GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHJ URBANDEVELO~MENTDEPARTMENT (UNAUTHORISED COLONIES CELL) 10TH LEVEL, 'C'WING, DELHI SECRETARIAT I.P. ESTATE :. NEW DELHI-110002 F.No.627/UC/2012/CD-021186912/ /~7 ~ - {~<it Dated: (~- (o~~ ORDER Sub: Guidelines/instructions for development work in unauthorized colonies as per Cabinet Decision No. 2227dated 06.10.2015 Pursuant to approval of Cabinet vide Decision No. 2227 dated 06.10.2015 conveyed vide order No. F.3/3/2013/GAO/CN/dsgadiii/4745-4756 dated 8.10.2015 111d in supersession of all previous guidelines/instn.!c:o•ls fo .· . development work in Unauthorized Regularized Colonies 3nd UnauH-D. :zed Colonies, following guidelines are issue:d. 1. The development work will be carried out in all unau t ~ i n;< zeci :~ o:on ie s relying on maps delineated by Survey of india/DSSIJI ti ll the ~:;ate!li~ · irnageshnaps prepared by GSDL showing the built up nosition of P1•Y':' than 50% as on 01.01.2015 are macie available (in l'espect of 8~'':i colonies j and on sat ~~llite imap•as/maps to be provided by GSDL a '. o:, 01 .01 ...::0 ·1 5 showin£1 built up posh _: ..) n of more than L'T~ '· in t:. ·'-' rema1ning unauthorized colonies1 as per the recommendations c; f :;. D.nau 1,1 'W ork. 1ng :..,.,:oup . 2. The development works will be carried out leav!n£1 out forest areas a:: earmarked on thP satellite imares/maps (as on 01 .01 .201 f>) prepmed by GSDL in unautt10rized coionies by Forest &. VViiGlif .~ : :.l \· ·p~:· : rnu · . · , after obtaining 1\lOC/appruval of the C0m;Jete;tt J\ut! ::. r ·,, t. ,; c;u:.: > tl ''7 ------------·------ ~ . ~ - . ; - Fo fest Department, Government of NCT of Delhi in Hie unauU :fJrized colonies stated to be affected as ~:>uch. 3. The development works will be carried out leaving out areas as earmarked by ASI on sateilite images /maps as on 01.01.2015) prepared by GSDL in unauthorized colonies or after obtaining clearance/permission from the Competent Authority/National Monument Authority /ASI in respect of colonies stated to be affected by the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and 'Remains P..ct, 1958. 4. The development works will be carried out leaving out areas having DDA hindrances and the land is fenced by DDA stated to be affected ctS Sl lCh. 5. The following activities shall be covered under the sr.ope of J;e development work in the unauthorized colonies under the Plan Scheme "Provision of Essential Services in Unauthorised colonk~$." a. Construction of roaas/ pavements and storm water drainag.~. b. lnstaliation ofstreet lights. c. Installation of sewerage and water supply lines. 6. The work ·of construction of roads and drainage in unauthorized colonies shall be carried out as a single work without splittin~ the estimate and with due observance of norm ::. f n quality contro! and financial . prudence as provided i'n rules and instructions issued frorn time to time. ·1. Storm water drains shall form integral part of the pavement in una uti lOrized colonies and shall be connected with proper outfall structure capable of receiving the surface rur,dt r~ _; rin ~~ ;- a t;; ~ . ' -------------------.....·'1!1!1. i~l·l.... ,.. ---··- 8. Maintenance of the services of water pipe t.nes, sewer, repairs of tl 1 (~ damaged pavements, s.w. drains in unauthorized colonies shall be treated as development works. 9. Construction of roads/ pavements in unauthorised colonies shall be normally taken up only after laying of water and sewerage services in order to avoid wasteful expenditure due to damage caused to the surfaces while laying the water and sewer lines. 10. Delhi Jal Board will provide list of unauthorized colonies giving status of water and sewerage works already executed and planned to be undertaken in next three years so that the departments concerned can plan their works of development of pavements accordingly. 11. Since, cement concrete pavements are considered to be most suited and quicker to lay in unauthorized colonies, the same shall be provir' ..:,.:i alongwith storm water drainage system by the concerned ;::;8uncif-)S once the works of laying of water and sewerage networks arc completed. Thickness of the pavement shall be designed keeping in view tile road size and nature/ volume of traffic expected to mc\ie on the road. 12.1n those unauthorized colonies where work ~ of laying water & sewerage services are planned to be undertaken with in the next three years, onty / brick pavements (kharanja) with s.w. drains sha!: be provided s i n r~ ~ it is easier to construct, dismantle and are considered economical <:ilso while giving smooth passage to the commuters till the tnne s ~ rvices are laid. 13. Based on sustainability of resources and technical feasibiiity, if works of laying of water and sewerage services are somehow pla n n e., ~ to be undertaken after thr-3e years, brief< pavements (ki raranja) shall !;;e provided in the roads/ pavements of size up to 6 mtr width and f..1r the bigger widths, bituminous roads shall be constructed alongwith S.W. drains on tr1e sides. 