Alien species name Family Order Report describing the impact observation (two (or more) references are given when studies are complementary and have been combined into one impact observation) Year of the report Quotation from the report: rationale for the assigned magnitude (two (or more) quotations are given when studies are complementary and have been combined into one impact observation) Impact mechanism(s) Mechanism type(s) (direct vs indirect) Impacted native species Impacted kindgom(s) Impact score Confidence score Rationale for confidence score: Likelihood of the impact to be higher Rationale of the confidence score: Likelihood of the impact to be lower "Precise location(s) of impact (island, national Park, wood, etc. given in the report)" "Region of impact (district, County, State, Provincia, Archipelago, Departments, etc. of the precise location of impact)" Country of impact Subcontinent Continent Assessor comment Assessor ID Date of assessment Reviewer ID Date of review Ammotragus lervia Bovidae Cetartiodactyla "Garzón Machado, Víctor, et al. ""Strong negative effect of alien herbivores on endemic legumes of the Canary pine forest."" Biological Conservation 143.11 (2010): 26852694." 2010 "In the absence of herbivores, the number of individuals was significantly greater for all species. These differences in abundance were apparent across all 12 monitoring visits (Fig. 2). [...] For these four species, we conclude that the presence of herbivores, including barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia), goat (Capra hircus) and European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), exerts a strong negative effect on plant establishment. [...] Our results indicate that alien herbivores in Caldera de Taburiente (A. lervia, C. hircus and O. cuniculus) have a highly negative impact on the abundance and distribution of the species studied. The highly significant differences between control and exclusion plots and the lack of a correlation between each species’ abundance in the exclusion plots and its distribution and abundance under natural conditions suggest that the Canary Islands pineforest understory may be impoverished due to alien herbivores. [...] our results indicate that the Canary pine forest has been severely impoverished by herbivore activity, at least for the legume species studied." Grazing/herbivory/browsing Direct Chamaecytisus proliferus ssp. Proliferus; Teline stenopetala; Spartocytisus filipes; Cicer canariense Plantae MO Medium "The impact might be lower, if the alien did not cause -or contributed to- the observed decline(s) in the native population(s) but that the other stressor(s) is/are alone the cause(s) of the decline(s) (other introduced ungulates present)." La Palma Island Canary Islands Spain Europe Europe DJ March 2017 LV June 2019 Ammotragus lervia Bovidae Cetartiodactyla "FernándezOlalla, M., et al. ""Threat or opportunity? Browsing preferences and potential impact of Ammotragus lervia on woody plants of a Mediterranean protected area."" Journal of Arid Environments 129 (2016): 915." 2016 "Highly preferred and sparse shrub species might be severely affected by medium to high aoudad densities […] The aoudad forages on a very wide variety of woody species: from small chamaephytes to trees, although average browsing in tensities are usually moderate. Only 10 species (10.2%) showed average browsing intensity above 3.0, which defines sustainability (see Table 2 and Perea et al., 2014, 2015). However, only four of them were present in more than two surveys, so further research would be needed to provide solid inference on their individual response to aoudad browsing. None of the abundant species (present in>10 surveys) showed unsustainable browsing, and only two of them showed moderate browsing intensity. These results reveal no evidence of major problems regarding actual vegetation structure and composition in our experimental condi tions" Grazing/herbivory/browsing Direct "Rosmarinus officinalis; Pinus halepensis; Juniperus oxycedrus; Thymus vulgaris; Cistus albidus; Quercus coccifera; Staehelina dubia; Cistus clusii Dunal; Pistacia lentiscus; Lithodora fruticosa; Quercus rotundifolia; Dorycnium pentaphyllum; Juniperus phoenicea; Phlomis lychnitis; Rhamnus lycioides; Artemisia campestris L. subsp. glutinosa; Daphne gnidium; Genista valentina; Satureja obovata" Plantae MN Medium "The impact might be higher, but the study did not allow to detect the effect of the alien on the native population size." Sierra Espuña Regional Park Sierra Espuña Regional Park Spain Europe Europe DJ March 2017 LV June 2019 Ammotragus lervia Bovidae Cetartiodactyla "Velamazán, Mario, et al. ""Threatened woody flora as an ecological indicator of large herbivore introductions."" Biodiversity and Conservation 26.4 (2017): 917930." 