AUDITOR'SREPORT ON FORM922, LINDA WEST'S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ANDSUPPORTING SCHEDULES To JasonDmyterko, Official Agent for LindaWest, I haveaudited Form 922, Candidate's Financial Statements and Supporting Schedules,prepared in accordancewith the accountingrequirements of The ElectionsFinances Act of Manitobaand Accounting Guide - AccountingFor Purposesof TheElections Finances Acf issuedby the ChiefElectoral Officer, for the candidacyof LindaWest for the candidacyperiod from June 28, 2006to July23, 2OOT relating to the electionheld on May22,2007 in the Electoral Divisionof Radisson.The financial statements are the responsibilityof the OfficialAgent and the Candidate. My responsibilityis to expressan opinionon thefinancial statements based on my audit. I conductedmy audit in accordancewith Canadian generally accepted auditing standards.Those standards require that I planand perform an auditto obtain reasonableassurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.An auditincludes examining, on a testbasis, evidence supporting the amountsand disclosures in thefinancial statements. An auditalso includes assessingthe accountingprinciples used and significant estimates made by the OfficialAgentand Candidate, as wellas evaluatingthe overall financial statementpresentation. fn myopinion, Form 922, Candidate's Financial Statements and Supporting Schedulesfor LindaWest are presented fairly, in all materialrespects, in accordancewith the accounting requirements of The ElectionsFinances Act of Manitobaand Accounting Guide - AccountingFor Purposesof TheElections FinancesAcf issuedby the ChiefElectoral Officer. ,(r;/u,zL/*./ , g t DavidHildebrand, C.G.A. 2 - 715Lanark Street Winnipeg,Manitoba September24,2007 e'*\ i I' i i r-r/).) Gandidate'sFinancial Statements ul V ZZ and SupportingSchedules Elections Manitoba (To be filed within 4 monthsafter Election Day " -jA Complete the form in ink.)) For the GandidacyPeriod To Date #Name? Date #Name? J.,^. 28,2^'t' J.l1 Zr, &r* Candidate Name West, Linda ElectoralDivision Radisson PC Manitoba Official Agent Name JasonDmyterko Auditor Nameof Auditor DavidHildebrand CGA CAFM Nameof PublicAccountant to Whom InquiryMay be Directed(if differentthan above) DavidHildebrand Declaration l, the undersignedOfficial Agent, hereby file a completedForm 922 Candidate'sFinancial Statements and SuppoftingSchedu/es - along with an Auditor'sReport from a qualifiedauditor. I also herebydeclare that to the best of my knowledgeand belief,the informationcontained herein is complete,true and correctand in compliancewith the requirementsof lhe ElectionsFinances AcL Statementof Assets,Liabilities and Surplusas at the End of the CandidacyPeriod Assets 100 Cash 483.98 110 AccountsReceivable 120 Inventory* OtherAssets (provide details) 130 140 150 TotalAssets (total of line100 to 140) 483.98 Liabilitiesand Surplus 200 AccountsPayable 8,367.84+- lFromtine 840.] 210 OverdrafULine of Credit** 220 Loans"* 3,302.00 Lines 150and 290 must be the OtherLiabilities (provide details) 230 240 250 CandidacyPeriod Surplus/(Deficit) (11,1s580) <- lFromtine 440 | 290 TotalLiabilities and Surplus (totalof line200 to 250) 483.98 ' Inventoryas of the 6nd of the candidacyperiod would include items purchasedbut not used (i.e. expensed).Inventory should also be taken as of 8pm on ElectionDay in order to excludethe value from the amounl reportedas electionerpenses " A writlen copy of each loan agreementmust be filed separatelyif there was a loan, line of credit,or bank overdraflin existenceat any time to the candidateduring the candidacyperiod. statementof Income,Expenses and rransfers for the Gandidacyperiod Incomeand Transfers 300 Contributions $ 4,600.00<- rom line 630,column C 310 Transfersfrom endorsing politicalparty 30,000.00+ rom line 720 320 Transfersfrom candidate,s constituencyassociation 2,698.00 Fromline 760 330 Fundraising OtherIncome (provide details) 340 350 390 TotalIncome and Transfers (totatof line300 to 350) line390 $ 37,298.00 Expensesand Transfers 400 Electionexpenses $ 31,4g3.45 <-- m line595 . 410 Non- election expenses 6,352.41 + line590, column C 420 Transfersto endorsing politicalparty 10,648.00 430 TotalExpenses (total and Transfers of line400 to 420) line430 $ 48,483.86 440 candidacv Periodsurptus/(Deficit) (tine390 minus tine 430) tine440 $_lll8ts6.l_ RECEIVFi)i 1 ; /0!tt Schedule1 - CandidacyPeriod Expenses Including Donations in Kind 500 Advertising- Media 505 Poslers,pamphlets, promotional 510Auditfee (amount in excessof subsidy) 515 Disability 520 ChildCare cz5 Fundraising 530 Furnitureand equipment rental 535 Honoraria/Salaries 540 Inlerestand bankcharges 545 OfficeOccupancy (rent,utilities) 550 OfficeSupplies and postage 555 Personal 560 Polling 56s Signs/structuralsupport 570 Telephone 575 