University of Dayton eCommons The nivU ersity of Dayton Magazine Marketing and Communications 5-1-1950 The niU versity of Dayton Alumnus, May 1950 University of Dayton Magazine Follow this and additional works at: http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag Recommended Citation University of Dayton Magazine, "The nivU ersity of Dayton Alumnus, May 1950" (1950). The University of Dayton Magazine. 115. http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag/115 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The University of Dayton Magazine by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. U. S. ATTORNEY GENERAL WILL ~Its 'J(~ ,of~~ RECEIVE AWARD The Attorney General of the United States, J. Howard M cGrath, wi ll be presented as the country's ,4~ outstanding Catholic layman of 1950. ESTABLISHED 1929 "The Medal of Mary Award" will be Vol. XVI May, 1950 No. 5 bestowed by the Society of Mary dur­ ing the natioQal closing of the Triple Centennial on May 17 at 8 :30 p.m. at the National Cash Register audi­ torium. The attorney general is ex­ "Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton. pected to make an " im porta nt ad­ Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." dress" while in Dayton. Mr. Mc­ Issued ·Monthly- October through J une Grath is a native of Rhode Island, the sixtie th a ttorney general of th e SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Associa­ United States, a nd is an alumnus of tion, $5.00. LaSalle Academy, Providence Col­ Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni lege and Boston University. Association of the University of Dayton." I n 1929 he was admitted to the For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The Uni­ bar. Honorary degrees have been versity of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio." conferred upon him as follows: Dr. of Law, Providence College, Manhat­ tan College, N. Y. , Rhode Island U. D. Players Bernard Shaw's ARMS AND THE State College, National U niversity, MAN. With the coming of the Len­ Washington, D. C., Holy C ross Col­ Present Comedy ten season, the group turned to more lege, Worcester, Massachusetts; Dr. As the University of Dayton dra­ seri ous drama and found it in Father of Science, Rhode Island College of matic season comes to a close, the Urban Nagles' CITY OF KINGS. \ Phar macy & Allied Sciences; Dr. of University of Dayton Players arc of­ Pl ans for the University Players' Education, Rhode Island Coll ege of fering the la ugh-a-minute far~c, SEE annual banquet are being handled Education; Master of Science in Bus­ HOW THEY RUN, May 5, 6 and 7, by the Executive Commjttee com­ iness Education, Brya nt Coll ege. at the Dayton Art I nstitute, at 8:30 posed of John K ell y, H arold Moots, As a result of devoting the past p.m. J oyce Rhoads, George Uher, a nd twenty years to public service and his The action is laid in the vicarag.:! Ned Cofer. At the time of the ban­ interest in law, politics and the of a sma ll English village. The hilar­ quet, the group will bid farewell to science of government, he has risen ious happenings which take place six seniors who have done outstand­ from the position of city solicitor to when the vicar's wife, a former Amer­ ing work since their affi liation with top post in the Department of Jus­ ica n actress is visited by her leading the Players - Harold Moots, J ohn tice. He has served as United States man, now a sergeant wi th the Amer­ Kell y, Bill Hulsopple, George Daly, District Attorney for Rhode Island ican Air Forces, must be seen to be Bob Beck and Bob Cochran. from 1934 to 1940. At this time he a ppreciated. To add to the confusion, SEE HOW THEY RUN - Day-lj resigned to accept the nomination for a communist spy disguises himself as ton Art Institute - May 5, 6, a nd governor of his home state. H e served the pa rson, and the chase is on ! 7- Curtain 8:30 p.m.