St.St. JohnJohn GualbertGualbert PARISH & DIOCESAN SHRINE 83 Gualbert Ave. • Cheektowaga, NY 14211-2799 JULY 7, 2019 • 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PHONE: 716-892-5746 • FAX: 716-897-3906 DIRECTORY Rev. Michael H. Burzynski, Ph.D. ................... Pastor OFFICE HOURS: Monday‒Friday: 9AM‒12noon. No office [email protected] hours on Holydays and Holidays. Other hours call for an appt. Rev. Paul Ladda ................................ Parochial Vicar BULLETIN DEADLINE: Articles should be submitted 10 days Rev. Patrick Gardocki, OFM ................ In Residence prior to the published Sunday date. Tony Lis & Edward Walek ................ Parish Trustees Noreen Mavromatis .... Secretary/Bookkeeper/Notary [email protected] Michael J. Zachowicz,,,,,,,,,...Organist Jason Hazelet,,,,..Public Relations Consultant 716-352-0749; [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil ............................................... 4:00 PM Sunday ............... 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM (Polish), Noon Monday‒Friday ....................... 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM Saturday ....................................................... 8:00 AM Holyday Vigil ................................................ 4:00 PM Holyday ................................ 9:00 AM and 12:15 PM ROSARY: Monday thru Saturday at 8:30 AM. CONFESSIONS: Saturdays at 3:30 PM. BAPTISMS: On Sundays. Parents should notify the rectory before the birth of the child, to make arrangements to attend a pre-baptismal class. MARRIAGE: Arrange at least 6 months in advance. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Issued only to parishioners in good standing, i.e. they attend church & support it and registered at least 3 months. PARISH REGISTRATION: During office hours for all adults 18 years and older. Registration forms are also available in the church vestibule and can be returned in the collection basket. IF YOU ARE MOVING, please notify us of your change of address. Consider remaining a parishioner, even if you have moved out of the area. ST. JOHN GUALBERT PARISH CHEEKTOWAGA, NY Mass Schedule SATURDAY, JULY 6 4 PM For all those memorialized in the Our Lady of Czestochowa Chapel SUNDAY, JULY 7—FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9 AM +Joseph & Florence Bakowski estate 10:30 AM +Walter G. & Jennie Szymanski of family NOON +Wyatt Clevenger of Nancy, Dave, Natalie & Allison Cifuentes 3RD ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF THE Baptisms following Mass FEAST DAY OF SAINT JOHN GUALBERT MONDAY, JULY 8 8 AM +Eugenia Neubauer estate Friday, July 12 9 AM +Joseph Bogdan of family TUESDAY, JULY 9—Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions 6 p.m. Confessions 8 AM +Adeline Kasinski estate 7 p.m. Mass & Procession 9 AM +Joseph & Florence Bakowski estate WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 Solemn Conferral of the Indulgence 8 AM +Rita T. Stankiewicz estate 9 AM +Sharon Lis of David & Sharon Killian following Procession THURSDAY, JULY 11—Saint Benedict 8 AM +Mary & Stanley Stankiewicz estate “I do hereby grant a partial indulgence from 9 AM +Charlotte Zaidel of family temporal punishment to any member of the FRIDAY, JULY 12—FEAST OF SAINT JOHN Christian faithful who visits the Shrine on the GUALBERT, ABBOT liturgical feast day of the Shrine, which is July 8 AM +Stanley Krupinski of wife Margaret 9 AM +Joseph & Florence Bakowski estate 12th—the Feast of Saint John Gualbert.” 6 PM Confessions 7 PM For the people of the parish Most Reverend Richard J. Malone, Bishop of Buffalo SATURDAY, JULY 13—Saint Henry November 1, 2016 8 AM +Adolph Peltz of Tom Peltz 4 PM +Carole Kolacz of family SUNDAY, JULY 14—FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN HISTORICAL FACTS ABOUT OUR PATRON: ORDINARY TIME ∗ Born of an aristocratic family in Florence in the 9 AM +Eugenia Neubauer estate year 995 A.D. 10:30 AM +Stefania & Aleksander Pastusiak of Stanley & Jadwiga Prokop ∗ The murder of his brother compels him to NOON +Yvette Monget of Denise & Annie avenge his brother’s death. Okoniewski ∗ He encounters the murderer in a passageway SACRIFICIAL OFFERINGS will be reported in the next on Good Friday who pleads for mercy in the bulletin due to the earlier submission for this name of Christ crucified and he forgives him. bulletin. ∗ Upon granting the murderer forgiveness, he SPECIAL COLLECTION this weekend is for monthly immediately walks into a nearby Benedictine maintenance, part of the one offertory time collection. church where he prays before the large crucifix. The head of Christ on the cross SANCTUARY LAMP is lit for the living & deceased appears to bow as a sign of approval for his members of the Robert & Veronica Pietrzak Family. forgiving his brother’s murderer. ∗ Enters a Benedictine monastery. After an abbot is elected, who gained his position through simony (purchasing a church office Mallory & Alexander Kielaszek with money), John Gualbert leaves the Twins of community. He enters the Camaldoli, but finds Timothy Kielaszek & Carrie Stephenson Kielaszek their lifestyle too eremitic (solitary). 