Robe Full Narrative v1_James Robe Full Narrative 17 February 2010 23:08 Page 1 NARRATIVES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY WORK OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD, AT CAMBUSLANG, KILSYTH, &C. BEGUN 1742 James Robe Robe Full Narrative v1_James Robe Full Narrative 17 February 2010 23:08 Page 1 NARRATIVES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY WORK OF THE SPIRIT of GOD, AT CAMBUSLANG, KILSYTH, &c. BEGUN 1742 JAMES ROBE Quinta Press Robe Full Narrative v1_James Robe Full Narrative 17 February 2010 23:08 Page 2 Quinta Press, Meadow View, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, England, SY10 7RN The format of this book is copyright © 2010 Quinta Press Line breaks are the same as in the original. This draft edition has not yet been proof-read. Robe Full Narrative v1_James Robe Full Narrative 17 February 2010 23:08 Page 3 james robe: 1st proof-reading draft 3 NARRATIVES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY WORK OF THE SPIRIT of GOD, AT CAMBUSLANG, KILSYTH, &c. BEGUN 1742 WRITTEN BY MR. JAMES ROBE, AND OTHERS. WITH ATTESTATIONS BY MINISTERS, PREACHERS, &c. GLASGOW: PRINTED BY DAVID NIVEN. M, DCC, XC. EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM A GENTLEMAN IN EDINBURGH, TO MR. ROBE IN KILSYTH; Covering the following Preface to the Cambuslang Nar- rative; lately translated into Dutch, and printed in Holland. October 2d, 1742. Robe Full Narrative v1_James Robe Full Narrative 17 February 2010 23:08 Page 4 4 Narratives of the … Work at Cambuslang and kilsyth &c My Dear Friend, Had yesterday, a Letter from Mr. Kennedy at IRotterdam, of the 4th past, old stile, who writes the, he got by accident a Narrative of the work at Cambuslang with the Attestation; which is printed in Dutch, and the enclosed is a copy of the Preface he wrote to it, and which was also printed in Dutch; I am persuaded it will be agreeable to you and your brethren, to know that we have the united prayers, on our behalf, of all the Lord’s people in the United Provinces.—I hope you have already had much of the Lord’s countenance in what is past of the solem- nity with you, and he will eminently own his own work and ordinance to morrow and next day, to the bringing in many sinners, and building up many of his own children; may the stately steps of our King, God, be seen in his sanctuary with you. I will be glad to hear that he has eminently visited you at this time, and that the work is going on and increas- ing in many other places, &c. TO THE CHRISTIAN READER. HUGH KENNEDY, MINISTER OF THE SCOTS CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST IN ROTTERDAM, WISHING GRACE, MERCY AND PEACE. HE conversion of elect sinners to God, is one of Tthe most; glorious and admirable effects of sove- reign omnipotent wisdom, power and grace, and affords matter of solemn joy to all the saints; for every one thus added to the church of Christ, brings so much more of his presence and Spirit into the assembly where he worships; and adds the more strength and beauty to the Redeemer’s interest in the world; he adds also to the joy of heaven, the Robe Full Narrative v1_James Robe Full Narrative 17 February 2010 23:08 Page 5 james robe: 1st proof-reading draft 5 good angels rejoice exceedingly to hear of one sinner, much more of a multitude of sinners, rescued from the cruel tyranny of Satan, and brought into the kingdom of God, who shall be sharers and compa- nions with them in the eternal bless and glory, and gladly become ministring spirits for the good of those heirs of salvation; and such converts will, in a very particular manner, be a crown and a joy to all such who are any way concerned in bringing them to God! And can there be a more ravishing sight on this side of heaven, than to behold perishing sinners on their return to God under the sweet but almighty conquering power of the grace of Jesus Christ. These considerations, moved me with the most sensible joy, when I read this Narrative of a most gracious, and wonderful pouring down of the Spirit, v upon many persons at Cambuslang, a place within four miles of Glasgow; it is as life from the dead, after a long time of barrenness and formality; and though a constant lively course of religion may in itself be more valuable, yet the sudden conversion of many careless sinners, from the way of sin and wrath, mud yield a more surprising pleasure, and none but men very much strangers to a heavenly spirit, or under the influence of fearful prejudices, will do any thing to reproach such a work, to hinder it, or be exasperated and grieved at it. I am confident this Narrative will afford a very high pleasure and satisfaction, to all in the United Provinces, who love our Lord Jesus in sincerity, and