July 17, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5921 As a member of the House Armed selves, perhaps bigger than they had The astronauts knew their lives de- Services Committee and the Science, ever imagined. pended on these people, most of whom Space, and Technology Committee, I More than 400,000 Americans worked they never knew nor would they ever see how national security and space to make the Apollo 11 mission a suc- meet, that were performing difficult intersect every day. And as a Flo- cess, many of them based at the John- tasks on a very demanding schedule. ridian, space is something that is abso- son Space Center in Houston. From the Over 530 million people around the lutely in my DNA. support crew to the flight directors at globe watched the telecast of Arm- It is from, of course, Florida’s Ken- mission control, to the space suit de- strong’s first steps from 250,000 miles nedy Space Center that our astronauts signers, to the human computers, engi- away. Not only did Apollo 11 show the launched to the Moon, and I know that neers, and scientists who designed and world what America can achieve, but it Florida will be a key player when we built the hardware and software, to the displayed a beautifully unique ability go back to the Moon once more in 2024 custodial staff who worked in the of human space exploration, its capac- and as NASA, the U.S. military, and building to make sure that they had a ity to stimulate, to inspire, and to American industry work together to place to work, and to every small job cause people to reach deep inside to maintain American leadership in in between, Apollo 11 was the result of find the very best they had to offer. a historic collaboration across our space. In my district in northeast Flor- b 1100 ida, we are very fortunate to have com- country. panies that once again will assemble The resounding success of the Apollo American greatness is a compilation the lunar landers to help NASA get program served to captivate the of these things. On that day, we spread back to the Moon. world’s attention and cemented Amer- our message of American greatness So looking back on this historic ica’s status as a leader in scientific dis- around the globe. Moon landing 50 years later, I hope we covery and technological innovation, Fifty years ago, the politics of a will all remember what an incredible and it taught us what we as Americans volatile world order compelled us to moment this was for our country. Our can do, what we can accomplish when the challenge of space competition. American values and American inge- we work together toward a common The world has changed, and in today’s nuity have taken us to new worlds not goal. What we learned from this mis- uncertainty, one thing remains cer- just on Earth, but beyond. It is an sion is that, when we do that, even the tain: the importance of American pre- honor to celebrate these accomplish- sky is not the limit. eminence in space. ments here today, and it is absolutely f Now, we turn our focus to a new chal- critical that we continue exploring and AMERICA MUST REMAIN THE lenge. We will send Americans back to we continue innovating. LEADER IN SPACE the Moon’s surface by 2024, only this But it is also equally critical that we time, to stay. It has been a long time The SPEAKER pro tempore. The since man walked on the Moon. In 2024, fully understand that our competitors Chair recognizes the gentleman from seek to supplant our leadership role in we will make history once again when Texas (Mr. WEBER) for 5 minutes. the first woman walks on the Moon. space, and they are not in line with our Mr. WEBER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I With our great NASA’s lead, the pri- values. We cannot and will not allow rise today to commemorate the 50th vate and public sectors are coming to- that to happen. anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission. f In his famous 1961 speech at Rice gether to accomplish this great and very difficult task. Through their part- CELEBRATING THE 50TH ANNIVER- University in Houston, Texas, Presi- dent John F. Kennedy challenged the nerships, American excellence is lever- SARY OF THE LAUNCH OF THE aged across the board. We are building ‘‘APOLLO 11’’ Nation to put a man on the Moon by the end of the decade. President Ken- sustainable, reusable systems that will The SPEAKER pro tempore. The nedy spoke these now famous words: not only take us to the Moon but leap- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from ‘‘We choose to go to the Moon in this frog us to Mars. Texas (Mrs. FLETCHER) for 5 minutes. decade and do other things, not be- Our great NASA is bringing Demo- Mrs. FLETCHER. Mr. Speaker, this cause they are easy, but because they crats and Republicans together in what week we celebrate the 50th anniversary are hard.’’ I call American togetherism. of the launch of Apollo 11, the space- President Kennedy understood the Thank God for NASA. craft that sent Americans to the Moon. importance of American leadership in f On September 12, 1962, before a crowd space. He added: ‘‘Whether it will be- of 40,000 spectators at Rice University CELEBRATING HIDDEN FIGURES come a force for good or ill depends on OF ‘‘APOLLO 11’’ MISSION in Houston, President John F. Kennedy man, and only if the United States oc- announced the ambitious goal of send- cupies a position of preeminence can The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ing Americans to the Moon before the we help decide whether this new ocean Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from end of the decade. will be a sea of peace or a new, terri- Florida (Ms. WILSON) for 5 minutes. On July 20, 1969, we got there. Neil fying theater of war.’’ Ms. WILSON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, Armstrong became the first human to Military professionals will tell you 50 years ago, the Apollo 11 mission sent set foot on the surface of the Moon, that whoever occupies the high ground a crew of pioneering women on a jour- and 19 minutes later Buzz Aldrin be- in a conflict has the upper hand. Folks, ney of incredible significance. All were came the second. there is no higher ground than space. astronauts. More than 600 million people around America must remain the leader in Symbolically, it was a representation the world watched Armstrong take his space. It is just that simple. that with enough hard work, dedica- first step live on television. The first In 1969, the crew of Apollo 11 fulfilled tion, and will, America could achieve words they heard on the Moon were that very mission to put a man on the the seemingly impossible. ‘‘Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Moon. Today, we honor not only the as- The mission left lasting imprints, Eagle has landed,’’ followed by the ob- tronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, from the eternal footprints left on servation, ‘‘That’s one small step for and Michael Collins, but all of the Tranquility Base to the values en- man, one giant leap for mankind.’’ great NASA men and women who graved into an entire generation. As a native Houstonian and the Rep- worked tirelessly to make the Apollo 11 The Moon landing inspired all who resentative of Texas’ Seventh Congres- mission a success. watched it to believe in the power of sional District, these historic words We have learned about the hidden fig- innovation, dedication, and most espe- are seared in my mind. The Apollo 11 ures of the Apollo program, those be- cially, unwavering courage. But today, mission was more than just an amazing hind the scenes. Here are some more. I want to draw attention to some of the technological advancement, it brought At the height of the Apollo program, unseen heroes of the Apollo 11 mission. Americans from all backgrounds and according to one estimate, 1 in 50 I will refer to them as the ‘‘hidden fig- beliefs together toward a common goal Americans were working on some as- ures.’’ and a common purpose. It made people pect of the program. This included Ms. Katherine Johnson, Ms. Dorothy a part of something bigger than them- some 400,000-plus full-time employees. Vaughan, and Ms. Mary Jackson have VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:24 Jul 18, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17JY7.012 H17JYPT1.
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