Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01385-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Horseracing Edited by Rebecca Cassidy Index More information INDEX Abdullah, Khalid, 7 Apprentices, 61, 70, 86–91 Aboriginal Stars of the Turf (Maynard), 88 Archer, Fred, xix–xx, 89–90 Abu Dhabi, xviii, 160, 161n9 Argentina, xx, 189n35, 193, 202 Adams, Josh, 90, 91 Arkle, xxiv, 78, 80, 111 Admire Moon, 166 Art Affirmed, 138 Alken and, 73 Aga Khan, xxiv, 7, 109, 118n5, 166–67, 195, Barry and, 28 197 Bloch and, 28 Agua Caliente, 38 Degás and, 73 Ahern, Bertie, xxvii, 108 Doré’ and, 73 Aintree Grand National, xviii, xxiii Dufy and, 73 Akazawa, Yoshiki, 164–65 Ferneley and, 35 Al Quoz stables, 149 festivals and, 73–74 Alcohol Fleury and, 38 beer, 62, 69, 78–79, 95, 100, 112, 141, Frith and, xix, 2, 36, 74, 81n17 143, 145, 155 Gill and, 37–38 drunkeness and, 64, 69, 71–72, 76, 79, Gilpin and, 35 100, 108 Herring and, 35, 73 festivals and, 69, 78–79 Hirst and, 28 grooms and, 100–1 jockeys and, 27, 29, 38 jockeys and, 89–90 Lambert and, 126 liquor, 71, 141 Manet and, 36 sex and, 64 Marshall and, 35 wine, 72, 74–75 Millais and, 73 Aldby Park, xvi, 149 Milton Gallery and, 31 Alexandria Jockey Club, 136 modernity and, 35–37 Alken, 73 Munnings and, 35–37, 74 All the Year Round (Dickens), 70 Pennell and, 74 Alphameric Plc, 184, 186n10 Pike and, 28, 38–39, 41 American Association of Equine Romantic style and, 31 Practitioners (AAEP), 103–5, 106n21 Royal Academy of Arts and, 34–35 Amores (Ovid), xv Shakespeare Gallery and, 31 Anatomy of the Horse, The (Stubbs), xvii, 30 Simpson and, 36 Anderson, Sherwood, 49 Stubbs and, 28–35, 40–41 Andrews, D. L., 202 tradition and, 26, 33, 41 Anilin, xxiv Turf Gallery and, 31–33 Animal welfare, 2, 102 Van Dyck and, 26 Anne, Duchess of Westminster, 111 Wall and, 28 Anne, Queen of England, xvi Wallinger and, 28, 39–41 211 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01385-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Horseracing Edited by Rebecca Cassidy Index More information Index Art (cont.) Australian Capital Territory Totalizator Ward and, 35 Agency Board (ACT TAB), 124 Wood and, 28–29, 40 Australian Jockey Club (AJC), 123, Wootton and, 27–29 128 Art of Riding, The (Grisone), xv Australian Rules, 126 Ascot, xxv Auteuil, 114 Australia and, 122 Dubai and, 153–55 Baba O’Reilly, 116 festivals and, 69, 72, 79 Backstretch global markets and, 185 academic writings on, 94–95 Gold Cup and, 110 commercialism and, 96, 102–5 internationalism and, 185 community of, 95–96 Ireland and, 110, 114 equipment care and, 97 Ladies’ Day and, 72–74, 143–44 as fraternity, 95–96 My Fair Lady and, 144 nostalgia and, 96 Stakes and, 110 racinos and, 102–4, 138, 140 tradition and, 191, 196, 202 role of horse in, 101–5 Asian Racing Federation, 173 sense of place and, 95–96 At the Races, xxvii work roles in, 97–101 Athena, xv Badger, Harold, 84–85 Austen, Jane, 44 Bailey, Jerry, 155–56 Australia, xviii–xix Baker, Bob, 84 betting fractions and, 123–24 Bakhtin, M., 21 British tradition and, 122–26 Balanchine, xxv, 152 economic rationalism and, 130–32 Ballarat, 124 flat racing and, 125 Ballinger Ridge, xxvi, 180 future of racing funding and, 182 Ballydoyle, 109, 191 Gill and, 37–38 Ballymany Stud, xxiv, 109 Golden Slipper and, 128–29 Barnes, Billy, 89 horseracing obsession of, 120–22 Barnier, Michel, 188n33 Howard and, 121–22 