in War Work 41 ROBERTA APPLEGATE Ano~her Pai! of "Testimonials" About Sigma Kappa's Mag- 942 West Grand River azme PrOJect . ............... .. ..... ......... .. 42 East Lansing, Mich. College Chapters Work War Projects into Already Busy Schedules ...................... Roberta Applegate 43 Alumnre Are on the Alert . 46 Sigma Kappa's New Life Members . .. 50 Chapter Honors .................... Roberta Applegate 51 i~~~~::s :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ;~ With Our Alumnre Chapters . 59 Alumme Editor With Sigmas Everywhere •............... .. : . 64 MRS. WILLIAM F. SHELTON Milestones . 67 (Helen Wilsey Shelton) Directory . 70 503 Washington Ave., , Kennett, Mo. SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is published in the months of March. June, October, and December by the George Banta Publishing Company, official publishers for Sigma Kappa Sorority, at 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha Wis. Subscription price $2 a year; single copies 50¢; life Director of Central Office subscription $15. · · Send change of address. subscriptions, and correspondence of a business MRS. EDWARD D. TAGGART nature to Mrs. E. D . Taggart, 450 Ahoaip street, Menasha, Wis., or (Margaret Hazlett Taggart) 129 East Market Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addressed to Mrs. ]. S. Room 805, 129 East Market Baker 289 Woodland road Highland Park. Ill. Chapters, college and Building, alum~re must send manusc;ipt in time to reach their respective editors Indianapolis, Ind. before the first of Nnvember, February, May, and September. Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters pert~ioing to national advertising should be directed to Fratern•ty Magazmes As· sociated, 1618 Orrington avenue, Evanston, Ill. Entered as second·class matter at the post office . at Menasha, Wis. under the act of March 3 1879; accepted for ma1hng at speCial rate of postage provided for in the act of October 3. 1917. Our Grand President, Ruth Anne Ware Greig, is a splendid example of how a busy person can work real war activity into an already crowded schedule-for one day a week she works in the canteen at the Los Angeles Blood Bank, another day she is on call for the "dawn patrol" of the Mobile Canteen which leaves the Red Cross Canteen building at 6:30a.m .• and she makes surgical dressings and bakes cookies for the USO whenever she can. She is only a few hours away from her second service stripe and has theE pin awarded by the Navy to Blood Bank Workers. Hats off to Sigma Kappa's First Lady! Do Your Part in Sigma Kappa's W at' Projects With Paste and Money By EDNA MONCH PARKER, Alpha Omicron Chait"man of International Waf Pfojects Committee 0 YOU like to read? I am sure Post's account of what is being done with most of you do and are sorry that this money. D today' s life does not afford you You may spend FIFTEEN CENTS for a time enough to do the reading you would USO scrapbook. When completed and like to do. But, if there is time, reading turned in, your book will be used over and material is easily ac~esible in the books in over again. It will be current material, easily your own libraries, in the magazines to which handled by wounded men, and easily shipped you subscribe, in the books in the public and overseas. lending libraries around the corner. You may do both of the above no matter But what if the situation were reversed­ where you live and no matter whether or if time were heavy on your hands and de­ not you belong to a chapter. You may inter" sirable reading material practically non­ est your friends who are not Sigma Kappa existent? That is a remote possibilty for you, in these projects. We do not have nor want I know, but it is a very real situation for a a monopoly on them. lot of our servicemen. And don't read that What we do want is for every Sigma statement without realizing what it means. Kappa to take part and to urge others to Put yourselves in their places. How would join with her. We want one hundred per you like to be lying in a hospital miles from cent participation by all chapters and clubs. home with your reading limited to old copies This war is a personal affair for all of us. of worn-out magazines and out-dated books? There is scarcely one of you who does not Hospitals are only ONE of the places where have some relative in the services. And much good reading material is needed. as we hate to think about it, we are far We know that ALL of you do splendid, from through. The casualties have only be­ time-consuming local war work. We want gun. As more troops are shipped abroad to you to continue that, of course. But when camps where reading material is scarcer than we chose an international war project, we it is in this country, as hospitals fill up, the _ wanted one that ALL of you could do, no need for our magazine subscriptions and matter where you lived or how limited was USO scrapbooks will mount. You may feel your. time. We wanted a project which was you are doing all that is humanly possible, as important in Maine as it was in California. but remember that a lots of boys have been We were informed by competent military asked to give MORE than it seemed humanly authorities that adequate reading ma.terial possible they would ever be asked to give. ranked second only to letters from home as Each chapter has been asked to appoint a war need. For that reason we selected our a war projects chairman or, if the chapter war project as it stands today. or club is small, to work as a group. To To provide the reading material we have date there are twenty chapters and seven chosen you do not need hours of spare time; clubs from which I have heard NOTHING. you do not need to be able to attend fre­ I shall not list those groups, for I am sure quent meetings ; you do not need even to the fault arises from war-time emergencies. belong to a regular chapter or club; you The saga of my letters trailing ex-presidents do not need to spend a grea.t deal of money. about the country might make interesting You may send any contribution to Central reading material. Office for our magazine fund for servicemen, But, if you are a chapter president and this fund is separate from our regular maga­ know you have not written me, won't you zine agency, you know. It matters not how please do so at once? large or how small the amount. On another The response to our USO scrapbook drive page of this TRIANGLE you will read Bea has been heartening to say the least (you SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE -3 be made by these three chairmen-one in Seattle, one in San Francisco, one in New York. Elsewhere you will read about your divisional chairman. In the summer TRIANGLE there will be a list of contribu­ tions from each division.
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