Number ASSOCIATION CONNECTING Subject ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIES ® Characteristic Impedance of Lines on Printed 2215 Sanders Road Boards by TDR Northbrook, IL 60062-6135 Date Revision 03/04 A IPC-TM-650 Originating Task Group TEST METHODS MANUAL TDR Test Method Task Group (D-24a) 1 Scope This document describes time domain reflectom- b. The value of characteristic impedance obtained from TDR etry (TDR) methods for measuring and calculating the charac- measurements is traceable to a national metrology insti- teristic impedance, Z0, of a transmission line on a printed cir- tute, such as the National Institute of Standards and Tech- cuit board (PCB). In TDR, a signal, usually a step pulse, is nology (NIST), through coaxial air line standards. The char- injected onto a transmission line and the Z0 of the transmis- acteristic impedance of these transmission line standards sion line is determined from the amplitude of the pulse is calculated from their measured dimensional and material reflected at the TDR/transmission line interface. The incident parameters. step and the time delayed reflected step are superimposed at the point of measurement to produce a voltage versus time c. A variety of methods for TDR measurements each have waveform. This waveform is the TDR waveform and contains different accuracies and repeatabilities. information on the Z0 of the transmission line connected to the d. If the nominal impedance of the line(s) being measured is TDR unit. significantly different from the nominal impedance of the Note: The signals used in the TDR system are actually rect- measurement system (typically 50 Ω), the accuracy and angular pulses but, because the duration of the TDR wave- repeatability of the measured numerical valued will be form is much less than pulse duration, the TDR pulse appears degraded. The greater the difference between the nominal to be a step. impedance of the line being measured and 50 Ω, the less reliable the numerical value of the measured impedance 1.1 Applicability The observed voltage or reflection coeffi- will be. cient change in the TDR waveform is related to the difference e. Measurement variation (repeatability, reproducibility) may between Z0 of the transmission line and the impedance of the TDR. If the impedance of the TDR unit is known via proper only be a small component of the total uncertainty in the value of the characteristic impedance. For example, if the calibration, then the Z0 of the transmission line attached to the TDR unit may be determined. Thus, the TDR method is use- uncertainty in the characteristic impedance of the reference air line is ± 0.5 Ω (for a 95 % confidence interval), then the ful for measuring Z0 and changes in Z0 of a transmission line. These impedance values thus determined can be used to uncertainty in the measured characteristic impedance of verify transmission line design (engineering development), the test line can be no better than ± 0.5 Ω even if measure- measure production repeatability, and qualify manufacturers ment variation is much less. via transfer or artifact standards. f. The particular TDR methods described herein are not Engineering development requires detailed information on the suited for measuring the characteristic impedance as a electrical performance of prototype units to assure the trans- function of position along the transmission line (impedance mission line design yields the expected performance charac- profiling) because signal reflections within the transmission teristics. Detailed laboratory analysis of the effect of variations line under test and between the TDR unit and transmission in design features expected in actual manufacture can be line under test may adversely affect measurement results. done to assure the proposed design can be manufactured at a useful quality level. g. The requirements for the length of the transmission line under test given in Section 3 of this test method as well the 1.2 Measurement System Limitations Measurements of IPC-2141 must be met. Z0 often vary greatly, depending on equipment used and how the tests were performed. Following a specified method helps Further measurement considerations and notes are provided assure accurate and consistent results. Both single-ended in Section 6. and differential line measurements have limitations in com- mon, including the following: 1.3 Sample Limitations The type of test sample used may a. The Z0 measured units are derived and not directly mea- also impact Z0 values (see IPC-2141). The sample-based limi- sured. tations include: Material in this Test Methods Manual was voluntarily established by Technical Committees of IPC. This material is advisory only and its use or adaptation is entirely voluntary. IPC disclaims all liability of any kind as to the use, application, or adaptation of this Page1of23 material. Users are also wholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims or liabilities for patent infringement. Equipment