Transportation, accomodationand food Other(provide details) 580 585 590 Total(total of line500 to 585) AOC Totalelection expenses (Totalof line590 column A and B) el6.ti,re 4ool Providethe amount of bankcharges and loan interest incurred from the close of thepolls to 4 monthsafter Election Day. (Not requiredif candidatedid not qualify for reimbursement) Loaninterest line597 $ 39.01 BankCharges line599 $ 109.00 Schedule2 - Contributionsto a Candidate(lncluding Donations in Kind) A GontributionsSummary A B C(AplusB) dggregate Donationsin Total of all :ontributions of: Cash Kind Contibutions 000 1250or more 2,440.00 510.00 2,950.00 t10 $25or morebut lessthan $250 1,540.00 30.00 1,570.00 620 Lessthan $25 20.00 60.00 80.00 t30 Iotal E 4,000.00E 600.00 4,600.00 line630. C total on 300 B. Contributionsof $250or More (Completepart B only if the aggregate value of the contributions (cash and donations in kind) from any individual normally resident in Manitoba was $250 or more during the candidacy period.) Nameof Contributor Residential AggregateValue (alphabeticalorder) Address of Contributions 0ormack.Richard 400.00 Hebert.Claude 370.00 -ledman.David 400.00 ytaychuk,Darryl 370.00 oet, Lawrence 400.00 West, Linda 510.00 Wyaft, Reg 500.00 Additionalpages attached? Yes NoX Schedule3 - Transfersfrom Endorsing Political Party (Complete only if the candidate's campaign received transfers from the candidate's endorsing political pafty) A. Totalvalue of all cash transfers receivedduring the candidacyperiod line 700 $ 30,000.00 from the candidate'sendorsing political party: B. Totalvalue of all transfersof goodsor servicesduring the candidacy line710 $ periodfrom the candidate'sendorsing political party: C. Totaltransfers from candidate'sendorsing political party: tine720 $ 30.000.00 (totalof line700 to 710) D. lf youentered an amounton line710, repo( the line730 $ valueof goodsor servicesthat were used in theelection period: Schedule4 - Transfersfrom Candidate'sConstituency Association (Complete only if the candidate's campaign received transfers from the candidate's constituency association.) A. Totalvalue of all cash transfers receivedduring the candidacyperiod line740 $ 2,698.00 fromthe candidate'sconstituency association: B. Totalvalue of all transfersof qoodsor servicesduring the candidacy line750 $ periodfrom the candidate'sconstituency association: C. Totaltransfers from the candidate'sconstitiuency association: line760 $ 2.698.00 (totalof line 740 to 750) D. lf youentered an amounton line750, disclose the line770 $ valueof goodsor servicesthat were used in the electionperiod: lf the aggregatevalue of transfers,as calculatedon line760 is $250or more,provide the following information: E. Werethere contributions of $250or moreto the constituencyassociation endorsing the candidate duringthe candidacy period? No (nofurther information is required) -- Y Yes (completethe schedulebelow) $ Name and addressof Contributorsof $250 or more to the ConstituencyAssociation AggregateValue of (attachlist if necessary) Contribution Listattached? Y""Y No RADISSON CONSTITUENCY DO}.IATIONS June1, 2006 -May 22,20OT Date Name Amount Dec31/06 Denlon,Allan 500.00 Nov 16/06 Frencfi,Dordhy 400.00 Nov 20106 Haaksma,Hank (Henry) 400.00 @ 2UO6 Jemes,Garl L. 250.00 May 2lO7 James,Carl L. 250.00 l.lov 20106 Raap,William S. 4U).00 Nov 20106 Schulz,Adrian R. 400.00 Nov 20OB Maloux,Dong 400.00 Nov 20106 Wes{,Dave E 1,000.00 May 1lO7 Wesil,Dave E 500.00 Nov 20/06 West,Linda M. 1,000.00 Feb9lOT Wesil,Linda M. 4(n.00 May 1107 Wesl,Linda M. 500.00 6,400.00 Preparedat 23 Kennedy- September24,2007 Schedule5 - Reconciliationof lncomeTax Receipts (Complete only if the candidate was registeredlo lssue income tax receipts- i.e. Form g1 1 was fited with ElectionsManitoba) Total numberof incometax receiptsreceived from ElectionsManitoba line780 r00 Total numberof incometax receiptsreturned to ElectionsManitoba: -ffi rF-- lManitobacopies only. I @ lssuedto Contributors line790 20 - tKel|.rrTrdlt tnree t lcoDres..l I @ Voidedor cancelled line800 z _ffi -t . I lcopres. I @ Unused line810 78 Total numberof incometax receiptsreturned to ElectionsManitoba line820 100 (totalof line790 to 8'10) Totalunreturned income tax receipts(line 780 minusline 820) line830 Please providereceipt numbers and an explanationfor any unreturnedincome tax receipts. Schedule6 - AccountsPayable (Complete only if there are amounts owing to suppliersat the end of the candidacy period. Do not include loans payable) Nameof Supplier Description of Expense $ Amount JackReimer reelection campaign )ollingexpences 2.643.08 JasonDmvterko )hotocopying 31.80 Pc constituencyAssociation 2006fund raising leter 426.48 Pc ConstituencyAssociation )hristmasParty 73.07 Pc ConstituencyAssociation tlovembermeet
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