THE MODERN WRITER AS WITNESS ABOUT NEWS BLACK MOUNTAIN SUBMIT INSTITUTE SUBSCRIBE CONTACT HOME CURRENT ISSUES FICTION NONFICTION POETRY INTERVIEWS PHOTOGRAPHY VIDEO CONNECT The Anthropology of the Little Mermaid is Entailed RSS Feed Facebook by CHANTEL TATTOLI JOIN MAILING IJST NONFICTION I VOL. XXIV NO. 3 (FALL2011) Read: NOW LATER SBNDtoiaNDLB SUBSCRIBE HALE, ELLER TAIL Coda comes from the Latin cauda, “tail.” Only naturally can this end with a tail. My uncle sat down with Walt Disney and his people in the sixties. Uncle gifted 3,000 acres of cheap, middle-of-nowhere land to Disney, and Disney gifted stock to my uncle in return. With the government’s blessing, the company avoided taxation because of the economic subscribe to stimulation Disney would bring, and in that vray about 28,000 acres of palmetto brush, cattle land, and swamp became Disney World and its add-ons. Witness Disney opened a satellite production facility in Florida’s Lake Buena Vista in the summer of for40%off 1988. The studio did ink and paint support for The Little Mermaid. I’d been born a few months earlier, only 15 miles away. There’s more, but what I think happened is that a convergence of currents generated a whirlpool, and I got sucked down its Charybdian throat. It all seems very fishy, doesn’t it? But we know that’s what intrigue smells like. like something rotten in the state of Denmark. NEWS PAGES:12ilSfe7 WELCOME TO OUR FALL ISSUE Vol. XXIV No. 3 is now live. The issue features new work from Hayan Charara, Hadley Moore, Amy Newlove Schroeder, Quintan Ana Wikswo, and many others. Chantel Tattoli is an MFA candidate at Savannah CoHcge of Art and Design. Her w ork has appeared or is forthcoming at Redi\/ider. A cappella Zoo, NANO Ficlion, and elsew here. She's at w ork on a book about this mermaid, And you can view a Facebook album of interesting photographs of the statue. NOW ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS FOR 2012 Until Decem ber 1, Witness is accepting submissions for our 2012 online issues. The submission period for our 2013 print Issue will open on January 2, 2012. 2011-12 WITNESS SUBMISSION SEASON The 2011-12 Witness submission season has begun. VOL. XXIV NO. 2 DEBUTS We're pleased to present our first online Issue o f Witness, with fiction by Kirstin Allio, Tanaz Bhathena, Svetlana Lavochkina, and Megan Turner, poetry from Molly Brodak, William Burke, Martha Collins, Adam Strauss, and Jon Thompson, and essays by Nlco Alvarado, Douglas Haynes, and Alisha Laramee. WITNESS 2.0 IS LIVE! Welcome to the new IV/tness website. Content from our current and past issues can now be searched according to genre, and we'll be adding materials from our archive In the coming months. BACK ISSUES XXIV W it ness Blurring Borders XXIII Witness Captured: Writing About Film and Photography 2010 XXII Witness Dismissing Africa 200Q B(X)KSHELF Joshua Kryah w»«sTMvto We Are Starved Vh Amy Newman r'-“ I'- , Peter Oi*ner Love and Shame and oftMi*MTU iHftNc* Ix)ve I t Terese Svoboda b Bohemian Girl Småt er godt ! Amerikanerne må lære, at mindre kan også gøre det. »USA er ved at kvæles i sit imperiebyggeri, og jo før det bliver opgivet, desto lettere vil det være for landet at vende tilbage til en position som en dynamisk, innovativ økonomi«, skrev Nader Mousavizadeh i sin månedlige klumme på Reuters. Tegning: Per Marquard Otzen Jens Peter Munk Fra: Thomas Maare Sendt: 24. oktober 2011 14:27 Til: 'LDDN (Louise Dandanell Nielsen)' Ce: Jens Peter Munk; 'Poulsen Gert' Emne: SV: Blå belysning af Den Lille Havfrue Hej Louise! Tak for henvendelsen om at "bade havfruen i blåt lys" i et par timer den 14. november 2011. Det er ok fra vores side, idet det er midlertidigt og af kort varighed, og så længe I ikke berører selve havfruen og det er vores driftspartner Eltel Networks, som monterer lys/filtre, som du selv beskriver det. Jeg ønsker jer en god Verdensdiabetesdag. Med venlig hilsen Thomas Maare Fagkoordinator - Belysning Driftplan KØBENHAVNS KOMMUNE Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen Center for Trafik Islands Brygge 37 Vær. 271 Postboks 445 2300 København S Telefon +45 3356 3537 Mobil +45 2637 1354 Fax +45 3366 7537 Email thomaaoatmf.kk.dk Web www.kk.dk/aadebelvsnina Fra: LDDN (Louise Dandanell Nielsen) [mailto:[email protected]] Sendt: 18. oktober 2011 09:32 Til: Thomas Maare Emne: Blå belysning af Den Lille Havfrue Kære Thomas Jeg kontakter angående en forespørgsel om muligheden for belysning af Den Lille Havfrue. Ved vi har været i kontakt med dig før angående denne slags projekter og håber derfor du kan hjælpe mig. Hvert år d. 14 november afholdes Verdensdiabetesdagen (WDD) i samarbejde med IDF (International Diabetes Federation - se hjemmeside her http://www.idf.ora/j I den forbindelse oplyser vi forskellige bygninger og monumenter verden over i blåt lys, for at skabe