referenced is for the convenience of the user and does not imply endorsement by IPC. IPC-TM-650 Number Subject Date Characteristic Impedance of Lines on Printed Boards by TDR 03/04 Revision A a. The transmission line under test varies along its length b. Accessibility of terminations for the line. whereas the value of Z0 obtained assumes a uniform trans- c. Absence of branching. mission line. Therefore, the measured Z only approxi- 0 d. Absence of impedance changes within the transmission mates the characteristic impedance of an ideal line that is representative of the line under test. line under test. b. Lines on a printed circuit board may deviate significantly e. Representation of controlled Z0 signal layers in a multi-layer from design. For example, microstrip lines longer than board. 15 cm [5.91 in] on boards with plated-through holes often have variations in line width; this variation is due to plating 3.1.2 Example 2 Representative samples should be as in and/or etching variations. 3.1.1, except that the test lines are nonfunctional lines designed into the board for easy termination for TDR mea- c. If the transmission line is too short, the accuracy of the cal- culated impedance value may be degraded (see 4.1.2). If surements. Such test lines should be planned to include criti- the transmission line is too long, skin effect and dielectric cal features typical of functional lines and should lie in con- loss may cause a bias in the impedance measurement. trolled Z0 signal layers. d. Depending on where the measurements are made, the 3.1.3 Example 3 Representative samples should be as in value of Z obtained may be affected by dielectric and 0 3.1.1, except test coupons are cut from the master board at conductor loss and other effects. The farther away from the time the individual PCBs are separated. Such test cou- the interface between the probe and the transmission line under test, the worse these effects will be. pons will have one or more sample transmission lines with termination suited for testing. Such test lines should include e. Duration of the measurement window (waveform epoch) critical features typical of functional lines and will be fabricated may need to be adjusted for sample length and location of in the same configuration and structure as the master board midpoint vias along the transmission line. on the same controlled Z0 layers. 2 Reference/Applicable Documents 3.1.4 Example 4 A sample of the substrate laminate to be IPC-2141 Controlled Impedance Circuit Boards and High characterized before use in manufacturing PCBs is fabricated Speed Logic Design with test transmission lines. The fabrication may involve lami- IPC-TM-650 IPC Test Methods Manual nating several board layers together in the same manner anticipated for PCB manufacture. 1.9 Measurement Precision Estimation for Variables Data 3.2 Identification of Test Specimen For specimens of 3 Test Specimens The test specimen can take one of sev- types called out in 3.1.1, 3.1.2, or 3.1.3, a board serial num- eral forms, depending on the application, but contains at least one transmission (or interconnect) test structure. As ber, part number, and date code should be adequate. Speci- examples, four types are mentioned in 3.1.1 through 3.1.4. mens from 3.1.4 should include whatever lot or panel identifi- The transmission lines to be measured may be of either strip- cation is available for the substrate laminate being evaluated. line or microstrip construction and configured as either single- ended or differential. See IPC-2141 for a recommended test 3.3 Conditioning If conditioning is required, test speci- coupon design. mens shall be stored before testing at 23 °C (+1/-5) °C [73.4 °F (+ 1.8/-0 °F)] and 50 % RH±5%RHfornoless than 3.1 Test Specimen Examples 16 hours. If a different conditioning procedure is used, it must be specified by the user. 3.1.1 Example 1 Representative samples of the actual PCB being manufactured are selected. In some cases, this 4 Equipment and Instrumentation The TDR measure- sample set may contain all of the boards. Agreed upon func- ment system contains a step generator, a high-speed sam- tional or nonfunctional transmission lines within the sample are pling oscilloscope, and all the necessary accessories for con- used for the measurement. Criteria for selection of such lines necting the TDR unit to the device under test. IPC-2141 includes: provides a short discussion of the TDR system architecture, a. Inclusion of the PCB’s critical features. system considerations, and the TDR measurement process. Page2of23 IPC-TM-650 Number Subject Date Characteristic Impedance of Lines on Printed Boards by TDR 03/04 Revision A 1.1 Measurement System Requirements time or distance, and is always related to the one-way propa- gation time between the two discontinuities, TP (see Figure 4.1.1 Measurement Accuracy The measurement accu- 4-1), and not the round trip propagation time.
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