(y-2, /' 7 'FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA Translation Series No. 893 . Population dynamics and annual production of Acartia clausi Giesbr. and Centruagfs kreiyeri Giesbr, in the neritic zone of the Black Sej- By V.N. Greze and E.P. Baldina Original title: Dinamika populyatsil ± godovaya produktsiya Acartia olausi Giesbr. ± Centropages . kryeri Giesb17. V—neritich-eskoi zone Chernogo morya.; From: Trudy Sevastopoltskoi Biologicheskoi Stantsii, Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR, Vol. 17, pp. 249-261. 1964. Translated by the Translation Bureau (AK) Foreign Languages Division Department of the Secretary of State of Canada Fisheries Research Board of Canada Atlantic Oceanographic Group Dartmouth, N. S., 1967 e■n“ ' ,e,ea 44. Pe5 ■• • • • • 7682-7 hdouncUon sulp,Incnt • PepUlation .dynamics and,Annual/roduction of Acartla_ . dlausi Gicsbr. and Cenrog2ges'Myerl._Giesbr. in the I\Tritic lone of the Black Sea , By V.N.Greze and E.P.Baldina. /From: "Transactions of the Sevastopol Biological Station. Volume XVII, 1964, published by the Ukranian SSR Academy of Sciences, Kiev./ Beginning with May 1960, systematic observations were carried out at the Sevastopol Biological Station of the dy- namics of the numbers of the zooplankton within the ten-mile btoje coastal zone of the Black Sea. Thesi§ask)of the research was a study of the seasonal changes in the quantity of the mass species of the plankton and of their various stages of deve- v lopment, as well as a determination of the Evalues of tI an- nual production. In this article are shown the first,results obtained 1 as a result of the treatment. of the annual cycle of collec- 1/ocuee.f) tions in 1960-61, ac-c-Œrd-Ing-to two species of copepodslrlth different ecology - . eurythermal Acartia clausi and themo- phylic Centrepauls kr.±3yArl. The collecrtions were carried out in the Sevastopol re- gion at the traverse of the Kamysheva bay, at four stations at a distance of 2.50 5: 7.5 and 10 miles from the coast, on an average twice a month= more often during the summer season.. and. more rarely in winter. As catching equipment for the plankton . was used a r;rspAed-planktoxaoma ter which made step-wise 15-minute catches covering hoY9 :• I-zons from 40 metors in depth to the surface. This methodology ensured .mar-c3--c-a-- p_oi s and repre ser.itwt,3_ve samples of the pla.nktonP than those obtained by means of nets (G.rezef 1962) and gav-e accurate , quantity of water filt^r a-té.d by the apparatus. The towing speed of the planktonometer was usually 0.5 -- 0.7 meters per second; for its filtration cone was used mill gauze No. 64. Since the diameter of the apertures in the gauze of this _r.^.uml?er ta :?.nnroximstfr.ely 0,1 mi17_irnet.er; all the eggs of 2,kr8veni were eaug^ht in the s,pparatusr their diameter being approximately 0.12 millimeter with the spiness and a e.onsi.- derable part of the eggs A.clausi, whose diameter is 0.06'- -- 0;07 millimeter. The treatment of the material consisted In counting.a portion of the sample in the Bogorov chamber with considera- tion of each development stage of the given species and with a subsequent calculation of the average numbers of the stages per one cubic meter,, To determine the production was used a method su,^gested by V.N.Greze and V.S.Ten. The general character of the seasonal changes in the composition and abundance of the plankton was studied in the • L J 30 Sevastopol region already by S.A.Îe rnov. ( 1904). However, in this work the various species of the copepod.s wore not differentiated and the evaluation of the abundance was given visually. In subsequent studies, in various regions of the Black Sea were obtained more detailed data on the seasonal changes of the species in the plankton and of the changes of their numbers and of the biomass (Dolgopolskaya, 1940; Nikitin, 1939; K1yuGharev, 1952; Kusmorskaya, 1955; Brayko, Goromosova, Pitsyk, Fedorina, 1960; Kova19 1961; niniov, ^g.2 0 1960; Marcus, 1957). However, i t was not possible to uti- lize these materials for a clarification of aetails in the' life cycle and for .the determination of the. production of ii:7ldivici.ual mass speèies of the plankton, because in these works usually the data on the numbers of their larval stage,% were lacking. It became only possible to carry out such a task in respect to the copepods during recent years, as" a result of detailed study of the larvae and of:.the--develop-- -l-, wu.L , ment