BUSINESS | Page 1 QATAR | Page 10 Scrap Art Exhibition opens Doha Bank posts 11% at Souq jump in 9-month net Waqif profi t to QR819mn published in QATAR since 1978 THURSDAY Vol. XXXX No. 11345 October 24, 2019 Safar 25, 1441 AH GULF TIMES www. gulf-times.com 2 Riyals In brief Commercial activities REGION | Confl ict Turkish off ensive against to be allowed in a Kurds over: Trump Russian military police started number of Doha areas deploying on Syria’s northeast border yesterday under a deal with Turkey to drive Kurdish fighters from the region, By Peter Alagos ommendations submitted by the Min- and US President Donald Trump said Business Reporter istry of Municipality and Environment Turkey’s off ensive against the Kurdish (MME) and the Ministry of Commerce forces was over. Just two weeks and Industry (MoCI) to encourage after Trump pulled out US special E the Prime Minister and Inte- more private sector participation in forces from the region, allowing rior Minister Sheikh Abdullah Qatar’s economic development. Turkish troops to sweep in and Hbin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani This was announced yesterday target Washington’s former Kurdish has issued a decision allowing commer- during a panel discussion attended allies, Russia’s police deployment cial activities that support the diversity by Turki Fahad al-Turki, assistant di- shows how swiftly the balance needed to develop investment and sup- rector of the Urban Planning Depart- of power in the area has shifted. port investors, in the framework of the ment at the MME; Juma Sabah Juma, Trump said Turkey had announced government’s keenness on strengthening head of Urban Design Department at it was making last week’s ceasefire partnership between the public and pri- the Department of Urban Planning; permanent, allowing the United States HE the Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani, HE the Minister of Transport vate sectors and the participation of the and Eng Khalid bin Joma al-Mar- to immediately lift sanctions it had and Communications Jassim Seif Ahmed al-Sulaiti, HE the Minister of Municipality and Environment Abdullah bin Abdulaziz private sector in the economic develop- zouqi, the MME’s head of Building imposed on Turkey. Page 17 bin Turki al-Subaie and Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive HE Akbar al-Baker and other off icials at the agreement signing ment projects in the country. Permits Complex, on the sidelines of yesterday. The decision included allowing Cityscape Qatar 2019. AMERICA | Politics commercial activities in areas and According to the panel, the recom- streets in the State, namely the admin- mendations include allowing the con- Republicans disrupt istrative towers area (West Bay Area), duct of many vital business activities impeachment inquiry the administrative streets in the State that support the diversity needed to de- Republican lawmakers, encouraged (14 administrative streets and offi ces) velop investment and support investors. by President Donald Trump to get and malls. These recommendations include al- tougher in fighting Democratic Qatar Rail signs naming The decision complements the pre- lowing commercial uses within the ad- eff orts to impeach him, disrupted vious decisions of HE the Prime Min- ministrative towers area in West Bay; the US House of Representatives ister to support investment. educational activities, such as colleges, impeachment inquiry yesterday by The Ministerial Group for the En- institutes, and nurseries in the towers storming into a high-security hearing pacts with HIA, QNB, couragement and Participation of the area; and medical activities, such as room and delaying testimony by a Private Sector in Economic Develop- primary healthcare centres, diagnostic key Pentagon witness. More than two ment Projects of Qatar chaired by HE and treatment centres, and clinics. dozen Republican lawmakers who the Prime Minister approved the rec- To Page 14 were not authorised to attend the hearing surged into the room where Commercial Bank Laura Cooper, the US defence off icial who oversees Ukraine and Russia By Joey Aguilar Group Chief Executive HE Akbar al- The Lusail Station, one of the Red matters, was due to testify behind Staff Reporter Baker and other dignitaries. Line’s elevated stations of the Doha closed doors before Republican and The agreement with HIA/Qatar Metro, is the key metro station in Lusail Democratic lawmakers. Page 19 Airways, signed by al-Subaie and al- City and will be part of the fi rst opera- atar Rail yesterday signed a Baker, is one of Qatar Rail’s strategies tional phase of Doha Metro. It is located EUROPE | Politics number of high level agree- aimed at forming key alliances with close to the Lusail Stadium, Lusail Race Qments at Cityscape Qatar 2019, renowned local and international cor- Course and Lusail Handball Stadium. EU keeps UK waiting including naming rights agreements porations and brands to promote