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 7, 2019 HISTORICAL FACTS CONTINUED: This Sunday, Jesus reminds us that ∗ Establishes his own community called the "the harvest is abundant but the Vallombrosan Benedictines, which follows the laborers are few." As Catholic Rule of St. Benedict. Would eventually disciples, we are the laborers that the Master is sending. All around us are establish four monasteries in Italy. opportunities to share the love and mercy of Jesus Christ - our homes, our workplaces, our ∗ Never became a priest, but had a reputation for neighborhoods, even our faith communities! Lest we feel prophecy, healing, and feeding the hungry and unequipped for the task, Jesus gives us some advice. poor even by miracle. "Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals." We might ∗ Became a leading voice in the church against not have a theology degree or training in public simony, nepotism and clerical concubinage. speaking, but that doesn't mean we can't share the Opposes the Bishop of Florence who admits he Gospel. The power of God is at work in simplicity. The is a simoniac. disciples went forth with nothing as a reminder to trust in the Providence of God. Say a little prayer that God will speak through you and has a need for your gifts, ∗ He dies at the Passignano Monastery on July just as you are. 12, 1073, where he is buried. "Do not move about from one house to another." So ∗ Canonized in 1193 by Pope Celestine III. much of the life of Jesus was about relationships. He modeled this attitude by journeying with his disciples. ∗ John Pitass is born on July 3, 1844 in upper Here he makes the same recommendation to them, to Silesia and is baptized “John Gualbert”. He remain with the same family for their entire stay in the would become Buffalo’s pioneer priest among town. Break bread with others. Invite them to coffee or a game night in your home. Sharing your faith isn't just the Polish immigrants in 1873 with the about saying the right thing, but loving well over time. establishment of St. Stanislaus Church. "The dust of your town that clings to our feet, even that ∗ Msgr. Alexander Pitass, second pastor of St. we shake off." Sometimes we want to help someone, but Stanislaus and nephew of John Gualbert for whatever reason, they don't receive it well. Pitass, seeks to fulfill his uncle’s wish as Sometimes people aren't interested in our efforts to instructed in his last will and testament that a invite them deeper into faith. When rejection happens, parish in honor of his patron saint be don't carry it with you. Don't let it over-burden your established on his former farm. The new parish heart. Rejoice that you share in the mission of Christ, and keep on loving the next person he places in your is established on June 3, 1917—St. John path! Gualbert. ∗ Only one church in all of Poland bears the PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER name of St. John Gualbert. Lorraine Wasiewicz, Tony Lis, Patricia Kowalewski, Nancy, John J., Judy Reischuck, Gary, Kathleen ∗ One cathedral in the world is named in his Fuller, Kayli Olson, Joseph C., Bryan Krajewski, honor and is located in Johnstown, Zimny Family, Gerry Sadowski, Deanna Pacini, Pennsylvania. Michael Mazurski, Helene Pirrami, Connie (reprint SJG 2008 bulletin) Meczynski, David & Elaine Piazza, Michelle Mitchell, Amanda B., Barbara Just, Rev. Emil ST. JOHN GUALBERT, PRAY FOR US! Swiatek, Timothy Trabold, Al Nowak, David Pirrami, Deacon Matthew & Dolores Stando, Chris, Daniel Komisarek, Rev. Michael Burzynski, Gerald Reszel, ♦ Our Lady of Czestochowa Polish Day on Paul Karaszewski, Rosemarie Tabaczynski, Frank Sunday, July 14 at the National Shrine Basilica Konicki, Ed & Ann Weihing, Art Miller, Rita Trzaska, of Our Lady of Fatima, 1023 Swann Road, Jessica Schewe, Marie Switalski, Margaret Lewiston. 1 p.m. guest speaker: the life of Blessed Krupinski, Kristen Smith, Rev. Msgr. Matthew Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko; 2 p.m. Polish Mass with Kopacz, Christina Gravius, Joel Rivera, Jim Coburn, celebrant & homilist Fr. Patryk Sobczyk; 3 p.m. Wayne Gaik, Richard Kowalski, Eric G., Sharon rosary procession, crowning of outdoor statue of Williams, Joe P., Gertrude Zygaj, Regina Lawrence Our Lady of Czestochowa and Benediction with Hernandez & Gustavo A. Hernandez, Ann Fragner, the Blessed Sacrament. For more information, Brian Oakley, Raymond Wozniak, Robert Mikowski, call 716-754-7489. Mary Lou Stachnik, Cook Family, Rev. 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