New species and combinations in Thelypteris subg. Goniopteris (Thelypteridaceae) ALEXANDRE SALINO Salino, A. (Departamento de BotaÃnica, Instituto de CieÃncias BioloÂgicas, Univ- ersidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Av. AntoÃnio Carlos, 6627, Pampulha, 31270- 901, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil; email: [email protected]). New spe- cies and combinations in Thelypteris subg. Goniopteris (Thelypteridaceae). Brit- tonia 54: 331±339. 2002.ÐThree new species of Thelypteris are described and illustrated: T. littoralis and T. paranaensis, endemic to the rainforest of the southern Brazilian Atlantic coast, and T. multigemmifera, endemic to inland gallery forests of the SaÄo Paulo state. In addition, four new combinations are made: T. cutiataensis (Brade) Salino, T. iguapensis (C. Chr.) Salino, T. mono- sora (C. Presl) Salino, and T. schwackeana (H. Christ in C. Chr.) Salino. A new name is proposed for Dryopteris lugubris var. quadrangularis: T. montana Sal- ino. The species treated here belong to Thelypteris subg. Goniopteris due to the indument of furcate and stellate trichomes. Key words: Brazil, ferns, Goniopteris, pteridophytes, Thelypteridaceae, Thelyp- teris. During a taxonomic survey of the genus teris (Smith, 1983, 1992), but are always Thelypteris in southeastern Brazil, I discov- present in the Brazilian species (Salino & ered three new species of and made several Melo, 2000). Thelypteris subg. Goniopteris combinations for Thelypteris, one of the comprises 80 to 100 neotropical species most poorly known fern genera in Brazil. (Smith, 1992). Of the 30 species I have As treated by Smith (1992), this genus identi®ed in Brazil, 22 occur in southeast- comprises about 875 species worldwide ern Brazil with at least 14 endemic to this with nearly 300 species in the New World. region. The species of southeastern Brazil Following Smith (1992), I have recognized occur in shaded habitats in lowland and ®ve subgenera and 86 species in Brazil: montane rainforests, from 0 to 1000 m el- subg. Amauropelta (Kunze) A. R. Sm. is evation. In this work, I provide descriptions represented by 33 species, subg. Cyclosorus of three new species and four new combi- (Link) C. V. Morton by eight species, subg. nations, and propose one new name. Geo- Goniopteris (C. Presl) Duek by 30 species, graphical distributions and habitats are dis- subg. Meniscium (Schreb.) C. F. Reed by cussed under each species. eight species, and subg. Steiropteris (C. Chr.) K. Iwats. by ®ve species. There are Thelypteris cutiataensis (Brade) Salino, two more species of uncertain subgeneric comb. nov. position in southeastern Brazil. Dryopteris cutiataensis Brade, Arch. Jar. Bot. Rio The species treated here belong to The- de Janeiro. 11: 27. 1951. Goniopteris cutiataensis lypteris subg. Goniopteris because of the (Brade) Brade, Bradea 1: 215. 1972. indument of furcate and stellate trichomes. TYPE: BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Mangar- The presence of furcate or stellate tri- atiba, Ilha de CutiataÂ-AssuÂ, 12 May 1940, chomes is a synapomorphy of subg. Gon- A. C. Brade 16275 (HOLOTYPE: RB). iopteris. Such trichomes are apparently Distribution and habitat. This species is lacking in a few species of subg. Goniop- endemic to the Atlantic Rain Forest in the Brittonia, 54(4), 2002, pp. 331±339. ISSUED: 16 April 2003 q 2002, by The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A. 332BRITTONIA [VOL. 54 coastal region of the Brazilian States of SaÄo Thelypteris iguapensis resembles T. vivi- Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. It grows mainly para (Raddi) C. F. Reed, but differs in its along streams, from 0±20 m. gradually reduced pinnati®d lamina apex, more numerous pinnae, and glabrous spo- Additional specimens examined: BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: Campo Grande, Serra da Mendanha, 1 Jun rangia. Thelypteris vivipara has a conform 1958, Costa et al. 31 (R). SaÄo Paulo: Ubatuba, Parque lamina apex and glabrous sporangia or has Estadual da Ilha Anchieta, 7 Feb 1996, Salino 2563 unbranched trichomes on the sporangial (BHCB). stalks. According to Brade (1951), Thelypteris cutiataensis differs from T. riograndensis Thelypteris littoralis Salino, sp. nov. (Lindman) C. F. Reed by having more veins (Fig. 1) (5±10 pairs per segment) and in its bud po- TYPE: BRAZIL. SaÄo Paulo: PeruõÂbe, Es- sition. Brade also compared T. cutiataensis tacËaÄo EcoloÂgica da JureÂia, Arpoador, Trilha with Dryopteris vivipara var. platylepis do Imperador, 7 Jan 1999, J. Prado et al. (FeÂe)C.Chr.