long for his coming and kingdom. They will be glad to hear of the conversion of poor sinners, be- cause it accomplices God’s great design of grace and love, and is the bringing of those to Christ, whom the Father has given him from eternity, and in whom he will be for ever glorified: in this confidence I have cheerfully promoted the translation of this Nar- rative, into the Dutch tongue, that so I might some Robe Full Narrative v1_James Robe Full Narrative 17 February 2010 23:08 Page 6 6 Narratives of the … Work at Cambuslang and kilsyth &c way contribute to help the joy of those, whose hap- piness in time and eternity, I most sincerely pray for. I know the ministers, who have attested this Nar- rative, to be men of such excellent knowledge, in the truths and ways of God, such solid piety, and of such fidelity and integrity, that their testimony in this matter is worthy of all credit, and may safely be depended on, while ethers are speaking and publish- ing their sentiments concerning this work with all freedom, these faithful ministers of Jesus Christ judge themselves obliged to do so also. They had more opportunity than any others, to inform themselves concerning the ways of the Lord with these people, and their manner of life, purpose, iaith, charity; and what they have seen and heard vi that declare they unto us; and I for my part do cheerfully receive their testimony, because I know them to be men of good sense, and learning, and of strict veracity, and also free from Enthusiastic im- pressions, unless serious religion and experimental piety be so called, as, alas, we have melancholy oc- casion to observe they often are! There appear plain marks of sincerity and impar- tiality in the following account; and the same things have been written to me by other friends of unques- tionable capacity and integrity, whom I know and correspond with, and who have diligently visited that people, among whom the Redeemer is now riding forth in the chariot of the everlasting gospel, conquer- ing and to conquer. And this blessed work is, since the publication of this Narrative, spreading and go- ing forward in several other places, particularly Kil- syth, a parish about six miles to the North of Glas- gow, there are above an hundred careless sinners, lately awakened to a deep concern about their souls and eternity, and appear to be in a hopeful way. Robe Full Narrative v1_James Robe Full Narrative 17 February 2010 23:08 Page 7 james robe: 1st proof-reading draft 7 I am persuaded, that all who really make God’s pure and perfect word the only rule of their re- ligion; who believe the great and universal guilt, corruption, and impotency of the human nature in its fallen state, and the absolute necessity of the Spi- rit of God, to convince men effectually of sin and righteousness, and judgment to come; to enlighten the blind mind, to awaken the secure sleepy con- science, to bow the stubborn will, and open the hard natural heart to receive Jesus Christ; I say, all who believe these things, will own the work of God men- tioned in this Narrative, to be highly consistent with the scripture account of conversion, and with all just observation of the doings of the Lord in the churches, when he is about to carry on salvation-work with any remarkable success; and I am very sure, the common sense and reason of mankind cannot show vii the contrary, but that the same almighty power, which first breathed a living foul into man, can by a further inspiration and influence, coming along with the pure and faithful dispensation of the gospel, raise men to a higher and nobler condition, than that in which they find themselves by nature. The wisest of the Heathen philosophers were so far sensible of the horrible depravity of human na- ture, in its present state, that to the reforming of the heart and lives of men, they were persuaded, there was need of a supernatural and divine assistance, or of the immediate interposition of God himself; but the doctrines concerning the universal corruption of the human nature, since the fall of man, and of the absolute impotency, nay, enmity of corrupted nature, to any thing spiritually goctd, and consequently of the absolute, indispensible necessity of the Spirit and grace of God; to begin, to carry on, and to perfect, the whole work of a poor sinner’s conversion, sanctification and salvation, are principles most clearly revealed, and strongly established by the word of Robe Full Narrative v1_James Robe Full Narrative 17 February 2010 23:08 Page 8 8 Narratives of the … Work at Cambuslang and kilsyth &c God, justified by the experience of all the saints, and allowed in speculation by all who call themselves reformed christians.
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