■ "■ “WECN e s d ^ y ; Avew Nat P i^ RHtt ' '.Mr ale'' yifei/k Itoiei ' - MkmqrlK iMi Cleer, lew. '■owVL„* Lpdgs «< Kaaons Hifr. Ugb* aboitkilii mil' im«t at 7:W tonorraw Patron List ‘lidctiirs Vna^iit . Sthool Board Me&» Toddy. ' ' ■' ■ j- ■> »■*'' BllAt at tha Maaontc aaoond lactgto lA tha. I fmtcihaa f T A C ity e f ViUaga Charm ; L, a a t U » WorrtiijpAil Mastar JOba Lb cnnMnt aeriab.for aAdta #x- at- tilt ^OBlor Ota* VonOadi Jr. win praaida for Still Grows plaihlng new teacfaliig meth­ To Dumas CopUal I F o i^ MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1966 AimriiHag m rage il) PRICE SEVEN'. §>0lit^!Ub, ^ at lita d iM ta r/ &ic.,___ Um Maatar Maaon degraa. Mon- veil. UBXXVfNO. 117 (TW I^tTY PAGES) ods in the secondary achools Tbs baard of adaoathm win At several past meatingi. the iiiiw.ii>alr. p . f t '. ^4'Mila«9laa to partM|Mta la tlia day nicht, tlw k>d^ oAcara 1&«. Florenoa OMsawicIi, pa- wlir'be held tonight from 7 ||ii|MiBliiK alory baara aakod* win praaant tha deprea for tr6n ohaiiman to r tfaa LM la hold b special meeting tottlgM a xp rtm ai its to 8 In tha Manchester High •u ■ M.. w,.~< — -r BMm concern over phyrioal condition ^ tiS i to *■*» plaoe at tba M dy Laval Lodfe of Maaon In Hart* Theatar p t Mancheatar, has re- SiohOdl auditorium. 'tHQNily tihrmry wlB laoat to- totd at tha Kaaonic Temple on leaaad adothw Hat. a t patrona •* V*” . ^ of aevenl eohoola. inchidtng at 8 pm. at tha Utotoy. High St . for the ourrent year. The or* Mrs. ■ Larinla B)r6dks, nf^f^tmior High School to ee- Bonnet Junior agh, Unootai and Double Duty ------ ^ ------ ghiHaaition ie praeabUy in Ha MHS reading specialist, will tabUah a oapital improvements Orean. ALL PACKAGE STORK dhkniss new approaches to budget for neirt year. ocmcain was heightened Soviets Hit U.S. CINCINNATI. Ohio (AP) ‘ ’V. ' -'Irtir Dawto, aoo a t MT. and Iba Spurrier yeSowahip of first producthm of the 'year, Taylor-Mor se Hassle the* imi»rovement of reading The boatd dbcided at Ha meet- numth when apritesmen —The liOvriairi Life Squad lies. John Daria of 44 Soott Dr. South Methodist Chuiob wW “NlgM Must Fall,” tomoriw skills through tha study erf Ing last week to push tor a f^m parent groups at Lincoln thought it had complotod tta ' har been ««»"<««< to the honor meet tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. at through Saturday at JHing Jun- vocabulary, reading speed, aeparate capital improyemenU ^ Green SebooU WILL BE CLOSED job. roH lor the firat aemeater and Susannah Wealey Hall. There h>r High Sriiool auditorium, budget to accompany the IMS- appeared betore the board to Members were sent on an ttw third marking period at wSI be a ValauUne Faity af* Curtain time ia 8:30 p.m. and comprehension employ­ ed at the secondary level. a t operating taidget when K Is complain about pow conditiona emerg«ney Wednesday to Roli&woa School, West Hait* ter a short bueineea meeting. Patrons include Mr. and U ^. sent to the general manager Qjore A c t i o n d a it N-Bomb Flighte the home of Alice Patterson, The lecture seriee, spon- f o f i . Members are reminded to bring Qiariee DelTaitto, Mr, and Mrs. 36. ’Ihey assisted in the _ _ a box Hutch. Bevaragee will be Anthony DlPerrio, Mr. and Mrs. swed by the Manchester Feb. 21. „ The declaian to submit a sep- Snpt. of Schools WilUam H. arate capital Improvements pro- birth of a girt. Viet a leg to abaod on,' one ettcial ijC Arthur P Hosteaaea are Mrs. Wetter DoH, Mr. and Mia. Jo- Adult Evening School, Is GENEVA (AP) — The Soviet government conridera But aa they accompanied QirtU has esUmated ths cap- ^ard members remarked. ..--y**|Tj, fb ^ ' aoii Trotter, Idra. Mary Hatt seph P. Dyer Sr., Mr. and Mre. open to the public free of THURSDAY. FEB. 17Ri Soviet Union today de­ this “a fiagrant violation of in- her to a hotodtal, Mrs. Pat­ ital Improvements the board ft^m a history of budget Foster and Tbarapkbi rikshed JrSt. airi lS rA torR j«v ««> Mlaa lOiaabetti Brown. ^ 1 BUte^r. and CM* charge. teniatlonat'law and of the 1008 terson began complaining of would like to make to the which annually make the nounced flighte of Ameri­ again when the Soviet delegate ----- ford E. Oertte, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- Moecew treaty.” Ttoarapkte said pains. ’They speeded up the Via of 11 Fynwick Rd., .esoorted „ echoris would cost fs00,000 to allotment tor school maln- can nuclear bombers as a denounced the Westeih powers a tug towing a The Infant Jesua of Prague Oarman, Mr. and Mrs. Adler, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Su. the memorandum was directed trip and after reaching the 