28 NEW ZEALAND CHESS SUPPLIES P.O.Box 42-090 Wainuiomata Phone(04)564-8578 Fax(0a)564-8578 Email : chess.chesssupply@ xtra.co.nz ffi emKmxa Mail order and wholesale siockists of the widest selection of modern chess literature in Australasia. Chess sets, boards, clocks, stationery and all playing equipment. ess Distributors of all leading brands of chess computers and software. Send S.A.E. for brochure and catalogue (state your interest). PLASTIC CHESSMEN'STAUNTON' STYLE - CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD Ol'licial magazinc ol'lhc Ncu'Zealand Chcss Fcdcration (lnc) 90mm King, solid, extra weighted, wide felt base (ivory & black matt finish) $ 28.00 95mm King solid,weighted, felt base (black & white semi-gloss finish $ 17.50 98mm King solid, weighted, felt base (black & white matt finish) $ 24.50 Vol 25 Numbcr 6 December 1999 Plastic container with clip tight lid for above sets 8.00 $ I FOLDI NG CHESSBOARDS - CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD 480 x 480mm thick cardboard (green and lemon) $ 0.OO 450 x 450 mm thick vinyl (dark brown and off white) $ 19.50 VINYL CHESSBOARDS - CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD 450 x 475 mm roll-up mat type, algebraic symbols at borders to assist move recognition (green and white) 8.00 $ lil 440 x 44Omm semiJlex and non{olding, algebraic symbols as ,r_) above (dark brown and off-white $ 9.00 CHESS MOVE TTMERS (CLOCKS) Turnier German-made popular wind-up club clock, brown plastic $ 80.00 Exclusive German-made as above, in wood case $ 98.00 DGT official FIDE digital chess timer $169.00 SAITEK digital game timer $129.00 CLUB AND TOURNAMENT STATIONERY Bundle of 200 loose score sheets, 80 moves and diagram $ 7.00 Bundle of 500 loose score sheets, 80 moves and diagram $ 15.00 Score pad, spiral-bound, 50 games, score sheets as above $ 3.50 Score book, spiral bound, lies flat at any page, 50 games of 80 moves, with index and diagram for permanent record $ Z.OO Artyfax peel-and-stick symbols (400 pieces) plus 20 diagram blocks $ a.OO a MAGNETIC CHESS 190 x 150mm (15mm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces $ 24.50 270 x 200mm (24mm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces (NZ made) $ 15.00 Standing pocket set 125 x 125 mm (15mm b & w squares) $ 5.00 Standing 325 x 325mm (38mm squares, 65mm King) $ 24.50 WE ARE BUYING CHESS LITERATURE OF ANY AGE AND ANY CONDITION. TOP PRICES PAID. Please contact us with details for an offer. EVERYTHING FOR CHESS AT N.Z.C.S. Nine-year-old gives a simul - and wins all games NZ Chess New Zealnnd Chess STOP PRESS Official journal of the New Zealand Chess New Zealand Chess Federation (Inc.), published in February, NZ Cha mpionship entries Paul Spiller leports entries I Vol 2-5 Nurnber 6 December 1999 April, June, August, October, December. that lirr llr, l/ Championhip rcccived at Novembcr l(l rr, r, Editorial correspondence, copy and advertis- Contents (F)DE ratings): ing inquiries should be sent to A team of five Aucklanders (including Hilton Bennett) journeyed to Shenyang in CM lan Rogers (AUS) 2574; CM ltr.' rt New Zealand Chess ' tournaments. Sermek (SLO) 25a5; INI Russcll Divt ' I lrr China in October to compete in the World Cities and Asian teams c/- 103 Koromiko Road IM Herman Van Rr'ernsdijk (BRn ) ' ' There was more excitement for them than points, as they had many livelyand cru- Gonville 'l FM Alcxei Kulashko 2396; FM Paul ( irrrl,, tt cial games. Paul Spiller provides a colowful report. Wanganui 2360; FM Anthony Kcr 2321; FM ll'li Opinions expressed in articles, letter and Smith 2290; Bruce Watson 2260; NM l'eler 13 On the lighter side of the World Cities championship, three of Bob Gibbons' games other contributions are those of the authors. Stuart 22 l5; Roger Perry 2205; Molrrl involved loss of queen - fortunately, two-to-one in Bob's favour. Letters on chess topics are welcome; limit Fairan Zakaria (MAL) 2185; Nigel Mctgc \ 14 Puchen found himself in a field of 96, some with FIDE ratings 150 words and marked "for publication." 2160; John Suthcrland 2055. Nine-year-old Wang EDITORIAL Paul also notcs tlrat thc Ncw Year Open tp to 2393, in the World Under-lO championship in Spain. Puchen's 6/1 1 score Editor, Ted Frost. will be 6 rouncls, with two rorrnrls olr .lanuary was full of merit against youngsters given time off school and lots of coaching. Overseas news editor, Peter Stuart. 