The three genera irl this family that occur the female, while in th_e male it is evident in the eastern United States are quite di- but not distinct. verse in size of the i~lcludeclspecies, as well as in their appearance and habits. The most Caupolicana electa (Cresson) distinctive common feature is the short, broadly tl-uncate, bificl or hilobed glossa in (Frontispiece & fig. 6) which they resemble the sphecoid wasps ;Ilegacilissa clectn Cresson, 1878. Acad. Nat. more c!osely thnn they do the other bees. In Sci. Phila. Proc. 30, p. 221. $. the males, the virlse!!a of the genital arma- ture is composed d :I clistinct cuspis and Length, 20 mm.; integument black, basal seg- dipitus, ihe latter being :~~.ticulaltedin some ments of legs picesu:;, tibiae and tarsi fer- of the included forms, and tile inner oppos- ruginous; wings pale fuliginous, veins more ed surfaces being dentic~~lated.In most ferruginous, the sniall and narrow stigma piceous; tegulae pale yellowish-hyaline thorax species the female:: have disti~ct,though and basal abdominal segment with a dense and .sometimes small, facial foveae. These are rather short covering of fine pubescence which sometimes evident to a !csser degree in the entirely obscures the surface, pale ochraceous n~:~!e$.The labia! palpi are short and the above, becoming somewhat more whitish below; four segments arp more or less equal in 2nd and following segments of abdomen black length. in appearance, pubescence extremely short and hsrdly evident on the more basal segments, becoming rather long and copious on 5th and 6th. fuscous in color. 1. Front wing with bnl two submzrginal cells . .. H?jltre7c,s (p. 60) F~cnt1vi17.y w;th tht,c~siihnia~~inal cells FEMALE-Face about as long as broad; clypeus protnberant, relatively bare, smooth . 2 and shining, with minute, scattered, irregular 2. I'ygitlia! r)lni!: nheni; 211tI ~.cc~~rl.cntvein punctures; labrum largely exposed, with a ~.ccul.ve:lj)o~!c~.iol.ly iowa1.d outer margin shallow median grnovcl; nlandibles rather short of win. Collcfe:~ (p. 2.1) and slend~r,bicleritate ; basal segment of flagel- Pgpidial plntc prescnt; 2nd rccurrent vein lum about equal to segnleltts 2-5 combined, the ricarly rtra'pht, not nt all recurved median segments soi~~ewhatlonger than broad, ~~(l~f~~ol;rfl?lflthe 2nd about as broad as long, piceous above, somewhat more bro~vnish beneath; facial (Fig. 5) C'~:I(~~O/~C(IJ~(IS~iriola, I%;?. In Gay, I-Iist. fisico :: politlca tle Chile. Zool., t;, p. '712. Tync: Cr~~rl~olic~r~agu?li Spinola. Jlc.yrrciLissr~ Smith. 1853. Cat. Hym. Brit. Mus. 1, p. 122. Tylle: Cr:i,policv)zcr f7tli icollis Spinola. licgalocilissr., Schulz, 1906 Spolla Wym. p. 243. Emendation. This is priaia~ilya ncotropic:ll group of bees, with but two ?pec.ies k~lo~irnfrom the United State?, one of the121 occurring in the southwest and the c~th~rill the southeast. The included :,pecies are large and densely pubescent, ou: species beinp about as large ARMATURE as a medium-sized bumble-bee. The glossa is conspicuously bjlohed, ~:\c!iIo',e being elon- gate, sle~lder,acute apically and well corer- ed with short setae. The scopa is well de- ve!oped on the trn~hante~s,femora and Figure 6 tibiae of the hind legs, the hairs very long, Genital armature and sterna 7 and 8 in males slender, copious and densely plumose. The of Caupoliccc~cnelecta. Dorsal view of armature pygidial plate is large and weli developed in on left of median line, ventral view on right, 24 BEESOF THE EASTE foveae poorly developed; vertex narrow back Colletes Latreille of eyes, lateral ocelli large, about equidistant from eyes and each other, and separated from Colletes Latreille, 1802. Histoire naturelle des margin of vertex by a space about equal to their fourmis p. 423. Type: Apis succincta Lin- diameter; pubescence rather long and copious naeus. on posterior and lower surfaces of head, be- Colletes Stephen, 1954. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bul. tween ocelli and around bases of antennae, 36, No. 6, pp. 149-527. Revision. entirely pale ochraceous; cheeks about equal to eyes in width; front and middle legs quite Colletes is quite primitive in several re- densely pubescent, front tibiae with a promi- spects. The broadly truncate and emargi- nent, posterior, whitish fringe; scopa dense, nate glossa is one such feature, and the well developed on trochanters, femora and rather general distribution of the pollen tibiae, pale ochraceous, very finely plun~ose; collecting hairs on the posterior surface hind basitarsi shorter than tibiae but fully as of the thorax, the more basal segments of broad; basitibial plate poorly developed. the hind legs and to some degree the venter MALE.