2017 "The effect of Ammotragus lervia on the threatened woody flora was examined through browsing evidences and rubbing damage. [...] A total of 86 populations of threatened species were examined (Table 1). For each population, 3-5 individuals were randomly selected, recording the following information: plant height, diameter at breast height (dbh), debarking/rubbing damage (presence/absence) and browsing intensity [...] The results reveal that 50% of the threatened plant species showed unsustainable levels of browsing (browsing score C4), with 35.7% of the species under the highest possible level of browsing." Grazing/herbivory/browsing Direct Acer monspessulanum; Coronilla glauca; Cotoneaster granatensis; Erica erigena; Fraxinus angustifolia; Fumana fontanesii; Genista longipes; Phillyrea media; Prunus prostrata; Quercus faginea; Salix pedicellata; Sorbus aria; Thymus serpylloides; Ulmus glabra Plantae MN Medium "The impact might be higher, but the study did not allow to detect the effect of the alien on the native population size." Sierra Espuña Regional Park Sierra Espuña Regional Park Spain Europe Europe DJ March 2017 LV June 2019 Axis axis Cervidae Cetartiodactyla "Relva, M. A., & Veblen, T. T. (1998). Impacts of introduced large herbivores on file:///HOME/Directories/RappazF/docs/OA/articles/Biologie/sheet4.txt[07/01/2021 07:53:09] Austrocedrus chilensis forests in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Forest Ecology and management, 108(1), 27-40." 1998 "In northern Patagonia, impacts of introduced animals on tree regeneration and understory composition are likely to continue to be a problem for land managers whether the objective of the management be regeneration following timber harvesting or protection of the native flora in parks and reserves. […] the inhibitory effects of the browsing animals are manifested as stunting and poor form rather than reduced abundance. Heavily browsed Austrocedrus saplings typically lose their apical buds and the proliferation of lateral branches creates a shrubby form. Where the land use objective is timber production, this type of animal impact is of substantial economic impact." Grazing/herbivory/browsing Direct Austrocedrus chilensis Plantae MN Low "The impact might be higher, but the study did not allow to detect the effect of the alien on the native population size." Isla victoria (Nahuel Huapi National Park) Neuquén Argentina South America South America "Large-scale study (Northern Patagonia) investigating the impact of livestock and game animals. We only recorded the impact of game animals (feral deers on Isla Victoria); The impacts of goats (Capra hircus) and sheep (Ovis aries) were not assessed, as they are livestock and not feral." LS January 2018 LV 2018 Axis axis Cervidae Cetartiodactyla "Veblen, T. T., Mermoz, M., Martin, C., & Ramilo, E. (1989). Effects of exotic deer on forest regeneration and composition in northern Patagonia. Journal of Applied Ecology, 711-724." 1989 "Deer browsing has nearly eliminated the subcanopy tree, Aristotelia chilensis, which otherwise forms dense understoreys and has significantly reduced the abundance of numerous other woody and herbaceous species. [...] The most dramatic difference in the understoreys of the two areas was the dominance on Peninsula Quetrihue by the subcanopy tree Aristotelia chilensis compared to its scarcity on Isla Victoria (Tables 3-5). " Grazing/herbivory/browsing Direct Aristotelia chilensis Plantae MO Medium "The impact might be lower, if the alien did not cause -or contributed to- the observed decline(s) in the native population(s) but that the other stressor(s) is/are alone the cause(s) of the decline(s) (other deer present, and axis deer is scarce)." Isla victoria (Nahuel Huapi National Park) Neuquén Argentina South America South America Game animals DJ July 2017 LV June 2019 Axis axis Cervidae Cetartiodactyla "Veblen, T. T., Mermoz, M., Martin, C., & Ramilo, E. (1989). Effects of exotic deer on forest regeneration and composition in northern Patagonia. Journal of Applied Ecology, 711-724." 1989 "Luma apiculata, another subcanopy tree species, showed a consistent pattern of greater abundance on Peninsula Quetrihue (Tables 3-5). It was so rare on Isla Victoria that the frequency with which it was browsed was low. Mean maximum heights on the island however, were 19-5 cm (S.E. 6 5) compared to 147 cm (S.E. 30) on the peninsula. This difference suggests that deer have inhibited its growth. [...] The canopy tree Austrocedrus was rare in the seedling and sapling size-classes in both areas, making the assessment of deer browsing on its regeneration difficult. Deer, however, browse it intensely and create dwarfed and deformed seedlings. In some stand had a high browse pressure index (Tables 3 and 4). [...] N. dombeyi seedlings
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