6 (at 9arn ancl 2prn), ancl rourrds antl (r orr -5 GMs Ian Rogers and Drazen Sermek bring class to the NZ Championship field, as January 7 and 8. fl games SUBSCRIPTIONS some of their recent reveal. ('lrrrrrr Subscription payments should be sent to Late entries. Extra entrics in thc NZ I9 Civic CC features on our New Zealand news page, with a blindfold exhibition and Treasurer, pionship received since Decemhcr- I lilt tlri' NZCF merger of the Civic and Wellington CCs. P O Box 216 total entryto 18. The additions urc l'M lrrri rr Shortland Street Green, Hilton Bennett, Scot[ Wirslrrt'y ,rrr,l 20 Gordon Hoskyn's cotrespondence chess report includes an invitation for players to Auckland Paul Spillcr. enter the next round of NZCCA tournaments, as well as updates and games from curent events. ANNUAL SUB SCRIPTION RATES NewZealand, $20.00. Chandler at Hastings 2t Leonard Mclaren takes the North Shore CC championship. CM Murray Chandler, back in c()nrl)( trtr\ ( Australia, South Pacific, $US12.00 airmail. 23 Its youth to the fore again in Peter Stuart's overseas news review, with a 13-year-old play, will face a challenging lickl rrt tlre East Asia, N America, $US15.00 airmail then going on to record his third, Hastings Premier, 4-12 lrt l,l rs Chinese boy gaining his second IM norm and Europe, $US117.50 airmait, $12.50 econ- January.'l'lrc which could make him the youngest GM ever. omy. Dreev, I Sokolov, Sutovsky, llist lr,'ll. ('lr;urrll, Krush, Speclman, Emms, B Lalic, r Rest of world, $US20.00 airmail, $US15.00 McShane. The likely category is lJ rvrtlr rr economy. GM norrn of 5. games; rating list. Back issues available - send for details. The next issze.' Full Congress report, with annotated end-of-year World rankings (not available as this issue went to press). ADVERTISING RATES FIDE rankings at Deccmber I had Kas FuIl page, $NZ$45.00 parov 2838, ovel 100 clcar of Kramnik Half-page or tulI column, $N222.50 2134. Thc new world charnpion, l(halifman, l Half column, NZ $12.00 was wcll back in 28'r' place on 2617. COPY DEADLINE February issue, Sat, Januuy 22. DetaiLs of each event are availabl,e from the organising club NZ Championship & Major Open, Howick-Pakuranga CC, Auckland,Dec2S - Sat, Jan 9. NZ Rapid Championship, Howick-Pakuranga CC,Auckland, Sun-Mon, Jan 10-11, 2000. http://our- y1,111 Homepage: COVER PHOTO: During the 1,,,,,, South Island Championship, September, 2000, Otago CC. world.compuserve. year-oldWang com/homepages/ Puchen gave a simul tttltun\t NZ Championship & Major Open, 2000-2001, Waitemata CC, Auck1and,Dec2S - Jan 9. nzchess some of the juniors in the Howick ,\ l',tl,tr Email to editor: [email protected] ranga Chess CLuLt. Puchen wott ttll lti\ NZ Rapid Charnpionship, 2001, WaitemataCC, Jan 10-ll, 2001. as dates are 8Ames. Clubs are asked to supply details of 1999 and 2a00 events as soon finalised NZ Chess NZ Chess N.Z. chess team in Shenyang, China jin tried to complicate things as Nigel became a bit short of time. Nigel could have won in- ll.t' l'r tt r I \ r I I t' t t, stantly by winaing his opponents queen, not realising he could easily stop his opponent from A team consisting of National Master Peter difhcultics that arose and accornplrrrf irrl, rr.. orr queening a pawn. By not playing this winning Green, Nigel Hopewell, Paul Spiller, Hilton our expeditions into downbwn Shcrryrrrrr' I ,rtcr- line he allowed his opponent to force a perpet- Bennett and Bob Gibbons made the jouraey to on that cvening we were treated to ;r rlrrrrrt'r ual check. A great effort for Nigel to draw with Shenyang in Northem China to compete in two banquet where we met various [eaurs irrrrl r lrrr:l a player who tied for first in a recent Chinese important chess events hosted by the Chinese arbiter Ignatius l-eong. Championship toumament and later on defeated Chess Association and the Shenyang Municipal GM Nenashev in a fantastic game. People's Govemment as part of the henyang Torrid time expected Daily Cup 1999 World Chess and Bridge Festi- 'Ihe tirst event. "2"d ('lre ss thc World Citics Wu Wenjin (2435\ - Hopewell,N val. The chairman of the organising committee Champitxship" had fbr the organisers a disrrp- [A24] King's Indian Attack and mayor of Shenyang, Mr Mu Suixin stated pointing entry of only l4 teams, with se vcrirl ol RI the aims of the toumament as "competition, the early cntrios withdrawing. Considering thc t.AB Af6 2.c4 3.6c3 Qg7 4.e4 cs 5.Qe2 Ac6 exchange, cooperation and development" and to $30,000 US prize money on offcr it was some- 96 6.d3 0-0 7.0-0 d6 8.a3 Ae8 9.Ebr Ac7 10.4d5 increase the unity and friendship among people what surprising We discovored , after we were de6 ll.b4 Acd4 l2.Axd4 Axd4 13.Qg5 f6 and players from all over the world. Certainly givcn the official programs, thal Auckland was l4.Qe3 Axe2+ 15.Uxe2 e6 l6.Af4 b6 l7.Wc2 the FIDE motto of "Gens Una Sumus" was very sceded 1 l'r' but that one o[ the teanrs scctlcrl gd7 18.ae2 f5 19.f3 Qb7 20.8b3 HabS 21.Qf2 much in evidence during these tournaments and below us.
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