- Tickets arc three terms as governor from 1940 to The University Players have hi t available at the university. Bring a 1945 when he accepted a presidential several new highs during their 1949- party of friends for an evening of appointment of solicitor general of 50 season. Under the excellent direc­ laughter! - SEE HOW THEY the U nited States. I n 1946, following torshi p of J ohn I. McGrath, ass ist­ RUN! h is resignation from the Department ant professor of speech, the players of Justice, he accepted the Rhode have in creased their membership to Island nomination for United States seventy. They have prepared several Montgomery County Chapter Senate and was elected in November one act plays for local presen tation, University of Dayton of that year. I n ] 949 he was call ed and have added one major produc­ Al umni Association by the chief executive to a cabinet tion to their normal schedul e - position. bringing the total to four outstand­ SQUARE DANCE "The Medal of M ary Award" will ing productions for the academic at be granted for "outstanding service year. The Towers to his fell owmen." Among outstand­ This extra-curricular group has 3624 Linden Ave. ing personalities present at the closing tried to satisfy the likes of their Friday night 9 :00 p.m. ceremonies of the Marianist Centen­ audiences by presenting four plays­ nial will be diploma tic representa­ each of a completely di fferent type. May 12, 1950 tives from the various countries in They opened the current season with $1.50 per couple - tax included wh ich this Society functions and dig­ the modern American comedy - Limited to 125 couples, so get your nitaries of the Catholic Church. The JENNY KISSED ME. Six weeks tickets early from public wi ll be invited to this meeting. later the players presented George Lloyd R ensel at U . D. ' FINAL CENTENNIAL PLANS RELEASED · T he Apostolic Delegate to the United States, the M ost Rev. Amlcto Giovanni Cicognani, will be the cel­ ebrant a t a Pontifical Mass, May 16, in Emmanuel Church, Dayton. He will pontificate at the Mass, which will open the concluding ceremonies of the Triple Centennial of the Soci­ ety of Mary. It is expected that the largest asscrn6ly of American Hier­ archy and clergy ever seen in the history of the city of Dayton will take place. This occasion marks the first visit of an apostolic delegate to Dayton since 1917. At that time the late Cardinal John Bonzono attended ceremonies of the Society of M ary. Bishop Cicognani is a native of Bri­ THE REV. GEO. J. RENNEKER, S.M., PRESIDENT, UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON, IS SHOWN sighclla, Italy, a nd was ordained in presenting the University of Dayton plaque to Peter lasker, station manager for WLW-D. The award was made "in grateful appreciation of cooperation extended the \905. H e has served as Apostolic Marianist Triple Centennial." Delegate to the United States since 1933. The late Most Rev. Archbishop John T. McNicholas, Cincinna ti, ex­ tended the invitation to the Apos­ placed person commission er, will the Society of M ary's initial " Medal tolic Delegate to pontificate at the speak at the closing ceremonies of the of Mary" award. Mass. Triple Centennial of the Society of Members of the Catholic Hier­ The sermon at the Apostolic Dele­ lVlary. His topic for the speech which archy who have accepted the invita­ \ gate's Mass will be given by the will follow the d inner, will be the tion to honor the Society of Mary Most Rev. C larence G. Issenman, Vi­ work of the displaced persons com­ with their presence during the closing car General and Protonotary of the mission. ceremonies of the Triple Centennial C incinnati Archdiocese. Bishop Michael J. Ready, Colum­ are: The Most R ev. Geo. ]. R chring, bus, will speak for the clergy. Awards Auxiliary Bishop, Cincinnati, 0.; Rt. LUNCHEON will be made to those who have been R ev. Clarence G. Isscnman, Vicar successful in the City of Dayton General and Protonotary, Cincinnati, A luncheon will be served for visit­ Speech Contest, and the Cincinna ti 0 . ; Most Rev. Paul Schulte, Arch­ ing clergy on May 16, a t 1 :00 p.m., Province Society of Mary Speech and bishop, Indiana polis, Ind.; Most in the Miami H otel. Cha rles Bren­ Essay Contests. The grand prize is a Rev. Gerald T. Bergan; Archbishop, nan, former mayor of the city of Day­ four year scholarship to the Univer­ Omaha, Ncb. ; Most R ev. Fra nk A. ton, will act as toastmaster. The cul­ sity of Dayton. Thill, Bishop, Salina, K ans.; Most ._ tural relations director of the Spanish Rev. j oseph H . Albers, Bishop, La n- l Embassy, Pablo Merry del Val, will sing, Mich.; Most Rev. Edward F. be one of the speakers. The other is MASS H oban, Bishop, Clevela nd, 0.; Most Most Rev. F loyd L. Begin, Auxiliary VVednesday, May 17, the Very Rev. Bishop of C leveland, 0 . Presentation Rev. Edward J. Hunkcler, Bishop, J ohn A. Elbert, S.M., Provincial Su­ of the Maria nist Award - the Silver Grand Island, Ncb.; Most Rev. Wm. Plaque will be made at the luncheon.
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