a11d 'made the place look like this! Bass and awnor are pleosed. Band Schedules Serenades To Raise Interlochen Fund Wlwn 1111' Mason hanrl pliiYHIIag~. Thnsl' w!Jo r•onlrihulc In lim screnadr.s Snlul'lln,y till' musielans r·nmp fund willlw pJ·esenlr.d with The Ingham County News hope liw m11sh• will lnsplrr> gr>n· lags. llesicir.nlliil sedlons 11s WPli ernsily. The IHIIlfl Is m!Hing ns llw business ser:lion will hr> Ninety-Seventh Year, No. 22 money for 11 wr>r!l< nl fnteJ•Ioelwn inelucierl In llw serenades. Mason, Mi(higan, Thursday, May 31, 1956 National Musie r:amp just before Last Saltmlay the Pump fund 4 Sections - 26 Pages school owns In Sr.plcmher. gairwd $108 when i:ars wem 'l'hr. h11nci will hr. nut praclif'ing washed al tiw Slnnrlnrrl nnrl llsh­ 'filllrsrln.Y nnrl !•'riday anrl on Sal· land stations. OlheJ· fund-raising Jury Decides Lions ·Sell Light Bulbs to Good Friends News Index urdny liw musicians will have prn,lr>r•ts ltl'P also hei1ig set up, I City Observes -------- ·- Dlrcclor George ~lurlhum salrl. B!!IWecn $'100 anrl $:500 is still On Verdict in needed fnr the r·amp funrl, Mur­ ~.~~~ ~ !~.~~~,~~~~" ~~~L~.~~!, ""'" , Lend Hand to :::~:f;,~,;~;~,.~~;,:', ·:.·.:.', :: Memorial Day Builders Move· thum sairl. The stay at Interloch· 1'I In r.dilor, l'agr· :;, en is for learning marr·hlng fun· Road Accident ::~:~r:l~~~lllh~ *~:~~d<l~~l~~~~ffn w~~ ~~~c S~[~ou~~-t~;:;~~,:~e ,~:~~~v~~~~y fr~~ Help Ne l·g hbo r ra'~f'~~rs damentals, hand formations, new usc r:ommisslons on their sales being divided Into quarters with Ingil<~m Twp. wning onli· lo finance cammunity pJ·o.fects. a team of salesmen nssigncd to I nanr:e, Pages •I illlrl :1, Po~rl :1. In Ceremony Tons of Dirt nHII'f'h <lnrl r•nJH:crt music and to Six men on a coroner's jury lcnrn and work lr>gcthcr and to Friday morning In Mason agreed 'l'he money, explained President each section, Ware explained. I Paint new Saturday when war Legal notices, Pagp H, l'11rl trndPI" fl s . ski', lllousand 1111111 11 that Norman Eugene Spencer, 22, Chester D. Slnith, will be used veterans, fJ•!ends anrl neighbors I I: PagP ;,, P<~rl :l; l'ilgPs ;. ;IIlii fiPopiP oh.•;r•rvl'd, Mm;HHJal Diiy In just havc~----- for New Road rJf Owosso died of accidental in· for lhr! club's sight progmm, buy. MSU ff trnnsformed the Sldncv Graysonj fi, Part '1· .Y!ason Wr•rlnr•srlll.''· 'i'l1" lllili·\Vt•el{ juries. Spencer was ldllcd the lng glasses for those wllo can 0 e home on South S[J'C~t in,lo a l~dillll'ials. I'Hgf' ~. Pari I. IH>Iirlay p;u,ulr· ·' illlrl lllf!ITJOrial worl<lng almost around lhe/ previous Saturday afteri10on 2 not otherwise r:et them, paying rs .~noW·WltJ'tn slruciUJ'e \VIlll gr•cnnl, l•'ann lll'WS, P<Igcs :J oiiHI I, . f II I t sr•rVIC'l'S Wl!ll' !Jill' D IP llrgCS cloel< and lllr'ough rains,' crews Petitions for miles south of Mason while work· frll' eye cxaminnllonx and pur· ~trim. They~ also manicured I ~he/ Pari •1. f'Vc•r. l'r:npiP, not inl'linerl lo lalw arc moving cnrth in hig- chunks I h I d ing on t!tc new Mason-Leslie high· clwsin~,; while canes for I hose $1,000 a Year lawn. trimmed up the hushes and p,c,,~,l~~~~·s.·ificrl rlin,clruy. l'agr· li. pari in Ill£' jlilriHir>, lined Ujl along s way, with poor vision. Some of the built a new porch. Tlw all·day 1 · !he pnrarlf' I!JIIIr! lu•lwPl•n the on US·I27 south of Mason. s ..r. 00 Grovl's & Sons Co. Inc. has the c Boar money will also g-o lo finance the effol't was a climax tn Michigan, ----------- hig-ll sC'hnol anrl J\tapll Grove Six men testified during the in· 1 $2 million conlrm:t. I Mason LJ'oop of Boy Scouts, to week Such good deeds will be '1111 ' ICl!ll11'1l'l',''· q ttest. Justice of the Peaec Ro,Y senrl a lllUSiclan lo [nterloehen T B bc II Adams, who. acted as coroner al 0 0 arro . ' ' I h Ad ' Po\;cr shovels were used to Ar A "I bl and to send a girl lo cheer-leaders weekannual committee,affair of theaccorrlin" Michigan lo n t Cnlor·bl'a n•rs with 1hf' Amr.ri· scoop thh muck out or the new the scene of the accident, pre· I I [ I I II g am op s . e Val a e sc1uo, c ll > mem >crs sac. Frank Schmidt, Jr., clwlrman." <'lin ling and llw lwnnPrs of the right·of·way over the 11111 south sided at the inquiry. Hobcl't Ware and !lohert Colby Robert Carroll, Mason