8800,000. The recommended op- tenance tnsufflclrot and contrib- This ad sponsored ' violation of the 1968 par­ to all states tori ognetHuted an on ebargte of seridng to satlefy barge loaded wM 16,000 1 ^ s!’ ut* hrc^tinu;riii^'‘d;teri;;. hospital, Mrs. Patterson Senator Says. MANCHESTER PACKAGE SXtNHE ACUMXIIATlbiN tial test ban treaty. The appeal tor tenndnatton of these West Qecmany’o "grawing nu- gave birth to another child, of oemendtoto the post of New morrow at 8 pjtn. at the home ^* Thurnauer, Atty. and Mrs. Paul the boatd at 16,064,000, to the riear oiaime” and aocused the United States rejected the fHghte. a boy. Yoric lest week serving with o i Mrs. Reipli RooSce, 40 Mkrt- Also, 34r, and Mrs. D, tlo y a Marte» Mr. and Mrs. Joseph highest In its history, and xiear* ----------- Bonn goyemment of a policy of ttia Coast Guard eSutter Tsmai^ land Rd. Mrs. James Mulreody Hobron, Dr. and Mrs. Melvin e . MacLeod, Mr. and Mrs. John j- ggOO.OOO above the amount Elver baste broiled chicken charge as “false and mere U.S. chief delegete Wiaiam C. Mrs. Patterson and the LBJ Position propaganda.” Foster declined to go into the mllitariam. t'Wins—and the life squad oIl an ooosn-golng tug home- wUl serve as oo-chairman. Mem- HopwtU, Mr. and Mre. WHltom c . Beggs, Robert H. Best and currently allotted the sriiooto with a mixture of olive oil and Foster deplored Tsarapidn's poried at Staten IMand, N.T. bars are reminded to bring ar- J- Huat, Mrs. John L. Jenney, Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Oailson. |yy ttia board of directors. lemon juiceT Good! ' . The two nuclear powers substance of the Soviet Mate- members — were reported Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart John- 'deahed in the 17-nation disar­ ment, saying: “ilred repetition of unfounded “just fine.” Is Misguided Ito .to married to the ftxmer tiolee for a penny auction charges.” Rtaniey G. Breen o f 26 Ebawroft ------ tton, Mr. and Mrs. David Kahn, mament talks when Soviet nego- “ One to led to wonder what Incidentally, the births WASHINGTON (AP)^ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Kargi, Ototor Semyon K. Tsarapkin ■H to regrettable,” Footer were the 14th and ,16th for purpose lies beyond the repeti­ aMerted, “that as the interval Sen. Wayne Morse forecast Kaye, tread a memorandum by hie tious and falee aUegatione about Mrs. Patterson. But it was today that the American government. He claimed the shortens before yet another na- the first set of twins. this incident and why the Soviet thm may explode a nuclear de­ people will soon repudiate Spanish coastal area 'wae being . delegate asked to be the tiiat Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. White o f on EDdridge 9t. Mn. EHlen K. lingard. eontaminated after the crash of rice our precioue time is ■wasted the war in 'Viet Nam— and 86 tCeeney S t, b u been named ----- speaker today,i jtist to read____ by the renewal of an un'warrant- ^ Atoo, Mr. and Mrs. George an American B62 with nudeer presidential adviser Max» to the Oommandant’B Merit Mtoe Poppy Gerard, daugh- bombs last mtmth. J « « « *. State News well D. Taylor retorted Uatt at the V. S. Air Force ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ger- W. Mtmson, Mr. and Mia. Dan- RepUbMc of Germany and elp us clean out our stocks! SAVE up to H! The memorandum said the that would be good news to Aoademy, Goto. Chdet White to aid of 76 Oloatt Dr., a senior at Mdeler, Mr. and Mrs. George emment. against the legitimate concern a gmduate of Ebat Oatholic Bouve School, Tufts University,' Sbenkman, Mr. and Mrs. B. “ Presumably, If the Soviet of the NATG powers with their the Communists in Hanoi. Travelers Morse Shot back a charge at Htoh School and a member of Boston, Masa., w«a honored at J«ne* Harvey Jr., Mr. and Mrs. government had other than own seif-defense.” '^ smear, rnttUartom and gutter the dtass o f’86 at the Academy, an honors convocation yester- WlHtom Zimmerman, Mr. and propaganda in. mind, it would Foeter streesed that Weetem ------ day recognizing academic work Mrs. Walter P. Miller Sr., Dr. Voting Light have awaited a reply through debate. He said Taylor and EXiropean countries are a'ware And Phoenix President Jotaneon are mtaguld- Cob Scout Paric 98 will have of gup^4ir students. Hartin Duke, Mr. and diptomaitic ri»rmelB.” of the “ many hundreds of So'viet __ Mrs. Tork Strangfeld, Mr. and U.S. delegatlQn officials sold ed about the war in Southeort its Kue and Gold Banquet to­ In Election miasiles with nuclear warheads To Affiliate Asia. morrow st 6 p.m.
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