TO XPRlL, 1905 \ \ v n A v v: 'Trice 25* $222^J>^.ar Official Bulletin U.S.GA ^^ ;:,>'"""" . THE "HASKELL" .st.iy> at $6.00 per dozen and nothing better can be bought at any price. It belongs to no monopoly or trust. It is different, but no faJ. FaJs rarely last six years and constantly grow in favor. The "HASKELL" won its place because it did things —did them better than than any other ball — helping the golfer to play a more pleasurable, a rr.'>re successful game. These are the qualities which havo made it the best known and best liked golf L.JI in the world. The Goodrich Championship Lawn Tennis Ball The Foremost American Ball l| Became p<^sessin£ the qualities demanded by expert players for perfect play. Correct in weight, !>i?e, hound and compressibility. Officially approved by the V. S. N. L. T. A. <J Every ball a tournament ball and hacked by an unqualified guaranty. CJ Send for a copy of the "1905 Goodrich Hand Book of Lawn Tennis." A complete and interesting work. Sent tree. The B. F. Goodrich Company, Dept. I8N AKRON, OHIO Ntw YORK; Brrr.M 0: SAN FKANCISCO: CHICAGO: *,idr Si 2nd 9 W. Huron St. W Million St. 141 Lake St. |6zj Broadway. \sn: DUTTMOIT: PHILADEI PHIA: Bub ION: 4Zo Superior Si. 80 E. Congren St. V09 Arch St. •61 Columbus Ave. Dun a: LONDON, B. C: 1444 Curtis St. ; Snow Hill. 1904 WILLIE ANDERSON, Champion, GILBERT NICHOLLS, Runner up and four others in the money used the CHAMPION BALL GILBERT NICHOLLS WILLIE ANDERSON in the Open Open and Western Champion Runner up in Open Championship Championship The Champion not only appeals to the expert but has made friends with those who are looking for a durable ball. Our records, under a liberal guarantee, will show the Champion to be about as near indestructible as it's possible to make a rubber cored ball. 1905 "I have tried the 1905 Champion and like it even better than last season's ball." WILLIE ANDERSON. " I drove ever}- one of the Champion balls you sent me 350 yards — distance measured. I want you to send 5 gross these same balls to me, care Denver Country Club, Denver, Colorado." GILBERT NICHOLLS. "The 1905 Champion is a cracker-jack — the best ball I ever played with. Played 72 holes with one and it looks good enough for 72 holes more." WILLIE NORTON. If your dealer or club does not keep the Champion send $6 for a trial dozen. WORTHINGTON BALL CO. ELYRIA, OHIO ELECTRIC LAUNCHES SAFE ^ RELIABLE ^ NOISELESS Simply constructed, easily operated, elegantly appointed and economically maintained It is the one form of power boat that leaves nothing to ask for, nothing to be desired We Build Also AUTO-BOATS, GASOLINE LAUNCHES and AUXILIARY SAIL YACHTS 80 minutes from Liberty St., New York ELECTRIC LAUNCH CO. BAYONNE CITY, NEW JERSEY GOLF BOOKS GOLF FOR WOMEN By GENEVIEVE HECKEH (Mrs. Charles T. Stout) With a Chapter on American Golf by RHONA K. ADAIR English and Irish Champion. HIS BOOK, by the leading woman player of the country, not only contains the best or Golf instruction, which will be useful to men as well as women, but is also a complete T guide for all details of Golf for women. It includes matters of dress, training and links for women, and furthermore is so prepared as to be a guide for the beginner and a complete manual of instruction for the more advanced player. Miss Adair's chapter will be found full of interest to every woman golfer. N. Y. Sun : " Direct and helpful, and her advice that of an expert who should be heeded." IV. V. Post and The Nation: "No woman player, however skillful, can fail to profit by a careful study of it." Admirably illustrated " The Header Magazine: " Interesting and. insti uctive, not only to beginners, but to old players as well." GOliF, 213 East 2^th St., - ~ York City •••• •• I •«• fetBlfcAl I - )MEH -, Aebcsr ** , York * 'I R. H. THOMAS, PKESIUKNT UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION. ••M . .