14. Standard CPWD specifications for construction of roads and drains across colonies shall be followed by executing agencies. 15. Executing agencies shall furnish progress reports and utilization certificates to UD Department, Planning and Finance Departments of Delhi Govt. on monthly basis. 16. Executing agencies are bound by the discipline imposed by court orders, Delhi government decisions, Urban Development Department guidelines/ sanction orders, CPWD Manual and the generai principle~ of financial prudence. 17. The executing agencies may take up repair ~)r maintenancE: o· pavements in unauthorizGd colonies if it is considered necessary ar. · · justified in technical assessment made after field inspectiol!. Nomina: provision of 5% of the cost of the construction cost of pavement shal: be incorporated in the block estimates/ main scheme towards urgent repair and general maintenance. 18. The civic agencies assigned the development 'Nork ir unauthorized colonies shall ensure that they maintain t!1H developrnent wn: 1• ~G executed for next five years and carry out the necessary minor r::.pai( works for which provision of 5% of the cost of ('avement could be made while turmu!ating the initial estimates. Separah~ proposals m<•Y requir? to be taken up from time to time for such minor repairs strictly neeli based. ·19. Relaying of pavements/ roads ;s permitted only after comp:eti1.m of 10 years period as a general rule but in exceptional cases of compulsive circumstances and in extreme necessity in the opinion cif executing agency on case to case basis, relaxation in the ten yr. time lirnii be considered by the agency concerned. 20. Drains in general should not be covered. In case of specific requirement, it shall be covered only with perforated RCC slabs of adequate size and strength. 21. MLA local area development fund (MLALAD) scheme shal! be applicable in the unauthorized regularized colonies for all the works covered under the scheme. 22. List of unauthorized colonies which is stated to be having For·.1::;i and ASI involvement /objections and DCA hindra11Ce are enclosed he r ·:~wit ~ ~. as Annexure -A', 'B','C' for reference. This issues with approval of Competent authority. I I i t Copy to: 1. Commissioner, North DMC, Civic Centre, Minto Road , New Delhi .2. Commissioner, South DMC, Civic Centre, Minto Road, Nev.J Dcihi 3. Cornmissioner, East DMC, Udyog Bhawan, iJa: r1 ar9anj, De.lhi 4. Principal Secretary, PWD, 5 th level, Delhi Sectt , De! hi. 5. Principal Sncretary, I&FC Department , r319 Und,}! H ill Road, Delhi. 6. C.E.O. Oeihi Jal Board, Varunalaya Jhandewa!a :i DH ih! ·· - 7. Managing Director, OSIIDC, Conr:aug !1 t Place, N\j vV Uo! hi / 1._ 8. C.E.O., NDPL, Kingsway Camp, Delhi 9. C.E.O., BSES, Nehn.;~ Place, New Delhi 10. C.E.O., BYPL, Karkardooma, New Delhi. 11. Joint Director (P ig) UD Department, GNCT of Deihl Copy for information to:- 1. Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister, Govt. of NCT ot De:h!. 2. P.S. to Hon'ble Urban Development Minister, I 3. P.S. to Principal Secretary, Urban Development Department. '\\f1 \"-" ~~\8:~"' · · ·,. -· - -~ · ~ -· .. --... (; ~' ' ( ) ) ' . ) (A.P. SH AR~l!\) DEPUTY SECR E l"/~RY (OC) r Ul)~ ~ Uo U N.....,ofAaaemb4y SL. No. Regno Part Name of Colony District Oevelopnl4!nt order I ConstitiH>cy Harijan Basti. Masoodpur near Pocket-B. Sector7.8.9. 1 7 New Delhi Bijwasan (36) Vasant Kunj 2 10 St. John Church Colony, Mehrauli. New Delhi-30 South Mehrauli (45) 133 ;; 22 Aruna Asafali Road, Village Kishan Garh South Mehrauli (45) 4 54 JNU Road Village, Kishangarh, New Delhi-70 South Mehrauli (45) 5 55 Baldev Vihar. Karala Extn.. Delhi-81 North West Mundka (08) 133 Chhatarpur Enclave Ph-I, Block-A. Maidan Garhi, 6 56 South Chhalarpur (46) 40 Village Road Vasant Kunj Endave, 8-Biock, Mlikapur Kohi, Village 7 62 New Delhi Bijwasan (36) Rangpuri 8 78 Aaya Nagar Extn. Ph-I, New Delhi-47 South Chhatarpur (46) 9 96 Sahurpur Extn . Satbari. Mehrauli South Chhatarpur (46) 895 10 109 Tekhand Extn., Okhla lndl. Area Ph-I. New Delhi-20 South East Tughlakabad (52) 11 110 Shiv Vihar Main Kanjhawala Road. Delhi-81 North West Mundka (08) Village Pusteni Kishan Garh. Vasant Kunj, New Delhi- 12 115 South Mehrauli (45) 10 Harcharan Bag h. Andheria More: Vasant Kunj Road. 13 129 South Mehrauli (45) 21 Delhi-30 Sambav Bapu Colony, Jaunapur Mandi, Pahari Abadi, 14 135 South Chhatarpur (46) 133 Mehrauli 15 138 Mahipalpur Extn . K-11 Block,New Delhi-3 7 New Delhi Bijwasan (36) Freedom Fighters Enclave, IGNOU Road.
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