r^-a-te..s^. ( Potemkina, 1940; Chays.nova, 1950; Sazhina, '11960, J 1961) o Acartia çlausi Giesbr. The annual cycle of the development of A. cla.usi may be deciphered from table 1, where are shown figures of âver- , age numbers or various stages of crustacèan. In each of its horizontal graphs are shown values that are average for the four stations. In summer the collections , were repeated on 2-3 consecutive daya, and in such cases the results were - 4 . united into one average figure related to the middle date of the given series of collecttbons. A graph (fig. 1) was set up according to table 1, in which the defects of the material were somewhat corrected. These defect being con- neeted with the irregularity of the intervals between the collection dates caused by poor weather conditions or other reasons. The course of the changes in the numbers of the crustaceans according to the curves presented itself in a smoother and more regular manner. .1 Table 1. Seasonal dynamics of the numbers of A.clausi (in indiv./m3 ) nap- cope- fe- males total Date eGge podi- males adults sea tes 1960r. ; 25-29. V 1263 1987 604 92 • 80 172 ' 8-13. VI 943 1372 763 206 74 280 23-27. VI 1398 1100 719 400 171 571 ; 9-12. VII 346 450 674 311 160 471 24--29. VII 159 456 515 13 3 16 ' 17-19. VIII 228 502 142 65 0 . 65 1 5- 9. IX 42 797 87 35 7 42 21. IX 276 163. 16 42 0 42 28. X 250 105 ' 87 9 0 9 11. XI 583 303 0 20 14 . 34 7. XII 156 10') 6 12 0 1961 r. • 4. I 13 133 101 . 16 25 2.11 893 737 134 0 0 1. III 0 730 82 10 12 • 22 18.111 0 375 177 ' 19 22 41 • 3. IV 23 386 158 92 20 112 15.1v 995 527 305 52 14 66 13.V 624 1364 274 134 47 181 24.V 95 1252 976 129 67 196 124 Annual average 323 702 306 87 , 37 ! 5 . Considering the fluctuations in the numbers of eggs , and nauplia\ stages of A.clausi, we may record that during the course of the year seven increases take place, which one may consider to correspond to the appearance of seven generations of the crustaceans: - in the middle of May,,at the end of June, in the beginning of August, in the begin- . ning of September, in the middle of November, in the begin- ning of February and in the beginning of April. The deVelopment length of the individual generations thus turns out tà be different, fluctuating from one month in stimmer to 2-3 months in winter. Obviously, these differences .9r3P0 Elg27.. Seasonal changes in the numbers of A.clausi in the Black Sea at Sevastopol. 1 - naupor, 2 - copepodites, 3 - adult crustaceans. • 6. are connected with the changes in the temperature conditions, which in 1960-1961 in the surface layer of water in the. Se- vastopol region were characterized according to the data of the Hydrometeorological Observatory of the Azov and Black Seas of the • HydroMeteorological Service, as the_following average monthly figures: Month: Temperature: --- May 14.1 0 June 19.7 July . • • 22.1 August 23.5 September 20.3 October 17.5 November . 15.3 December 12.2 January . 9.5 . February 6.8 March • 7.8 April 11 0 0 . Gw.,14,1 Comparing these data and the development deteme see that ati the maximum wal„er temperature in August hç genera- vdki tion i*r_-_-ttrrritz--erve-1-oped—o-nl-Y.--a-bou-t 30 days, whaz't4iii,responds also to the experimental data of L.A.Ohayanova (1950), "who established the development period of A.clausi at a tempe- , rature of 17-230 0 to•be 36 days. The mentioned author comes 7. to the conclusion that the total number of A. clausi gene--, rations in the Sukhumi bay should have been at least 9 per year. This d&ffcrence from the results obtained by us, pro- ; bably, 3.s likewiàe connected with the difference in the tem- perature conditions of the sea in the region of Sevastopol ^v C•°^ %^^ ^/i EL ^,j^r. and of the Suklzumi. Sevastopol .I_E^^between the 1,ong-Lerm February isoterms of 6 and 7°0 and <b^^;^.^^^lugust i soterms of 22 and 23°C, while Sukhumi has February I water temperature above 8.500 and in August above 2500 (Ma- rine Hydrometeorôlogical Monthly, 1961 ^ 1962). Fig. 1 also shows that the most intensive reproduction and the corresponding maximum indices of the numbers of all the stages Of a^• clausi. are restricted to the spring-summer period. Minimum numbers of the crustaceans are, however, 1p. 2 2 observed during-the months of hydrological autumn v 0cto- ber - December. However, even in this period oocurs, although not as sharply pronounced, a rise in the curve of the/numbers of eggs and naupl.i4-e-a.
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