Barry, James, 28 innovative conduct in, 122–23 Bartlett’s or Bleeding Childers, xvi, internationalism and, 201 18, 44 jockeys and, 120, 126–30, 194 Bath, 20 jump racing and, 124–25 Battle of the Boyne, xvi, 17, 107 legal issues and, 134n39 Baxter, Robert, 69 Melbourne Cup and, xix, xxii, 7, 38, Baze, Michael, 90 64, 83, 120–21, 128–29, 163, 198, Beaux Arts, xxi 198–99 Bedford, 78 Paterson and, xxi, 48–49, 120–21, Bell, Chris, xxvi, 180 123–24, 129 Belmont Stakes, xx, 54, 77, 140 Phar Lap and, 38 Bennett, Captain ‘Tuppy’, xxi picnic racing and, 120, 126–27, 130, 132, Bentinck, George, xviii 133n30 Bernard, Jeffrey, 71–72, 112 polarisations of, 126–30 Bet365, 179 proprietary racing and, 125–26, 134n39 Betdaq, 186n11 race callers and, 121–22 Betfair, xxvi,11n17, 179–81, 186n2, 186n4, racecourse closures and, 130–31 186n11, 186n14 racing calendar of, 125–26 BetFred, xxvii, 185 totalisators and, 123–24, 129–32 Betmart, 186n2 tradition and, 120, 122–30, 198 Betswap, 186n2 trainers and, 199 Betting Victoria Derby and, 121 assessing odds and, 61–65 212 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01385-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Horseracing Edited by Rebecca Cassidy Index More information Index black markets and, 181, 183 as criminal element, 64 bookmakers and, 5–6, 8 (see also economic rationalism and, 130–32 Bookmakers) fiction and, 47 capitalism and, 44 globalism and, 193, 197, 199 debts from, 6 innovations and, 177–85, 186n1, 186n3, economic rationalism and, 130–32 186n7, 188n27, 188n28, 188n31, exchanges and, 177–81, 186n11, 186n14, 188n32, 189n43 187n18, 187n23, 187n25, 188n31, Ireland and, 107, 118n6, 119n26 189n43 legal issues and, 130–32, 134n39 fixed odds, 177, 181, 183, 193 monopoly of, 184 fusion with business and, 5 offshore, 169, 180 future of, 177–90 Paterson study of, 123–24 Horserace Betting Levy Board and, 6 technology and, 177–81 legal issues and, 8, 11n5, 64, 102–3, traveling, 123 130–32, 134n39, 139, 164, 169–74, women and, 123 176n27, 179–84, 186n1, 186n5, Boss, Glen, 83, 90 187n23, 188n27, 189n40 Boussac, Marcel, 6–7 matched bets and, 5 Boxing, 69, 73, 83 Off Track Betting (OTB) parlours and, Boydell, John, 31 138 Brazil, xviii, 53, 198 offshore, 169, 180 Bredin, Kieran, 164 online, 8, 177, 179 Breeders Cup, 1, 4, 77, 139, 150, 156, pari-mutuel, xix, 4, 102, 138, 147n12, 188n28, 197–98, 204n41 164, 170, 177, 182, 193, 197 Breeding punters and, 70, 73, 84–85, 108, 110, abattoirs and, xxvii, 115 112–13, 116, 124, 130, 164, 166, bloodstock industry and, 4, 7, 20, 62, 115, 169–70, 172, 178–84, 186n7, 189n40 128, 152, 157–60, 162n28, 162n30, racinos and, 102–4, 138, 140 163–68, 172, 191, 195, 200–1 shops, 6–7, 130, 183–84, 186n1, 188n28 broodmares and, 44, 160, 174n1, technology and, 177–81, 184–85 200–1 totalisator system and, xxvi, 123–24, 129, Brown on, 30 131, 177, 183–85, 188n31, 189n40, 193 conduit stallions and, 22 trainers and, 123–24, 130 Coolmore and, 4, 7, 11n18, 108–10, 115, Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Act, The, xxiv, 150, 153, 156, 158, 191, 200 186n1 English royalty and, 19–24 Black, Andrew, 186n14 Fairfax and, 14 Black Beauty (film), xxvi General Stud Book and, 4, 13, 19, 23, Black Caviar, 8, 199 31, 58 Black Gold (Henry), 51 Historical Registers and, 15 Black Jester, 197 hybrids and, 4, 24, 191–93, 196 Black, Robert, xx, 192–93 naming logic and, 39–40 