-Face rather narrow and elongate, of the abdomen also suggest a primitive or inner margin of eyes parallel, eyes quite large generalized condition. The most distinctive in frontal view; clypeus protuberant, quite and reliable character is the recurved form densely pubescent, with very fine and close of the 2nd recurrent vein of the front wing. punctures beneath; labrum largely exposed, with a shallow median groove; mandibles short The 1st submarginal cell is nearly equal and slender, with a subapical inner tooth; to the 2nd and 3rd combined. In size, species basal segment of flagellum about equal to seg- of Colletes approximate that of the honey- ments 2-5 in length, 2nd segment broader than bee, some of them being somewhat larger long, following segments slightly longer than and others smaller. Usually they are rather broad, piceous above, more brownish beneath; conspicuously pubescent, and many species vertex narrow back of eyes, lateral ocelli have prominent apical bands of hair on the large, space separating them from eyes about abdominal segments. equal to their diameter, but somewhat more widely removed from margin of vertex; cheeks Biological notes on a few of the species slightly narrower than eyes'; pubescence pale have been pub1ished.l They are soil-nesting, ochraceous and quite dense on posterior portion making tunnels of varying depths which of vertex, cheeks, front below antennae, be- are humming with activity during the brief tween ocelli and over most of clypeus; legs period of flight. Species are either vernal slender, hind tibiae elongate, slightly arcuate, or autumnal, and only in the more northern about twice the length of the mid tibiae, hind latitudes where the summer is very short, basitarsi slender, parallel-sided and about half are they found in flight during the mid the length of their tibiae. summer period. DISTRIBUTION-Coastal plain, North Carolina to Georgia and Alabama; Septem- ber. KEY TO SPECIES FLOWER RECORDS-Aureolaria sp. Females and Trichostema dichotemum. 1. Malar space half as long as eye ....... There is much to learn regarding the ............. .validus Cresson (p. 52) distribution and habits of this bee. It seems Malar space much shorter than half length to be primarily matinal, so far as the time of eye ........................... 2 of flight is concerned, and both sexes have 2. Malar space nearly equalling the width been collected on Trichostema around sun- of the base of the mandible ...... 3 rise. Males, however, have been collected in Malar space not more than half as long late afternoon or at dusk, visiting both as the basal width of the mandible . 5 Trichostema and Aureolaria. It was thought 3. Clypeus elongate, flattened, with a sharp that it might be nocturnal, but the flowers median, longitudinal sulcus .......... which it visits, at least so far as positive ......... longifacies Stephen (p. 43) records show, are closed during the night, Clypeus relatively short, the median sul- which would seem to preclude any nocturnal cus shallow or poorly developed ... 4 visits. It occurs, apparently, only in the sand ridge areas of the Coastal Plain in See C. compactus, C. inaequalis and C. thor- the Southeast. accus. 4. Pubescence of dorsum of thorax largely 13. Discs of abdominal terga densely covered pale, with only a few dark hairs; dorsal with appressed, yellow tomentum, ob- face of triangle of propodeum with scuring the surface .................. coarse, widely spaced striae delimiting ........... solidaginis Swenk (p. 49) shining rectangular pits ............ Discs of abdominal terga not densely to- .......... productus Robertson (p. 45) mentose, surface obscured only beneath Thorax dorsally with conspicuous dark the conspicuous, pale ochraceous, apical pubescence; dorsal face of triangle of fasciae ...... mitchelli Stephen (p. 32) propodeum finely and closely striate. .. 14 (12). Pubescence of dorsum of thorax snow- ... impunetatus lacustris Swenk (p. 40) white; discs of abdominal terga densely 5 (2). Metapleura with a dorsal, overhanging, covered with closely appressed, fine, carinate projection, the margin of white tomentuin, obscuring the surface which usually is testaceous ...... 6 ............. susannae Swenk (p. 49) Metapleura not carinate dorsally ... 16 ~ubgscence of dorsum of thorax brizht ochraceous; discs of abdominal terga 6. Scutunl thinly and entirely pale pubes- largely exposed ................. 15 cent, shining, punctures fine and rela- tively sparse, even anteriorly, inter- 15. Basal tergum of abdomen shining, very spaces much wider than the punctures 'minutely and obscurely punctate; basal ................................ 7 tomentose band of second tergum rela- Scutuin more densely or copiously pubes- tively less dense and conspicuous .... cent, or with intermixed blackish hairs, ......... arnerieanus Cresson (p. 31) deeply and closely punctate, interspaces Basal tergum more closely and distinctly usually not exceeding punctures in punctate laterally; basal tomentose width, at least anteriorly ......... 8 band of second tergum broad, dense and conspicuous ......................... 7. Metapleural protuberance conspicuously .......... mandibularis Smith (p. 44) carinate, the margin narrowly but dis- 16(5). Hind basitarsi very broad and flat, ...................... tinctly yellow length only about twice the breadth ... .............bradleyi Mitchell (p. 33) ......... latitarsis Robertson (p. 43) Metapleural protuberance very low and Hind basitarsi three or four times longer .........
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