'Pitcher*perfect day for Freehold parade By MARK GRAVEN parade," commented Arthur Schrelber, who was master of ceremonies. FREEHOLD- It wai a Molly Pitcher Good weather has become another tradition perfect day yesterday (or the Mth annunal Bat for the parade. In 14 years, the parade has not of Monmouth Parade. seen rain, noted Helen Scafidl, the grand nature canopied the event - which marshal!, who was honored because of her many fint. time was held on the actual an- years of service on the parade committee. niversary of the battle — with a tall blue sky. Many parade viewers deployed themselves And the aid of Mary Hays, known In history under the shade trees on West Main Street. ai MoUy Pitcher, would have been appreciated Others watched from their fronts porches, by some of the marchers yesterday. where some families held picnics. It was Molly who carried water to the thirsty For the marchers, the day was not so easy. revolutionary soldiers during the battle, which "It was very hot," said Phyllis Willey, a was fought 203 years ago here and and on fields member of the Village Volunteer Fife and Drum that are now part of Manalapan. Corps of Delmar.N.Y. As is traditional, the ringing of church bells Many of the troops shed their uniform throughout the borough, heralded the start of the Jackets, tri-cornered hats, and powdered wigs as parade. soon as they reached the monument in front of Thirty-six units either marched, wheeled, or the Monmouth County Court House, the end of clopped by the reviewing stand in front of the the parade route, only to put everything back on Hall of Records on Main Street. • atllUr MMW »V J.m.i J. again when their turn came to muster In the The sunlight gleamed on the shoe buckles of park In front of the monument. AM REDCOATS COMING?— Patrick Rogers, center, of tha Frf- Connors, laft, a Lexington Mass. Mlnuteman, and Louis A. Force of the militia units, and the polished surfaces of And pass muster they did. Parade officials hold Explorer Police seems a bit more concerned about what's East Brunswick take a breather from the action at the 14th annual the antique cars. coming In tha distance than two battle-tested revolutionaries. Tom Battle of Monmouth parade held yesterday In Freehold. "You couldn't ask for a nicer day for a See Perfect, page 4 The Daily Register Monmouth County's Great Home Newspaper VOL. 103 NO. 304 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, JUNE 29,1981 20 CENTS Iran blast kills 64, including No. 2 man BEIRUT, Lebanon <AP) - Foes of Iran's age of the two-story party headquarters on ruling Moslem aealots escalated their attack downtown Sarchechmeh Street ended at dawn with a bombing that blew up the Tehran head- with 32 bodies recovered. Pan Mid at least 30 quarters of the Islamic Republican Party and people were injured. killed AyatolUh Mohammed Beheshti, the re- The bodies were taken to the medical ex- gime's No. 2 man, and at other revolutionary aminer's office, where a crowd of about 400 leaders, the Iranian government news agency weeping women and men assembled. Revolu- reported. tionary guards armed with automatic rifles pa- Tehran Radio blamed the bombing yesterday trolled the city, but persons In Tehran reported night on "mercenaries connected to the by telephone to Beirut that there were no dis- U.S.A." Pan, the official new agency, accused turbances or demonstrations. "counter-revolutionaries," the fundamentalist Pan reported the bomb exploded in a gar- government's label for the underground leftist bage can near the stage in a ground-floor meet- groups that rallied to the defense of fugitive ex- Ing room as BeheshU was speaking to about W It was the second bomb attack in two days on party leaden tad activists. The celling col- leaders of AyatolUh RuhoUah Khomeini's revo- lapsed, and some witnesses reported more than lutionary regime. Leftists were blamed for a one explosion, Pan said. booby-trapped tape recorder that exploded Sat- Bebeshti's two surviving associates on the urday In a crowded Tehran mosque and wounded Interim Presidential Council, Rajai and the Islamic Republican Party's chief spokes- AyatolUh Hashemi Rafsanjanl, the speaker of man, Seyyed All Knametni the Majlis, vowed a "showdown with enemies HlMir »•«>» >t Urn Kna of Islam to the last breath" HAPPY SPECTATORS — Mrs. William Setaro Sr. of Red Bank points out finer points Those killed at the party headquarters In- "The youthful tree of the revolution has of Little Silver Volunteer Fire Co's. 75th Anniversary Parade to grandson Anthony cluded four ministers and six deputy ministers once again been irrigated last night by the blood Sataro, age 1, while Anthony's sister Maria, 3VJ, directs traffic with pom-pom. In Prime Minister Mohammed AU Rajal's gov- of