opmærksomhed omkring diabetes. Vi ville derfor høre om der er mulighed for, at få tilladelse til at oplyse Den Lille Havfrue i blåt lys et par timer om aftenen d. 14 november? Vi samarbejder med El-tel Networks, som har forestået denne typer belysning før f.eks. af Københavns Rådhus. Du må endelig gerne kontakte mig hvis du har spørgsmål eller andet. Ser frem til at høre fra dig. Louise Dandanell Nielsen Intern Corporate Branding Global Stakeholder Engagement Novo Nordisk A/S Novo Allé DK-2880 Bagsværd Denmark +45 44424259 (direct) Iddntainovonordisk.com Changing for the environment Reduce negative impact on the environment. Please consider if you really need to print this e-mail. Find out more here This e-mail (including any attachments) is intended for the addressee(s) stated above only and may contain confidential information protected by law. You are hereby notified that any unauthorized reading, disclosure, copying or distribution of this e-mail or use of information contained herein is strictly prohibited and may violate rights to proprietary information. If you are not an intended recipient, please return this e-mail to the sender and delete it immediateiy hereafter. Thank you. AUTISM SPEAKS / IC IT UP BLUE www.LightltUpBlue.org SHINE A LIGHT ON AUTISM Raise autism awareness in your community by joining Autism Speaks to Light It Up Blue on Aprii 2, 2012. What is Light It Up Blue? To commemorate World Autism Awareness Day on April 2 and Autism Awareness g 'l y Month, Autism Speaks is asking buildings and landmarks around the world to turn their lights blue on April 2. ’ t f P i How can I Light It Up Blue? I It’s easy for individuals and families, buildings, landmarks, retail locations, schools, universities and restaurants to In 2011, more than 2000 iconic buildings and Light It Up Blue] Simply change your landmarks in over 48 countries on six continents turned their lights blue in light bulbs from white to blue and turn commemoration of World Autism Awareness this page over for more ideas! To participate or iearn more, please call Danielle at (212) 252-8568 and email [email protected] HOW YOU CAN LIGHT IT UP BLUE Below are a few suggestions for participating. Visit www.LightltUpBlue.org for additional ideas, as well as downloadable logos, photos, merchandise and more. INDIVIDUALS & FAMILIES SCHOOLS & UNIVERSITIES • Wear blue clothing and ask friends, co-workers Light your school blue by applying blue and schools to wear blue too. Take a group filters or gels to exterior lighting, or by photo and upload it to our site at using blue light bulbs. www.LightltUpBlue.org. Organize a Light It Up Blue fundraiser, • Light your home blue by purchasing blue light donating proceeds to Autism Speaks. bulbs from Home Depot and replace your Encourage students, teachers and all school staff to outdoor lighting with these blue bulbs. wear blue on April 2. • Tweet about Light It Up Blue and change your College students can Facebook profile photo to the Light It Up Blue host awareness and logo on April 2. fundraising events as I7t well as light up prominent buildings on campus blue. To learn more visit www.autismspeaks.org/U. RESTAURANTS • Print menus on blue paper and feature the Light It BUILDINGS/ LANDMARKS Up Blue logo prominently with a message about • Ask the manager of your office building, house autism and Autism Speaks. of worship, and community landmark if they • Incorporate the Light It Up Blue or Autism Speaks have the capacity to light up the building in blue logo into décorand food plating. using blue lighting filters or gels. RETAILERS • Create a Light It Up Blue visual display ■ T - • I within your business, educating customers and employees about autism. Autism Speaks and Light It Up Blue, and donate 10 percent of your sales on April 2 to Autism Speaks. m m mIT UP -VÍA To participate or iearn more, please cali Danielle at (212) 252-8568 and email [email protected] Tekst af Jacob Zeutl Foto af Søren Kirkega HAVFRUEN - DEN LILLE MEDIELUDER Hver gang et billede af Den lille Havfrue bliver bragt i de kommercielle medier, tikker der penge ind på en privatkonto i Klampenborg. otografier, platter, figurer, kopper, mærke den afbildning af havfruen, der i selve statuen er ejet af Københavns Kom­ kuglepenne, shotglas, flag, spil­ 1913 blev skabt af billedhuggeren Edvard mune, der også vedligeholder den og kan lekort, landkort, bamser og bluser. Eriksen. beslutte, at den for eksempel skal sendes ti Mulighederne er mange, når man en verdensudstilling i Shanghai, så er det Fvil udnytte et brand kommercielt. Og Arvingernei bestemmer Eriksens arvinger, der suverænt bestemme Danmark findes der næppe noget stærkere Hvad mange ikke ved er, at ophavsretten om motivet må publiceres, og hvad det i brand end Den lille Havfrue.
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