senior, i\m[•rir-1111 Legion, V. Jo'. W. Hnd 0 of Tomlinson mad. Giant trucks .. Spencer was crushed hy n arc co-chairmen of the bulb sales has heen offeJ•ed and will accept Grayson has been afflicted with Zoning 'Ru es file D. A. v. lrrl off lhe parade. haul in fill rlirt, much of it from Pcllllllll for·ms. for l'v!ason ~atcrplllar tractor when it was committee. AI a sales meeting one of Michigan State univcr- pnor vision and with heart lmu- · They were follnwPrl hy tlw vet- Montie Woodard's farm a quarter/ sc~JOr~l hoard C'Hndulat~s are nfJ~ backod over him by Gordon Tuesday night they mapped sity's top scholarships. It's for ble, mal<ing II Impossible for him 1 Prans firing sq11arl, wlr~rHns, the mile cast on Coy road. The crest a\~il<~h.lc nt th~ supcnnlcndent ~ 1 White, g-eneral forcma11 for the plans for canvassing the business $1,000 a year, renewable up to 4 to give the required earc to his 1 Mason S[!IHml hHnrl, Smut units, of the 11111 nl rand will office Ill the high school. Canrh· F T h• I Ta~linson S. J. Groves & Sons Co., contract· SCCtion to gel OJ'liCJ'S for both years if he maintains a high hOUSe. I /ll.lXIliHrics, Sd!Oo( Chit· also be shoved and hauled to lhc rlalcs for .~dl~ol trustees must or owns 1p ,Vl'leJ"/li~S 'lr for the hig-hway job. While de­ fluorescent and lneanucscent academic rating. He is salutn· Men with ladders, brushes, 1 rlr·en wJih hii<cs, smniPrs, wagons, south for the fill. c!rculalc nnd f1_1r., or lwvc other~ clared at the inquest that llw bulbs. They will lake orders for 1orian of the Mason graduating paint, J•akcs, axes, sickles anrl all olher miii'C'hPrs. ;Jillomobilcs, a cm:ulalc nnrl fJ!r. for lhr.m, pell· caterpillar had been left standing To build UJ> lite grade across lions bearing nol less than 50 any type of light bulb made, they class. · , the things necessary In perform lnghnm township hns fimllly fin• lruf'k and hrJrs!'s. 1 spll with the motor idling. He the stretch of muck will call !or names of qualifier! electors of the said. · The scholarship i~ patrl from a/' I he good deed began arriving all and. formally adopter! a zoning 11 was ;1 liig parade. l~irsl slop 30,000 cubic yards of fill clirt. district. said he climbed onto the machine, Discounts will he given 011 all fund raised by Michigan State the Grayson house heforc 8. An onhnancc. It her:omes cffcclJV!' was in fJ•onl of lhc• mr•morlal at 'I' right-of-way ·:-is·-bcing Petilinns for ihc .July · 9 · elcc- ~unne!l,"tqe. blg1 r.ng!nO.~,Tfli~ed,. the orders of $5 or mm·c, Ware-~1\id: husiness firms. There hour later, the white paint r:ould Jtme 21, 1!1:i(i. TIIP nrrlinanee np· .feffersnn nnrl llst . The hand I•<! 1 cleared of buildings. Two greens lion must be filer! with ihe sccre­ r!ozer blaclc In 'front,· toolc time o·1j · Friditl'n'igli 1 · Jlgh(' ''hllfbs scholarships gra,nted be· )n noon pears .in on Pagr•s 4 and ii, pl: ycrl 1he st r s ;angled Banner ~.een ~t,he·:gahlos.--{3y f~11l 1 11 at Mason goH course have been tary of 111e hoard not later than to look m·ound for workers, will he sold from a booths In I he this year, to 200 applicants from lhe new ft_nlsh had reaehr~l the/ P;1rl . .3, of tlw Ingham Collnly ;mrl Gorl lllross 1AmPrica. Rev. moved and the sod is being 4 o'clocl{ in the afternoon ·of then bacl<ecl the giant cat tractor. business section. A specialty will Michig-an and othcr slates. The halfway poml and bcfOI'c 5o ~lock/ Ne\~s. · 1 Cllll'eJH·r~ f<orlll nf the BRptist stripped from No. 4 fairway. .June !), Lyle A. Thorburn, 2692 Gordon C. Haley, foreman for be sacks of buli>s of various walt· 10 scholnrships of $1,000 each the men had completely pam.ted The arrllrlllnce will ;liso he. clnm·h said lhnl p;1sl victories of lhe company, told the .fury that Caterpillar grading crews arc ex- Phillips road, is secretary. age selling for $2. The booths, v:ere granted upon r~commenda· ~he bouse. And while the pallll· printed In pamphlcl form, Sllper·: lhr Unitrrl Slnlcs werP rill(' lo the peeled to start moving the hill Mason is n registration £lis- he saw Spencer pu lied down by which will he mnnned by Lions tlons of the university scholar· mg progressed, others, armed 'visor Ciwrles· Wnorls sairl.
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