[5T. vivipara (Raddi) C.F. 977 (HOLOTYPE: SP; ISOTYPE: UC). Reed], but T. cutiataensis has more deeply incised pinnae (to half the distance to the Species nova subgeneri Goniopteridis (C. Presl) costae) and usually has two pairs of basal Duek, Thelypteride semirii Salino & Melo et T. sca- brae (C. Presl) Lellinger af®nis sed differt frondibus veins from adjacent segments joining below subdimorphicis, petiolo frondis fertilis quam petiolo the sinus. Thelypteris cutiataensis is prob- frondis sterilis longiore, rachidibus adaxialiter dense ably more closely related to T. abbiattii C. pilosis, pilis stellatis vel furcatis vel simplicibus or- F. Reed and T. riograndensis, but differs in natis, facies abaxialis costae pilis simplicibus ornatis, pili longiori 0.25±0.5 mm longi, pili breviores simpli- having less incised pinnae (lobed to serrate cibus 0.02±0.12 mm longi. Sori inframediani indusiati, margin), 5±10 vein pairs per segment (2±5 sporangiis glabris. in the other two species) and linear to lan- ceolate scales abaxially on rachis and cos- Stem ascending to erect; caudex narrow tae. Thelypteris abbiattii has buds or plant- (ca. 1 cm diam.); scales lanceolate, casta- lets in the axils of the proximal pinnae. neous, pubescent; trichomes simple, fur- cate, and stellate. Leaves several, clustered, Thelypteris iguapensis (C. Chr.) Salino, 37.7±56.5 cm long, slightly dimorphic, the comb. nov. fertile ones longer petioled. Petioles sulcate adaxially, 16.5±33.5 cm 3 0.14±0.24 cm, Dryopteris iguapensis C. Chr., Dansk Bot. Ark. with scales only at the base, these sparsely 9(3): 63. 1937 [as ``ignapensis'']. Goniopteris ig- uapensis (C. Chr.) Brade, Bradea 1: 215. 1972. to moderately pilose; trichomes furcate and stellate. Laminae 20.8±23.5 cm long, ob- TYPE: BRAZIL. SaÄo Paulo: Iguape, Mor- long or elliptic or ovate, herbaceous, not ro das Pedras, 1922, A. C. Brade 8232 (HO- verrucose, 1±pinnate-pinnati®d; apex grad- LOTYPE:C;ISOTYPES: BM, NY, R, UC, US). ually reduced, con¯uent, and pinnati®d. Distribution and habitat. This species is Buds and aerophores absent. Rachises known from SaÄo Paulo to the State of Santa densely pilose (especially on adaxial side); Catarina in the coastal region of Brazil. It trichomes simple, furcate, and stellate. Pin- grows in the Atlantic Rain Forest, usually nae 9 or 10 pairs per leaf, 8.2±9.8 cm 3 near streams, from 0±70 m. 1.8±2 cm, perpendicular to ascending (ex- cept basal pinnae strongly de¯exed), lan- Selected specimens examined: BRAZIL. Santa Ca- tarina: Hammonia, Aug 1910, Luederwaldt s.n. ceolate to elliptic, incised Å to ¾ their (BHCB, SPF). SaÄo Paulo: CubataÄo, 1909, Wacket 95 width, sessile to short-stipitate (to 0.8 mm (NY); GuarujaÂ, s.d., Usteri s.n. (SP); Ribeira, Dec long), the apex acuminate to long acumi- 1910, Brade 5115 (HB, SP); Serra do Mar, s.d., Wacket nate and the base truncate or oblique in the s.n. (SP). basal pair; costae lacking scales abaxially; Christensen (1937) described this species costae, costule, sinus, and laminar tissue as Dryopteris ignapensis. Brade (1972), pubescent near margin of segments; tri- when transferring this species to Goniop- chomes adaxially simple; trichomes abaxi- teris, corrected the epithet to iguapensis. ally moderate-to-dense (especially on cos- 2002] SALINO: THELYPTERIDACEAE 333 FIG.1. Thelypteris littoralis. A. Habit. B. Abaxial surface of segments. C. Adaxial surface of rachis. D. Adaxial surface of segments. (From Prado et al. 977, SP.) tae), with mixture of long (ca. 1 mm) and dusia reniform, entire, the surface pubes- short (ca. 0.1 mm) mostly simple trichomes, cent with simple trichomes; sporangia gla- a few stellate, some reddish; laminar tissue brous. on abaxial side with numerous, simple, 2± Distribution and habitat. Thelypteris 4 mm long trichomes. Segments 3.6±4 mm littoralis is rare and known only from the wide, arcuate, entire, rounded to acute; type collection. It grows along trails in the veins 9±12 pairs per segment, unbranched, coastal Atlantic Rain Forest, at sea level. the basal vein pairs from adjacent segments Thelypteris littoralis is most similar to T. running to the sinus. Sori inframedial; in- scabra (C. Presl) Lellinger (from Argenti- 334BRITTONIA [VOL. 54 na, Paraguay, and southeastern Brazil) and Thelypteris monosora resembles T. cu- T. semirii Salino & Melo (from Minas Ger- neata (C. Chr.) C. F. Reed in pinnae shape ais, Brazil) in its pinna shape, deeply in- and venation, but the latter has longer pet- cised pinnae, and inframedial sori, but it ioles, lacks scales on the rachises and cos- differs in having slightly dimorphic leaves tae, and has furcate trichomes on the indu- with the fertile leaves longer petioled and sia and sporangial stalks. In contrast, The- indument on both sides of the pinnae. The- lypteris monosora has small scales on the lypteris semirii has short-stipitate glandular rachises and costae abaxially, and simple trichomes on both sides of the laminar tis- trichomes on the indusia and sporangial sue; simple trichomes are frequently absent. stalks. Thelypteris scabra has abaxially glabrous or slightly pubescent pinnae with simple tri- chomes, whereas T. littoralis has pinnae Thelypteris montana Salino, nom. nov. that are abaxially moderately to densely pi- (Fig. 2D±F) lose with simple 2±4 mm long trichomes, Aspidium quadrangulare FeÂe, Crypt. Vasc. BreÂs. 1: long-acuminate pinna apices and inframe- 145. 1869. Dryopteris lugubris var. quadrangu- dial sori. Thelypteris littoralis is slightly laris (FeÂe) C. Chr., Kongel.
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