-\-i\" GOLF BY APPOINTMENT AN OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED "GOLFING," ESTABLISHED 1894 VOL. XVI. APRIL, 1905 NO. THE UNITED NORTH AND SOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT AT PINEHURST By "Oldcastle." PHOTOGRAPHS I,Y T. C. TURNER. Year by year the importance of no qualifying round this year. In this contest increases. The time ar- the first match play round Mrs. Pat- ranged for it, April 4 to 8, inclusive, terson and Miss Dutton were drawn is very convenient for the army of together and a hot fight was ex- golfers who are wending their way pected, the general opinion being north at that time. The best of them that as before Mrs. Patterson would never fail to stop over at Pinehurst, win. and as there is always a very large The meeting resulted in one of the number of our finest players spend- best contests ever seen at Pinehurst, ing the winter at the favorite North the Massachusetts representative Carolina resort, the popularity of the finally gaining the victory at the North and South Championship is home green. assured. Mrs. Patterson was as straight as The Women's Championship was ever, but off the tee and through the played on the first two days, and for green Miss Dutton got a longer ball, this event the entry included the and this helped her considerably. names of several prominent golfers. The winner has a fine free style and Included in it were Mrs. M. D. Pat- should be heard of in this season's terson, of Englewood, who was important contests. runner-up to Airs. Manice in last The summary of the day's play : year's Wonu-n's Metropolitan Cham- First round—Miss J. R. Mix. New pionship and was also winner last York, beat Miss Ohelcheck, East Or- year of the Women's Championship ange. \. J., _> up; Mrs. S. J. Bell, at Pihehurst. Another strong player Minikahda Golf Club, Minnesota, entered was Miss Mary Dutton, of beat Mrs. William M. Weaver, the Oakley Country Club. There was Philadelphia, " and 6; Miss Mary Copyright, 190^, by AHTHI'K POTTOW. A11 rights rtstrved, 198 UNITED NORTH AND SOUTH CHAMPI0NSHI1'. MIS8. DUTTON AND MRS. PATTERSON ON FOURTH GREEN. Dutton, Oakley Country Club, Mass- were four sixteens to qualify, the achusetts, beat Mrs. M. D. Patter- play resulting as follows: son, Englewood Golf Club, New FIRST SIXTEEN. Jersey, i up; Mrs. William West, Out. In Gr. Camden County Club, New Jersey, Alan Lard, Washington.. 40 36 76 beat Mrs. P. S. Denny, Allegheny E. X. Wright. Newton Centre, Mass 41 ^>7 /8 Country Club, Pennsylvania, 2 up. C. L. Becker. Boston 38 41 79 Semi-finals—Mrs. Bell beat Miss Fred. Herreshoff, N. Y.. 42 40 82 Mix, 2 and 1 ; Miss Dutton beat Mrs. E. A. Freeman, Montclair, West, 7 and 5. N. J 43 4i 84 The final between Miss Dutton M. W. Waters, Lakewood, and Mrs. Bell was a very much more N. J 38 46 84 open affair than the match against M. C. Parshall, Warren, Pa. 41 43 84 Mrs. Patterson and Miss Dutton Norman Towne, Chicago.. 41 44 85 L. E. Wardwell, Camden, won by 4 up and 3 to play. Me 41 44 85 Some familiar names were absent E. S. Armstrong, Deal, from the list of nearly eighty who N. J 41 44 85 entered for the North and South Dr. L. L. Harban, Wash- Championship, but their absence was ington 42 44 86 made good by the presence of a lot L. E. Baldwin, Flushing, of men who have not visited Pine- S. C 42 44 86 hurst before. Taking the average R. H. McEhvee, Chicago. 42 44 86 through it is doubtful if there has L. D. Pierce, Boston 41 47 88 L. A. Hamilton, Engle- ever been a stronger field at Pine- wood 4(1 42 88 hurst. In the medal round there E. II. Silliman, Detroit... 43 45 88 UNITED NORTH AND SOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP. SECOND SIXTEEN. W. M. Weaver, Camden, N. J 99 W. C. Freeman, Montclair 89 F. Johnson, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.. 99 J. O. H. Denny, Oakmont, Pitts- Horace Waters, Lake Wood. .100 burgh 90 G. W. Watts, Durham, N. C 100 W. B. Rhett, Crescent Athletic J. S. Hill, New York 100 Club 90 H. P. Rhett, Crescent Athletic R. T. Sterling, Mt. Airy. Penn. 90 Club 101 A. F. Southerland, Fox Hills. ... 92 F. A. King, Agawam Hunt, R. I.. 101 G. O. Russell. Arlington, Mass.. 92 C A. Mpsher', Troy, N. Y 101 F. H. Denny. Allegheny, Pa 93 C. McMillan, Cape Fear, N. C. .tor H. W. Ormsbee. Crescent Ath- J. S. Wood, Appawa, Miss 102 letic Club 93 Cyrus Sargent, Oakley, Mass. .103 Clarence Angier, Atlanta, Ga. 94 J. S. Gallagher, Wollaston, MassiO4 R. L. Titus, New York 95 H. S. Gordon, New York 104 C. E. Towne, Glenview, Chicago. 95 A. S. Porter, Jr., Country, Brook- Dr. W. E. Fisher, York, Maine. 96 line 104 W, R. Fredenburg, West Ches- FOURTH SIXTEEN. ter. N. Y 96 Dr. C. W\ Hutchins, Boston. .105 AY. L. Fish, Roseville, Newark. 96 J. F. McClain, Montclair 105 C. R. Corwin. Somerville, Mass.. 96 Butler Sheldon, Arlington. O. 106 P. M. Prescott, Washington 97 T. W. Wreeks. Storm King, X. Y..108 THIRD SIXTEEN. W. D. Makepeace, New York. .108 A. C. Aborn, Montclair 98 T. R. Williams, Punxsutawney, H. O. Christal, Newark 1:8 Pa '.108 MRS.
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