their The station is one of the exchange Turki Fahad al-Turki, assistant director of the Urban Planning Department at the on Brexit delay with Hamad International Airport services at the Metro stations and stations and will link to Lusail Tram MME, elaborates on the recommendations of the MME and MoCI during a panel EU member states yesterday delayed (HIA)/Qatar Airways, and two major reach wider market segments. network, enabling passengers to travel discussion at Cityscape Qatar 2019 yesterday. Looking on are (from left) Eng Khalid a decision on whether to grant Britain fi nancial institutions in the country – The second day of Cityscape Qatar between Lusail Tram and Doha Metro bin Joma al-Marzouqi, the MME’s head of Building Permits Complex, and Juma a three-month Brexit extension, while Qatar National Bank (QNB) and Com- also witnessed the signing of naming lines to complete their journeys. Sabah Juma, head of Urban Design Department at the Department of Urban Prime Minister Boris Johnson said if mercial Bank. rights agreement of Lusail Station with Qatar Rail’s chief of Strategy & Planning. PICTURE: Shemeer Rasheed the deadline is deferred to the end of The event was attended by HE the QNB, which was represented by QNB Business Development Ajlan Eid al- January he would call an election by Prime Minister and Interior Minister Group COO Ali Rashid al-Mohannadi. Enazi said: “Naming rights is a stra- Christmas. Britain appears closer than Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khal- “Obtaining the right of naming Lu- tegic and long-term opportunity that ever to resolving its 3-1/2-year Brexit ifa al-Thani, HE the Minister of Trans- sail Metro Station as “Lusail – QNB allows companies to reach a wider conundrum, after Johnson clinched a port and Communications Jassim Seif Station” is a major achievement. The segment of its target market and pro- deal with the European Union on the Ahmed al-Sulaiti, HE the Minister of station will operate as the metro sta- mote their brand across. We look for- Qatari-Ethiopian media terms of its exit last week and secured Municipality and Environment Abdul- tion serving Lusail that will provide a ward to working more closely with our an early signal of support for it from lah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki al-Subaie, convenient and secure transportation partners to further strengthen our alli- parliament. But there are still hurdles Qatar National Tourism Council Sec- option to avoid the city’s traffi c con- ance and contribute to achieving their co-operation hailed to clear. Page 23 retary-General and Qatar Airways gestion,” al-Mohannadi said. goals.” To Page 32 (Page 10) he fi rst TV reporter workshop inspiring people who aspire to peace sponsored by Qatar’s Ministry around the world. Tof Foreign Aff airs in co-opera- HE Lolwah Alkhater stressed Qa- tion with the Ethiopian Broadcasting tar’s support for the positive reforms Authority opened in Addis Ababa on witnessed by Ethiopia, adding that Qatar to face Yemen in opening Tuesday as part of a series of media de- “Qatar hopes that co-operation in velopment initiatives. the field of media development will Dignitaries present on the occa- be a positive step that will push for- sion included HE the Spokesperson of ward bilateral relations between the the Ministry of Foreign Aff airs Lolwah two countries”. General Director of match of 24th Arabian Gulf Cup Alkhater, and Qatar’s ambassador to Ethiopian Broadcasting Authority Dr Ethiopia Hamad al-Dosari. Getachew Dinku thanked Qatar for its Addressing the opening ceremony, co-operation and support in the field osts Qatar will play against ships. The opening match will be HE Lolwah Alkhater congratulated of media development, recalling his Yemen in the opening match between Qatar and Yemen, while the the friendly Ethiopian people on their visit to Qatar and his admiration of its Hof the 24th Arabian Gulf Cup final encounter will be between the prime minister winning the 2019 Nobel media scene. tournament, according to the results of Qatari team (the Asian champions) Peace Prize, noting the eff orts exerted He expressed hope that co-operation the draw held here yesterday. and Kuwait, especially as this edition by his government to achieve peace and will contribute to the enhancement of Five teams – Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, will be held in a league sys tem of one stability in the African continent. Ethiopia’s media capabilities and the Iraq and Yemen – will be participat- group. She stressed that these eff orts are development of this fi eld. – QNA ing in the tournament organised by On the fi rst day, Qatar will play the Arab Gulf Cup Football Federation against Yemen, and the Omani team (AGCFF). will play against the Iraqi team. The The draw was held in the presence of Kuwaiti Football Association had representatives of participating teams.
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