a group of the most valUnt soldiers of Islam," Anthony and Maria are children of Mr. and Mrs. William Setaro of Keansburg. ernment and 20 members of the Majlis, the MOH.AMMSEn I It said in a statement. "Let the word go out that Iranian parliament, Pan said. the storming flood of the revolution will not stop A state funeral was scheduled tomorrow for with the martyrdom of a group of leaders " preme leader of toe Iranian revolution, and the victims, and a week of mourning was pro- Bani-Sadr's Impeachment by the IRP-domi- many considered him the most powerful man In claimed. nated Parliament June 21 and and his dismissal Over 2,000 viewers toe country. Hojatoleslam Mohammad Montaseri, the by Khomeini the next day galvanized the lef- He headed the Islamic Republican Party, fiery Tehran prayer leader who on Friday de- tists, Including guerrillas of the outlawed which controls the Majlis and the government, Fedayeen Khalq, the Mujahadeen Khalq, and fendedthe execution of Bani-Sadr's supporters, and directed the party's successful power strug- was also killed. other foes of the Moslem fundamentalists who as firemen mark 75th gle with Bani-Sadr. He was a member of the have assumed total power in Iran. BeheshU, the U-yearold president of the three-man Interim Presidential Council that Iranian Supreme Court, was regarded as the Bani-Sadr's supporters held nationwide dem- LITTLE SILVER — A throng of more Belmar, and as far north as South Amboy. took over the presidency. Following tradition, awards were given to man most likely to succeed Khomeini as su- See Blast, page t than 2,000 people Joined with the borough's Tehran Radio said the search of the wreck- Volunteer Fire Company to celebrate its 75th the best entries in a variety of categories. anniversary under a cloudless sky yesterday. Firefighters from Red Bank claimed top From the moment the firenouse bom honors — as they did in both the Rumson and blasted many of the onlookers almost out of Eatontown anniversary parades this year — Two gave away secrets, FBI says their seats to announce the start of the pa- taking home the President's Award for the rade, a buzz of both excitement and local best appearing marching company and equip- LOS ANGELES (AP) - A Polish national both men could be sentenced to life in prison. the transfer of several classlfled documents on pride permeated the streets. ment, as well as the best marching fire and a former engineer at Hughes Aircraft Co. The FBI said both have been under investiga- defense-related radar systems beginning in 1M0 In all, fire companies from 20 municipal- company. face charges of transmitting secret documents tion since shortly after Zacharski entered the and ending early this year. ities marched along the streets of the Best appearing Ladies Auxiliary honors about weapons and radar devices to the Polish country in 1977 as a commercial representative "We assume the Poles shared this informa- borough, displaying pieces of firefighting went to the Rumson Ladies Auxiliary. Intelligence service. for a Polish government-owned machinery man- tion with Russia since Poland is a Warsaw Pact equipment from as early as UM0. Clowns Awards for fire equipment also were Authorities said they assume the information ufacturing company in Elk Grove Village, III. member," Mellltt said at a news conference, danced and blew bubbles, dalmations barked made. Best appearing aerial apparatus was passed along to the Soviet Union. The two men, each married with two chil- adding that, "Any case that involves classified and children squealed with delight. awards went to Eatontown and Red Bank, William Bell, 61, a Hughes employee for dren, struck up a socUl acquaintance In 1971, the Information U an Important case." The parade was led by Grand Marshall and best appearing pumper trophies were nearly 30 yean, and Marian Zacharski, It, ware FBI said "These highly classified documents were Fred Zieglar, the company's senior member. awarded to Fort Monmouth and Colonial arrested yesterday at their separate apartments The Polish American Machinery Co. pro- exchanged at locations in this country and Eu- Zieglar served as chief for five yean in the (Hamilton Township). Long Branch went in a beachfront complex in Playa Del Rey, said duces heavy equipment to manufacture machine rope and pertained to U.S. military weapons and late 1920s and early 30s, and as police chief home with the award for the best appearing Dick MeUItt, assistant specUl FBI agent in parts and has a Wast Coast office In Santa Fa radar systems," said an FBI statement in Wash- for 33 yean during the 30s, 40s, SOs and 80s. ambulance. Antique awards went to Arthur charge of criminal foreign counterintelllgence.
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