Blaris, xxii nomination fees and, 199 Blinkers, 7 pedigrees and, 5–6, 13, 15, 19, 23, 65, Bloch, Howard, 28 111, 156, 203 Blood-Horse, The, 151 prepotency and, 23–24 Bloodstock bubble, xxv, 152, 158–59 Rous and, 191–92, 202 Bong Bong Cup, 127 shuttle stallions and, xxv, 132, 191, Bonny Black, 27–29 199–200 Bookmakers, 5, 8 studs and, 3–7, 13, 15, 18–19, Australia and, 123–24, 129–31 22–23, 29, 31, 58, 65–66, 107–9, betting in the round and, 5 118n5, 119n29, 128, 137, 152, Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Company and, 154, 158–60, 166, 174, 175n17, 186n3 196, 199–202 213 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01385-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Horseracing Edited by Rebecca Cassidy Index More information Index Brenton, Howard, 75–76 Chester, xv Bristol, 78 China British Horseracing Association, xxvi, 181, Beijing Jockey Club and, 169–70 187n17 Communist Revolution and, 173 British Racecourses Illustrated, 78 Hong Kong and, 8, 165, 167–71, 175n20, Britt, Edgar, xxiii, 193–97 181–82, 189n35, 189n41, 195, 198–99, Broadmeadow, 86 201–2, 204n45 Broodmares, 44, 160, 174n1, 200–1 Horse City and, 173–74 Brooks, Charlie, 53 internationalism and, 201 Brown, Ford Maddox, 30 jockeys and, 169–70 Brown, John, xxvi, 188n32 legal issues and, 169–73, 176n27 Bryant, Bert, 122 Royal Nanjing Jockey Club and, 171–74 Bryson, Bill, 76 Strict Forbidden Order on Horseracing Bull, Phil, 6, 11n15 Gambling and, 171 Bullock, Frank, xxi, 197 Tongzhou, 169–71, 173 Bunbury, Charles, xvii trainers and, 169 Bush racing, xviii, 126, 130 Wuhan, 167–69, 171, 173 Buti, Sheikh Maktoum bin, xviii, 149 Chinese Equestrian Association, 173 Butler, James, 20 Choisir, 202 Byerley, Robert, xvi Christian, The (Storm), 69 Byerley Turk, xvi, 13, 17–18, 22, 107, 149 Churchill Downs, 76–77, 90, 144 Byrne, Donn, 49 Churchill, Winston, xxii Byrne, Joe, xxiv, 113 Cigar, xxv, 150–51 Citizen (Brooks), 53 Canada, 35, 198, 200 Claiborne Farm, 154 Canadian Bound, xxiv Clement Lorimer, or The Book with the Iron Canfield, Richard, 139 Clasps (Reach), 45 Carleton, John, 5 Cock fights, 62, 69, 73 Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Company, 186n3 Cockneys, 73, 75 Carnegie, 153 Coke, Edward, xvii, 18–19 Cartier Awards, 160, 162n30 Collected Travel Writings (James), 74 Case, C., 98 Collins, Wilkie, 70 Casinos, 8, 96, 102–3, 138–39, 169, 173, Colorado Dancer, 154 181–82 Commercialism Cassidy, Rebecca, 1–12, 57, 95, 101 backstretch and, 102–5 Cassidy, Stan, 84 Dubai and, 151–52 Catholics, xvi, 19–20, 107, 118n20 festivals and, 70, 72–73, 81n18 Cavalarice (Markham), xv politics and, 102–5 Cecil, Henry, 153–54 Complete Treasury of Great Racing Stories Champion Hurdle, xxii, xxv, 78, 116 (Francis and Welcome), 49 Charles I, King of England, 14–15, 26 Comrade, xxi, 197 Charles I at the Hunt (Van Dyck), 26 Conduit stallions, 22, 24n6 Charles II, King of England, xvi, 9, 13–16, Connolly, Kevin, 169–71 21, 23 Coolmore, 4, 7, 11n18 Charles I on Horseback (Van Dyck) and, 26 Dubai and, 150, 153, 156, 158 Charley, Bob, 87 globalism and, 191, 200 Cheltenham Festival Ireland and, 108–10, 115 English tradition and, 64, 73, 77–80, Cooper, Jilly, 53 113–14 Cope’s Racegoers’ Encyclopedia, 78 Gold Cup and, xxi–xxiv, 78 Coronach, 36 Ireland and, 114–16, 118n20, 119n21 County Hurdle, 118n18 Cheng, Y.
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